
Speeder Man

22/03/2018 12:48

Speeder Man


A curious phenomenon of Christian iconography is the depiction of a spider crucified in the place of Jesus `Christ`, `the chosen`, who was a Jew taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem during the occupation of Jewish Palestine by the Empire of Rome, where he was nailed to a cross of wood and died before experiencing resurrection and ascension to heaven, according to the New Testament of the Bible, which contains the anti-invasive teaching of the Jewish Messiah that began the founding of the religion of Christianity: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Jesus` teaching superseded the Old Testament of the Bible, which was the Jewish Talmud and Torah, that is, the law and history in their Hebrew language. Calling themselves the `chosen people` of God, the creator, a Jew could only be born from a woman, that is, women were Jews. It`s a curiosity that relates to God`s promise to Eve, the first woman created by God, who told her that her `seed` would prevail against Satan, who was the angel turned into a serpent and placed in the paradise of heaven on Earth that was Eden for rejecting God`s plan that the human host would be greater than the angelic: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) In simple terms, Satan was a saurian reptiloid. They dominated the Earth during the Mesozoic period of pre-history 248 m.a., before the hominids began to appear 220 m.a., and were host womb slaved by the saurians. Eve, the first woman created by God, was depicted as being made from the rib, or side, of Adam, the first man, by God, because Adam was futanarian self-fertilizing `woman`s seed`. Consequently, Jesus, born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, prefigured the resurrection and ascension to heaven of `woman`s seed` without men`s semen. In short, Jesus was killed as a spy upon men of the `serpent`s seed`, which is why a spider is sometimes figured in the place of Christ crucified.



 In the modern 20th century culture of the United States of America, the superhero figure of Marvel Comics` Spider Man, who first appeared in August 1962`s Amazing Fantasy (# 15), was the Christ-like figure, Peter Parker who, developing arachnoid attributes after being bitten by a radioactive spider, learned to deal with bullies at school, while being the police for New York city`s criminals at night. Parker`s forbearance towards bullies is typically Christ-like, for example, Jesus` words to his crucifiers were: `God, forgive them, for they know not what they do.` (Luke: 23. 34) Dealing with a species that was half mad and that had already half killed itself because of contamination by men of the `serpent`s seed` was a task fraught with difficulty. Jesus had to find a way of stopping it from killing itself while preparing the way for the resurrection and ascension to heaven of `woman`s seed` through the sexual reproduction of her brains` powers. Consequently, forbearance towards others became a cultural essential and Spider Man, in his efforts at dealing with bullies, while having little or no mercy on criminals, was prototypical. He wasn`t a spy, and he wasn`t the bullies, but his role as Spider Man was beset by witchery. As a superhero, `Spidey` was vilified as unsafe by the media: `Who is Spider-Man? He's a criminal, that's who he is! A vigilante! A public menace!`1 As Judas accepted money from the Jewish religious police, that is, the bullies, to hand Jesus over to the Romans for execution, so J. Jonah Jameson of The Daily Bugle newspaper accuses Spider Man. In the role of Jameson, actor J. K. Simmons` efforts to turn Parker into a spy in the film, Spider-Man (2002), are typical of witchcraft. A man turned into a Spider Man, Parker is then turned in as a spy by Jameson, which neatly allegorizes how witchery is practiced upon humans.



 Actress Kirsten Dunst is Mary Jane (M.J.), the `love interest` in the film, Spider-Man, but Tobey Maguire in the role of Parker reveals his supposedly Christ-like vow of celibacy, which in fact is standard for high school kids with passing grades on their minds, and is why Jesus` apparent continence is so much praised by modernity`s pedophile slavers: `I want you to know, that I will always be there for you; I will always be there to take care of you. I promise you that. I will always be your friend.`2 Just as Peter`s been turned into a spider and a spy, so he`s turned into a castrate by a sociopathic society that doesn`t want to see Dunst`s penis either; lest the children think of something other than speeding on to death as quickly as their slavery allows. Described as a celibate, Jesus` brainpower wasn`t conceived as significant, whereas God`s promise to Eve was that her species` semen and brains would prevail. When Jesus` disciple, Judas, discovered Jesus being anointed by a woman with the expensive perfume, `spikenard`, his spy canard was that the perfume should be sold to raise money, but Jesus said: `Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6) Jesus` disciple, John, in his apocalyptic prophesy of the future, Revelation, described men as the `serpent`s seed` who wouldn`t leave women alone: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.) was the capital city of the Persian Empire, whose Emperor, Darius I, invaded Greece in 492 B.C., where homosexuality in pederasty for war through the host womb slavery of `woman`s seed` was institutionalized. In simple terms, Jesus` brainpower represented women unsold. Or, in other words, the cities of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` redeemed from the `serpent`s seed` of war. In parasitology, the parasite that emerged from the host to kill it was termed `parasitoid`. Consequently, the `serpent`s seed` killed `woman`s seed` in order to be saved, which is how Christianity interpreted Jesus` crucifixion. He didn`t reproduce, because Judas had him killed after finding him alone with a woman. Although Judas was the spy, Jesus was killed as one, that is, the spies killed him. Subsequently, contaminated Christian thinking viewed redemption in terms of Jesus` killing, that is, they were the `serpent`s seed` that killed the human futanarian race of `woman`s seed`, because they`d spied a host womb there.



 As a brain killing parasitoid, homosexuality has been proven. By 1983 the human immune deficiency virus (HIV) was discovered by DR Congo mutated from the simian immune deficiency virus (SIV) transmitted by homosexuals during anal mockery of sexual reproduction. Resulting in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and brain death, HIV/AIDS amounted to homosexuality in pederasty`s `biological weapon` keeping women in fearful faithfulness to their ape-ring: `The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war against the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) The role of the animal in human history, from the serpent to the simian mutated HIV/AIDS virus, was that of male semen, whereas `woman`s seed` is pure humanity`s, which is why Jesus was depicted as `the perfect man` born of his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen. Although female spiders are known to kill and eat their male mate, humans aren`t mates for spiders, which suggested that men`s wars upon the Earth, ostensibly between humans, weren`t in fact, but were rather spider wars, or at least wars between animals. Manufactured as a single male brained creature wearing each other`s clothes in `TV` transvestism, men and women constituted `TV war` broadcast for reception on the television `TV` machine invented in 1926 by Scot, John Logie Baird, for the home entertainment of an alien parasitoid devourer of the human race. The fact that female spiders killed and ate their male mate suggested a deep natural antipathy between genders attributable to the human female gender`s capacity to sexually reproduce alone at the apex of the creation, that is, female self-fertilization as a species was more natural than male rape, which was the basis of war.



 Whereas human women had been taught that men defend their space from invasion, history told a different tale. If human cities were entirely `woman`s seed`, invasion would be what would be expected from men, that is, men didn`t defend either women, or the human race, and defining humans as warlike animals precluded men`s having to justify their enslaving humans for parasitoid devouring, which was what men had taught humans they`re for.  That was pedophilia and its manifestations were its speeders, that is, the car, which represented humanity turned into spiders. Just as Jesus was crucified as a spy on men`s slaving of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed`, so the witches turned humanity into spiders. Most people didn`t know that women could sexually reproduce as an independent species, because the human reproductive organs themselves had been made taboo with the explanation that children might be `affected`. According to the Old Testament narrative of Eve and Adam, Satan tempted Eve with `the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, saying `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Accepting death, Eve and Adam sold the human race into host womb slavery to a parasitoid devourer in supposedly godlike war against the futanarian species of `woman`s seed`. God`s offer had been the `tree of life`, which is immortality, and although brainpower could confer that through medical science, ephemerality made humanity a producer of children. Without permanent memory, pedophile witches would ridicule the human race by explaining it was a spy that mustn`t see, because it was a brainless child that might be affected by its eyes, and so the human species became a speeder trying not to appear interested, even in its own penis and the products of its own brainpower, which suited the slavers, because they could spiderly devour it, while it thought that`s what it had been for.


1 J. K. Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson in Spider-Man, Marvel Enterprises, 2002.

2 Maguire, Tobey as Peter Parker in Spider-Man, Marvel Enterprises, 2002.

God The Alien

01/02/2018 04:59

God The Alien


Satanism is identifiable as `animal worship`, largely because of the history of religions` gods and goddesses, with the heads of elephants, for example, Ganesha in Hinduism, and crocodiles, for example, ancient Egypt`s Sobek, who was an intrinsic part of the story of the god, Osiris, dismembered by his evil brother, Set, before being remembered by the goddess, Isis, and restored as the `sky god`, Horus. Originally, Ra, the sun god, Osiris was Ra incarnate, and as with the Svadhisthana chakra in the sacral region of the body in Hinduism, Sobek (the crocodile) devours the individual who has lost his crown, that is, intelligence, which is the Sahasrara chakra in Hinduism, and symbolized by Osiris` penis devoured by Sobek in Egypt. Isis` remembering requires her to refashion a new penis for Osiris, so he`s an early Adamic figure in need of the `seed` of Eve. The character Sobek reappears as the  `serpent`, Satan,  so labeled from the beginning of the documenting of the law and history of the Jewish `chosen people`, which is their Torah and Talmud in their Hebrew language, and the Old Testament of the Bible for Christians, who accept the teaching of the Jew, Jesus `Christ`, `the chosen`, as it is written in their New testament of the Bible: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her `foot`, Jesus, because Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen, that is, he wasn`t of the `serpent`s seed`. Logically, the `serpent`s seed` is identifiable as men`s, which is why Jesus` teaching is of repentance and redemption from evil. Satan was the angel turned into a serpent by God for rejecting God`s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic. Depicted as tempting Eve, the first woman created God, with the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, Satan tells her and the first man, Adam, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Having accepted the power to wage war in ephemeral ignorance for their posterity, Eve and Adam would be as gods to their descendants. Created by God  from the rib, or side of Adam, Eve`s birth is a euphemism for futanarian human nature`s species` survival trait, that is, self-fertilization, which explains God`s telling eve her `seed `will prevail: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` Striving to keep the human species of `woman`s seed` in host womb slavery to its parasitism, Satan corresponds to what humans have been taught to think of as a man, and he doesn`t want humans to devise the technology of medical science and permanence of memory to maintain interstellar travel when developed. Consequently, he`s an animal worshiped by animals who`ve womb slaved the human race, which is destined to colonize the planets among the stars of heaven above the Earth.

 Although the angels of God are depicted as being in heaven, Satan is represented as a serpent, that is, as a fallen angel, which suggests an earlier reptilian evolution, which occurred on Earth 248 m.a. ago in the Mesozoic period of Earth`s history, whereas the original hominds that humans originated from didn`t appear until the Jurassic period 220 m.a. Consequently, Satan represents fallen saurian evolution, although God`s winged angels are portrayed as being in heaven unfallen. Consequently, although Satan is animal evolution, the angels of God aren`t. Unfortunately, for Judeo-Christianity the perspective that Satan is an animal hasn`t diluted their general point of view with regard to the alien, which is defined as what isn`t human, whereas accuracy demands that the alien be defined as what isn`t intelligent, because God`s angels are. However, Judeo-Christianity defines both the angels and God as alien, which affords Satanism the opportunity to initiate animal worship universally, whereas `woman`s seed` is human and intelligent, while the `serpent`s seed` of men is categorizable as unredeemed, because they prefer ephemerality and ignorance for the host species in slavery to their parasitism.



 Jesus` disciple, John, in his apocalyptic Revelation of the future, described men`s parasitism in terms of a parasitologist, where the parasite that emerges from the host to kill it is termed `parasitoid`, which is what men of the `serpent`s seed` in war against `woman`s seed` are: `The dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth so that it might devour the child as soon as it was born.` (Rev: 12. 4) As the saurian ancestry of the host womb slaved sub-species of men`s predominates, animalistic war prevails, and the true human race of children born solely from `woman`s seed` is extinguished. Jesus said, `At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30) What Jesus meant by resurrection became evident when he was taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem in Roman occupied Jewish Palestine and nailed to a cross of wood where he died, but experienced resurrection and ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed`. Men were `serpent`s seed` unredeemed, while `woman`s seed` was for heaven, that is, humans born from `woman`s seed` were angelic. Or, in other words, Judeo-Christianity lived as Satanists in animal worship, because that religion refused to accept and promulgate species` sexual intercourse productive of human brainpower between women of the race of futanarian `woman`s seed`.

 Although there are alternatives to Judeo-Christianity, for example, Islam, which is based on the Koran (610-30 C.E.) given to Mohamed by the angels, as a form of spider worship, Hinduism, based on the oral Veda tradition of apauruseya, `superhuman` (1500-500 B.C.), more closer approximates human religious persuasion. Although Judaism is discernible as futanarian insofar as a Jew can only be born of a woman, that is, women are Jews, so Jesus was `the Second Adam`, it was Ishmael, brother of the founder of Judaism, Isaac, that founded Islam through his descendant, Mohamed, which represents the first major attempt after Jesus to thwart Satanism.  Isaac was Abraham`s son, but Abraham`s wife, Sara, was barren thereafter, so gave her maid, Hajer, to Abraham, and Hajer bore Ishmael. Although Christianity views the four wives permitted in Islam as a retroactive attempt to legitimize Ishmael`s birth, they afford the possibility of sexually reproduced human brainpower among the angelic `seed` of futanarian women. Despite that, the Minarets and domes of Islam`s Mosques resemble the upraised legs of spiders, while spiders have eighty eyes and arachnids ten. Consequently, from an entymologist`s perspective Moslem scorpions, that is, males with four wives are scorpions, who grow families of spiders (two to eight eyes), which forms the basis of the antipathy felt for Hindus by Moslems. The god Vishnu in Hinduism has the attribute of being many-armed and he can be all of the women, which suggests that he`s a spider breeder. Or, in simple terms, Hindus worship spiders, whereas Moslems worship just one, who`s a scorpion.



