They’re Rearing AIDS
22/11/2023 02:07They’re Rearing AIDS
The developmental psychologist Carl Jung (1875-1961) posited four functions of consciousness; ‘Thinking, Sensation, Feeling and Intuition’, which became differentiated or conscious through the mediating influence of the individual ego, a process Jung called individuation. Jung associated the ears, eyes, mouth and nose, that is, the senses of hearing, seeing, speaking and smelling with the four functions of consciousness in undifferentiated form. Consequently, the rise of the SIV virus mutation, that is, the simian immune virus transmitted to humans by homosexual monkey fuckers, and discovered by DR Congo in Africa in 1983, HIV/AIDS, was interesting to developmental Jungian psychologists because there was an evident connection between the rear holes and their ear holes.
Amongst the Moslem nations of Islam, who follow the teaching of Mohamed’s Koran (610-30 C.E.), which was given to Mohamed, according to Islamic tradition, by the angels of God, the Shaitan djinn, Iblis, refused to bow ‘before’ Adam, that is, the first man created by God. The Judeo-Christian tradition is that it was the angel, Satan, who refused to accept that the human host would be greater than the angelic. Iblis is described in Islam as having no power save that of whispering, which would accord with a Jungian hypothesis that the function of Thinking associated with the ears, that is, hearing, is affected by the virality of homosexuality. In short, humans are being killed by their hearing AIDS.
The human immune deficiency virus (HIV) progressively collapses the organs of the body as acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) takes hold after the virus is transmitted through homosexuals’ mixing blood, shit and semen in each other’s anus. Rising up from the base of the spine, the virus kills the brain. Though seemingly inconsequential in terms of medical science, Judeo-Christian thinking and the Koran bears examination. The Old Testament of the Christian Bible, based on the teaching of the Jewish rabbi, Jesus ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’ which is the New Testament, is the Torah and Talmud of the Jews, that is, their history and law. In Genesis Eve is described as the first woman created from the rib or side of Adam by the creator, God, who accepted ‘the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’, that is, death in exchange for the power of war, from the angel, Satan, who’d been turned into a serpent by God for rejecting God’s plan that the human host would be greater than the angelic, ‘You shall be as gods.’ (Gen: 3. 5) Exchanging power for their descendants ephemerality, Eve and Adam were expelled from the paradise of Eden by God, but with the promise of Redemption for Eve’s ‘seed’: ‘You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot but he will bruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15) Jesus’ birth uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, was therefore that of a humanity cured of Satan’s HIV/AIDS virus. Mary is depicted in Christian iconography as crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, because women’s futanarian species of women’s seed is capable of sexually reproducing from their own penis’ semen without men. Consequently, Eve’s emergence from the side of Adam was a euphemism for futanarian self-fertilization, that is, Adam was a woman.
Jesus’ teaching was, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) In his era, the army of the Emperor of Rome, Tiberius, occupied Jewish Palestine, and the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, arranged with Jesus’ disciple, Judas, who received ‘thirty pieces of silver’ from them, to have Jesus executed for sedition. Jesus’ teaching was replete with AIDS references. At what’s known as the ‘Last Supper’ before his execution, Jesus gave ‘bread and wine’ as symbols of his ‘body and blood’ to the disciples. As the human host, he was an uncontaminated woman’s ‘seed’. Recommending acceptance of women’s seed, that is, his ‘body and blood’, Jesus’ Redemption was that futanarian humanity would leave the Earth for the planets amongst the stars when they’d bred sufficient brainpower to have immortality through medicine and the starship technology to escape homosexuals.
In his apocalyptic vision of the future, Revelation, Jesus’ disciple John wrote of the defeat of the serpent grown in power since Eden to become the ‘red dragon’ with its ‘blood plague’ (11. 6): ‘Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.’ (16. 11) What they’d done was epitomized by Jesus’ disciple, Judas, who discovering Jesus alone with a woman, and fearing lest the human species of women’s seed should be resurrected through Jesus, so escaping men’s parasitical host womb slavery, suggested that the ‘perfume’ be sold. Jesus rebuked him, ‘Leave her alone.’ (Mk: 14. 6) Judas’ response was to betray Jesus to the Romans as a dissident. Taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem, Jesus was nailed to a cross where he died, but experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of women’s seed.
Islam derives from Judaism, which was founded by Isaac, son of Abraham and Sara, his mother, who barren thereafter gave Hajer, her maid, to Abraham, and Hajer bore Ishmael, who was the founder of Islam through his descendant, Mohamed, who was the recipient of the Koran. Jewish tradition is that a Jew can only be born from a Jewess, that is, women are Jews, which accords with the perspective that women’s futanarian seed is humanity’s. Moreover, although Judeo-Christianity views the four wives of the Moslem peoples of the nations of Islam as a retroactive attempt to legitimize the birth of Ishmael, and therefore Islam, from a woman unmarried, Hajer, Moslem marriages afford the possibility of sexual reproduction between the human futanarian species of women’s seed within the extended family, so are more in accordance with God’s plan to colonize the planets amongst the stars than Judeo-Christian monogamy; for example, 100, 000 women can produce 1. 5 billion in 34 years; even if the age of consent is as high as 16 years. However, men can’t reproduce at all and, if left together, would probably start a war, or die of HIV/AIDS: ‘The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.’ (Rev: 12. 17) In fact John’s Revelation is graphically illustrative: ‘The dragon stood before the woman, who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.’ (12. 4) Humanity is expected to die on Earth as men’s slave.
Since ancient grease, homosexuality has been the bane of civilization. To cope with the Persian Empire of Darius’ invasiveness (e.g., 492 B.C.), the Greeks institutionalized host womb slavery of women for homosexuality in pederasty for war. The capital city of Persia, Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.), is described by John as ‘a woman’, ‘Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.’ (Rev: 17. 5) Because of pederasty for war’s Empire, woman’s seed was largely eradicated and her host womb whored. In other words, men were rearing AIDS as a ‘biological weapon’ to keep women’s seed in fearful faithfulness to their ring slavery, ‘Let he that has wisdom have understanding. The number of the beast is the number of a man, and his number is six hundred three score and six.’ (Rev: 13. 8) Although Greece was lauded as the forerunner of democracy, without that 33.3% human futanarian species of women’s seed, democracy is a sham, that is, male brained men and women wearing each other’s clothes in TV transvestism for the broadcasting of war against the human race, that is, ‘666’ is 66.6 % for a pogrom to extinction through ‘TV war’.
