
Vedic Videos

21/11/2023 02:49

Vedic Videos


Written in the Indo-Iranian language, Sanskrit, the Vedas (c. 1500-500 B.C.), Roman Latin cognate video, ‘I see’, form the basis of the Hindu religion in the subcontinent of India, revised by Gautama Buddha (c. 563-400 B.C.), as the Buddhist religion, enhancing some attributes of Hinduism, while desensitizing important aspects. Most disinterested Western observers are aware of the chakra ladder, which is a series of nodes along the spine, called ‘energy points’, identified by the Eastern religions as representing the ascent of consciousness from the base of the spine, Muladhara chakra, to the crown at the top of the head, Sahasrara chakra, with Svadhisthana (reproductive organs), Manipura (digestion/gestation), Anahata (heart), Vishuddhi (throat), and Ajna (frontal lobe), between Muladhara and Sahasrara, signifying the path of the awakening ego.

 The goal of meditation for Eastern religion is loss of ego, resulting in the end of the world of illusion, samsara, as the individual awakens into reality. What has puzzled many commentators is the number of arms possessed by the Hindu gods and goddesses. Whereas some researchers aver that it’s metaphorical in that people sexually reproduce as tribes, that is, families, so they have multiple valences based on skills learnt and innate aptitude, other researchers assert that it’s a depiction of an insect farm, for example, those with six arms, but the normative bipedal human arrangement, are spiders. However, that ignores the highly specialized nature of the forms, which are depicted holding phials and tools, etc., with which to combat demons, for example, whose many arms grasping weapons correspond to the multi-valences of the virus of hell that disease humans and result in their decease, that is, they become uncomfortable and stop.

 In Greek mythology, the god Chronos castrates his father, Uranus, before throwing the genitals into the sea, whence the goddess Aphrodite then emerges. Although the perception is that Uranus was male, Jewish Midrash assert that the first man, Adam, was hermaphroditic, that is, Uranus was a hermaphrodite, which means Rhea, Chronos’ wife, was the castrated Uranus, while her ruse to have Chronos swallow a stone, rather than Zeus, his son, as it was Chronos’ usual practice to devour his children, is a further indication of women’s refusal to accept extinction as a race; they won’t be stopped by disease. Although it’s clear that the woman Eve, created from the rib or side of Adam by the creator, God, according to the Old Testament of the Christian Bible, which is the Torah and Talmud of the Jews, that is, their law and history, is the birth mate of a hermaphrodite, what isn’t clear is that Jesus’ mother, the Virgin Mary, is hermaphroditic. What is clear is that Mary is a type of Uranus for homosexuality, that is, Jesus ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’, whose teaching is the New Testament of the Christian Bible, which they believe supersedes Judaic law, born uncontaminated by male semen, was women’s seed, called futanarian, which is why he was killed, for preaching, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) However, homosexual propaganda is that he was born from Mary’s anus, as he was one of theirs.

 Depicted in Christian iconography crushing the head of a serpent with her foot, that is, as Jesus is futanarian women’s seed, Jesus is her foot, Mary fulfils a promise from God that the ‘seed’ of Eve will prevail, after the angel, Satan, turned into a serpent for rejecting God’s plan that the human species be greater than the angelic, persuaded Eve and Adam to accept slavery in ephemerality, rather than immortality, ‘You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15) For homosexuality, Mary corresponds to the castrated Uranus from which Jesus emerges, as Zeus from his mother, Rhea, and who Chronos, the god of time, prepares to devour. However, despite being caught with a woman by the homosexual slavers, that is, the Pharisees, notified by the disciple of Jesus, Judas, who gave Jesus to the Romans, then occupying Jewish Palestine, in the name of their Emperor, Tiberius Caesar Augustus (14-37 C.E.), who took Jesus to the hill of Calvary, outside the city of Jerusalem, where he was nailed to a cross of wood, and died there, Jesus experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of women’s seed, which is the meaning of Jesus’ teaching in the New Testament, as women are a neighborly species that breeds, but doesn’t wed into the ephemerality of acceptance of ring slavery by a parasite on their human futanarian race’s host womb, as Jesus perceived ‘Leave her alone.’ (Mk: 14. 6)

 Homosexuality presents Jesus as being their sexy kill, thereby promoting human sacrifice as Christianity, whereas he was a man killed, after being found with a woman, as the homosexual slavers were frightened that women’s seed would breed. The idea of women reproducing themselves is evidenced in popular music videos, for example, in Britney Spears’ ‘Lucky’ (2000) from the album, Oops! … I Did It Again and Kylie Minogue’s ‘Come Into My World’ (2001) from the album, Fever, the songstresses are depicted as replicated several times over. Although the imagery is presented as merely novelty, the actual issue isn’t that women are futanarian, which means that individuals are able to sexually reproduce without an external agent, but copyright, that is, the ego wants to insist on the uniqueness of its identity, which is what the Eastern religions warn against, as it’s a species impediment to insist on singularity of personality.