 In the district of Hollywood, `Babylon`, city of Los Angeles, on the west coast of the state of California in the United States of America, The Scorpion King was a movie released in 2002 about a horde from the East that invaded the prehistoric world `before the time of the pyramids` of ancient Egypt`s religion of animal worship, which suggests an Islamic influence because of the families of scorpions among the Moslem nations of Islam with four wives, and so ten eyes. Although  the Gulf war with the US didn`t begin until after `the events of 9/11`, 2001, when the terrorist group, Al Qaeda, `the base`, corresponding in Hindu terms to the Muladhara chakra at the base of the spine, hijacked civil airliners to crash them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center on Manhattan island in New York city, New York state, corresponding in Hindu terms to a heart attack on the Anahata chakra, the US` media war with the world had been going on since at  least 1930 when the President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), Will Hays, established the `Hays code` forbidding women`s human mode of sexual reproduction between themselves from being promulgated through the Hollywood Babylon mass media propaganda Empire: `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`1 Three years later, the Christian German National Socialist (Nazi) Party was elected , and began to pogrom upwards of 20, 000, 000 Jews in `death camps`, because the Empire of Hollywood Babylon didn`t want the `chosen people` of God`s futanarian `woman`s seed`: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) The Persian Empire of Darius invaded ancient Greece in 492 B.C., and Greece was typical of Empires insofar as it institutionalized host womb enslavement of women and `woman`s seed` for homosexuality in pederasty for war, so Darius` capital city of Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.) was labeled an abomination, and Hollywood Babylon was similarly labeled. Although the Taliban regime in Afghanistan under whose auspices the Al Qaeda terrorist group operated was notoriously misogynist, misogyny is an aspect of homosexuality in pederasty for the spreading of war`s poisons (boy sons), which in turn is an attribute of the alien parasitoid devourer of the human race in war against `woman`s seed`. Demolishment of the World Trade Center was symbolic of `rough trade`, that is, that `brutality and violence`2 associated with homosexuality in pederasty for war against the Moslem nations of Islam where the women wear the one-piece coverall of the burka in public to conceal their futanarian nature from the misogynist ready to declare them the spiders of scorpions. In short, although movies like The Scorpion King seem innocuous, they`re deeply offensive to Islam, which responded on 9/11, and although the US film industry responded with World Trade Center (2006), Hollywood Babylon had been at war with the world of women at least since 1930 although the inception of the television machine invented by John Logie Baird in 1926 suggests that the war had been going on for much longer.



 Without `woman`s `seed` men and women had been manufactured since ancient times as a single male brained creature wearing each pthers` clothes in `TV` transvestism, which the home entertainment receivers of `TV` pictures broadcast, that is, televisions, spread like a virus killing any hope of human futanarian `woman`s seed` ever being seen. By the late 20th century the `incurable killer disease`, HIV/AIDS, had been discovered by DR Congo in Africa spread as a `TV` virus by homosexuals, who`d contracted a mutated simian immune deficiency virus (SIV) anally. The human immune deficiency virus (HIV) resulted in acquired immune deficiency virus (AIDS) which collapsed the organs of the body of the victim and killed the brain, which is what `TV` was for. The broadcasting of `TV war` was the spread of the killer virus, which didn`t want humans. Consequently, although Hollywood Babylon has been waging war upon the Earth at least since 1930, `TV` has been broadcasting its message of death since at least ancient Babylon. As Satanism is the worship of the more powerful animal, homosexuality is the greater, which means that Christian perceptions of acceptability must change if God`s plan is to be fulfilled. Lesbians, for example, aren`t `gay`, but the `remnant` of `woman`s seed` sexually desirous of her own species` brainpower: `The serpent was wroth with the woman and went to wage war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) Women are taught schizophrenia, that is, what they see in the mirror isn`t for them, while the vampire that lurks unseen can`t die from her stake in its future, which is her own species` penis` semen. While the world laments the fate of the homosexuals, their wars are exterminating humanity. Worshiping feminist acceptance of supposedly feminine gay men as the bigger humanist power that`s `politically correct` (pc) is a form of Satanism ultimately identifying God and the angels as aliens who aren`t supportive, whereas homosexuality is in direct contravention of God`s plan for `woman`s seed`. In other words, God is depicted as an uncaring alien by feminist homosexuality, whereas God`s plan is pro-human and war is what homosexuality in pederasty was designed to produce by the ancient Empires of men of the `serpent`s seed`.



 Men`s concept of the alien is endemic. Not only does it extend to `woman`s seed`, God and the angels, but also to any extraterrestrial, or even Earthly intelligence, which doesn`t share its propensity for war and host womb slavery of the native futanarian human species. In simple terms, men`s definition of human is `gay`, whereas humanity`s definition of alien is `gay`. In homosexuality and pederasty for war, Satan is a god, and his angels are `gay`, which explains `pc` supportiveness for them. Because Satanists worship the bigger animal, they have the advantage, because they can worship the biggest until they get to God, and then worship God, whereas Christianity has already defined God, and the angels of God, as alien, because extraterrestrial intelligence, which it`1s already ruled out of the human sphere by sanctioning the extinction of `woman`s seed` in preference for the gay life of war in host womb slavery to homosexuality in pederasty with the promise that God, and the angels of God, will succeed. In short, men have defined `woman`s seed` as alien, so all life that isn`t homosexual is alien, that is, all Earthly intelligence or extraterrestrial, which includes God and the angels of God.



 The elephant is the symbol of `the base` chakra, Muladhara, which suggests that the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center on 9/11 corresponded to the tusks of the elephant; especially as Al Qaeda, `the base`, through its Caliph, Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, declared an Independent Levant (IL) thereafter. Because the Levant is Jewish Palestine, a Levant war between the IL and the US, with its long M1 tanks` guns resembling the trumpets of charging elephants. When the Republican Party`s Donald Trump was elected to the US` Presidency in January 2017, rather than the Democratic Party`s Donkey, Hilary Clinton, the Republican elephant, which is that Party`s emblem, was symbolically reestablished at the Ajna chakra of the Hindus, which is situated in the human brow, where the brain controls from the frontal lobe with the authority of the crown chakra, according to the Hindu system of the `chakra ladder` of human conscious development, that is, Sahasrara. In biblical terms, Trump corresponded to the `trump` of the angel of God heralding the judgment of eternal unendurable pain, that is, perdition, upon the evil, according to John`s Revelation, and the Trump Tower, along with the One Tower, replacing the Twin Towers as the World Trade Center, symbolized the US` continued support for a Jewish Levant.




A useful picture to bear in mind is of the bridge of the starship Enterprise in the television `TV` series, Star Trek (1966-8), featuring actor William Shatner in his role as captain James T. Kirk as his crew voyages through the cosmos aboard a United Federation of Planets (UFP) ship. Actress Grace Lee Whitney was the buxom blonde sex bomb among the crew, that is, the captain`s `yeoman` Janice Rand who, surrounded by booted males in tight trousers and T-shirts, was obviously incarcerated inside a `death camp`. With taboos enforced against sexual intercourse between her and all the other women, such as Lieutenant Uhura, that is, black actress Nichelle Nichols` Starfleet communications` officer, the mortal `remnant` of `woman`s seed`, with their impermanent memories, would never progress to adulthood, because the alien pedophile would ensure women`s ephemerally ignorant children would die without ever seeing a woman. Although the original series of Star Trek (TOS) was broadcast on NBC in the U.S.A., at a period when race riots occurred over miscegeny, the deliberately ignored racist issue was sex between women, that is, the enslaving of blacks by whites was an aspect of host womb slavery to ignorance in ephemerality`s war for the entertainment of the alien, whereas color wouldn`t be an issue for `woman`s seed`; unless she was taught it was.


1,php/Main/FootPopping/ .

2 Merriam-Webster `male homosexuals who are or affect to be rugged and potentially violent; also: such a homosexual`, .

The Martian Messiah

31/01/2018 01:27

The Martian Messiah


People have wondered at the many armed gods and goddesses in the pantheon of the Hindu religion of ancient India deriving from the oral Veda (1500-500 B.C.) tradition of the apauruseya, `superhuman`, because they`re spiders. The quarrel between Hindus and the Moslem peoples of the nations of Islam is based on spider worship. In the Koran (610-30 C.E.) it is written that Mohamed who, according to Islamic tradition received the Koran from the angels of God,  was able to hide inside a cave, with his followers, while monotheism grew, because a spider span a web of illusion at the mouth of the cave to protect it. It is no accident that the Mosques of Islam, with their towering Minarets, resemble giant spiders with their legs raised to heaven, or that the gods and goddesses of the Hindus have six, eight, or even more arms. The god, Vishnu, for example, who has the curious attribute of being many, or indeed all of the women, is a multi-armed arachnid, while the fact that spiders have two, four, six, and eight eyes suggests that, if Vishnu can be all of the two-eyed women, they`re his progeny.

 The notion of animal breeding appears in the Old Testament of the Jewish `chosen people` of God, which is the Talmud and Torah, that is, their law and history in the Hebrew language, where Eve, the first woman, and Adam, the first man, encounter the angel, Satan, turned into a serpent by the creator, God, for rejecting God`s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic. Satan tempts Eve in the paradise of heaven on Earth that was Eden with the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, saying, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) An ephemeral race would be ignorant without the permanent memory rejected by Eve and Adam in the shape of God`s `tree of life`, that is, immortality through the sexual reproduction of brainpower capable of developing rejuvenative medical science and starship technology to take their species to colonize the planets among the stars. Consequently, Eve and Adam had sold their race into host womb slavery for the dubious power to wage war to entertain an evil creature not of their own species, which is why the Hindus worship spiders, because it`s their version of host womb slavery of women for war. Because Eve is depicted as emerging from the rib or side of Adam, it`s a euphemism for that species` survival trait which the futanarian species of `woman`s seed` is capable of in the face of depleted numbers. As futanarian women have penis` semen of their own, Adam was such a woman, and Eve was born from her. Consequently, the serpent, Satan, was an animal, like the spiders of Hinduism, although God told Eve her `seed` would prevail: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) In other words, despite host womb slavery to animals, Eve`s futanarian species of `woman`s seed` would produce better brainpower and escape.

 What people are taught to think of as `man` is in fact an animal bred upon women for millions of years to prevent her `seed` from seeding the cosmos. The story of Eve and Adam is about a reptile, because hominid evolution 220 m.a. in the Jurassic period of Earth`s history, was preceded by saurian evolution in the Mesozoic period of pre-history. The Vedas relate the host womb slavery of humans by arthropods, and the Koran of the Moslem peoples of the nations of Islam has similar characteristics. The Koran permits four wives, which is indicative of a male spider breeding more eyes for itself, that is, it`s a spider with ten eyes.  However, according to etymologists, spiders with more than eight eyes aren`t spiders, but scorpions, so the four wives constitute a spider, while the male prides himself on not being a spider at all, that is, a scorpion, which is the basis of the disagreement with Hindus, who`re monogamous, but want to be apauruseya, `superhuman`, and so worship spiders and scorpions, etc., as their gods and goddesses.

  The central place of worship in Islam is the Ka` Ba in Saudi Arabia, which is the shrine of Abraham, although `Ka` and `Ba` are ancient Egyptian terms for `spirit` and `soul`. Abraham was the father of Isaac, founder of Judaism, a futanarian tradition in which Jews can only be produced from women, that is, `woman`s seed` is Jewish. Consequently, the Christian Messiah, Jesus `Christ`, `the chosen`, was a Jew, because born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, depicted in iconography as crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, because Jesus was `woman`s seed`, whose teaching formed the basis of the New Testament of the Bible: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem in Jewish Palestine by the occupying army of the Roman Empire as a `dissident`, Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood where he died, but experienced resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed`. Consequently, although Isaac and Jesus can be said to have founded Judeo-Christianity, it isn`t a woman`s religion. Abraham`s wife, Sara, was barren after the birth of Isaac, so gave her maid, Hajer, to Abraham, and Hajer bore Ishmael, who was the founder of Islam through his descendant Mohamed. However, Judeo-Christianity views the four wives of the Moslems as a retroactive attempt to legitimize Ishmael`s birth, and so Islam, which they believe is illegitimate, although the four wives of the Moslems afford the possibility of sexual reproduction between women within the Islamic family in accordance with God`s plan.



 Because the woman with penis` semen of her own futanarian race is `Ka` or `spirit` in the ancient Egyptian religion featuring gods and goddesses with the heads of animals, the woman with only a host womb is her `Ba` or `soul`, which is why the Ka` Ba is a center of worship for Moslem women in the nations of Islam, that is, Islam is a `woman`s seed` religion, whereas the others are only animal breeders`. In fact the black stone at the corner of the Ka` Ba resembles the opening to a woman`s vagina, although there might be a spider in the box, which is why the Ka` Ba attracts men too. In ancient Greece women`s host wombs were institutionally enslaved for homosexuality in pederasty for war against `woman`s seed`, which is why Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.), the capital city of the Emperor Darius, when he invaded Greece in 492 B.C., is described by Jesus` disciple, John, in his apocalyptic Revelation of the future as an `abomination`, because all Empires have that same basis: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) In the 20th century, the district of Hollywood, city of Los Angeles, on the west coast of the United States of America in the state of California, was labeled `Babylon` for the same reason. Capital of a global mass media propaganda Empire, Hollywood Babylon`s President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), Will Hays, established the `Hays code` in 1930 banning women`s human mode of futanarian sexual reproduction from being disseminated, so that warfare could be promoted, and waged for the filmed entertainment of the animal gods and goddesses: `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`1 If the futanarian `foot` race of Eve and Mary`s `seed` couldn`t be seen in the bedroom, it could never get off the Earth`s `cutting room floor`, where men edited her out of the picture. When the Christian German National Socialist (Nazi) Party elected in 1933 began its pogrom killing upwards of 20, 000, 000 Jews, it was due to Hollywood`s programing of the extinction of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed`.