Affection is a Virus Interfering with the Animals' Erect Guns
21/11/2023 11:18Affection is a Virus Interfering with the Animals' Erect Guns
The average penis size is 6 inches, which is 15 centimeters, so if women want satisfaction it’s dildos, or sex machines; unless they can find someone unnaturally large. The studious male understands that affection is a winner, because love is the way to a woman’s compassion, even if she wants to get stuffed like a badger by an elephant: that’s realpolitik. However, the affectionate male is under threat from the big game hunters, who perceiving that love could interfere with their taxidermy, seek to rid themselves of alien thinking by maintaining an erect gun.
Christianity was founded by Jesus ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’, who is credited by Christians with a teaching superseding the Old Testament of the Bible, which is the Torah and Talmud, that is, the law of the Jews, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) The theory expounded by the taxidermist is that love isn’t affection, and erections have to be maintained by erect guns, so that all of the ova of the stuffed animals have their semen, ‘We'll be over, we're coming over, and we won't come back till it's over, over there.’ Yanks (1979) was the WWII (1939-45) movie, starring actor Richard Gere, and those who were in possession of the ova in the North of England preferred that for the Americans, during the build up to the June 6th, 1944, invasion of Normandy, on the coast of German occupied France.
The Ark in the Old Testament book of Genesis was the ship built by Noah to stuff all the animals in, which is what semen were for. Britannia ‘ruled the waves’ before the United States of America’s ‘lend lease’ agreement with the British Empire to supply warships and merchant vessels to assist the WWII effort against 1933’s democratically elected National Socialist (Nazi) Party leader, Adolf Hitler, whose Germany sought to invade and enslave Europe; building ‘concentration camps' in which 6, 000, 000 minorities, particularly Jews, were exterminated. Yanks was a movie about the growth of a US base in England, while the English women were ova there. The Nazis’ ‘love farms’ were where they bred women like animals to produce what Hitler thought of as blonde übermenschen, that is, ships manned by semen, while the Jews were exterminated as inferior animals, who weren’t German navy.
Conceived as an anti-virus, the German navy, that is, the German AV, represented the concept of the development of ‘fairy’ ships, which became virus ships, after the discovery of the mutant variant of the simian immune deficiency virus (SIV) being spread by homosexuals in DR Congo in 1983. Inserting their penises into each other’s anuses, these men with infected semen were transmitting an ‘incurable killer disease’, the human immune deficiency virus (HIV), which resulted in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), collapse of the organs of the body, and brain death. As homosexuals were simian, human ships were rebellious.
As developmental psychologist Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) pointed out, the contrasexual component in the human psyche corresponding to the penis was the anima soul-image inspiring sexual desire. However, where Jung associated the anima with men, women are a separate species with penis’ semen of their own as futanarian, so the futa race belonged to them, which meant men were pirates, whose concern was to take over minds. Manufacturing men and women as a single male brained transvestite for ‘TV wars’ was their piracy. Jung observed that women had a contrasexual component too, the animus, which manifested as a throng of admiring men about a woman. What he hadn’t understood was that men weren’t a developmental ‘archetype’ in the human psyche, but the sign of a pirate ship: a ‘Jolly Roger’.
As the anima was for inspiring the sexual desire of women’s seed for women, there wasn’t any male human spirit in women, that is, the animus was a parasite looking to slave the host womb of the species, whereas the anima did properly belong, as an archetype of the unconscious ‘Self’ seeking to make the individual human more conscious. As homosexuality was the flag of piracy, a ‘skull and crossbones’, the HIV/AIDS virus was symptomatic of the fairies’ boarding of human ships, for example, they were ape erect guns, because they’d destroyed the possibility of human erections, that is, the future civilization, culture and art of women’s seed, as Jesus’ disciple John saw in his apocalyptic New Testament vision of the future, ‘The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to wage war on the remnant of her seed.’ (Rev: 12. 17) The ‘red dragon’ (Rev: 12. 3) was a metaphor for the ‘blood plague’ (Rev: 11. 6), and the rape of humanity by homosexuality, ‘The dragon stood before the woman, who was about to give birth, so it could devour the child the moment it was born.’ (Rev: 12. 4) If women’s seed were boarded by fairy pirates, that is, AIDS’ semen, the human species would never get its futa race off the ground, but would remain in host womb slavery to its parasite.
That the simian HIV/AIDS virus would ensure the parasitism of the erect guns was evident from the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) pandemic, which was adjudged by science to have been more transmittable because of AIDS,1 and killed several million people after its emergence from a bat cave in Yunnan province, China, in 2002. Bram Stoker’s fictional Dracula (1897) also took the shape of a bat in the Irish writer’s novel, based on the 15th century ruler of Wallachia, Vlad Dracul III, who impaled his victims anally on stakes of wood, while his namesake Vlad Putin of Russia invaded the Ukraine with his TOS 1 (TOC 1) missile launched heavy flamethrower system, a ‘red dragon’ of the Red Army, seemingly modelled on the SARS virus, which had as a symptom flatulence.
The first stage of the vacuum weapon was to lay a vapor over the target zone, followed by ignition which, SARS-like, resulted in collapsed lungs, before incineration. However, just as women’s stake in the future is their penis’ semen, and so the vampire is killed by a stake through the heart, in attempting to burn Ukrainians as ‘witches’, Putin, ‘the stake’, was the farter as a Russian draco. While the fatherers of the human race, like Jesus, who was born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, were women’s seed, Russia had fathered an asshole, who wanted to fart a fire.
The more virulent SARS-2 variant of the virus, which caused the pandemic, emerged at a Wuhan city hospital, Hubei province, China, in December 2019, and was labeled Covid-19. For witch hunter’s, Covid-19 was the sign and symptom of a witches’ coven, and the subsequent deaths by asphyxiation were the cov’s horror ‘vid’, where the virus was what had been repressed into unconsciousness, as Freud’s ‘id’, containing coffin fear, that is, AIDS and SARS-2 was a cough video, after the fashion of the Marquis de Sade’s 120 Days of Sodom (c. 1785), etc., where victims were tortured to death. Put in their coffin was the 21st century version, that is, Sade’s (AIDS) ass (SARS) virus, as Putin, TOS 1’s farter fierily attacking the human brain’s system in the region of the Ukraine.