 Britney Spears, whose eponymous character in the video, Lucky, is depicted being served by herself as ‘handmaidens’, and Kylie, who in ‘Come Into My World’ presents herself as a type of the indefatigable heroine in a video game, prepared to start again as avatars of herself, in a way reminiscent of the movie Groundhog Day (1993), where each relived day is the same as the day before, and actress Andie MacDowell, as Rita Hanson, has to remember what happened the previous February 2nd day to be successful in the course of her encountering the same people each subsequent February 2nd day, is a recognition that success depends on losing ego, as actor Billy Murray in the role of Phil Connors says, ‘Well, what if there is no tomorrow? There wasn't one today.’1 That there are ‘others’ relates to the fact that original humanity could reproduce itself, whereas castrated women’s seed was taught an ego-centric philosophy that denied the possibility of sexual replication, as time-travel is also pooh-poohed, whereas the idea that there are earlier, as well as later selves, is in accordance with the fact of replication as more than a metaphor for copyright obsessions.



 Contrary to the perspective that imitators pose a threat to copyright is the more realistic position that replicas contribute to an oeuvre in which the career of the replicated grows in stature, without any particular avatar being held to be the star of the show. From a capitalist point of view that corresponds to Western ideas of communism as a collective, insectoid mind, ‘from each according to his abilities; to each according to his needs’, as German economics philosopher Karl Marx wrote in Das Kapital (1867), which denies the unique person their special role as a better worker for themselves and their own developmental progression to what Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) called individuation, that is, the self-actualization advocated by the Eastern religions.

 In ‘Lucky’ Britney’s avatars are depicted as inferior aspects who serve the star, which accords with Western capitalism’s view of the collective as insects, for example, ants serve their queen, whereas in ego-loss the selves of the star through time contribute to the whole, which in becoming more successful poses a threat to the capitalist ethos of wage slavery in that the self-replicating star, with many identities and personalities, can work for themselves. Slavery is then the ambition of companies, that is, those who run the ‘comps’, to prevent the individual star from recognizing their true position in the firmament of heaven as travelers through time and space. Making stars egocentric by raising copyright issues is then a means whereby the slaver ensures a blinkered understanding of what a star is, that is, a point in time that, extending neither forwards nor backwards in space, constitutes an ephemeral directionless void, which perhaps isn’t the truth in that, existing as past and future selves, a self-reproducing star can utilize themselves to become much more magnified than theretofore, which is the nature of women’s hermaphroditic seed.

 The Covid epidemic, which began at a Wuhan city hospital, Hubei province, communist China, traditionally the land of the mythical dragon, in December 2019, killing upwards of 6, 000, 000 people globally, before being declared endemic, that is, controllable by vaccine, such as the Janssen one-shot, by the World Health Organization (WHO) on May 5th, 2023, was a company video, Co., vid, after the fashion of the Vedic scriptures, written by apauruṣeya, ‘supermen’, presenting the multi-armed gods and goddesses as embattled by multi-armed demons. Corresponding to Cov-SARS 2, after Cov-SARS 1, emerging from a cave of bats in Yunnan province in 2002, was controlled by 2004, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), the Covid 19 virus, and named for the year of its advent, 2019, scientifically labeled as amongst the type coronavirus, corresponded for Eastern religions to an attack by demons on the Sahasrara crown chakra at the top of the head, representing the zenith to meditating aspirants of what Carl Jung called individuation, which recognition of the importance of loss of ego should result in the passing of the world of illusion and awakening into ‘star’ reality, where the individual, and their respective selves, existing in the past and future, throughout time and space, develops as a multiple unity.



 Although the pantheistic multi-person solipsism of science fiction writer, Robert A. Heinlein (1907-88), in his 1980 space-car alternate-reality time-travel novel, The Number of the Beast, rehashed as The Pursuit of the Pankera (2020), from Deety Burroughs’ command to the car equipped with her father Jake’s ‘continua device’ that is, from chapter XVIII, ‘Zebadiah’, <> p. 173, “Gay Deceiver … Bug Out!”, is often cited as the necessary corrective, in that the existence of people in the universe is as a collective that agreed to be split off into components, and what subsequently transpired is the efforts of the unity to remember themselves, that’s communism, and/or wage slavery, whereas the idea that stars can look up and down to help themselves is a form of capitalist entrepreneurialism that slaving through companies would seek to suppress, which is what Covid, as a video made by the ‘death comps’, signaled.