 The Nazi symbol was a `crooked cross`, or reversed `swastika`, which arose in Northern India during the period of Guatama Buddha`s (c. 563 - 483 B.C.) pacifist influence, and looked like an eight-legged spider, because the Nazis weren`t peaceful, but rather `parasitoid`. In parasitology, the parasite that emerges from the host to kill it is termed `parasitoid`, which is what men are, because they slave the host womb of the futanarian species of `woman`s seed` for homosexuality in pederasty for war against her: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) By the late 20th century, DR Congo in Africa had discovered an `incurable killer virus` mutated from the simian (SIV) spread anally by homosexuals` mockery of women`s mode of human sexual reproduction, which effectively kept women in fearful faithfulness to their ring slavers. The human immune deficiency virus (HIV), resulting in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), led to collapse of the victims` organs and brain death, which was what men had done: `The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) The `red dragon` corresponding to the `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6) of John`s Revelation was the `serpent`s seed` of men grown strong enough to take to the air in Satanism and wage air wars to prevent `woman`s seed` from  leaving Earth and escaping: `The dragon stood before the woman, who was about to give birth, so that it might devour the child as soon as it was born.` (Rev: 12. 4) By July 21, 1969 (UTC: 2. 56), the US` North American Space Administration (NASA) had succeeded in putting Neil Armstrong on the moon, Earth`s lunar satellite, `One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.` However, on March 23, 1982, US` President Ronald `Ray Gun` Reagan announced his `strategic defense initiative` (SDI), a `ground and space based missile system` called `star wars` after the film Star Wars IV: A New Hope (1977) featuring a `death star` orbiting planets to kill them. Effectively `woman`s seed` was imprisoned upon Earth as her Nazi `death camp`.

 Attacking `woman`s seed` in the early 21st century among the Moslem nations of Islam presented some difficulty until Al Qaeda, `the base`, operating under the auspices of the misogynist Taliban regime of Afghanistan hijacked civil airliners to crash them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York city, New York state, U.S.A., on September 11, 2001, which provoked invasion of the Middle East. During the Bosnian war (1992-5) in Eastern Europe, the Christian Serb militia had set up `rape camps` to male brain a generation of Moslems, when the Russians pulled out of the states that had comprised the former Yugoslavia, and where they`d been since they`d defeated the Nazis in 1945. Global terror was misogyny aimed at suppressing forever the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed`, so that animalism would reign supreme over the Earth. In short, misogyny was misanthropy, that is, the animal was the alien, and the alien hated women and `woman`s seed`.

 Although Guatama Buddha`s swastika symbolized peace, it was still the peace of a spider. Consequently, the `chakra ladder` of Buddhism, and Hinduism, had spider worship at its root, that is, `the base` Muladhara chakra corresponded to `the base`, Al Qaeda. According to those who practiced meditation, the chakras were identifiable as points of concentrations of energy along the spine of the developing individual consciousness, so Al Qaeda, `the base`, represented an attack on the higher levels of consciousness when the WTC collapsed on Manhattan island corresponding to the Anahata `heart` chakra. Because the sex centers were actualized at the Svadhisthana chakra in the sacral region of the human body, the symbol for bestial regression to an animal level, rather than conscious development, was the crocodile, which waited there to devour the individual consciousness if it regressed. Al Qaeda, `the base`, represented misogyny`s desire to slave the human host womb for war against itself, rather than have the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` sexually reproduce the brainpower her race needed to escape the enslaving alien waging war against her.



 The new era word of the 1960s pre-AIDS society was `grok`, which meant to comprehend fully; almost as if the individual consciousness were tasting the fruit of knowledge. The term arose in the work of Robert A. Heinlein (1907-88), a science fiction writer whose novel, Stranger In A Strange Land (1961), featured the Martian Messiah, Valentine Michael Smith, whose religion of `free love` and nudity broke many of the previous taboos and publishing conventions imposed upon the genre by the alien Imperialists. Found on Mars in a crashed ship, Smith was raised by Martians before returning to Earth with the word `grok`, and a religion that grew out of his own naïve understanding of human nature.  Tantric or sex yoga played a part in Smith`s religion of relaxation, so it`s probable that Heinlein knew about the crocodile waiting to devour the consciousness attempting to break conventions about human sexuality that prevented the genre from being anything other than a series of salacious spider wars, for example, Heinlein`s own Starship Troopers (1959) featured `the bugs` an arachnoid enemy that had launched a surprise attack destroying the Argentine city of Buenos Aires in South America from its home world, Klendathu, so beginning an interplanetary war with Earth that resulted in the 1997 movie, Starship Troopers, which featured the supposedly progressive unisex shower scene shared by members of Heinlein`s elite fighting force of men and women, the Mobile Infantry (M.I.) out of their powered armor for some antiseptic soap.

 Aware of the role of the security forces in maintaining slavery, Heinlein`s would have been able to `grok` the crocodile as `grok` code dial 911, which is the `phone number to be dialed for the emergency services in the U.S.A., whenever  someone wants to repress sexual activity. Consequently, 9/11 was `grok` code dial 911, because Al Qaeda, `the base`, symbolically demolished the World Trade Center as an act of `rough trade`, which is that `brutality and violence`2 associated with homosexuality in pederasty for war against the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` in bestial devourment of her when what remains of human consciousness has reached a low enough level. In Stranger In A Strange Land, Smith`s religion is popular until he meets bigotry, and is killed by a mob of ephemeral ignorants:


`Lynch him! Give the bastard a nigger necktie!` A heavy-gauge shotgun blasted at close range and Mike's right arm was struck off at the elbow and fell. It floated gently down, then came to rest on the cool grasses, its hand curved open in invitation.


 `Give him the other barrel, Shortie - and aim closer!` The crowd laughed and applauded. A brick smashed Mike's nose and more rocks gave him a crown of blood.


`The Truth is simple but the Way of Man is hard. First you must learn to control yourself. The rest follows. Blessed is he who knows himself and commands himself, for the world is his and love and happiness and peace walk with him wherever he goes.` Another shotgun blast was followed by two more shots. One shot, a forty-five slug, hit Mike over the heart, shattering the sixth rib near the sternum and making a large wound; the buckshot and the other slug sheered through his left tibia five inches below the patella and left the fibula sticking out at an angle, broken and white against the yellow and red of the wound.


 Mike staggered slightly and laughed, went on talking, his words clear and unhurried. `Thou art God. Know that and the Way is opened.`


`God damn it - let's stop this taking the Name of the Lord in vain!` - `Come on, men! Let's finish him!` The mob surged forward, led by one bold with a club; they were on him with rocks and fists, and then with feet as he went down. He went on talking while they kicked his ribs in and smashed his golden body, broke his bones and tore an ear loose. At last someone called out, `Back away a little so we can get the gasoline on him!`


 The mob opened up a little at that waning and the camera zoomed to pick up his face and shoulders. The Man from Mars smiled at his brothers, said once more, softly and clearly, `I love you.` An incautious grasshopper came whirring to a landing on the grass a few inches from his face; Mike turned his head, looked at it as it stared back at him. `Thou art God,` he said happily and discorporated.`3

 Following Heinlein`s logic, Smith was disk operated. Heinlein`s correlation is between the chakra mandalas, and disk technology in which information such as video had been stored on Earth since the late 20th century. The author`s postulate seems to have been that higher levels of consciousness permit of greater showmanship than Jesus` walking on water, or turning water into wine, which were among his miraculous feats. If information is stored on a disk, it can be accessed repeatedly and corresponds to what humans think of as permanence. Consequently, Heinlein`s perception of the chakra system of Hinduism is that it`s a permanently accessible memory constituting immortality for those who achieve the highest level of consciousness at the crown of the head; the Samsara chakra. Or, in simpler terms, the chakras are the immortality of the individual corresponding, in terms of developmental psychology, to what Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) called `archetypes` which, encountered in the dreams, art and imagination of people, constitute the images and symbols that lead the awakening mind into life.

 If Smith was disk operated, Heinlein was the `game player`, because Smith is fictionally determined insofar as, despite the plethora of sexual encounters throughout the novel, Stranger In A Strange Land wasn`t able to portray sexual intercourse between women, although incest was a broken taboo, which is common in Heinlein`s oeuvre; for example, the long-lived character, Lazarus Long, travels back in time to have sexual intercourse with his mother, Maureen, in Time Enough For Love (1973). Breaking the incest taboo is quite common in Heinlein`s fiction, because men stand between women as a single species to prevent her family from sexually reproducing, that is, the incest taboo prevents humans from being born. However, usually, it`s a male taboo, that is, the breaking of it is a symbol of misogynist triumphalism. Consequently, Smith`s disk operated extinction , or release into the heavenly realm, depending on which fictional perspective the reader espouses, is a part of Heinlein`s `game` with the alien censor represented by the crowd that kills his Messiah from Mars. If he had to write spider war stories to please alien taste, his mastery of the genre was to show that, to the alien, humans were disk operated for its entertainment.

 Without anything to correspond to, `woman`s seed` was manufactured as a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes in `TV` transvestism, which rather corresponded to the broadcasting to television `TV` receivers, as home entertainment, pictures of the transvestites` activities subsequent to the invention of the television `TV` machine by John Logie Baird in 1926. If `woman`s seed` represented higher levels of consciousness through sexual reproduction of human brainpower, the absence of `woman`s seed` was `TV` consciousness, which would be reduced even further by homosexuality in pederasty for war to please the alien taste for human extinguishment. Consequently, the Gulf wars against the women of Islam were logically described as `TV wars`, because `TV` was what they were being fought to maintain. Smith`s `discorporation` in Stranger In A Strange Land, that is, his disk operation, was simply what the alien does with its `TV`.


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2 Merriam-Webster `male homosexuals who are or affect to be rugged and potentially violent; also: such a homosexual`, .

3 Heinlein, Robert A., Stranger In A Strange Land, 1961, G.P. Putnam`s Sons, p. 340.

Cloaking Device

17/01/2018 11:57

 Cloaking Device


Although the Bible narrative of the creation of Eve and Adam, the first woman and man, by the creator God, and the role of the angel, Satan, turned into a serpent for rejecting God`s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic, is well known in the western hemisphere, the role of the creator, called `Allah` among Moslems in Islam, isn`t. In the Old Testament of the Bible, which is the history and law of the Jewish `chosen people`, that is, the Talmud and Torah in their Hebrew language, Satan is placed in the paradise on Earth that was Eden where he was subsequently blamed for tempting Eve to `eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, saying: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) As the result of their eating was that they became ephemeral, ignorance and slavery to the `serpent`s seed` was the consequence, although God encouraged Eve to believe that her `seed` would triumph over Satan`s: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Because `woman`s seed` is futanarian, that is, women are capable of sexually reproducing with each other, they`re Eve`s foot. Consequently, the narrative of Eve`s birth from Adam`s side, or rib, is a euphemism for the fact that Eve and Adam were women, and Satan`s role is that of the host womb slaver of the human species by an alien invader.



  The Jews` tradition that a man can only be born from a Jewess , that is, a woman, is a futanarian tradition, because women are man.  Although Judaism was founded by Isaac, son of Abraham, Sara was barren afterwards, so gave Hajer, her maid, to Abraham, and Hajer bore Ishmael, who founded Islam through his descendant, Mohamed, who received the Koran (610-30 C.E.), according to Islamic tradition, from the angels of God, who had been told that the human host should be greater than the angelic. Although Judeo-Christianity views the four wives permitted Moslems as a retroactive attempt to legitimize, because Ishmael was born of a woman unmarried, it affords the possibility of futanarian reproduction within the Islamic family, which is why God told Eve her `seed` was greater than the serpent`s.



 Moslems pilgrimage to the Ka` Ba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, which is the shrine of Abraham, and formerly the place of worship of what the Koran calls `bird women`; the al-gharānīq. Although the Moslems worshiped Allah in monotheism, signs of the earlier form of worship remain at the Ka` Ba, for example, the black stone, which resembles the cloaca of a bird. In the Koran, Sura 53, ‘An Najm' (The Star), vs 19-22, Mohamed describes `bird women`: `Have you then considered al-Lāt, and al-'Uzzá? And the other, the third, al-Manāt? What? For you, the male sex, and for him the female? Are yours the males and his the females? That indeed were an unfair division.' The `division` is depicted as `unfair`, because `woman`s seed` is separate and distinct from men of the `serpent`s seed`. Consequently, `bird women` represent `woman`s seed` adulterated by miscegenation with their womb slavers, and the black stone of the Ka` Ba, which is situated at a corner of it, is their cloaca. Because the women of Islam wear the one-piece coverall of their black burka to publicly conceal their nature from the eyes of the `infidel`, that is, the unfaithful, they`re cloaked, which is a method of preventing their futanarian mode of sexual reproduction being revealed.