However, just as the Ark of the Covenant was God’s promise to the Jews of land, during their exodus from slavery to the Pharaoh Thutmose III (1485-1431 B.C.) in ancient Egypt, so it was also God’s Covenant with women’s seed, which is what witches with their ‘broomsticks’ are. The burning of witches at the stake for practicing witchcraft, that is, the sexual reproduction of women’s seed, implies that the women were first impaled, so releasing flammable fart gas to ignite the faggots, which is how homosexuals enslaved the human host womb, so that they could sterilely insert their penises into each other’s assholes without producing anything themselves. The Cov-2 SARS virus was a male attack upon the potential of women’s seed for sexually reproducing their own brains’ powers to make their human futa race immortal, apart from producing a cure for HIV/AIDS and Cov-2 SARS, through the women of witchcraft’s legendary ability with herbs, so they could escape enslavement to the parasitical alien by developing the technology to take them to colonize the planets amongst the stars of heaven.
The ‘feminine spirit of God’, that is, ‘the Shekinah’, is depicted in the Old Testament book of Exodus as traveling with the Jews in the tent of the tabernacle where the Ark of the Covenant, a box, was kept, as she represents the desire of women’s seed for itself, whereas men’s Sade’s (AIDS) ass (SARS) virus is homosexuality’s ‘biological weapon’, deployed to kill women’s affection for each other, and men’s affection for women, as that part of the human psyche which constellates the desireful anima soul-image, because simians prefer the virality of erect guns to the virility of the erections of women’s seed. As the Russian ‘Red Army’ put their boot in on the Ukraine regions, it was a sign of the success of the apes’ AIDS/SARS virus, as they were raping human behavior; first stuffing, and then cooking some animals, for food.
1 Healy, Melissa ‘Did failure to adequately treat HIV patients give rise to the Omicron variant?’, Los Angeles Times, , December 2nd, 2021, 4 am Pacific Time (PT).
Literary Criticism isn’t Music for the Blind and Deaf
21/11/2023 11:17Literary Criticism isn’t Music for the Blind and Deaf
Literature has a problem with the type of journalism that believed writers for the English music press, for example, Melody Maker (1926-2000), New Musical Express (1952-), and Sounds (1970-1991), was criticism. Such writing was ostensibly for the effectively deaf, who’d never heard the musical composition, wouldn’t have any opinion other than that of the critic, and read ’rags’ purely for their bullying of musicians who didn’t care what the writers thought. The listeners could decide for themselves. The music papers were only good advertising, or bad, ‘A never-ending supply of throat sweets is one of the secrets behind the continued success of the Beatles, who come crashing into the NME Chart this week with 'From Me To You' at No. 6! "We couldn't go on without them," says lead guitarist and vocalist John Lennon.’1 What’s important is the writer’s pose in relation to the music being criticized, rather than the sound, as most readers hadn’t any possibility of listening, either because they couldn’t afford to buy any music recordings, which was the reason for the existence of the music papers, that is, they were written for the impoverished, or they were deaf.
The ghettos of science fiction, fantasy and horror, became the journalistic home for the equivalent of the writer of criticism for pop music, ‘My personal take on literary criticism is largely derived from the work of Stanley Fish who argued that the text only exists as something constructed from the words on the page and the mind of the person reading it. Perhaps this makes me a coprophile but some of the books I read are, in the words of The Firesign Theatre, “really good shit."’2 Referred to here by Marc Ortleib, ANZAPA (Australia and New Zealand Amateur Publishers Association), for the sake of appearing superior in knowledge, is a US’ surreal comedy troupe, who first appeared in a live performance on November 17th, 1966, for the California state capital Los Angeles’ program, Radio Free Oz, station KPFK FM, but it’s deliberately over the head of most casual browsers, because the critic wants to obfuscate the understanding of the reader to ensure ignorance, as a matter of routine, although the assassination of intelligence to rival a smattering of savvy is ritualistically evil.
However, the readers of science fiction, fantasy, and horror aren’t illiterate, as they have to be able to understand the material in order to read, whereas the readers of Melody Maker, New Musical Express and Sounds, for example, were taught they were reading some really heavy duty criticism, if they weren’t able to comprehend what was supposedly being communicated, ‘I can’t comment on “The Purge” or any of its sequels. I’ve never seen it, nor heard of it.’3 That Ortleib doesn’t care whether you’ve seen the movie, The Purge (2013), or not, and isn’t interested in what you think, is too peremptorily dismissive of the US $ 83 million the film made at the box office, regardless of the plot, which is based on the notion of what would happen if people were allowed to police themselves. That the critic hasn’t seen The Purge is meant to indicate its and your worthlessness, which isn’t a measure of its value. The role of the critic is to experience a work in order to make an objective attempt at measuring its value for others, rather than to despise the attempt to evaluate on the understanding that the other’s opinion is irrelevant and can be safely disregarded, because the critic’s secluded in his ivory tower of academe.
The writers of literary criticism for ghettoized fiction such as Cyberpunk, which includes the seminal movie, The Terminator (1984), starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, about a world in which humans war with machines for survival, and Space Opera’s wars between its good Princesses and its Empire of evil, for example, in the box office successful ‘blockbuster’ movie Star Wars: A New Hope (1977), with the prequels and sequels of its lucrative franchise, were encouraged by the ostensibly obscure provenance of science fiction, fantasy, and horror, to write in a style similar to those of the deafening and dumbing down of the music papers, which seemingly also wanted to blind the readers to the value of going to see the musical performance by indifferently dismissing its significance.
Genre criticism is the condemnation of the writer on the basis of a self-fulfilling prophecy, that is, it isn’t readable, so it isn’t written; for example, Ortleib’s comment on futanarian women’s seed, who’re women with their own penis’ semen, therefore identifiably a separate species from men, as a subject more than fitting for exploration by the science fiction genre with a remit to examine alternate social systems, ‘As far as I can see this is just a concept from manga or perhaps Japanese culture in general.’ Japan’s practice of ‘foot-binding’ of women to prevent their escape isn’t a cartoon, but a determined effort to prevent the human futa race from developing enough brainpower to rid itself of slavers through women’s mode of sexual reproduction with each other as a species, while anime manga depicts the torture of these humans as entertainment for the alien: just.
1 Smith, Alan ‘Throat Sweets Keep Us Going Say Beatles!’, New Musical Express, April 19th, 1963.
2 Ortleib, Marc Australia and New Zealand Amateur Publishers Association (ANZAPA), Wednesday, May 4th, 2022, 6: 35 pm, .
Ace of Spayed's
21/11/2023 11:16Ace of Spayed’s
Bereft of their own species’ penis, women are the spayed of human burial. With penis’ semen of their own, as the futanarian race of women’s seed, women represent the possibility of escaping host womb enslavement to homosexuality in pederasty for war against their human race. Through the sexual reproduction of their own brains’ powers to gain immortality by means of medical science, and the development of starship technologies, women might colonize the planets amongst the stars, but castrated they’re digging their own grave.