 That people don’t visit their past or their future is because they’re damned by the Masons, which is their secret organization, as the slave labor comps need human damnation to continue profiting from the misery they create, for example, the simian immune deficiency virus (SIV), found by DR Congo in 1983, as an ‘incurable disease’ mutant variant transmitted, as the human immune deficiency virus (HIV), by homosexuals mixing infected blood in each other’s anuses, during sterile mockery of the act of human sexual reproduction, weakened the human system to the point at which it was vulnerable to SARS, that is, AIDS/SARS was a biological weapon conceived homosexually by sadistic devotees of the French libertine writer, Marquis de Sade, whose 120 Days of Sodom (1875), was instrumental in popularizing the homosexuality that inexorably produced de Sade’s SARS, as an aspect of the vampire that doesn’t have sex for you, because it interferes with its slaving of the blood bags of the remains of women’s seed.



 Without any interest in sexual reproduction, homosexuality is the basis of human slavery, for example, as a human sacrifice, Jesus preceded all those sent to the front to fight wars urged on by the homosexuals in their rears. Historically, the ancient Greeks institutionalized pederasty, and the host womb enslavement of women, to produce soldiery for war, for example, against the Persian Empire of Darius (499-49 B.C.), that is, as a biological weapon, AIDS/SARS was homosexually prefigured. That AIDS was discovered to have emerged by Africa’s DR Congo, all but a ‘satellite’ slave state of the Soviet Union, that is, communist Russia, while SARS emerged in China, as a phlegm throwing virus prequel to Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine, suggests research into the deployment of such biological weapons. The disease of the Tsars of Russia, before the October 1917 communist revolution, led by Vladimir Ilyich ‘Lenin’, was hemophilia, where victims bleed profusely, without the blood clotting, and perhaps die of what, for normal people, is a slight cut. Consequently, Russia’s interest in blood disease, morbidly fixed at an early stage in that country’s medical research, naturally developed into studies of East European vampirism when opportunity afforded.

 Although the slave ambitions of the German Empire of Wilhelm II were defeated in World War One (1914-18), defeat of German slavery again in the Second World War (1939-45) resulted in Russia’s refusal to withdraw from those countries liberated in the course of its capturing the German capital city, Berlin, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) continued to exist as a system of satellite ‘soviet’ slave nations in thrall to the USSR, until revolution in 1989, against the Soviet Empire, led to those countries regaining independence, that is, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Romania, and the soviet system of decentralized central control reconstituted as the Russian Federation in 1991.

 Despite optimism, the election of Vladimir Putin as President in 1999, ominously a former lieutenant colonel with the intelligence agency, the Committee for State Security (KGB), revealed the Russian plan to be a farmer of former slave states in that it invaded the Ukraine on February 24th, 2022, as a field left fallow in its independence from Russia since 1991, with the TOS 1 and 2 heavy flamethrower system, as the main field weapon of the ‘Red Army’, corresponding to the ‘red dragon’ (Rev: 12. 4) of Jesus’ disciple John’s apocalyptic vision of the future, Revelation, as the Ukraine had but recently then applied to become a member of the European Union (EU) of states, with its blue flag of twelve stars, ‘And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed in the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and crying out in the pain and agony of giving birth.’ (Rev: 12. 1-2) The child is the ‘Second Coming’ of Jesus, according to John, ‘he who will rule the nations with an iron scepter’, although the appearance of AIDS/SARS in the land of the mythical dragon, Red, that is, communist, China, and the invasion of the Ukraine by the communist Red Army of Russia, suggests Putin isn’t he, ‘The dragon stood before the woman, who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.’ (Rev: 12. 4) In Hindu terms, while Veda means what’s seen, invader is what’s seen by invasion, for example, in English science fiction writer George Orwell’s 1984 (1948), the television watches you, which is where Hinduism has similarities with Judaism, in that Eve and Adam are invasively monitored by the creator, God, before the serpent physically invades their space which, as Adam, the first man, is portrayed as hermaphroditic by Jewish Midrash, is a metaphor for how the human futanarian species of women’s seed was enslaved as an alien’s farm.



 The serpent, who gives Eve ‘the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’, which it’s death to taste, worms its way into the living core of the human brain, as the fruit of its disease, which is why it equates with the slave virus suite, AIDS/SARS. Eve and Adam’s acceptance of themselves, and their descendants, as the serpent’s coffin, directed by the coughin’ of the worm, through the cigarette virus, for example, smoking the penis of the species of women’s seed down to its butt, is the ‘original sin’ of inviting the corer, with its coffin, to pursue the human race to its grave, while looking to profit from its efforts, and be immortal therefrom, as the human disappears in a puff o’ smoke, its seed sterilized by the alienating homosexual alien, castrator of the species of women’s seed, sundered thereby from its own human mode of sexual reproduction, doomed to fight a sex war in ignorance of its being driven by an alien to exterminate what’s left of itself, ‘You shall be as gods.’ (Gen: 3. 5)