 In science fiction television series, like Star Trek (1966-68), a `cloaking device` is used to conceal a starship, which occurs for the first time in `Balance Of Terror`, when the crew of the Enterprise, and its Captain James T. Kirk, encounter a Romulan `warbird`, which is able to cloak: `Captain's log, stardate 1709.6. We are at the neutral zone. I've lost contact with the intruder. No reaction on our motion sensors, but believe the Romulan vessel to be somewhere close by, with all engines and systems shut down. The Enterprise is also playing this silent waiting game in hope of regaining contact.`1 In terms of sexual reproduction of brainpower, what that means is that the `warbird` emerged from beneath the `cloaking device`, because the Romulan advanced technology is that of `woman`s seed` represented as alien to men of the `serpent`s seed` who conceal women`s mode of sexual reproduction from becoming publicly accepted as human. The capital of the mass media industry in the district of Hollywood, city of Los Angeles, west coast state of California, United States of America, was instrumental in condemning women`s human futanarian race in 1930 when Will Hays, President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), established the `Hays code` forbidding women`s foot from rising from the cutting room floor of the Earth`s bedroom:  `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`2 Or, in other words, no sexual reproduction between women so that men of the `serpent`s seed` don`t have to face the Romulan warbirds in heaven above the Earth because `woman`s seed` won`t rise from it: `The dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.` (Rev: 12. 4) If `woman`s seed` is destroyed upon the Earth, she won`t be able to rise to heaven on the strength of her own brainpower.



 John`s Revelation was written as a disciple`s after the death of the Jewish messiah, Jesus `Christ`, `the chosen`, as narrated in the New Testament of the Bible, which describes Jesus` birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, and his teaching: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen, that is, the `serpent`s seed` of unredeemed men, and he was taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem by the Romans then occupying Palestine to where he was nailed to a cross of wood and left there to die as a `dissident`. Experiencing Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, Jesus` prefigured that of `woman`s seed`, which is why his mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her foot in Christian iconography, because he`s woman`s futanarian race representative. Because birds are descended from saurian reptiles, and Satan is depicted as a winged angel, before being turned into a serpent by God, the pre-Islamic worship of `bird women` suggests that saurian evolution, which began 248 m.a., in the Mesozoic period of Earth`s pre-history, resulted in God`s angels, that is, the saurians, advanced in technology to colonize the planets among the stars of heaven above the Earth, while human evolution, which began 220 m.a., in the Jurassic period of Earth`s pre-history, was hijacked by men of the `serpent`s seed` for host womb slavery to war against itself for the entertainment of the alien. The `bird women` were `woman`s seed`, and devourment was the form of worship practiced by men of the `serpent`s seed`, which is why wife-worship in Judaism was acceptable, because it meant preservation, and so four wives were acceptable in `Islam`, `accept`, among Moslems, `acceptance`.



 In Egyptian religion, `Ka` is `spirit` and `Ba` is `soul`, because women with cloaca penis` semen and women with cloaca are `Ka` and `Ba`, which is why the black stone at the corner of the Ka`Ba in Mecca appears like a cloaca. In Islam the figure of Satan appears in the guise of the Shaitan djinn, Iblis, who corresponds to the character, Satan, in Judeo-Christianity, because he refuses to bow before Adam and Eve, which means that he doesn`t accept he`s inferior. In the Koran, Allah, who corresponds to Eloah in Judaism, which is the Hebrew language`s word for God, is described as creating men, angels, and djinn. In Arabian folklore djinn are depicted as wondrous figures with marvelous abilities and attributes; for example, magic carpets that fly, and portals from which they miraculously emerge, which modern science would interpret as airplanes and `phones. Consequently, it`s likely that djinn represent the lost capacity of `woman`s seed` to produce superior intelligence, that is, genius, although Iblis, whose credited only with the power to whisper in the Koran, is depicted as epitomizing the arrogating male principle, while the futanarian nature of Eve and Adam is alluded to in `The Star` chapter`s few lines devoted to the `bird women`; the al-gharānīq. That Iblis represents male futanarian nature seems unmistakable, though why he`s described as irredeemable isn`t clear, although Satan`s irredeemable nature is clear from the Bible, because it`s enslaving. What is clear is that there`s a difference between futanarian `woman`s seed` and futanarian male `seed`, that is, if `woman`s seed` doesn`t need men`s hirsute nature, is the male damned for having hairy breasts with lactating nipples?



 If Iblis is a male futanarian, who only has the power to whisper in women`s ears because he`s rejected by their `seed`, then he`s defined as physically evil, which is comprehendible in a post-HIV/AIDS` society: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) What they`d done was host womb slave women for homosexuality in pederasty for war, which was institutionalized in ancient Greece preparatory to its invasion by the Persian Empire of Darius in 492 B.C., whose capital city, Babylon, was described thus: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) From Babylon host womb enslavement of women`s host wombs in homosexuality and pederasty for war would eventually produce the human immune deficiency virus (HIV). Discovered as mutated from simian immune virus (SIV) found in apes in the African DR Congo in 1983, HIV spread by the mixing of blood, shit and semen in male anuses in mockery of women`s mode of human sexual reproduction. If acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) resulted, collapse of the body`s organs and brain death ensued as the `incurable killer disease` became homosexuality in pederasty for war`s `biological weapon` keeping women in fearful faithfulness to their ring slavers. Unfortunately, what`s deducible is that the futanarian male is Satanical, because encouraging of sexual activity between males, which is why Iblis is depicted as a physical evil that has the power (only) to whisper persuasively, while djinn have the capacity to choose good or evil in the same way as other intelligences, that is, humanity can choose not to be homosexual, whereas homosexuals might argue they can`t be anything else. Irrespective, the lesson of history is that the homosexual principle doesn`t defend  women`s human futanarian species, it attacks and kills it.


1 Shatner, Wiliam as James T. (Tiberius) Kirk, `Balance Of Terror`, Season 1, Episode 14, NBC, December 15, 1966.

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Baghdad`s Teapot

11/01/2018 12:56

Baghdad`s Teapot


Doctor Who has been the flagship science fiction television series of the British Broadcasting Corporation since it first appeared in 1963. Actor William Hartnell was the first doctor, who was replaced by successive actors in the role with transformation sequences being used as a means of explaining the reason for the new actor in the role to an audience used to the incumbent, and thereby ensuring the character`s continuation well into the 21st century and beyond.  Often known simply as `the doctor` to the other characters on the show, after being introduced by his assistant, usually a young woman calling him `doctor`, Dr Who seemed to have very little to do with medical science. His assistants faces changed almost as often as the doctor`s as new actresses were brought in to assist the plots, and perhaps the most successful of the storylines were those involving the Daleks and their blonde enemies, the Thals, on the planet Skaro.



 William Hartnell was the first doctor to encounter the Daleks of Skaro, although all of them had something or other to do with what had originally been the dark haired Kaled people of Skaro living alongside the blonde Thal people, who probably represented the thalamus part of the brain responsible for the relaying of sensory signals, including motor signals, to the cerebral cortex, which corresponds to the CPU (central processing unit) in computer science. There consciousness is regulated as the various stages between sleep and awareness, so the Greek thalamus means `bedroom chamber` and the blonde Thals of Skaro correspond to the thalamus, because the Kaleds, who`d been engaged in an exchange of nuclear weapons with the Thals, had had to build machines inside which they lived to continue to wage war against the Thals: `The only interest we have in the Thals is their total extermination!`1 The Thals correspond to the thalamus deep inside the brain, where sleep is forced upon the exhausted individual, during what the developmental psychologist Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) called dreams of `the collective archetypes of the unconscious` in which images, symbols and figures, appeared to restore the mind.



 Although the Daleks inside their machines appear simply antagonistic for the sake of an adventure yarn, the lid of the dome that hides the mutated remains of the radiation disfigured Kaleds correlates with the effects of the thalidomide drug on new births sold by the Distillers Biochemicals (DCBL) company based at its factory in Speke, Liverpool, from April 14, 1958. When neural damage and malformation occurred in new births, the company was sued for compensation by the parents on behalf of the newborn who sometimes had only vestigial arms and legs discernible. The writers of Doctor Who extrapolated the effects of nuclear radiation upon the Thals and the Daleks from that of thalidomide. The blonde Thals wanted the bedroom chamber, that is, the thalamus, for themselves, and the Kaleds were destroyed with nuclear weapons until they were forced to hide their self-hated forms from the Thals inside the lid hinged domes of their Dalek machines where they planned to revenge themselves by launching biological weapons.



 The Daleks were also experts in biological warfare, and used (or attempted to use) biological weapons in `The Dalek Invasion of Earth` (10), and in `Planet of the Daleks` (68), and `Death to the Daleks` (73), when actor Jon Pertwee (1970-74) was the third in the role of `the doctor`. Because of the `incurable killer disease`, HIV/AIDS, discovered by DR Congo in 1983, the Daleks` use of biological weapons was relevant to the century. Transmitted by homosexuals` mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockery of human sexual reproduction, the HIV/AIDS virus was a mutation of the simian immune deficiency virus (SIV) presumably contracted by the homosexuals from their activities with African monkeys.



 In humans the HIV virus developed into the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) in which the organs of the body collapsed before the brain died.  As the Thals represented the thalamus, so the Daleks represented its killer, that is, the role of Distillers (DCBL) in the thalidomide scandal was extrapolated into the emergence of the HIV/AIDS virus as an opportunity for the pharmaceutical companies to experiment on humans as if they were animals; with a view to observing how the body died in reaction to a virus that killed but slowly, so that research on rejuvenative medical science could be pursued.



 The television machine invented by John Logie Baird in 1926 for the transmission and reception of moving pictures had been preceded by a prototype millennia before. Contrary to commonly held belief about human biology, futanarian women with their own penis` semen could sexually reproduce with each other. However, in ancient Greece, which was typical of Empire, host womb slavery of women was institutionalized for homosexuality in pederasty for war. Consequently, manufacturing men and women as a single male brained transvestite `TV` creature wearing each others` clothes for war`s viral entertainment was what TV television transmissions encouraging the sexual reproduction of the homosexuals` picture of pederasty was for. Consequently, Doctor Who and all of the other TV productions were responsible for the transmission of the AIDS virus, because the TV pictures were produced by homosexuals` transmitting pederasty for war, while HIV/AIDS was the `biological weapon` keeping women in fearful faithfulness to their ring slavery.



 It wasn`t long after the invention of the television machine in 1926 that Will Hays, the President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), established the `Hays code` (1930) preventing women`s penis from being seen in cinemas, which effectively sustained homosexuality in pederasty for war against the human race: `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`2 Although religion doesn`t seem important in science, it`s the tradition in Judaism that a Jew can`t be born unless from a Jewess, that is, women are Jews; or, in other words, Jews are futanarian. In Christianity, which is based on the teaching of the Jew, Jesus, his mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, because futanarian women`s brainpower is stronger than the homosexuals`.

 In Moslem, Islam, four wives are permitted to afford the possibility of sexual reproduction between women. Consequently, the `Hays code` contributed significantly to the major event of the 20th century, which was that the National Socialist (Nazi) Party of Germany elected in 1933 to pogrom upwards of 20, 000, 000 Jews in `death camps` because it was the Jews` futanarian tradition that `woman`s seed` was the `foot` of God preparing to step from the Earth to the moon on the human species` way to colonization of the planets among the stars of heaven above. Subsequent wars between the Christian Serb militia, for example, and the Moslems in Bosnia (1992-5) when `rape camps` were established to male brain a generation, reflected upon the United States of America`s `Hays code` for its mass media entertainment Empire emanating globally as a propaganda tool of homosexuality from the Hollywood district of the city of Los Angeles, west coast of California state.

 The U.S.A. planned to exterminate the human race, while pretending to be making its first tentative steps into outer space: `That`s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.` US` astronaut Neil Armstrong`s declaration on becoming the first American on the moon on July 21, 1969 (UTC: 2. 56), was contradicted by President Ronald `Ray Gun` Reagan on March 23, 1982, when he announced his `strategic defense initiative` (SDI) of a `ground and space based missile system`, known as `star wars` after the 1977 movie, Star Wars IV: A New Hope, in which the evil Empire built a `death star` to orbit planets and kill them. Beneath the US` `nuclear umbrella`, the nations of the people of the Earth understood that they couldn`t leave their planetary death camp without the permission of the guards: `Daleks conquer and destroy!!! Daleks conquer and destroy!!! Daleks conquer and destroy!!! Daleks conquer and destroy!!!`3

 When Al Qaeda, `the base`, operating under the auspices of the notoriously misogynist Taliban regime of Afghanistan hijacked civil airliners on September 11, 2001, to crash into the World Trade Center in New York city, U.S.A., it was `rough trade`, that is, that `brutality and violence`4 perpetuated by homosexuality in pederasty for war against `woman`s seed`, because it resulted in the invasion of Moslem Afghanistan where the women of Islam conceal their sexual differences beneath the one piece black coverall of their burka. As a homosexual disease rising from the anus at the base of the spine to kill the brain, AIDS corresponded to Al Qaeda, `the base`, infecting the western hemisphere, which had prepared itself by banning knowledge of women`s mode of sexual reproduction with each other since at least the `Hays code` of 1930, and the subsequent Nazi pogroms against the Jews. As Saddam Hussein said: `… the US on the level of its rulers has taken it as a final verdict that it is the enemy of Arabs and Moslems. In so doing, they have stored the final verdict in their minds. On this basis, they built their preparation in advance. On this basis too, they prepared (the mind) of the computer, which was programed on this assumption, which has taken the form of a conclusive verdict.`5 In short, the US planned to kill `woman`s seed`, so that its people could leave the `remnant` of the people of the Earth behind as animals: `The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to wage war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17)



 In Hinduism, Ganesh is the elephant, which was attacked during 9/11`s events, because the WTC was on Manhattan island, and the heart chakra of the Hindu system denoting the rise of consciousness from `the base` of the spine, Muladhara, which is the seat of Ganesh,  to the crown of the head, Sahasrara, during individual development, is called Anahata. Al Qaeda, `the base`, was perpetrating a `heart attack` when it crashed planes into the Twin Towers to set in motion the US` M1 tanks with their long guns resembling a charge of stampeding elephants. Because futanarian `woman`s seed` have penis of their own, the M1` tanks were a perverted abomination: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) Called `Babylon` after the capital city of the Persian Empire of Darius, who invaded Greece in 492 B.C., Hollywood was an `abomination` because it repressed the penis of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` in favor of the long guns of the US` war elephants . In Hindu terms, human consciousness was reduced to the level of Ganesh, Muladhara, `the base` of the spine, by Al Qaeda, `the base`, after an infectious homosexual assault on the WTC Anahata chakra, Manhattan, which precipitated a war elephants` stampede.