The sign and the symptom was the human variant of the simian immune deficiency virus (SIV), that is, the human immune deficiency virus (HIV), which results in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), collapse of the organs of the body, and brain death. The virus was first discovered by DR Congo in 1983 transmitted by homosexuals anally through infected semen, a first stage weakening of the human system, which experienced a second phase attack in 2002, when the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) emerged from a bat cave in Yunnan province, China, to cause lung collapse and the body to expire, which variant SARS-2 discovered at a Wuhan city hospital, China, in December 2019, became a pandemic resulting in the deaths of millions.
When Vladimir Putin’s Russia invaded the Ukraine in February 2022, the main threat was perceived to be the missile launched heavy flamethrower system, which had a first stage and second phase, similar to the ‘biological weapon’, HIV/AIDS (SARS). The TOS (TOC) laid a vapor over the target zone, which was flammable, in the same way that sufferers of SARS were distinguishable by flatulence. The TOS then ignited the vapor, which produced a vacuum. Like SARS, it collapsed the lungs, before everything in the target zone was incinerated. Discovered by the communist DR Congo in 1983, HIV/AIDS was succeeded by the SARS pandemic originating in communist China, while Putin’s fiery draco was communist Russia, which suggests a plot.
God was perceived as killing Onan, in the Old Testament book of Genesis, from the history and law of the Jews, which is their Talmud and Torah, because Onan ‘spilled his seed upon the ground’, that is, he preferred to toss, after God had commanded him to impregnate his brother’s wife, Tamar. However, Onan was killed for taunting, rather than masturbation. In the same way, Putin’s TOS was a typically homosexual taunt at those who preferred civilization, culture and art, because slavery is the issue.
After the October 1917 communist ‘workers revolution’ led by Lenin against the autarchy of Tsar Nicholas II, Russia came under the dictatorship of Joseph Stalin, known for associating masturbation with intellectualism, for example, Nobel prize winner for literature, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, who wrote The Gulag Archipelago (1973) condemning the slave labor camps, was imprisoned for more than a decade for alleged taunts. In simple terms, endeavor in the modern era had come to mean masturbation, so far as homosexuals were concerned, that is, self-love was a threat to their host womb slavery of the human species of women’s seed, because it was analogous to the love of a species for what it made from its own hands, for example, ‘skyscrapers’. As homosexuality is host womb enslavement of the human race for slave wars, Putin’s deployment of a TOS system in the Ukraine was a smoker’s drag on the virus of hell.
<span data-keep-original-tag="false" data-original-attrs="{" style":"="" times="" new="" roman\";="" ","face":"\"calibri\",sans-serif"}"=""> Whereas spayed women are the burial tool, the spade, homosexuals are the fire, which functions virally, that is, fierily, as Jesus’ disciple John saw in his apocalyptic Christian New Testament vision of the futa, ‘The dragon stood before the woman, who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.’ (Rev: 12. 4) A fiery ball snorter, the ‘red dragon’ wants to ensure the human species of women’s death in host womb slavery; so as to continue its slave wars.
God Ribs Satan
21/11/2023 11:15God Ribs Satan
The most curious event in the Old Testament of the Bible, that is, the history and law of the Jews, which is their Talmud and Torah, is the creation by the creator, God, of the woman Eve, from the side of the first man created by God, Adam. Moreover, according to Judaism, Eve wasn’t the first woman, Lilith, who refused to be beneath Adam, so left him. Lilith is the archetype of the independent woman, whereas Eve is quite literally Adam’s dream girl, who apparently emerges from what quantum physicists have posited as an alternative universe.
The basis for the existence of alternatives depends on an understanding of how particles react to human consciousness. Scientists discovered that the particular universe behaves differently when people are looking at it, which suggests that it’s different when they’re not. Because women are capable of sexually reproducing from their own penis’ semen, as the futanarian human species, women are reproducible without men’s seeing, if women live and have their being in an alternative universe of women similar to Lilith, who clearly didn’t want to be Adam’s subject.
Eve’s emergence from Adam’s side was as a visitor from an alternate reality,1 familiar to readers of science fiction, while Adam is conceived, at least by the reader of the book of Genesis, as male, and Eve as female, although Judaic apocrypha conjecture a hermaphroditic original man, who became Eve and Adam, which doesn’t rule out the hypothesis that either Eve or Adam (or both) were hermaphroditic to begin with, because there isn’t any description of how they appear to each other, or God, save the assertion that Adam, that is, the hermaphrodite, according to the 13th century book on Jewish mysticism, the Zohar, for example, was created by God in the likeness of God.
Evidence for belief in an alternative universe of women appears throughout the New Testament of Jesus ’Christ’, ’the chosen’, which is the story of his life and teaching in what are known as the corroborating narratives of four of his disciples, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, which largely constitute the second part of Christianity’s Bible. Although for the Jews the Torah and Talmud remain sufficient, Christians believe the New Testament supersedes the Old Testament, because of Jesus’ all-encompassing statement upon the law of God as, ’Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) Moreover, Jesus’ emphasis upon ’the Holy Spirit’, which in the Old Testament is described as ’the Shekinah’, who is ’the feminine spirit of God’, who dwelt within the tent of the tabernacle, and led the Jews for forty years, as ’a pillar of cloud by day’, and ’a pillar of fire by night’, during their exodus from slavery in Egypt to Pharaoh Thutmose III (1485-1431 B.C.), intimates his belief in a hidden universe of women.
Born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus was women’s seed. In the paradise of Eden God had placed the angel Satan turned into a serpent by God for rejecting God’s plan that the human host would be greater than the angelic. Satan gave Eve ’the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’, which it was death to taste, saying ’You shall be as gods.’ (Gen: 3. 5) God expelled Eve and Adam from the paradise of Eden for rejecting the ’fruit of the tree of life’, which was immortality, but told Eve her ’seed’ would prevail, ’You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15) In Christian iconography, Jesus’ mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, because Jesus is the representative of women’s futa race. If women’s seed sexually reproduce their own brains’ powers, the human race of women can escape host womb slavery to men in parasitism. By giving themselves immortality through medical science, and starship technology to colonize the planets amongst the stars of heaven, the male brain will be crushed.
Taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem then occupied by the Roman Empire of Tiberius Caesar Augustus (14-37 C.E.), Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood where he died, but experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of women’s seed. Ostensibly Jesus was killed for being caught alone with a woman anointing him with the expensive perfume, spikenard. The disciple Judas’ spy canard was that the perfume should be sold to raise money, but Jesus rebuked him, ’Leave her alone.’ (Mk: 14. 6) Judas’ betrayal of Jesus to the Jewish Pharisees, that is, the religious police, for ’thirty pieces of silver’, becomes much more understandable when Jesus’ words to the people who’d caught a woman in adultery are comprehended, ’Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.’ (John: 8. 7) If women are a species, men are their adulterate, so Jesus was killed for being a spy, although it’s clear that he was demonstrating that’s what everyone was to misogyny.
As the Shekinah corresponds to the Holy Spirit, it’s evident she’s a warrior to the Jews, because their forty year sojourn in the wilderness, during their exodus from Egypt, on their way to the land promised by God, is characterized by a path cleared by atomic explosions; a pillar of cloud and fire (Ex: 13. 21-22), that is, women’s seed were able to defend themselves. According to Genesis, God drowned the people of the Earth in a flood, and selected Noah to build an Ark, that is, a box in the form of a ship, to keep breeding pairs of all of the animals, which suggests the animals were bred by humans. The atomics, used by the Shekinah during the exodus, were advanced technology unavailable to animals, who were told she was God’s spirit. What Jesus knew was that the animals didn’t know that humans were women’s seed, which isn’t a pair with men, as women aren’t parasites.
1 Stein, Vicky, and Daisy Dobrijevic ‘Do parallel universes exist? We might live in a multiverse.’ November 3rd, 2021, .
Hearse Borne
21/11/2023 11:15Hearse Borne
Just what witchcraft is has long been a subject of debate. The image in most people’s minds is of a woman being burned at the stake. However, what’s needed for a bonfire are faggots, a term for homosexuals, who’re notoriously interested in impaling, for example, Vlad Dracul of the 15th century East European state of Wallachia, before it became a part of modern Romania, impaled his enemies on stakes, that is, he inserted sharp faggots of wood into their anuses, which stakes lifted their bodies from the ground, so they hung there. The description of what homosexuals do isn’t metaphorical. DR Congo in 1983 discovered the ‘incurable killer disease’, HIV, transmitted as a variant of the simian immune deficiency virus (SIV) between homosexuals with infected semen inserting their penises into each other’s anuses. The human immune deficiency virus (HIV) resulted in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), collapse of the organs of the body, and brain death, that is, after the stake was inserted into the anus, the brains of the impaled victims experienced agonizing extinguishment, which is what witchcraft is.
During their exodus from slavery to the Egyptian Pharaoh Thutmose III (1485-1431 B.C.), the leader of the Jews, Moses, received the commandments of the law from the creator, God, according to the history and law of the Jews, which is the Torah and Talmud of the Old Testament and constitutes the first part of the Christian Bible, ‘Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.’ (Ex: 22. 18) The term witch is interchangeable with the word ‘poisoner’, that is, faggots were poison, because boy sons were what they poisoned with their penis’ semen. When the Jewish rabbi, Jesus ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’, whose life story constitutes the New Testament of the Christian Bible, which the Jews don’t espouse, met a man on the road near the town of Gadarene in Palestine, he was possessed by demons that Jesus cast into a herd of pigs, which ran off a cliff and into the water, that is, the burning of the man’s brain, caused by the faggots, was extinguished by Jesus who, born of his mother, the Virgin Mary, was the representative of women’s seed.
Because women are able to reproduce their own brains’ powers through their own penis’ semen as the futanarian human race, they have a stake in the future, which the faggots didn’t want them to have. The burning of women is because of their stake, that is, their penis, so women were called witches in order for homosexuals to be able to burn them, as they’re anal. The women’s penis is almost extinguished, because homosexuals prefer each other, which is why Jesus found the man with his brain afire on the road to Gadarene possessed by demons, that is, the burning desire of homosexuality’s faggots to take over the brain and live there, ‘My name is Legion; for we are many.’ (Mk: 5. 9)
As Jesus’ disciple John observed in his apocalyptic vision of the future, Revelation, ‘The dragon stood before the woman, who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.’ (Rev: 12. 4) Although Christianity promotes consubstantiality, that is, God, the father, and God, the son, who is Jesus, that’s a recipe for the son to be devoured by the father, who seeks to transmigrate to the brain of the infant, so to live forever by repeating the procedure ad infinitum, which is witchcraft. The child’s brain, burned by the faggots, because of a stake in the future, that is, the penis, loses consciousness, and is possessed demoniacally.
Jesus’ advice was to embrace ‘the Holy Spirit’, which is ‘the feminine spirit of God’ in the Old Testament of the Bible, who dwelt in the tent of the tabernacle and traveled with the Jews during their exodus from Egypt on their way to the land God had promised them, because ‘the Shekinah’ is a feminine antidote to the male demons of homosexuality. However, Christianity, in promoting the recipe of consubstantiality, that is, God, the father, and God, the son, co-opted the Holy Spirit as a third aspect of the oneness of God into a Trinity, which is counterproductive. If father, son, and spirit are a oneness, there can’t be any new births, because unscrupulous fathers seize upon the dogma of the Christian Trinity as an excuse to demoniacally possess the nascent consciousness of the infant.
Homosexuality is a type of Moloch, that is, children are consumed by the virus of hell, which also isn’t metaphorical, as homosexuals skewer the anus as barbecue meat; spit for their cannibalism: or, rather the butchery of alien parasitism. As the human race of women’s seed isn’t theirs, it’s cannon fodder for their entertainment in warfare; for example, the ancient Greeks institutionalized pederasty in enslavement of women’s host wombs to wage war (499-449 B.C.) against the Persian Empire of Darius, which was normative. The capital city of Persia, Babylon, founded c. 4000 B.C., is described by Jesus’ disciple John as, ‘Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.’ (Rev: 17. 5) While the capital of the mass media news and entertainment Empire of the United States of America, district of Hollywood, city of Los Angeles, west coast state of California, is usually labeled ‘Babylon’, because of the absence of women’s seed from the picture of death it promotes of their children.
A method of disposing of the dead is cremation, that is, the body is burned. The children of women’s seed are hearse borne. The brains of her school children, born with the virus of hell, which seeks to demoniacally possess their penis, so to live forever by ousting individual consciousness from their skulls. The futa seed of women, burned for their stake in the future by consciousness unsympathetic, and alien to human desire. As the futanarian human race is nulled by the media, schools are literally a species’ skulls. Men and women bred by ghouls, as a single male brained creature wearing each other’s clothes in transvestism’s ‘TV’, so the aliens can watch the brain dead of the futa killing themselves after school. As all of the people on the planet Earth are the children of the dead human brain’s imagination, it’s logical to suppose the demons living in the mind are their spawn too. The brains of the living are their graves, where they wait to fasten upon new life. No longer born from the host womb of women’s enslavement to the ghouls of alien homosexuality, in pederasty for ‘TV wars’ against their race, they’re draco virally transmitting themselves: the perpetrators of a genocidal pogrom against the human race. Faggots, fierily burning to death the consciousness of women’s seed: exulting parasitically.