 In John’s apocalyptic vision, the serpent’s become a dragon, while the term draco voivode, that is, ‘war dragon’, is a term common throughout Eurasia for rulers like 15th century Prince Vlad Dracul III of Wallachia, later modern Romania, the model for Irish writer Bram Stoker’s vampire novel, Dracula (1897), whose impaling of his victims’ anuses upon sharp faggots is reminiscent of homosexuality, while Stoker’s Dracula, situated in a castle in the Romanian province of Transylvania, is depicted as immortal by drinking the blood of humans, draining from the jugular through hollow incisor teeth, collapsing the organs of the body, before brain death, which Russia with its history of hemophiles, in control of Eastern Europe after WWII, examined credulously during the emergence of the ‘blood plague’ (Rev: 11. 6), AIDS/SARS, associable as it is with being taken from behind by a ‘beast’.

 What’s interesting about the vampire legend is the ability of the creature to confer immortality upon the victims whose necks it bites, which is similar to Jesus’ promise of resurrection to his believers, ‘They were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.” Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.’ (Matt: 26. 26-8) Encouraging disciples to drink human blood and be immortal is the teaching of a vampire, such preying being symptomatic of the draco voivode, for example, the disease featured in the draco video, Covid, with its symptoms of flatulence and brain damage, evidenced in the Russian farters of Putin’s invasion of the Ukraine, where the first stage TOS missile launch was a flammable vapor, followed by a second stage fierily causing lung collapse, replicating the effects of SARS as a complementary conventional weapon, designed to facilitate the dragon of war’s invasiveness, as the property thieves of unscrupulous business chased the living with their coffin, ‘The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to wage war on the remnant of her seed.’ (Rev: 12. 17)



 With blacked out images of women’s seed, racism against women is what’s booted on ‘phone screens, as polished shoe bait tins for parasites, and it can’t have escaped anyone’s notice that ‘phone companies, like Demo’ Bile, and Serbia’s Yeh Till, replacing Tell ‘n oar, seeming to have learned a lot from ‘ethnic cleansing’, stood to gain if an individual died before using the balance on their account, while the same is true of banking to a greater or lesser extent, that is, if the bank is cashless, the legs of the breathless heart attack victim needs must stagger further, urged on by the vampire of the brain worm there in it coffin, whereas the hype over instantaneous computer transmission of data, over the internet information superhighway, provided at a price by the telecommunications companies, promising less stress, rather than more, in the daily lives of people, turned out to be an additional form of brain slavery, demanding constant brain engagement with passwords, and pin (personal identification number) code keys, as the posthumously published anti-bank Robert Heinlein novel, The Pursuit of the Pankera, recognized, ‘In our initial trouble with Panki we were always handicapped. Only good luck and fast footwork kept us alive. Something was trying to kill us; we didn’t know what or why. All we could do was run, abandoning everything we could not carry - bank accounts, homes, machine tools, libraries, established status, incomes, identities, even our home planet; all this was jettisoned to save our necks. We were homeless orphans … with an inflexible deadline and no way to meet it. We didn’t have time to fight Panki.’2 If the objective is to keep the depositor off their balance, no one is able to.

 66.6% (666) is the number of men and women after the castration of the human futanarian species of women’s seed, who although constituting that missing 33.3%, as they possess all of the host wombs, are actually 100% human, ‘Let he that has wisdom have understanding. The number of a man is the number of the beast and his number is six hundred three score and six.’ (Rev: 13. 8) Men and women, as a single male brained creature, wearing each other’s clothes as a transvestite TV, are a ‘number’ sexual, that is, ‘the beast’, ‘The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.’ (Rev: 13. 15) The TV, programed to kill women’s seed, as an invading ‘war dragon’, adopts the same approach throughout the socio-economic life of the ‘remnant’ of the human species, rather than allow stars to take control of their own destiny, as English writer, Rudyard Kipling, advocated in his 1896 poem, ‘L’Envoi’:


‘And no one shall work for money, and no one shall work for fame,

But each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,

Shall draw the Thing as he sees It for the God of Things as They Are!’3



 Although self-sufficiency, comedically ridiculed publicly, as in BBC TV’s preemptive strike against self-reliance, The Good Life (1975-78), starring actor, Richard Briers, and actress, Felicity Kendall, in their roles as Tom and Barbara Good, attempting to be self-sufficient in suburbia, instantaneous telecommunications, as a form of time travel, without being damned by the Masons in ephemeral slavery, would allow each star to take control of their own destiny to raise themselves to the heavens by virtue of perseverance in the pursuit of their own good, throughout the space and time they’re inhabiting, past and future. Instead, what humanity has is ethnic ‘L’Envoi’:


‘And only the Master shall praise us,

And only the Master shall blame’