 Hinduism`s god, Vishnu, is depicted as having the capacity to be all of the women, which is comprehensible if all women are found to be capable of fertilizing their own species of women through ``woman`s seed`. However, if the aim of the animal experimenters is to infect the human species with AIDS to kill the T-cells that fight disease on the part of the immune system, excruciating pain would result for those infected. During the Medieval period of history, Christians tortured Jews and Moslems to accept Christianity, that is, excruciating pain resulted, which suggests that AIDS is a modern torture. As the AIDS` victim dies, the chakra at `the base` of the spine, Muladhara, becomes more active, that is, Al Qaeda, `the base`, produced elephants, which is why Iraq`s tanks were Russian T-72s seen at the fall of the capital city of Baghdad in March, 2003, when the US` army invaded to depose Iraq`s dictator, Saddam Hussein, for publicly supporting Al Qaeda, `the base`, and who was executed on December 30, 2006, after a lengthy `show` trial. Corresponding to the T-cells of the AIDS` victim, the T-72s and tanks per se signified the extinction of consciousness to a level at which the Muladhara chakra`s elephant, Ganesh, had become Baghdad`s teapot producing T-72s for the US` AIDS` virus to kill. For many in the US, Saddam Hussein was an insane `teapot`, because he produced pain for the evil to enjoy. However, the ease with which the Baghdad teapot`s T-72s were killed by the US` tanks suggests that the Americans` plan was to kill `woman`s seed` in the Middle East, as she`d been male brained in Eastern Europe, before she could make a trunk call for help.


1 Nation, Terry `The Daleks`, Season 1, Serial 2, # 2, BBC TV, December 21 1963 – February 1, 1964.

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3 Whittaker, David, and Dennis Spooner `The Power Of The Daleks`, Season 4, Serial 3, # 30, BBC TV, November 5 – December 10, 1966.

4 Merriam-Webster `male homosexuals who are or affect to be rugged and potentially violent; also: such a homosexual`, .

5 Hussein, Saddam `Second open letter to the American People`, September 18, 2001, .

I`m Not My Mother To Her

27/12/2017 04:13

I`m Not My Mother To Her


In 1959 science fiction writer, Robert A. Heinlein (1907-88), wrote a short story, ` - All You Zombies - `, which was made into the 2014 Australian movie, Predestination, about a central character, known as `the Unmarried Mother`, who is born as a hermaphrodite, with both sets of genitals, that is, male and female, but who is surgically altered, so that s/he can live as a man. Although the story seems bizarre, the American medical establishment have a policy of surgical alteration for those born as hermaphrodites,1 because of the belief that hermaphrodites are too difficult for society to incorporate. Heinlein`s time-travel tale also relates the protagonist`s discovering he`s his own mother, Jane.



 Moralists cite the Bible for support of surgical alteration: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) Physical abnormality, as the product of incest, is their moral reason for surgical intervention. Described as `a woman` in the Old Testament of the Bible, that is, the history and law of the Jewish `chosen people`, which is their Torah and Talmud in their Hebrew language, Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.) was the capital city of the Persian Empire of Xerxes (486 B.C. - 465 B.C.) at the period in history when ancient Greece institutionalized host womb slavery for women in homosexuality and pederasty for war against Persia. Babylon was similarly anathematized for slaving wombs for war, but it was the stamp of Empire, and in Greece it became the basis of democracy.



 Criticism came through the New Testament of the Bible, which was believed in by Christians, whose belief system derived from Jesus `Christ`, `the chosen` among the Jews. Viewed as a `dissident` by the Roman occupiers of Palestine, during the reign of the Emperor, Tiberius (42 B.C. - 37 A.D.), Jesus taught: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31)  According to the developmental psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), societies are recognizably endogamous, that is, having a small gene pool, or exogamous, that is, having a larger gene pool afforded by pleasant relations with neighbors, which is where nature and logic coincide, that is, good neighborliness is more conducive to normal births. Consequently, it was Jesus` diagnosis that Jewish society wasn`t appropriately exogamous.



 Jesus` disciple John`s apocalyptic Revelation of the future was interpreted as relating to the district of Hollywood, `Babylon`, city of Los Angeles, west coast state of California, in the United States of America, partly because of the 1930 `Hays code`. Established by President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), Will Hays, it made sex scenes taboo in the movie industry: `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`2 Because women are a single futanarian species independent of men`s host womb slaving, their exogamous mode of sexual reproduction from their own penis` semen was suppressed as incest, that is, with their foot on the `cutting room floor` of the film industry, humanity remained stillborn: `The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her `seed`. (Rev: 12. 17) When the `serpent`s seed` of men had wings to spread, they`d bomb the exogamous species of `woman`s seed`, which is what Hollywood, `Babylon`, filmed with its heroes in action movies.



 In Christian iconography, Jesus` mother is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, which moralists have interpreted as the rejection of the poison of adultery. According to the Bible, the angel, Satan, turned into a serpent by God for rejecting God`s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic, attempted to adulterate the human species after God created the first man, Adam, and the first woman, Eve, to whom Satan gave `the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, saying: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) As a host womb slave to war, humanity would be an ignorant ephemeral, although God promised Eve her `seed` would be redeemed: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Despite the efforts of the endogamous, that is, incestuous, `serpent`s seed` of men to prevent exogamous futanarian `woman`s seed` leaving, Eve`s `seed` would produce better brainpower.

 Eve is depicted in the Bible emerging from the side or rib of Adam, because Adam`s a self-fertilizing futanarian woman, so the description of Eve`s birth is euphemistic. As the host womb slaver of the exogamous human species of `woman`s seed`, Satan is its adulterate, that is, adultery by the `serpent`s seed` of unredeemed men is what Hollywood, Babylon, was promoting when it didn`t want women`s mode of sexual reproduction to be shown in cinemas. Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, bore the Jewish Messiah uncontaminated by male semen because, as a single independent species, women are unadulterated. Consequently, `the son of man`, Jesus, who was taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem by the Romans, where he was nailed to a cross of wood, died for suggesting that war was a consequence of women`s being host womb slaved in homosexuality in pederasty for war, so that they couldn`t physically love each other as neighbors, and so prevent war.

 Jesus` subsequent Resurrection and Ascension to heaven prefigured that of `woman`s seed`, whose brainpower was to take them to colonize the planets among the stars of heaven. Heinlein`s species` representative in `- All You Zombies -` is his single independent `Unmarried Mother`, who was normal before his operation, that is, impugning hermaphroditism as a product of the breaking of a taboo against incest, which is designed to prevent the single independent species of exogamous `woman`s seed` from sexually reproducing, is an endogamous tool of the species` slaver, and a defamation of the character of the nature of the hermaphroditic human species. Towards the narrative`s end, `the Unmarried Mother` says: `I know where I came from, but where did all you zombies come from?`3 What he uncovers is that all of the people in the story are him at different times in his time-traveling, which means that all of the mothers are him.

 Although Heinlein`s been accused of designing a `circle of hell` comparable to those in the 14th century Inferno, Part III of Alighieri Dante`s Divine Comedy (1320), `- All You Zombies -` is a meditation on the human species` inability to recognize its child: `The dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.` (Rev: 12. 4) Men stand endogamously between the women to prevent them from sexually reproducing as the exogamous human futanarian species of ``woman`s seed`. According to parasitology, the parasite that emerges from the host to kill it is termed `parasitoid`, which is what unredeemed men are. The human race of `woman`s seed` is a `zombie`, because the `serpent`s seed` of men kill it to keep it an unconscious host womb slave, so that they can continue to devour it in war. Heinlein`s `Unmarried Mother` has been surgically conditioned, so that he can`t exogamously reproduce the human brainpower needed to escape the `zombies`.

 The most interesting factor is the incest taboo. Heinlein`s long-lived time-traveling character, Lazarus Long, goes back in time in the novel, Time Enough For Love (1973), to find that he can`t sexually resist his mother, Maureen, but that incest isn`t a relevant issue for him,  `… never in all his lives been so unbearably attracted, so sexually obsessed, by any woman any where or when`.4 Lazarus stops short at fathering himself, because Heinlein wants to admit the reason for the incest taboo, that is, that endogamously shrinking gene pools produce physical and mental abnormality in progeny, which is a legitimate moral concern. However, the use of incest taboo, to prevent the single independent human species of exogamous `woman`s seed` from sexually reproducing, isn`t legitimately moral, but a tool of the slave ringers, which is why Heinlein`s protagonist in `- All You Zombies -` is `the Unmarried Mother`. For a single independent species of exogamous `woman`s seed`, sexual reproduction within the family is normative, because the species is the family. In short, men`s incest taboo is designed to prevent sexual reproduction within the human family, which is why `the Unmarried Mother` is surgically stopped from reproducing.



 The classic incest taboo narrative is Greek dramatist Sophocles` Oedipus Rex (c. 429 B.C.) in which the central protagonist, Oedipus, whose name means `swollen foot`, because the subject is the futanarian species of `woman`s seed`, kills his father, Laius, unbeknownst, and marries his mother, Jocasta, unknowingly. Sophocles` drama is a meditation on the brain damage that the absence of the futanarian race of humanity inflicts upon the species of `woman`s seed`, that is, Oedipus limps, and the death of the human race is a lame excuse for enforcing the incest taboo which, when Oedipus discovers he`s broken, blinds himself. Agreeing to lead her blind father`s footsteps on and away from the Egyptian city of Thebes, where Oedipus had been king to Jocasta`s queen, Antigone represents the fate of the human futanarian race of `woman`s seed`. Doomed to extinction by men`s obsession with preventing women`s exogamous mode of sexual reproduction, their role is that of a dog for the blind.

 Jesus, who was caught with a woman by his disciple, Judas, was similarly stopped. Judas` spy canard, seeing the woman using the expensive perfume, spikenard, was that it was too good for Jesus, who replied: `Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6) Judas` response was to sell Jesus to the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, for `thirty pieces of silver`, because he was interfering with the slaving of `woman`s seed`, and so Jesus was executed. Heinlein`s `Unmarried Mother` is a figure of the type of Jesus, because he`s `woman`s seed` prevented from reproducing. Although he represents the single exogamous independent species of `woman`s seed`, that is, all of the women are his mothers, none of them see themselves as his mother, which would be true of a time-traveling futanarian race that had conferred immortality upon itself through medical science, so that all of its members are at least physically perfect. As Heinlein`s Time Enough For Love propounds, sexual attraction is then the only criteria and: `incest a religious concept, not a scientific one`.



  Obviously, despite the age of the condom, incest is more than a religious concept, because scientifically it carries the dangers of gene recessive abnormality in progeny, but that`s beside the point, which is that the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` is kept brain dead to prevent it from conferring immortality upon itself through medical science, which would make all of `woman`s seed` physically perfect and so sexually desirable. Consequently, men`s incest taboo is designed to prevent the species from living. The concept of adultery only applies to men, because it`s their `seed` which `boy sons`, that is, poisons, the species of `woman`s seed` with its adulterate. Women, as a single exogamously independent species, aren`t adulterous, while men`s incest prohibition is more a measure of their desire to prevent the family of `woman`s seed` from reproducing, than to prevent the dangers of a recessive gene pool, which is what they`ve created, so surrounding `the Unmarried Mother` with brainless zombies, who`re incapable of comprehending the true moral issue. Sex within a species not men`s own isn`t a part of men`s jurisprudence.


1 Lee, P. A., Houk, C. P., Ahmed, S. F., Hughes, I. A. `Consensus Statement On Management Of Intersex Disorders`, Pediatrics, 118, 2, August 2006, e488–500, .

2,php/Main/FootPopping/ .

3 Heinlein, Robert A. `- All You Zombies -`, Fantasy of Science Fiction, March 1959.

4 Heinlein, Robert A. Time Enough For Love, G. P. Putnam, 1973, pp. 487-88.

The Quest For Spunk

19/12/2017 14:15

The Quest For Spunk


The basic issue on planet Earth for the foreseeable future is racism. Although television series, like Star Trek (1966-9), which aired its `pilot` episode, `The Cage`, at NBC as long ago as February 1965, championed the cause of other races, xenophobia has remained endemic. Aboard the starship Enterprise, on its `five year mission`, was actor Leonard Nimoy in the role of the alien from the planet Vulcan, Mr Spock, whose mother was Amanda Grayson, a human, and whose father, Sarek, was an astrophysicist, and ambassador to the United Federation of Planets of the planet, Vulcan, where the tradition amongst Vulcans is to be logical and unemotional, which formed a large part of the TV audience at home`s interest in the character of Spock, who was actor William Shatner`s second in command aboard the Enterprise in his role as Captain James T. (Tiberius) Kirk, whose name had meaning, because `kirk` means `church` in the Scot`s dialect. Moreover, Tiberius was the name of Rome`s Emperor, while Palestine, homeland of the Jewish `chosen people`, as they`re described in the Old Testament of the Bible, which is their history and law, that is, the Torah and Talmud, was under Roman occupation. At that time Jesus `Christ`, `the chosen`, whose teaching was the basis of Christianity`s New Testament of the Bible, was proselytizing, : `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Consequently, Kirk`s role was ecumenical. Actor James Doohan, in the role of engineer Montgomery `Scotty` Scott, was Scottish, and the Christian theme of human intelligence working together for the kirk (church) was evident. Despite actor DeForest Kelley`s medical officer, Dr Leonard `Bones` McCoy, describing Spock as a `pointy-eared hobgoblin`1, in `Bread and Circuses` (1968), because of his resemblance to popular depictions of Satan, viewer`s perceptions were that Spock was human. Even though his most basic character attribute was his denial of his human heritage, that is, emotions, in favor of Vulcan logic, Spock`s role was undeniably anti-racist.