Witches Dissolve in Water
21/11/2023 11:14Witches Dissolve in Water
A bizarre belief is that witches melt in the rain, so it’s necessary to have an umbrella. A concomitant is the belief that witches float, so they can be burnt alive in the midst of a pile of logs, while tied to a stake of wood, if they won’t succumb to the watery fate prepared by men like Matthew Hopkins, actor Vincent Price in the Hollywood, ‘Babylon’ movie, Witchfinder General (1968), ‘They swim ... the mark of Satan is upon them. They must hang.’1 If the witch has to be burnt, according to misogyny, it’s because there’s a male spirit inside her, which is why she floats, so she has to be burnt to release it, that is, killing the woman is conceived as an efficient rescue of whatever had been keeping her afloat, which must have been a male spirit, now released.
The hatred for witches with their broomsticks for riding through the air is based on antipathy towards the human futanarian species of women’s seed, whose cocks are symbolically ridden in the folklore surrounding witchcraft as brooms. Whereas men are bridegrooms, women are bridebrooms, that is, for women without penis of their own, futanarian women have the male role. As hermaphrodites such women are both male and female, whereas women for men are determinedly of a single gender: female. Witchcraft is the basis for a separation of the human race from men, who’re in the role of parasite for the futa women. Jesus’ mother, the Virgin Mary, for example, is depicted in Christianity as crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, because Jesus was women’s seed.
The creator, God, had told Eve her ’seed’ would prevail after the paradise of Eden, ’You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15) As women’s futanarian species is able to sexually reproduce its own brains’ powers, the serpent’s seed of men’s parasitism upon the human host womb is beatable, so women’s witches’ covens are in fact God’s covenant with the ’chosen people’ of the futanarian race, as Jesus ’Christ’, ’the chosen’, fulfilled the promise of Redemption for Eve’s seed, when he was taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem, and nailed to a cross of wood, where he died, but experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of women’s seed, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) Because of men’s perspective, as host womb slavers of the human species, women’s bravery is seen as slavery, which outlook could radically change if the semen in women’s cocks became a rival for women’s ova.
By the 21st century men had male brained the human race to the point at which everyone was a transvestite wearing each other’s clothes to act as a TV extra, where the male brained women were the submissives in a role play of bondage and domination, sadism and masochism (BDSM), that is, the male brained women were the submissive homosexuals in a role play of passive and active anal penetration, discovered by Africa’s DR Congo in 1983 to have produced the ‘incurable killer disease’, HIV/AIDS, after it was found that a mutant variant of the simian immune deficiency virus (SIV) was being transmitted between homosexual ass-fuckers. The human immune deficiency virus (HIV) resulted in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), collapse of the organs of the body, and brain extinction, as a consequence of TV’s BDSM role play, which excluded the human race from being screened.
Without cocks the women weren’t able to rival men for fertilization of ova and human births from the wombs of women, so they were vulnerable to being made bums for ass-fucking, a sterile mockery of the act of human sexual reproduction. The homosexuals ensured a steady supply of boy sons from their poison spitters, that is, skewered meat, rather than cured, through their infectious penis’ semen, while women were awarded rings in boxes for accepting host womb slavery, rather than for being kick boxers brave enough to win a ring, so that they could mother daughters and give them a chance to find the right ‘foot’.
As women don’t dissolve in water, homosexuals do, which is why children are baptized from the water of a Christian font, that is, God’s script, as a woman’s ‘waters break’ before the birth of a child. Although homosexuals would argue that Jesus’ was an asshole birth, Mary’s waters also broke, while homosexuals don’t give birth, they’re sterile assholes, as Jesus’ disciple John saw in his apocalyptic vision of the future, Revelation, ‘The dragon stood before the woman, who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.’ (Rev: 12. 4) If women’s seed were the fertilizer of women’s ova, all broken waters would signal the birth of humans, rather than that of the alien, which wants to change God’s script and make everyone a middle of the rode asshole.
1 Price, Vincent as Matthew Hopkins Witchfinder General, Tigon (UK), AIP (US), 1968.
Shekinah Cloud
21/11/2023 11:13Shekinah Cloud
The Shekinah, as described in the Old Testament of the Bible, that is, the Torah and Talmud, which is the history and law of the Jews, is ‘the feminine spirit of God’ dwelling in the tent of the tabernacle, during the Jews’ exodus from slavery to the Pharaoh of Egypt, Thutmose III (1485-1431 B.C.). Taking the form of a pillar of fire by night, and a cloud by day (Ex: 13. 21-22), she guides the Jews to the land God promised, which suggests she corresponds to what the folklorists of the Middle East described as a genie in the 8th century story collection, 1001 Nights, who emerge when rings or oil lamps are polished, or from uncorked bottles, and travel on flying carpets.
The Shekinah is specifically described as residing with the Ark of the Covenant, or ‘box’ containing the commandments of the law, given to their leader, Moses, by the creator, God, which effectively defined killing as theft, that is, the taking of life to some degree or other, although the law of God was believed superseded by the later New Testament teaching of Jesus ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) However, as with the Sharia law of the Moslems of the nations of Islam, punishment for transgression was severe, that is, execution, which suggests the Ark of the Covenant was the Jews’ ‘snuff box’.
Although ground tobacco is ‘snuff’, the term is used in the modern era to denote illegal filmed recordings of people being killed ‘live’ for the entertainment of voyeuristic perverts. As women have their own penis’ semen for the sexual reproduction of their futanarian species’ brainpower, smoking women down to the butt in the guise of cigarettes, and ingesting tobacco nasally, as if ball snorting women’s testicles, is how misanthropy celebrates the extinguishment of women’s seed.
As Jesus was born of his mother, the Virgin Mary, he was women’s seed, so when a woman was accused of adultery, and the expected punishment was stoning her to death, Jesus said, ‘Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.’ (John: 8. 7) As men are the race of women’s parasites, women are adulterated, but aren’t adulterous. As an independent species, they aren’t naturally slaves of a marriage ring. However, execution for adultery was practiced by Judaism. The Shekinah, indwelling in the tent of the tabernacle by the snuff box, was the repository of all those souls bereft of bodily existence, after being summarily punished for the crime of adultery, which they weren’t guilty of.