 In ethnic cleansing, which is the extermination of those who’re different, for example, during World War Two the German National Socialist (Nazi) leader, Adolf Hitler, elected Reichsführer democratically in 1933, ordered the construction of ‘death camps’, where 6, 000, 000 Jews were systematically killed, after being directed to take a shower, where poison gas was released instead of water, and the ashes of the incinerated Jews were made into bars of soap for the guards to use, in lieu of additional ribbon honors for their medals, also called ‘bars’, the ‘Master’ is a Mason, rather than the creator, God, and the ambition, as with the Christian Serb militia, during the Bosnian war (1992-5) for independence from the East European proto-communist Balkans’ ‘superstate’ of Yugoslavia, is for the ‘master race’ of übermensch, ‘supermen’, to construct ‘rape camps’, in that case for Moslem women of the nations of the religion of Islam, believers in the Koran (610-30 C.E.), dictated by the angels of God to their Prophet, Mohamed, according to Islamic tradition, and corresponding to the Ukraine for the Red Army, where rape seed, having borne fruit, and become a peaceful civilization, was ripe for farming by yet another ‘previous’ invader whored.

 The Nazi ideology was that they were Aryan descendants of the Indo-Iranian apauruṣeya, ‘supermen’, associated with video, as an aspect of Hinduism’s Vedic scriptures, where invaders disrupt the picture as ideally painted by apauruṣeya in the Sanskrit Vedas, for example, the Mongol ‘golden horde’ of Genghis Khan killed 75% of the population of Iran between 1219 and 1221, as ‘farmers’, which is why the Nazis saw themselves as Aryan übermensch, while the invaders of the Ukraine, backed by biblical imagery, viewed themselves in the same way, as God’s ‘war dragon’ foreordained in Jesus’ disciple John’s vision of the apocalypse. Even Christians, taught that homosexuals killed Jesus in a sexy way to promote greater human sacrifice, believe Putin to be the predestined ‘Messiah’, sent to rule against the EU as Jesus in his ‘Second Coming’ to the Earth, despite the facts belying the assertion, that is, the ‘red dragon’ of Revelation is Satan, and Jesus isn’t identifiable with the heavy flamethrower system of a fire-breathing dragon.

 That ‘toss’ is a term for ejaculation, through masturbation, further defines Putin’s TOS 1 and TOS 2 system. A disease affecting the stem of mushrooms is stipe, which then rot, resulting in the head falling off, as with the homosexually spread, ‘incurable killer disease’, AIDS, where the mushrooming head of the penis itself is the source of the virus, which then effectively beheads the victim in what’s analogous to the beheading of the human futanarian species of women’s seed, by castrating it, and preventing it from developing the science from brainpower it’d need to become immortal and escape its enslavement to the draco parasite. Causing brain damage, Covid 19’s AIDS related coronavirus is mushroom SARS, enabling draco consciousness, identified by science as the more instinctual ‘reptilian brain’, characterized by the four Fs; feeding, fighting, fleeing, and reproduction (fucking), and existing at a lower level of human consciousness, where defense of property, which of course requires an attempt to dispossess, is the main aspect of warfare.

 As the ‘Primal Brain’, the reptile corresponds to the period before mammals in terms of human evolution, that is, the Kasimovian age of the late Carboniferous period, 303.7-307 M.a., in the fifth interval of the Paleozoic era, documented in the Old Testament of the Bible in the shape and form of the serpent, Satan, who’d been an angel, but was turned into a serpent by the creator, God, which reflects on the number of cataclysmic historical events called ‘extinctions’ affecting the reptiles, who once dominated the Earth, for example, ‘the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event’ 66 M.a., which saw the demise of non-avian (birds) dinosaurs, contributed to the ascendancy of the mammals, with the neo-mammalian, or rational brain, as opposed to the mammalian brain subject to direction from the emotions, constituting the third part of a triunity normatively unaware of the reptile brain unless activated by damage, causing a lashing out in violence of an atavistic tail in a way that no longer corresponds to physical saurian attributes, but is detectable in the symptomatic deployment by the Russian Red Army of its TOS 1 and 2 heavy flame thrower against the Ukraine in war: ‘Their breastplates were fiery red, dark blue, and yellow as sulfur. The heads of the horses resembled the heads of lions, and out of their mouths came fire, smoke and sulfur. A third of mankind was killed by the three plagues of fire, smoke and sulfur that came out of their mouths. The power of the horses was in their mouths and in their tails; for their tails were like snakes, having heads with which they inflict injury.’ (Rev: 9. 17-19)



