Article archive


22/08/2017 10:59
POTUS   Pol Pot was a Cambodian President, who led (1963-97) the Communist Khmer Rouge in their struggle against the United States of America, which wanted to prevent their taking control of their nation, and supported anti-Communism in the region militarily during a period in history...

Tonsil Hammer And Kate Bush`s Hammer Horror

09/08/2017 15:11
Tonsil Hammer And Kate Bush`s Hammer Horror   Kate Bush was the English singer and performer identified as `phenomenal` by the British pop music industry after the release of her first album, The Kick Inside (1978), which saw the success of the track, `Wuthering Heights`, released as a single...

Damned In Midwich

31/07/2017 12:36
Damned In Midwich   John Wyndham`s Midwich Cuckoos (1957) was a novel about children born inside a village in the fictional county of Winshire where the people inside a 2 mile hemisphere mysteriously become unconscious. Aerial photographs reveal a silver object, but the affect disappears...

Jesus Wasn`t Interested In Who Qualifies

31/07/2017 12:34
Jesus Wasn`t Interested In Who Qualifies   When Jesus `Christ`, `the chosen`, encountered a man on the road near the town of Gadarene, he told Jesus: `I am Legion.` (John: 8. 7) Because the Roman Empire was occupying Jewish Palestine in the name of the Emperor, Tiberius, the name `Legion`...

Christian E.T

22/07/2017 13:38
Christian E.T.   Heterosexuality is the way that homosexuality in pederasty for war against `woman`s seed` pretends that you`re not `gay` if you`re married, whereas as Jesus said: `At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.`...

A Nape, Beheaded

14/07/2017 12:24
A Nape, Beheaded   In Egyptian mythology, the father god, Ra, incarnates upon the Earth as Osiris, and his evil brother, Set, dismembers him, which leads to his sister, Isis, remembering him, and giving him a new penis, before Osiris reascends as the `sky god`, Horus, in the shape of a...

Christians, Luddites, Levellers, and Communists Aboard The Starship Enterprise

08/07/2017 15:06
Christians, Luddites, Levellers, and Communists Aboard The Starship Enterprise   In 2255, using details of the alternate reality, which is described as the Kelvin Timeline in the film, Star Trek (2009), about the crew of the starship, Enterprise, from the television series, Star...

Jerry Wasn`t A Man

30/06/2017 07:38
Jerry Wasn`t A Man   Science fiction writer, Robert A. Heinlein (1907-88), wrote a short story, `Jerry Was A Man` (1947), because the tale concerned a `simp`, that is, a `superchimp` amongst many others created by a future society, with an enhanced brain to perform menial tasks that the people...

Cultural Sensitivity In SF

15/04/2017 19:18
Cultural Sensitivity in SF   Sounding institutional, the word `religious` connects with ritual, or `established` in the sense of `establishment`, whereas `spirit` is a relational attitude corresponding to inner belief, or mental outlook, definable in terms of distrust of, or disregard for,...

The Last Tramp

15/04/2017 07:28
The Last Tramp   A man walks into a hotel and goes to the reception where he stands and says to the receptionist, `I haven`t any money, but I`d like a cup of coffee.` The receptionist dispenses to him a cappuccino from behind the reception desk with the brass bell on it to ring if...
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