Article archive
Puppetry Owners
21/11/2023 04:32
Puppetry Owners
The fasces was the symbol of the Roman Empire during the period of its occupation of Jewish Palestine in the reign of the Emperor Tiberius Caesar Augustus (14-37 C.E.), a bundle of rods with an axe in the centre, representing the authority of Rome, which was...
The Axe Scent of The Assumption
21/11/2023 04:31
The Axe Scent of The Assumption
Although standard English, which is often described as ‘the queen’s English’,1 because England’s Elizabeth II is supposed to be the sine qua non in pronunciation, is marketed as being without accent, most people throughout the world would argue that...
The Policed and its Sores
21/11/2023 04:29
The Policed and its Sores
Although commentators find parallels between the Bible, especially the book of Jesus’ disciple John’s apocalyptic vision of the future, Revelation, and the events of modern times, it’s become a matter of hubris for the evil to find themselves there, for...
Passing The Testes of the Homosexuals Pretending to be Policemen
21/11/2023 04:29
Passing The Testes of the Homosexuals Pretending to be Policemen
The path to extinction is fraught with the requirements of the extinguishers pretending that they’re fighting fires. In the 20th century the virus that threatened extinction was the ‘incurable killer disease’, HIV/AIDS,...
God's Job
21/11/2023 04:28
God's Job
The fact that Christianity believes the teaching of Jesus, ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’, otherwise known as the New Testament of the Bible, supersedes the Old Testament of the Jews, that is, their history and law, which is the Torah and Talmud, requires...
Humans Sacrificed By Animals
21/11/2023 04:27
Humans Sacrificed By Animals
Vlad, ‘the impaler’, Putin’s invasion in 2022 of an Ukrainian region of independence, afforded by Russia when it was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), including the Ukraine, headed by then President Boris Yeltsin in 1991, was understood by the...
Gay Means Kill
21/11/2023 04:26
Gay Means Kill
Or game means skill? A game animal is the hunter’s definition of a creature undomesticated, that is, not a dog, the wolf is wild, which connotes independence and freedom, rather than pet slavery. Although the analogy seems too rich, publisher Bob...
The Tool
21/11/2023 02:51
The Tool
The Jesus’ archetype is that of the airplane for those who believe in symbols, rather than life, which is the reason for the swastika, known as the ‘crooked cross’, especially to Europeans, meaning ‘peace’ to adherents of the Buddhist religion, developed by Gautama Buddha from...
Corpse and Robbers
21/11/2023 02:50
Corpse and Robbers
Manhood is a concept relating to power, which was the theme of German psychologist, Alfred Adler, (1870-1937), whose ‘Individual Psychology’ posited much more simply than the developmental Swiss psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), rather than that each...
Vedic Videos
21/11/2023 02:49
Vedic Videos
Written in the Indo-Iranian language, Sanskrit, the Vedas (c. 1500-500 B.C.), Roman Latin cognate video, ‘I see’, form the basis of the Hindu religion in the subcontinent of India, revised by Gautama Buddha (c. 563-400 B.C.), as the Buddhist religion, enhancing some...
Items: 71 - 80 of 239