 John’s endeavoring to explain how it is that SARS virally produced flatulence, which was translated by the designers of Putin’s Red Army’s TOS 1 and 2 flamethrower weapon into flammable sulfurous vapor, by means of a first and second stage missile strike, fierily corresponding to what was in the mouths of people, that is, the phlegm throwing virus, and in their tails, that is, their anuses by their coccyx (sick cocks). As an AIDS/SARS related bio-conventional ‘crown virus’ weapons’ system, TOS 1 and 2 are dragon’s pit fires, ‘On their heads they wore something like crowns of gold, and their faces resembled human faces.’ (Rev: 9. 7-8) As taunting, in circles of hell, is what masturbation means for the baiting, rather than the love of oneself, it’s human bacon for cannibals, preying on ‘long pig’, wheeling around on the spit of pagan tires, which the car straight there of delayed women’s seed baits, ‘They had tails with stingers, like scorpions, and in their tails they had power to torment people for five months. They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek is Apollyon (that is, Destroyer).’ (Rev: 9. 7-11) For homosexuals, the zippered fly is only the place trousering the maggot penis, as bait for the butchers of homosexuality, who want meat and the ‘horn of plenty’,4 that is, the cornucopia of productive flesh. Jesus’ nailing to a crucifix in the shape of an airplane is a metaphor for the preempted journey of the human race of futanarian women’s seed to the planets amongst the stars, but likely that flesh would only be a farmed product anyway, as to paraphrase the song, ‘Achilles Last Stand’, sung by Robert Plant of English rock group, Led Zeppelin, on their 1976 album, Presence, ‘The devil’s in his hole.’5 It’s a long way for women’s seed, from the airplane to interstellar space travel, and colonization of the planets amongst the stars of heaven.



 In the aftermath of AIDS/SARS, as the equivalent of mushroom stipe, it’s the type that people can still read, which influences their understanding as propaganda, and East Europeans aren’t the same type as that of the United States of America, for example, if they’ve been taught that Jesus’ appearance is dependent on that of the fire-breathing dragon, Putin’s their Messiah, as it’s what they’ll believe, and ‘Armageddon’, which is described in the Old Testament of the Bible (Zec: 12. 10-12), and in John’s Revelation in the New Testament, as the final battle between good and evil (Rev: 16. 17), is what they’ll declare, on behalf of Putin, and Christianity converted by communist atheism. In simple terms, the Eurasian brain, damaged by the KGB’s AIDS/SARS, as a stipe type of virus, could believe Satan’s Jesus, resulting in mushroom clouds over Western Europe, as a biblical sign of global holocaust, delivered by intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMS), armed with nuclear warheads.



 Hungary, neighbor of the Ukraine, is a member of the EU, with its Schengen zone admitting of unhindered travel for citizens of nation states within the borders of the ‘superstate’. However, in Hungary the word for God is ‘Isten’, which means that there are worshipers of Isten in the Schengen zone. For soldiers in WWII, a ‘sten’ was a machine gun zone, that is, for former communists the Schengen zone of the EU is a gulag approximating to the slave labor camps of Josef Stalin, the Russian leader, who divided Poland with Germany, along the Bug river on September 17th, 1939, for that reason, before Nazis invaded Russia in ‘Operation Barbarossa’ on June 22nd, 1941, for the same reason. For Hungary’s communists, in the process of converting Christians to prey, Eastern Europe, that is, Isten, corresponds to the ‘chine gun zone, where Hungary is its sten, although given the role of the wage slavery comps in capitalism, his sten’s comprehensible as the Western Schengen zone for a warrior of the ‘Cold War’ (1947-91), which although it was the term used to describe the period of political resistance towards the Soviet Empire by the occupied satellite slave nations, that the sten machine gun was English, in the light of Britain’s withdrawal from the EU, from January 31st, 2020, accurately identifies the distinction between Europe and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, that is, NATO, whose allied nations comprise those capable of delivering a nuclear ICBM deterrent to Russian aggression, that is, the US, France and Britain, with France alone inside the Schengen zone, representing the interests of those supermen’s comps.


1 Murray, Bill as Phil Connors in Groundhog Day, Trevor Albert, Harold Ramis, 1993.

2 Heinlein, Robert A. The Pursuit of the Pankera, XLVII, Zebadiah, Caezik SF & Fantasy, Arc Manor, Rockville: MD, 2020.

3 Kipling, Rudyard ‘L’Envoi’, The Seven Seas, Methuen and Co., 36 Essex Street, W. C., London, 1896, p. 229.

4 Ovid, Metamorphoses, Bk IX, l. 87-88, 8 C.E.


5 Page, Jimmy, and Robert Plant ‘Achilles Last Stand’, Presence, Swan Song, 1976.


Handcuff Vid

21/11/2023 02:48

Handcuff Vid


Covert operations was what distinguished the ‘Cold War’ (1947-91), which was a series of battles fought without declaration by the West, distinguished by its capitalist ethos, and largely represented by the military alliance of those nations comprising the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, for example, led by those capable of delivering an intercontinental ballistic (police stick) missile to its target with a nuclear warhead, that is, the United States of America, Britain, and France, against those nations constituting the Warsaw Pact, led by communist Russia in Eurasia, after the defeat of Germany’s Second World War (1939-45) attempt to improve on Kaiser Wilhelm II”s First World War (1917-18) attempt to enslave the Earth, resulting in the Red Army’s refusal to withdraw from those countries it’d liberated on the way to capturing the German capital city, Berlin, while leaving Russia as the only communist country in Eurasia, apart from communist China, with the capability of launching a nuclear attack in defense of its own slave interests.