 When Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-94) reprised what afterwards was known as Star Trek: The Original Series or Star Trek: TOS, the crew of the new starship Enterprise, following on from the policy adopted in the series of `spin-off movies` that began with Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1977), included extraterrestrials, whose demonstrable characteristics of human intelligence weren`t dilutable by the fact that they were human actors and actresses. Michael Dorn, black actor in the role of Lieutenant Commander Worf, in charge of Security aboard the Enterprise, was a Klingon, and the psychotherapist was an actress of Greek descent, Marina Sirtis, in the role of telepathic Betazoid, Deanna Troi. The premise of the show`s voyages, `where no one has gone before`, had altered from the original mission, `where no man has gone before`, ostensibly to accept feminism, whereas in fact the principle was anti-racist. Born of a woman uncontaminated by male semen, Jesus was `the son of man`, because his mother was the Virgin Mary, that is, Jesus represented `woman`s seed`, which was that aspect of human intelligence suppressed by the Roman Emperor, Tiberius, when Jesus was executed as a `dissident`. In Christian iconography, Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, because futanarian women can sexually reproduce from their own penis` semen their own human race with women separate from men who, in seeking to prevent `woman`s seed` from producing brainpower, effectively represent an alien denial of human intelligence, which Star Trek in its multifarious guises over the years has attempted to confront.



 According to Judeo-Christian tradition, Eve, the first woman created by God, and Adam the first man created by God, dwelt in the paradise of heaven on Earth that was Eden, and the angel, Stan, who rejected God`s plan for the human host to be greater than the angelic, was turned into a serpent by God and placed there. Because the planets among the stars constitute heaven above, which is the abode of God`s angels, Satan`s fallen state corresponds to that of an alien extraterrestrial intelligence perforce made to dwell upon the Earth. Satan is depicted tempting Eve to `eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which it was death to taste. Consequently, Eve and Adam were guilty of accepting ephemerality in ignorance for their descendants. Described as being created from the side or rib of Adam, Eve`s emergence onto the scene in Eden is a euphemistic description of a self-fertilizing futanarian woman`s survival skills in a strange environment, that is, Adam was a futanarian woman, who gave birth to Eve, and Satan was a saurian alien `fallen` from heaven among the advanced intelligences that had evolved upon Earth during the Mesozoic period of pre-history, 248 m.a., when saurian evolution was preeminent. Prototype hominid humanity began to appear in the Jurassic period of Earth`s history, 220 m.a., and their host womb enslavement by the `serpent`s seed` is what the story of Eve and Adam was designed to communicate to future generations.



 The heavenly angels are extraterrestrial intelligences descended from saurians, according to the Bible, in which God tells Eve that, although she and Adam are to be expelled from the paradise of heaven on Earth that is Eden, because of their rejecting God`s `fruit of the tree of life`, that is, immortality, `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Eve`s futanarian `seed` will produce the brainpower her human species needs to develop the rejuvenation technologies through medical science that will preserve her life and memory so that her race can always operate and build the starships, like the Enterprise, to take her `seed` to colonize the planets among the stars of heaven where other intelligences that are definably human wait to congratulate her on her escape from host womb slavery to men of the `serpent`s seed` who don`t want anyone to see her penis.



 Jesus` disciple, Judas, caught Jesus with a woman anointing his `foot` with the expensive perfume, spikenard, and his `spy canard` was the suggestion that the perfume be sold to raise money, but Jesus rebuked him: `Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6) Judas sold Jesus to the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, for `thirty pieces of silver` in revenge for his protecting the human race of `woman`s seed`, which if it reproduced brainpower would constitute a threat to the slavery of Rome in Palestine. Taken to the hill of Calvary Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood and left their to die, but he experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed`. Consequently, although James T. Kirk of the starship Enterprise seemingly embodies the concept of Empire and church, he`s symbolically a slaver. In 1930 the President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), Will Hays, established the `Hays code`, which effectively sounded the death knell of the human race, because it forbade women`s mode of sexual reproduction to be seen in mainstream mass media: `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`2 Unable to get its futanarian foot off the bedroom floor of the Earth, the human species was doomed to be a slave to the alien`s entertainment industry slavishly emulating that of the United States of America, and so labeled `Babylon` after a description of the capital city of the Persian Empire, Babylon` (c.400 B.C), described as `a woman` in the Bible, because of men`s host womb slaving of `woman`s seed` for homosexuality in pederasty for war, which was institutionalized in ancient Greece so that the Greeks could wage successful war against the Persian Empire of Xerxes in 480 B.C., a scenario that afterwards became the staple mass entertainment fare provided by the capital city of the media Empire of the U.S.A., Los Angeles, on the west coast of the state of California, in its district of Hollywood, `Babylon`: `Mystery, Babylon, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) In 1933 the National Socialist (Nazi) Party was democratically elected by a Christian Germany and began to pogrom 20, 000, 000 Jews, whose tradition it was that Jews were born from women, that is, women were Jews, because humans were futanarian `woman`s seed`, that is, the `Hays code` of Hollywood, `Babylon`, had sentenced the human race to death through ignorance of its own mode of sexual reproduction of the brainpower it needed to prevent itself from being devoured by a parasite upon its own host womb.



 In parasitology, a parasite that emerges to kill the host is termed `parasitoid`, which is what men are: `The dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth; to devour her child the moment it was born.` (Rev: 12. 4) In Jesus` disciple John`s apocalyptic vision of the future, Revelation, Satan is described as a `red dragon`, because saurians that ascended to colonize the planets among the stars, and don`t want humans there, bomb humanity to prevent `woman`s seed` from escaping: `The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) John discerns the `Greek` democracy that brought the Nazis to power in 1933 too: `The number of a man is the number of a beast and his number is six hundred three score an six.` (Rev: 13. 8) Without `woman`s seed`, only 66.6% of humanity remain. The alternative to democracy is autocracy, which the Moslem peoples of the religion of Islam generally adopted as an adjunct to religious obedience. Judaism was founded by Abraham and his wife Sara`s son, Isaac. Barren thereafter, Sara gave her maid, Hajer, to Abraham, and she bore Ishmael, whose descendant, Mohamed, received the Koran (610-30 C.E.) from the `angels of God`, according to tradition, which permitted Moslems four wives. Although Christianity views that as a retroactive attempt to legitimize Ishmael`s birth, and so that of Islam, four wives afford the possibility of human futanarian sexual reproduction between women within the human family, which accords with God`s plan. Consequently, the alien `death camp` scenario of the starship, Enterprise, voyaging through the universe celebrating the absence of the women`s penis, is conceived as deliberate; despite Star Fleet`s `Prime Directive`:


`As the right of each sentient species to live in accordance with its normal cultural evolution is considered sacred, no Star Fleet personnel may interfere with the normal and healthy development of alien life and culture. Such interference includes introducing superior knowledge, strength, or technology to a world whose society is incapable of handling such advantages wisely. Star Fleet personnel may not violate this Prime Directive, even to save their lives and/or their ship, unless they are acting to right an earlier violation or an accidental contamination of said culture. This directive takes precedence over any and all other considerations, and carries with it the highest moral obligation.`3



 In banning human futanarian `woman`s seed` from mainstream culture, Hollywood, `Babylon`, effectively condemned the human race to death, while perpetrating war as mass media entertainment, which in reality was for the alien host womb slaver`s parasitoid enjoyment of human extinction. A species alienated from itself is the sign of alien `interference`, which it is the `Prime Directive` of Star Fleet to resist. It should at least be embarrassing for the `remnant` of the human race to own itself an alien eating its own foot in order to prevent itself from being able to get itself up, which perhaps explains why the dragon`s `red`.


1 Kelley, DeForest as Leonard `Bones` McCoy, `Bread and Circuses`, Season 2, Episode 25 (54), Paramount Television, March 15, 1968.

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3 Genta, Giancarlo, `The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence` in Lonely Minds in the Universe, Springer, 2007, Ch. 4, p. 208.

By His Bootstraps

23/09/2017 21:23

By His Bootstraps


Robert A. Heinlein (1907-88) wrote the science fiction short story, `By His Bootstraps` (1941), shortly before the Japanese attacked the Pacific fleet of the United States of America at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7, 1941, to begin war in the Pacific theater for global fascism. Europe`s Germany and Italy were the other Axis powers, along with the Middle East`s Iraq, and Heinlein`s character, Diktor, examines the concept of the dictator, who believes he can dictate to others what to do. The central character, Bob Wilson, has locked himself in a room in 1952 to write his University graduate thesis on metaphysics. A voice says: `Don't bother with it. It's a lot of utter hogwash anyhow.`1 The interloper, Joe, is from the future through a Time Gate, a 2 meter circle in the air behind him. While Joe is manhandling Bob through the Time Gate another character arrives. A fight ensues during which Joe receives a punch and he finds himself knocked through the Time Gate into the future. There, 30, 000 years in the future, he meets Diktor, who explains that the Time Gate was built by aliens who made humans their slaves, but the aliens left, so anyone can now get ahead using the aliens` technology, which is Diktor`s secret.



 Diktor tells Bob where he is: `In the Hall of the Gate in the High Palace of Norkaal.` During a welcome meal, Diktor explains women: `They are slaves by nature.` Arma is the woman serving the food and drink, and Diktor says: `If you like her, I`ll make a present of her.` Bob is aquiescent: `She composed her face quickly, and, moving over to where Wilson reclined, dropped on both knees to the floor and lowered her head, with both hands cupped before her.` It doesn`t occur to Bob that she wants him to share freedom with her by placing what he values in her cupped hands. The next course is served by Arma, and another woman: `When Bob saw the second girl he let out a low whistle. He realized he had been a little hasty in letting Diktor give him Arma.` As `armer` is a masturbator, masturbation is thought of as a solitary activity approaching solipsism, which is a constant theme in Heinlein`s fiction, for example, `By His Bootstraps` is about how Bob is Joe and Diktor.



 As masturbating someone else can be interpreted as goading, so pornography goads the viewer into masturbating. As knights in shining armor goaded others into fighting, according to the legend of king Arthur in Thomas Mallory`s Le Morte d`Arthur (1485), for example; so preparing modern tank armor for war can be interpreted a masturbatory activity if it`s designed to be provocative. As Arma is provocatively available, she`s armor, that is, as a textual figure she represents goading into masturbatory activity, which is a form of warfare. Consequently, Diktor`s observation that Arma and the other women like to be slaves is belied by the woman`s name, Arma. The second woman Bob sees causes him to want her too, but having her is dependent on an aquiescent Diktor, which suggests that, if Diktor wasn`t aquiescent, the men would fight for her. Arma`s battle to escape slavery depends on the two men`s dying for her, which is why she`s symbolic of masturbation.



 Diktor`s living in a fool`s paradise; if he thinks women want to be slaves. The original paradise on Earth was Eden, according to the Torah and Talmud of the Jewish `chosen people`, which became the Old Testament of the Christian Bible after Jesus` New Testament teaching: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) God created the first woman, Eve, and the first man, Adam, to dwell in Eden along with Satan, who`d rejected God`s plan that the human host would be greater than the angelic, so God turned the angel Satan into a serpent, which tempted Eve to `eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, saying: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Because Eve and Adam`s descendants would be born in ephemeral ignorance, they`d be gods of death in war. God warned Eve that her `seed` would have `enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Born from the side or rib of Adam, Eve`s birth was euphemistic of `woman`s seed`, that is, Adam was a hermaphroditic futanarian self-fertilizing woman, which is the human species` survival trait.



 As the host womb slaver of the human race, the serpent, Satan, represents an earlier saurian evolution in the Mesozoic period of Earth`s pre-history 248 million years ago., whereas the parasitical hominid host womb slaves of the parasitical `serpent`s seed`, which would become the humans, didn`t begin to appear until the Jurassic period of Earth`s pre-history 220 m.a. In Heinlein`s `By His Bootstraps`, Arma represents the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` in host womb slavery to the `serpent`s seed`, which soars above the Earth dropping its bombs to make sure that the daughters of the human race remain `grounded`: `The dragon stood before the woman, who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.` (Rev: 12. 4) Jesus` disciple John`s apocalyptic Revelation of the future followed upon Jesus` death. Taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem by agents of the Empire of Rome then occupying Jewish Palestine, Jesus `Christ`, `the chosen`, was nailed to a cross of wood as a `dissident` freedom fighter, and he died there. Born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, Jesus experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed`.