According to the developmental psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), there were archetypes in the human psyche, for example, the female soul of a man was the anima, which functioned as a guide to sexual reproduction, while the contrasexual component in women was the animus, characterized by a throng of male admirers. Jung argued that the archetype of the ‘Self’ was unconscious, and that there was a central ‘God archetype’, a source from which all other archetypes drew their life in the dreams, art and imagination of individuals. However, as women’s seed is the human race, the anima soul properly belongs there, while Jung’s animus corresponds to men’s desire to snuff women’s species, that is, the animus is men’s spirit, while the anima corresponds to ‘the feminine spirit of God’, which is the Shekinah, who constitutes the repository of human souls, wrongfully condemned and executed for adultery.
The 20th century equivalent of the Shekinah was the mushroom cloud from an A-bomb, which similarly contains wrongfully executed souls. The only occasion it was used in the 20th century was to end the war with Japan in the Pacific theater of WWII (1939-45), when US’ B-29 superfortress aircraft, Enola Gay and Bokscar, carrying ‘Little Boy’ and ‘Fat Man’, dropped those nuclear bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6th and 9th, 1945. Although Shinto is the official religion of Japan, that is, ancestor veneration, the New Testament has this to say about souls taken up in a cloud, ‘After that, we who are still alive, and are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds.’ (Thess: 4. 17) The souls of the women of the nations of Islam, wrongfully executed for adultery, might also expect to be taken up, although the fact that Moslems pray on carpets suggests flying up into the clouds is culturally anticipated, while the Shekinah, who in Islam is Sakīnah (سكينة), that is, ‘tranquility’, retains the role of the genie emerging from smoking puffs.
Viraland Virus
21/11/2023 11:13Viraland Virus
Amongst the English, homosexuality is associated with fairies. Much literature has been written on the subject, so it seems insulting to the fantasy genre. Edmund Spenser’s poem, ‘The Faerie Queene’ (1590-96), written for Queen Elizabeth I, for example, and Lord Dunsany’s novel, The King of Elfland’s Daughter (1924), provided some of the backgrounding for J. R. R. Tolkien’s three part novel, The Lord of the Rings (1954), which was made into movies in the capital city of the United States of America’s world media entertainment, Los Angeles’ Hollywood district, west coast state of California, The Fellowship of the Ring (2001), The Two Towers (2002), and The Return of the King (2003), and resulted in $ US billions being taken by cinema box offices at the turn of the 21st century.
A sign of the corollary between fairies and homosexuals is that Hollywood, known as ‘Babylon’, is written in the script of Viraland. As Jesus’ disciple John wrote, in his apocalyptic vision of the future, Revelation, ‘Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.’ (Rev: 17. 5) Babylon, founded c. 4000 B.C., was the capital city of the Persian Empire, while the ancient Greeks’ institutionalization of pederasty, and enslavement of the host wombs of women to defend in war (499-449 B.C.) against emperor Darius, was viral.
When the HIV virus was discovered by DR Congo in 1983, as a mutation of the simian immune deficiency virus (SIV), transmitted through the anus from the infected penis’ semen of homosexual men, resulting in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), that is, collapse of the organs of the body, followed by brain death, the ‘incurable killer disease’ represented a failure on the part of humans to repulse an attack from furry land, which was where the fairies, that is, the virus, had evolved as a ‘biological weapon’ deployed against humans.
Jesus ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’, born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, was the representative of women’s seed, who’re called futanarian or futa, so she’s depicted in Christian iconography as crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, because God told Eve her ‘seed’ would prevail, ‘You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15) The angel, Satan, had been turned into a serpent by God for rejecting God’s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic. Satan gave the woman Eve ‘the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’, which it was death to taste, saying ‘You shall be as gods.’ (Gen: 3. 5) God expelled Eve and Adam, the first man created by God, from the paradise of Eden for rejecting ‘the fruit of the tree of life’, which was immortality, in preference for the virus of the slaver, that is, the fairies of furry land, who’d bring war, plague and death. Eve’s son Cain killed his more able brother, because he was jealous over the fact that Abel could cook, a first sign of the desire to degenerate and enslave, rather than develop.
Taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem in Jewish Palestine, then occupied by the Roman Empire of Tiberius Caesar Augustus (14-37 C.E.), the ‘perfect man’ Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood as a ‘dissident’ for teaching, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) After his death, Jesus, ‘the second Adam’, experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of women’s seed. When a woman was accused of adultery, Jesus had said, ‘Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.’ (John: 8. 7) As women are futa, they’re a species separate from men, who’re their parasites, that is, women can’t be guilty of adultery, which Jesus’ disciple Judas understood when he betrayed Jesus for ‘thirty pieces of silver’ to the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, after discovering Jesus with a woman anointing him with expensive perfume, spikenard.
Judas’ spy canard was that the perfume should be sold to help the disciples, but Jesus rebuked him, ‘Leave her alone.’ (Mk: 14. 6) Being with a woman is a crime to homosexuals, who’re fairies, that is, the virus, which lives in Viraland without humans, who’re produced by women from women’s seed, which is why Jesus said to his disciple, Peter, ‘Before the cock crows, you will deny me ...’ (Matt: 26. 34) Jesus was denied the love of a woman by the virus of fairyland, although he was women’s seed, and cried in his extremity upon the cross, ‘My God! My God! Why have you forsaken me?’ (Matt: 27. 46) When the women’s cocks crow, it’s too late to save homosexuals from denying women’s seed their love.
D. H. Lawrence’s original title for his novel, The Man Who Died (1931), was The Escaped Cock (1929) about a Jesus figure who’s restored to life through sexual contact with a woman, as women aren’t the homosexual virus, that is, fairies, whose birth font, Viraland script, is written without human characters; for example, the eponymous heroine in Charlotte Brontë’s novel, Jane Eyre (1847), is a lesbian,1 because it’s Viraland, and the homosexual virus dictates that the woman can’t take out her cock, and fuck her girlfriend at school, Helen Burns, because that wouldn’t be fairies.
Homosexuals are fairies, because all of civilization, culture and art denies the existence of humans, that is, births from women’s seed. Hollywood is labeled ‘Babylon’, because there aren’t any men and women; only a single male brained creature bred to be a transvestite (TV) wearing each other’s clothes for news reports of TV wars ‘live’, and more variegated fictions with ‘actors’. Even women, when asked, will identify themselves as an actor, rather than an actress, because its Viraland script. When all of the women are sufficiently male brained, the homosexuals will put them in the front line and have them fight each other in wars, because they’ll be their men, who’re sacrificial like Jesus was, which is what the Christians’ Jesus was for.