 Russia had embraced communism, that is, ‘workers control the means of production’, which was the vision of the future of German philosopher Karl Marx in Das Kapital (1867), established in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) as a system of decentralized workers councils, called soviets, after the deposing of the oligarch, Tsar Nicholas II, towards the end of WWII, in the Vladimir Ilyich ‘Lenin’ led October 1917 communist Revolution. Although communism was presented as distinct ideologically, leader Joseph Stalin’s agreement with then German Chancellor Adolf Hitler to divide Poland between themselves along the Bug river on September 17th, 1939, at the outset of WWII, was a sign that communist and Nazi ideology,  presented as ‘fascism’, that is, the establishment of ‘fitness’ as the basis of social development, by the German National (Nazi) Socialist Party, democratically elected in 1933, weren’t intrinsically different, for example, the ‘concentration camps’ established by Nazism throughout Europe, where 6,000,000 Jews and other minorities were worked to death, were virtually identical with Russia’s gulag ‘labor camps’.



 When the USSR (CCCP) ostensibly collapsed in 1991, under pressure from economic sanctions imposed through the United Nations, with its US’ headquarters in New York city, and internal dissent from countries living within its borders as soviet ‘satellite’ slave states, the Cold War ‘warriors’ of intelligence agencies, such as the US’ Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and Britain’s Military Intelligence (MI6), along with Russia’s own Committee for State Security (KGB), were left to reflect on their role as experts in Cold War covert operations in support of their camp.

 When former lieutenant colonel with the KGB, Vladimir Putin was elected President of the restructured Russian Federation in 1999, a second Cold War began, while its symptoms, though similar to influenza, which was the initial diagnosis for those with the ‘incurable killer disease’, AIDS, discovered by Africa’s communist DR Congo in 1983, being transmitted from each other’s anuses, in sterile mockeries of the human act of sexual reproduction, between homosexual ape-fuckers, in semen infected with the human HIV variant of the simian immune deficiency virus (SIV), were diagnosed as SARS, that is, severe acute respiratory syndrome, arising at a Wuhan city hospital, Hubei province, as communist China’s dragon virus, in December 2019, to kill 6,000,000 people in a global pandemic until vaccines, for example, the Janssen one-shot, were available, and the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the SARS disease endemic, but containable, on May 5th, 2023.



 That Covid 19, ostensibly named for the year of its emergence, as a coronavirus, that is, ‘crown virus’, preceding the death of England’s queen, Elizabeth II, titular head of the former British Empire’s Commonwealth of Nations, a model for the restructured Russian Federation, was a homonym for ‘covert’ suggested that the Cold War warriors of the intelligence community had again been doing their stuff. That HIV, resulting in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), organ collapse, and brain death, originated in communism’s DR Congo, implicated Putin’s KGB, while science’s observation that SARS could only have threatened a human system weakened by AIDS further implicated the Russian ‘red dragon’ (Rev: 12. 4), as the disciple of Jesus ’Christ’, ‘the chosen’, John, prophesied in his apocalyptic vision of the future of the European Union of member states, with its blue flag of twelve stars, before Putin’s Red Army invaded the Ukraine on February 24th, 2022, ‘And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed in the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and crying out in the pain and agony of giving birth.’ (Rev: 12. 1-2) Jesus was the historical figure in a position to fight slavery, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) As a Jew, in Palestine occupied by the Roman Empire of Tiberius Caesar Augustus (14-37 C.E.), Jesus’ guide was the Torah and Talmud, that is, the law and history of the Jews, which is the Old Testament of the Bible of the Christians, whose New Testament was based on Jesus’ teaching. Although Eve, the woman, and the first man created by God, Adam, are depicted as disobedient slaves, that’s Judaism.

 Described as hermaphroditic by Jewish Midrash, the creation of Eve from the rib of Adam is explicable as the result of self-fertilization, which is a species’ attribute of the futanarian race of women’s seed, that is, both Eve and Adam were women. The angel, Satan, turned into a serpent for rejecting God’s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic, gave Eve ‘the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’, which it was death to taste, saying ‘You shall be as gods.’ (Gen: 3. 5) Expelled from the paradise of Eden for rejecting God’s ‘fruit of the tree of life’, that is, immortality, Eve and Adam represented the enslaving of women’s seed, that is, women, although God promised Eve her ‘seed’ would prevail, ‘You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15) Without women’s seed human brainpower will be the slave of the serpent, that is, the slaver, in ephemerality, as advanced medical science and technology is required for a species to become immortal. Jesus’ advent, born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her foot in Christian iconography, was as women’s seed. Found by his disciple, Judas, with a woman, Jesus protested, ‘Leave her alone.’ (Mk: 14. 6) Fearful that women’s seed would reproduce, Judas betrayed Jesus to the Jewish religious police, that is, the Pharisees, who gave Jesus to the Romans, who took him to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem and nailed him to a cross of wood where he died, but experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of women’s seed.