Heinlein`s Arma corresponds to the woman anointing Jesus with the expensive perfume, `spikenard`, before his crucifixion. His disciple Judas` spy canard was that the perfume be sold to raise money, but Jesus demurred: `Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6) Arma isn`t a queer`s scent. She`s `woman`s seed`, which isn`t aquiescent in host womb slavery to parasitism: `The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) In parasitology, the parasite that emerges from the host to kill it is termed `parasitoid`, which is what men`s wars are. Provoked into the masturbatory activity of manufacturing armor for war, the `remnant` of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` is killed by the aliens soaring overhead to drop its bombs and prevent the race from rising to colonize the planets among the stars of heaven above the Earth.



In Christian iconography, Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her `foot`, because futanarian `woman`s seed` produces better brainpower for the devising of starships to leave the Earth and `seed` the universe. The model for democracy in the west was Greece, where women`s host wombs were enslaved for homosexuality in pederasty for war: `Let he that has wisdom have understanding. The number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six.` (Rev: 13. 8) 66.6% is the number of western democracy, which lacks the 33% futanarian human species of `woman`s seed` that would make of the west something more than a military dictatorship of the aliens soaring overhead; waiting to drop their bombs. At least since ancient Greece men and women have been manufactured as a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes in `TV` transvestism; for the waging of war to entertain the aliens. Although the television `TV` machine wasn`t invented until 1926 by Scot, John Logie Baird, the `TV` people had long been rehearsed by the aliens` waging of war upon the Earth; prior to its being broadcast for their entertainment.



 Despite Arma and the other woman`s availability for sexual entertainment, the publishing conventions of 1941 made sexual themes taboo for science fiction. Probably because reproductive sex between women was the logical arena for the genre to express itself and the aliens then soaring above the Earth in its bombers during World War Two (1939-45) didn`t want it to. Consequently, masturbation and its concomitant, fighting, was the only homosexual activity expressible. Diktor asks Bob to go back through the Time Gate, and bring the man he finds there. Bob finds himself in the room writing his thesis and attempts to manhandle him through the Gate. Then the second character arrives, and the fight ensues, during which the thesis writing Bob is punched through 30, 000 years into the future, where he`ll meet Diktor, who`ll ask him to go back through the Time Gate to fetch himself: `Keep your eyes off those wenches and listen to me! There's work to be done.` Obviously, the slaver, Diktor, would prefer a eunuch.



 The fight scene takes place between Bob, Joe, and the latest version of Wilson, who doesn`t want himself to go through the Time Gate and meet with Diktor: `He doesn't go through the Gate.` Despite his prohibition, it`s number three`s punch that sends Bob through the Time Gate, and `Joe` Wilson follows. Joe confronts Diktor: `You are telling me that I did something because I was going to do something.` `Joe` Wilson finds it difficult to understand that he`d arrive to persuade himself to leave after he`d left having been persuaded to leave: `What happened to the guy that came through just ahead of me?` Diktor shows Joe a small windowless unfurnished room, a room that he recognizes. Sprawled on the floor, snoring steadily, is Bob Wilson: `When you wake up, I will give you breakfast and explain to you what needs to be done.` Diktor then gives Joe a list of items to purchase in 1952 and sends him back through the Time Gate, where he appears as number three who, remaining to keep the deadline for writing his thesis, receives a `phone call from his girlfriend, Genevieve, which becomes brusque because of his new preference for the slave woman: `He thought of Arma. There was a proper girl with the right attitude. Genevieve tells him: `I'm not any too sure I want to marry you.` Genevieve is of the generations of Eve, who didn`t want to marry either.

 According to Jesus, women are a single unadulterate species; if they don`t marry: `At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30) Consequently, conventional marriage, and conventional engagements between men and women, are conventional forms of warfare, where the objective is for men to adulterate, that is, commit adultery, with a non-adulterate species, whose subsequent boy sons are the poisons of the `serpent`s seed` in parasitoid war against the human host womb that bore it. When a woman was taken in adultery by the Jewish fathers, Jesus said: `Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.` (John: 8. 7) He thought it laughable that men of the parasitoid unredeemed `serpent`s seed` should accuse a separate species of adultery.

 Fulfilling Diktor`s shopping list, Wilson buys The Prince, by Niccolo Machiavelli, Behind the Ballots by James Farley, Mein Kampf (unexpurgated), by Adolf Schicklgruber, and How to Make Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. The Student`s Co-op on campus doesn`t have, Real Estate Broker's Manual, History of Musical Instruments, and Evolution of Dress Styles, so Wilson goes to the University library, before purchasing `Marseillaise`, Ravel's `Bolero`, four Cole Porter records, and `L'Après-midi d'un Faune` at the town center`s music store. Finding the Time Gate that brought him gone, Wilson decides to go to his apartment. Taking the opportunity to two-time Arma with Genevieve before he goes there, he takes the path of adultery: `When he came out he glanced at his watch. Three thirty-plenty of time. He went down the street wearing the expression of the canary that ate the cat.` Letting himself into his apartment, he goes through the Time Gate: `As he did so he noticed that a large chunk was missing from a corner of one case. Half a book showed through the opening, sheared as neatly as with a printer's trimmer. He identified it as Mein Kampf.` Looking to live ten years in the past to secure his own future through the Time Gate, Wilson encounters more slaves: `The man dropped to his knees and cupped his hands in front of him, head bowed.` Wilson observes to the reader: `This isn't even sporting, I ought to shoot him on the rise.` Slavery is what he`s for; as aliens are. Wilson plays `Begin the Beguin` for `The Forsaken Ones` left by the aliens, and they`re reduced to tears:


 `Wilson's rise to power was more in the nature of a triumphal progress than a struggle for supremacy; it contained little that was dramatic. Whatever it was that the High Ones had done to the human race it had left them with only physical resemblance and with temperament largely changed. The docile friendly children with whom Wilson dealt had little in common with the brawling, vulgar, lusty, dynamic swarms who had once called themselves the people of the United States. The relationship was like that of Jersey cattle to longhorns, or cocker spaniels to wolves. The fight was gone out of them. It was not that they lacked intelligence, or civilized arts; it was the competitive spirit that was gone, the will-to-power. Wilson had a monopoly on that.`



 Wilson looks far back into the past to see if he can find the alien slavers: `He saw it. It was moving toward the Gate. When he pulled himself together he was halfway down the passageway leading away from the hall. He realized that he had been screaming. He still had an attack of the shakes.` Heinlein describes Wilson`s encounter with the alien: `It had not been fear of physical menace that had shaken his reason, nor the appearance of the creature - he could recall nothing of how it looked. It had been a feeling of sadness infinitely compounded which had flooded through him at the instant, a sense of tragedy, of grief insupportable and unescapable, of infinite weariness.` Bob Wilson`s future is that of the irredeemable alien slaver, Diktor, because that`s what the `serpent`s seed` of men are.


1 Heinlein, Robert A. `By His Bootstraps`, Astounding Science Fiction, October, 1941.

Brain Destroying Sex

03/09/2017 11:16

Brain Destroying Sex


Although the release of the movie, War For The Planet Of The Apes (2017), came many years after the discovery in the former Imperial French colony of the African Congo of a mutated variant of the simian immune-deficiency virus (SIV), that is, the human immune-deficiency virus (HIV), which resulted in acquired immune-deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and brain death, echoes of that discovery remain in the plot premise of the film that ALZ 13, a variant of a cure for the brain degenerating disease Alzheimer`s, escapes from the laboratory that developed it, and where it was found to have enhanced the intelligence of the apes it was tested upon, to destroy human brainpower in the world outside the research center.

 The inspiration for the movie franchise spanning a period of 50 years, since the release of Planet Of The Apes (1968), was Frenchman Pierre Boulle`s novel, La Planète des singes (1963), which presented a decadent human civilization collapsing from within, after making apes its servants, and enhancing the simians` intelligence to the point at which they were able to rebel; before making humans their slaves. The SIV virus variant, HIV/AIDS, which was discovered to have emerged in the Congo in 1983, and Boulle`s science fiction fantasy, La Planète des singes, mutated from the French. By 2001, 1. 3 million (4.9 %) Congolese were believed to be living with the infection, which traveled up from the base of the spine through the anus during homosexuality`s mockery of women`s human mode of sexual reproduction. Spread by men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in the anus, the HIV/AIDS mutated variant of SIV destroyed the organs of the body en route to the brain, which then died. Homosexuality was thereby proven to be a brain destroying activity perpetrated by a brain destroyer.

 Whether the destroyer of the brain was human or not, it was something that had intrigued the Jewish messiah Jesus` disciple, John. In his prophetic apocalyptic vision of the future, Revelation, John descried that the `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6), HIV/AIDS, would cause societal dysfunction, but that homosexual men would defend their activity: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) What they`d done was implement brain slavery of the human race, which caused an unnatural imbalance leading to the emergence of the `incurable killer disease`, HIV/AIDS, in the French African Congo in 1983. In ancient Greece host womb slavery of women was institutionalized by homosexuality in pederasty for war. Although that seems normative to later generations, Jesus `Christ`, `the chosen` among the Jewish `chosen people` of God`s Bible, was an argument for the restoration of psychological balance to the human race through `woman`s seed`: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Jesus was born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, and his Resurrection and Ascension to heaven after being taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem in Roman occupied Jewish Palestine as a `dissident` to be nailed to a cross of wood and left to die, was a prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed`.



 In Christian iconography, the Virgin Mary is depicted crushing the head of a serpent with her `foot`, because Jesus was futanarian `woman`s seed`, who have penis of their own for the sexual reproduction of their own species of women`s brainpower. Although the serpent is a symbol of the regressive brainpower of the male, the history and law of the Jews, which is the Torah and Talmud in their Hebrew language, relates how God turned the angel, Satan, into a serpent and placed it in the paradise of heaven on Earth that was Eden for rejecting God`s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic. In Judaic thought, the first man, Adam, is depicted as a hermaphroditic anthropos, that is, a futanarian woman capable of self-fertilization, which is why the first woman, Eve, is euphemistically described as emerging from the `rib` or side of Adam. Giving Eve `the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, Satan was the human species` first slaver: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5)



 In evolutionary terms, saurians were the dominant species on Earth 248 m.a., whereas the progenitors of the humans, the hominids, emerged 220 m.a., and became the host womb slaves of the saurians, which suppressed the futanarian human race in order to slave the brainpower of the `remnant` to entertain themselves with in war: `The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) Rejecting God`s `tree of life`, that is, immortality, Eve and Adam condemned their descendants to ephemerality in ignorance by accepting host womb slavery to an ephemeral creature that lived immortally as a parasitical virus, rather than as an individual. Expelling Eve and Adam from Eden, God told Eve her `seed` would have `enmity` with the `serpent`s seed`, but her descendants would escape to colonize the planets among the stars of heaven above, where God`s angels dwelt uncontaminated by Satan: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Homosexuality was the result of the earlier saurian brain slaving of the human futanarian race of `woman`s seed` for the production of war as an entertaining meal for a meat eating dinosaur that couldn`t get all of the food into its mouth at once.

 The HIV/AIDS virus that travels up from the anus to kill the brain is a saurian `biological weapon` launched as a killer of the human race. As a sexually transmitted disease emergent in the French Congo in 1983, it`s origins as a mutation of the SIV virus indicate that the hominid connection with their saurian host womb slavers 220 m.a. remained a virulent enough STD at the simian level to pose a real threat. In Beneath The Planet Of The Apes (1970), the movie`s premise is that a nuclear war devastated the Earth and a surviving remnant worship a `doomsday bomb` in the ruins of New York city`s St Patrick`s Cathedral, which is set off to annihilate the Earth at the climax of the action: `In one of the countless billions of galaxies in the universe lies a medium-sized star, and one of its satellites, a green and insignificant planet, is now dead.`1 The annihilation of the Earth is typical of parasitoid devouring activity. In parasitology, the parasite that emerges to kill the host is termed `parasitoid`, which is what the `serpent`s seed` are.

 In the `reboot` movie franchise, which began with the 2001 remake of Planet Of The Apes, the enemy is the `serpent`s seed` itself, rather than the brain slaved human race doomed to enact the wars that the alien wants for its dinner. In the movie, Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes (2011), the SIV mutant strain of AIDS is transposed into the ALZ 13, which kills the human brain, while giving the Earth to the apes. Because human `seed` is futanarian women`s, the ape triumph over men is a transposition of the male brained animal of men`s victory over humanity. The male animal has defeated the single independent race of `woman`s seed`, although Jesus` teaching is that it doesn`t: `At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30) Jesus` disciple John has more to say about it than that; he observes that television invented in 1926 will revivify the Hollywood, Los Angeles, state of California, US media Empire through its promotion of images of war that will ultimately result in apocalypse: `The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.' (Rev: 13. 15) The `second beast` is the simian SIV virus, which resurrected humanity`s original saurian brain slaver in parasitoid war against the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed`.



 John`s observation was that the child of humanity couldn`t escape: `The dragon stood before the woman, who was about to give birth; to devour her child the moment it was born.` (Rev: 12. 4) Men and women have been manufactured as a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes in `TV` transvestism for eons, so that an unidentified alien pogromer can watch the saurian-simian kill the futanarian species of `woman`s seed`, that is, God`s humanity, until it accepts its role as a slave to death and war for the vicarious enjoyment of the alien voyeur. The saurian-simian virus represents brain destroying sex; insofar as the homosexual in pederasty for war against the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` seeks to extinguish human sexual reproduction, so that it can wage its parasitoid activities, rather than that humanity should advance technologically to the point at which it`s productive capacity doesn`t require money. Although that seems far-fetched, it isn`t the objective of the independent manufacturer to sell product, but to produce what they need. Consequently, money is a sign of a primitive socio-economic structure kept at a deliberately low level, so that the alien can wage its action characters in the `TV` media Empire that supports its extinguishment of humans.