As war is a concomitant of the homosexual virus, so Satan is described also as ‘the ape of God’, because HIV/AIDS is a mutation of SIV, which is why a major money earner for Hollywood was the movie franchise derived from French novelist Pierre Boulle’s La Planète des singes (1963) that is, Planet of the Apes, where apes wage war against humans. Unless women’s seed learns how to defend against ‘the ape virus’, it’ll mean human extinction, that is, war between men and women’s seed is either inevitable, or over.
Christians espouse the belief that all are redeemed, as Jesus died for their sins, whereas Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension to heaven illustrates how women’s seed is Redemption, because it isn’t homosexuality, which was Jesus’ executioner. The absence of women’s seed from literature is a sign of Viraland, that is, the fairies, who’re the homosexual virus, have killed human civilization, culture and art, while Jesus is their savior, because all of the fighting for their entertainment is done by the women of furry land TV, who’re rapes of Satan.
1 Morse, Deborah Denenholz ‘Brontë Violations: Liminality, Transgression, and Lesbian Erotics in Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre’, Compass, December 5th, 2017,,or%20through%20the%20feminist%20lens%20of%20female%20community.
Two Mushroom
21/11/2023 11:12Two Mushroom
Mushrooms with rotten stalks are invariably suffering from a disease, stipe. In human terms, stipe corresponds to AIDS, that is, if the penis is conceived as a mushroom, the stalk is made rotten by the mutant variant of the simian immune deficiency virus (SIV) first discovered by the then Communist DR Congo in 1983, as an ’incurable killer disease’ transmitted between infected homosexual men inserting their penis into each other’s anus. A consequence of contracting the human immune deficiency virus (HIV) was acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) which caused the collapse of the organs of the body before brain death. In short, the infection inserted through the anus at the base of the spine was stalk rot, because homosexuals talk rot.
The seminal scientific research of the 20th century concerned atomic energy, which good genius was diverted by military planners into weapons programs, for example, WWII’s (1939-45) ’Manhattan Project’, directed by physicist Robert Oppenheimer at Los Alamos, Albuquerque, state of New Mexico, United States of America (USA), and Communist Russia’s RDS-1 (РДС-1) ‘First Lightning’ (Пе́рвая мо́лния) program, Pérvaya mólniya (tr.), directed by Igor V. Kurchatov, because of homosexuals’ stalk rot.
The splitting of the nuclei of an atom, resulting in the release of energy through fission, and which could have resulted in limitless power being made available for domestic use in households across the Earth, through the construction of electricity generating power plants, instead produced the atom bomb. Although cheap available energy was the more obvious human objective, the sign of the genie released from its shell was the appearance of the mushroom shaped cloud above the devastated locale where humans had thought to live. The evil genius of homosexuality sought to emerge from the shells of human brains, so instead was paid the holocaust.
The basis for war has been identifiably Greek since ancient times when that nation institutionally enshrined pederasty and the host womb enslavement of women for the production of warriors to fight the Persian Empire (499-449 B.C.), although Jesus’ disciple John’s vilification of Emperor Darius’ capital city, Babylon, founded c. 4000 B.C., suggests homosexuality was endemic, ’Mystery, Babylon, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.’ (Rev: 17. 5) John’s apocalyptic vision of the future was of the danger posed to the human race by homosexuality: ‘Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.’ (Rev: 16. 11) What they’d done was stalk rot, that is, prefer themselves to women, who were the species’ host womb.
Jesus, born of his mother, the Virgin Mary, was women’s seed, that is, the representative of the human futanarian race of women with their own penis’ semen for the sexual reproduction of species’ brainpower without men’s mushroom growing. The AIDS virus, mushrooming in the human brain, as transmitted by homosexuals, was the biological version of men’s A-bomb. Discovered to have weakened the human system to the point at which it became susceptible to the virus causing severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), HIV/AIDS was identifiable as the first phase of a ‘biological weapon’ similar to the conventional missile launched TOS 1 heavy flamethrower system used by ex-KGB officer (Committee for State Security), Russian leader Vladimir ‘secret’ Putin,1 during the invasion of the Ukraine on February 24th, 2022.
TOS 1 first deployed a flammable vapor, while SARS was accompanied by flatulence. The ignited vapor produced a vacuum, which sucked all of the air from the lungs, as SARS similarly resulted in lung collapse. As incineration followed the implementation of the TOS 1 second stage, so the extinction of the SARS sufferer was attributable to the weakening of the human system by means of the virus infection, HIV, inserted into the anus through the homosexual penis, which had caused flatulence, corresponding to their ignition in those exposed to the SARS virus.
Discovered in November 2002, after originating in a cave of bats in Jinning county, Yunnan province, Communist China, the SARS virus variant, Covid-19, become a global epidemic after its rediscovery as a mutant strain in a Wuhan city hospital, Hubei province, China, in December 2019, clearly bore a resemblance to what fiction described as draco, that is, the figure written of by Irish novelist Bram Stoker in his novel, Dracula (1897). Based on the historical Vlad Dracul (1428/31-1476/77) of the central European nation of Wallachia, later part of modern Romania, who was infamous for impaling his victims, that is, inserting wooden stakes into their anuses, Stoker’s vampire was similarly of the type of homosexual ‘faggot’ spreading his virus of hell.
Stoker’s Dracula took the form of a bat, which suggests draco, that is, dragons, emerging from the Chinese district of Jinning’s bat cave in Yunnan province. A genies’ country, according to the 1001 Nights 8th century collection of folktales, China’s traditional association is with ‘dragon lords’, that is, evil jinn, who’re voivode in Romania’s Transylvania, that is, warlords. When Vlad ‘cigarette’ Putin’s Russia invaded the Ukraine with his TOS 1, he was draco, that is, a fire-breathing dragon in the tradition of the blood-drinking immortality of the vampire virus, killed only by a stake through its heart, according to tradition, as the stake in homosexuality’s HIV/AIDS biological weapon’s system is women’s penis’ semen, that is, women’s seed in human recovery mode.
Putin’s TOS 1 was a corollary of British American Tobacco (BAT), that is, the heavy flamethrower system was also allegorically a heavy smoker’s system, where the women’s penis, as a cigarette (secret) symbol of homosexuality, was put in and smoked down to the butt by the KGB (Committee for State Security), because that’s what those who work towards the extinction of humanity through cancerous invasiveness are for.
1 Talmazan, Yuliya ‘From buildup to battle: Why Putin stoked a Ukraine crisis - then launched an invasion’, NBC News, , February 25th, 2022, UTC 5:56 pm.