 Will Hays, President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), established the `Hays code` (1930) banning women from being seen to be able to sexually reproduce on the cinema screens: `... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`2 Because the Hollywood production code prevented futanarian women`s sex action, that is, their foot, from being seen in cinema theaters, sex education lapsed for `woman`s seed`. To the extent that it was no longer possible to conceive the species of women rising from the bedroom floor of the Earth to colonize the planets among the stars of heaven. Homosexuality in pederasty for waging war against her race was a sex destroying brain that, in labeling human sexual reproduction `pornographic`, effectively killed the race for the stars of the `big screen`, and the `small screen` of `TV` to come; before it came. Although Planet Of The Apes appeared as a TV series in 1974, and the film and television franchise lasted for 50 years before the final victory for the male brain was screened as War For The Planet Of The Apes, the original movie series could envision only Earth`s annihilation by nuclear bomb worshipers, while the `reboot` movie series carried forward enthusiastically by the virus paradigm of the late 20th century, envisioned a brain destroying cure for apes wanting to rid themselves of humanity, rather than describe what was actually occurring, which was the socio-historical rise of a perverted sex destroying homosexual alien brain killing humanity for its father`s pleasure.


1 Frees, Paul as narrator Beneath The Planet Of The Apes, 20th Century Fox, 1970.

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La Planète Des Singes

02/09/2017 22:36

La Planète Des Singes


In 1963, Pierre Boulle wrote the novel, La Planète des singes, about the discovery of a world where apes had become the dominant species after human society lapsed into apathy. Apes adapted to be servants enslaved indolent humanity. The explorers return to Paris, France, to be met by a gorilla in a jeep. Something is very wrong. The film, The Planet Of The Apes (1968), starring Charlton Heston, adopts the plot slightly so that US astronauts on Earth re-entry in 1972 discover themselves to have arrived in the year 3978, although apes are again dominant. As the movie franchise developed, it became clear that atomic war between the human nations of the Earth had resulted in the fall of their civilization, and the rise of that of the simians, which was built on the almost totally ruined knowledge of the older human culture. Later movies in the series developed the idea of apes from the future arriving in the past to be taken prisoner. Experimented upon in animal research laboratories, or kept in zoos, the subsequent revolt of the adapted ape servants is presented as a precursor to their rise as the dominant species in the future. After the 21st century nuclear holocaust depicted in Battle For The Planet Of The Apes (1973), and the subsequent destruction of the Earth by the detonation of the `doomsday bomb` in Beneath The Planet Of The Apes (1970), which actually occurs on a time scale before Battle For Planet Of The Apes, and therefore makes of that film a morbid post mortem to a cataclysmic event already foreknown, the rise of the apes began.



 In the early 21st century, the `reboot` movie franchise remade Planet Of The Apes (2001) with better film techniques, although the emergence of a human mutation of the originally simian immune-deficiency virus (SIV) in the former French African Congo (1892-1958) added another dimension to the older narrative for a later audience. Identified in 1983 as an SIV mutation, the human immune-deficiency virus (HIV), which resulted in acquired immune-deficiency syndrome (AIDS) whereby the body, infected by the `incurable killer disease`, suffered a collapse of internal organs resulting ultimately in brain death, was analogously referred to in the course of the movie, Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes (2011), where research is undergoing to find a cure for Alzheimer`s degenerative brain disease. The later version of the cure, ALZ 13, is found to enhance simian intelligence while degenerating human brains, which causes human civilization to collapse, whilst the apes ascend. The correlation between HIV/AIDS` emergence and the discovery of the SIV virus in the former Imperial French colony of the Congo in Africa is obvious. What isn`t so clear is the connection between Frenchman Pierre Boulle`s original novel, La Planète des singes (1963), and the mutation of the simian SIV virus into the `incurable killer disease` AIDS, and its emergence in the French Congo in the early 1980s, where 1. 4 million Congolese (4.9 %) were living with the infection in 2001.



 HIV/AIDS was known for being transmitted as a result of homosexual activity between men. Spread by homosexuals mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockery of women`s human mode of sexual reproduction, the HIV/AIDS virus traveled from the base of the spine to kill the brain after destroying the rest of the organs of the body en route. As HIV/AIDS was originally an ape virus, homosexuality was a simian activity repeated in infected humans. How the human race developed the infection is described in the Old Testament of the Bible, that is, the history and law of the Jewish `chosen people`, and the New Testament of the Jew, Jesus `Christ`, `the chosen`, whose teaching Christians believe supersedes that of the older Bible: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Adam, the first man created by God, is represented in Judaism as a hermaphroditic anthropos, which means that the emergence of the first woman from the rib, or side of Adam, is a euphemistic description of a futanarian self-fertilizing woman with penis` semen of her own. Eve, the first woman, is tempted by the angel, Satan, who was turned into a serpent by God for rejecting God`s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic. Because saurian evolution occurred on Earth 248 m.a., it`s likely that Satan is a saurian. Hominid evolution didn`t begin until 220 m.a., which suggests that the saurians were rapes for the hominids in an attempt by the saurians to host womb slave them. If the hominids were hermaphroditic, it`d be necessary for the saurians to remove the hominid penis and take over their brain through their raping of the hominid host womb in order to enslave the new hominid species, which would have been futanarian humanity.



 God warned Eve of the `enmity` of her `seed` for the `serpent`s seed` after Satan gave her the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) The descendants of Eve and Adam would be ephemeral and ignorant slaves to entertain the `serpent`s seed` in its wars upon the Earth, which was the death of the human race, although God told Eve that Redemption for her `seed` would occur: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) In Christian iconography, Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, because Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen, so uninfected by homosexuality. In ancient Greece, homosexuality in pederasty for war through the host womb slavery of women was institutionalized, because that`s how the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` was enslaved for war. Taken by the Romans to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem, and nailed to a cross of wood, where he died as a Jewish `dissident` opposed to the male brained Empire of Rome, Jesus subsequently experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed`, because that was the Redemption God promised to Eve`s `seed`: `At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30) Paradoxically, the sexual reproduction between women in heaven above the Earth makes them like the saurian angels, who remained with God, and didn`t fall like Satan with his `rebel` angels.



 The angels of God are saurian, rather than human, which provides an additional aspect of xenophobia for the humans of Earth to overcome in order to be able to accept extraterrestrial intelligence, and live with it in the course of the colonization of the planets among the stars by `woman`s seed`, which doesn`t necessarily include what humans have been taught to think of as men, because men are the result of the saurian rapes of the early hominds to host womb enslave and brain slave the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed`. As men are the alien warrior upon the Earth, it`s highly unlikely that they`ll encounter extraterrestrial intelligence approximating to the angels without their attempting to slave rape, because that`s their socio-economic pattern: `The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) As the dragon of war, grown since its days in the paradise of heaven on Earth that was Eden, where Eve and Adam dwelt before God`s expulsion of them for rejecting God`s `fruit of the tree of life`, that is immortality, men exist to rape their slaves in the name of the `serpent`s seed` of Satan, which is their socio-economic valence. Because institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty is the basic tool of the alien brain and womb enslaver, non-hermaphroditic simian SIV is the paradigm for human social enslavement. Women in monogamous ring slavery were kept in fearful faithfulness to men of the `serpent`s seed` of Satan after the late 20th century discovery of the mutated SIV virus` emergence from the French African Congo as the `incurable killer disease`, HIV/AIDS. However, `woman`s seed` isn`t animal, which requires rape in order to establish the male as the slave owner, whereas the race of women has all of the host wombs of its species to begin with; as well as its own penis` semen. In short, a male and female division between a species is indicative of animal evolution in slavery to an alien slaver, whereas `woman`s seed` is a single independent creature in God capable of accepting extraterrestrial intelligence, because it`s unassailable in its distinctness from the animal.



 England was invaded by France in the person of William, Duke of Normandy, in 1066. He became the English king, and the British Isles came under the influence of the French. By the early 20th century the absence of sex education was paradigmatic of homosexuality. Pornography for the young in the United Kingdom of England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, which was what Britain consisted of, apart from a few smaller islands, such as the Isle of Man, could be found in newspapers like The Sun, which from the early 1970s featured topless sepia photographs of nubile young women wearing bikini briefs inside which it`d be impossible to hide an erect penis, which was the objective. English morality is based on the perception that pornography encourages adultery, whereas women are an adulterated species: `Let he that is without sin cast the first stone.` (John: 8. 7) Jesus` observation to the Jewish Pharisees, the religious police that brought a woman to him allegedly caught in adultery, was that. Pornography encourages sexual reproduction of the species it`s designed for, whereas male pornography is slave-rape focused, because men aren`t women`s race.



France`s socio-history tends to support the hypothesis that the French have obsolescence as an illness and that they exported it when France was an Empire. At the 1415 battle of Agincourt in France, to determine who should succeed to the French throne, the king of England or France, the longbow archers of Henry V`s army devastated the French knights, because their arrows could penetrate the armor on horseback from a great distance, that is, the French knights were obsolete. Similarly, the Maginot line of the French, which was built as a series of fortresses after the First World War (1914-18) against the German Empire`s attempt to enslave Europe, was obsolete when it was built in the 1930s. At the beginning of the Germans` Second World War (1939-45), they went around it to invade France. After the European allies defeat of Germany, the French developed their nuclear deterrent, and effectively withdrew from global concerns, because they perceived intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), armed with nuclear warheads, as the equivalent to English longbow arrows, that is, conventional war was obsolete, and nuclear war was extinction, which was humanity`s teleology. Because French history reads like a road to obsoletion, the logical deduction is that the way itself was obsolete, that is, a design flaw in the human race, exploited by an alien pogromer, meant that the runners of the race couldn`t advance scientifically. As it`s the pogromer`s desire that women shouldn`t escape their species` enslavement for the alien warmaker`s entertainment, all paths were predeterminedly a cul de sac.



As `biological warfare` could make humanity extinct, it`s indicative that it was in the French Congo that the SIV mutant virus, HIV/AIDS, originated. In War For The Planet Of The Apes (2017), the ALZ 13 virus has almost wiped out what remains of humanity, while the apes thrive. The African Congo produced a virus that could make humans extinct, because the `French illness` is obsolescence and, although humans would be extinct, men wouldn`t be obsolete. Consequently, SIV in the French Congo paradoxically represented a cure for French`s illness of obsolescence. France`s Emperor, for example, Napoleon Bonaparte, invaded Russia in the summer of 1812, but was prevented by winter from entering the capital Moscow, that is, the weather made his army obsolete. Theoretically, SIV would reinvigorate men, who would`ve succumbed to obsoletion. The danger is war. As `woman`s seed` is in the process of dying, it`s in humanity`s interests to stop the `serpent`s seed` from developing means of making it so. Consequently, it`s difficult to see how SIV could be perceived as helpful in the long term. The French Congo`s SIV mutation, HIV/AIDS, reinforced the path to human extinction, through representing a short term solution to obsolescence. War For The Planet Of The Apes was a successful movie, because it represented the strengthening of the animal, so that male `seed` triumphed. However, the detonation of the `doomsday` bomb, in Beneath The Planet Of The Apes, argues that obsoletion is a requirement with the `serpent`s seed`; or human extinction results. The SIV mutation, HIV/AIDS, doesn`t make `woman`s seed` obsolete, but the human race for the colonization of the planets among the stars is slowed ever further. A decision has to be made; whether to aim for immortality conferring medical science and starship technology: or succumb to the `French illness`.

 Ironically, the extinction of the human race, and the rise of the simian, represented in real terms by the SIV mutant virus, HIV/AIDS, ensuring fearful faithfulness of the single human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` to her ring slaver, corresponds to the British naturalist Sir Charles Darwin`s theory, as outlined in his The Descent Of Man, And Selection In Relation To Sex (1871), which argued that men evolved from apes that were simply rapists. The resultant lop-sided imbalance in human nature, succumbing to the psychopathic tendency of their original rapists, the flesh-eating saurians, isn`t resolvable without `woman`s seed`. As Jesus observed to his disciple Judas` spy canard over a woman found anointing Jesus with the expensive perfume spikenard, when Judas suggested that the `perfume` be sold to raise money: `Leave her alone.` (Mk: 14. 6) Judas was rebuked for implying that the woman should be a host womb slave in male braining, which is why Judas arranged for Jesus to be killed. Jesus was representing `woman`s seed` as a single race independent of rape by a creature not its.

 As the English dramatist, William Shakespeare wrote in his play, King Lear (1608), about the descent into madness of England`s king: `How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child!` In this light, Jesus` statement before his crucifixion is understandable: `Blessed are the childless women, the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed!` (Luke: 23. 30) Women`s boy sons are the poisons of the `serpent`s seed`; through which it manufactures war against the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed`: its mother. In parasitology, the parasite that emerges to kill the host is termed `parasitoid`. Consequent to the preeminence of the offspring of the `serpent`s seed`, the child of the human race can`t escape its parasitoid murderer: `The dragon stood before the woman, who was about to give birth; to devour her child the moment it was born.` (Rev: 12. 4) It would be far fetched to suggest that the SIV virus arising in the African Congo in the early 1980s was a French `secret weapon` designed to make `woman`s seed` obsolete and extinct, although such an interpretation would accord with the subsequent thematic development of Pierre Boulle`s 1963 novel, La Planète des singes, which successive film franchises, and the television series, Planet Of The Apes (1974), used as the basis for a presentation of the rise of the male animal that subsumed the human in favor of its extinction in war; brain slaved by a parasitoid alien rapist.

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