 The creation story in the Old Testament includes details of how God flooded the Earth after creating it, as the people were wicked, but Noah was permitted to construct an Ark for his relatives, that is, ‘box’, inside which a breeding pair of every creature upon the Earth was also taken, while the Ark floated upon the waters until they subsided. As the Genesis narrative permits humans to do as they desire with animals, homosexuality is closely related to bestiality, as animals, especially apes, have been observed not to particularly distinguish between anal and vaginal penile penetrations. As the animals aboard the Ark became the slaves of the Jews, homosexuality was their model for slavery. As the human futanarian species of women’s seed weren’t men, but women, homosexuality wasn’t the human race’s mode, whereas it was that of bestiality.



 The simple explanation for lesbians being defined as homosexual is that they don’t want a penis, that is, they’re the castrators of their own race, whereas male homosexuals are bestiality, as slavers prefer animals, who aren’t women, that is, misogyny is race hatred for the human species, on the part of a creature whose seed isn’t human, ‘The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to wage war on the remnant of her seed.’ (Rev: 12. 17) John prophesied Jesus’ ‘Second Coming’, as ‘he who will rule the nations with an iron scepter’, ‘The dragon stood before the woman, who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.’ (Rev: 12. 4) Putin’s invasion of the Ukraine with the TOS 1 and 2 heavy flamethrower system, as the Red Army’s main field artillery, was a metaphor for communist research into slavery in the deployment of a combined biological and conventional weapon, which first stage missile laid a flammable vapor, after the fashion of the flatulence experienced by Covid 19 sufferers, followed by a second stage missile launch that fierily collapsed lungs, after the fashion of the SARS virus virally collapsing the lungs, the re-enslaving of the Ukraine by fighting disease was attributable to KGB covert, that is, Covid, research, into recapturing former satellite slave states of the Soviet Empire gaining independence in 1991 and before.



 Putin’s fictional model was ‘The Mask of the Red Death: A Fantasy’ (1842) by US’ writer in the horror genre, Edgar Allen Poe, about a plague, which appears personified at a masque, killing all of the revelers, who’d sought to hide from the disease behind the wall of a castle, but couldn’t, ‘And darkness and decay and the red death held illimitable dominion over all.’1 The masque is construable as a metaphor for the compulsive wearing of masks publicly during the SARS pandemic to prevent transmissions of the dragon virus. The Moslem women of Islam were prepared, in that the one-piece coverall of the burka, worn publicly to prevent their being seen by men, is culturally conceived as a protective biological warfare suit, that is, men are the enemy. Whereas Isaac, son of Abraham by wife, Sara, was the founder of Judaism, Ishmael, second son of Abraham by the slave concubine, Hajer, was the founder of Islam, through his descendant Mohamed, to whom the angels of God dictated the Koran (610-30 C.E.), according to tradition, which permitted four wives to Moslem marriages, thereby affording the possibility of sexual reproduction for women’s seed, within the Islamic extended family, which is what the wearing of the burka, as a biological warfare suit, is designed to protect against; AIDS and SARS, for example.

 The women wear muzzles, because of the Moslems, which is what the pandemic illustrated. The Warsaw Pact countries, including Russia, that invaded Czechoslovakia on 20-21st August, 1968, that is, modern Czechia and Slovakia, after independence from the soviet system, were Poland, Bulgaria, and Hungary’s soviet satellite slave states, with militaries that slaved their own nations on behalf of the USSR, so invading Czechoslovakia to impose slavery was routine. Although the people of the Warsaw Pact countries celebrated independence, before and after 1991, it was under the purview of those same enslaving militaries anticipating Putin’s masks of red death, which militaries were still existent on February 24th, 2022, as that’s what they were for.



 Although slavery wasn’t ostensibly the reason for the establishment of the European Union, its capitalist system of wage slavery was essentially identical with that of the Eastern Bloc, that is, as with the first Cold War, ‘spheres of influence’ were the issue, rather than the Virgin Mary’s. Only if the slaving of women’s seed, that is, the human race, was what Jesus’ iron scepter was for, could the invasion of the Ukraine be considered a prelude to his reign, whereas from a reading of the biblical texts it’s evident Jesus’ rule is for women who don’t want to be muzzled in a handcuff vid by blokes into bondage, domination, and sado-masochism (BDSM), as promoted by French libertine the Marquis de Sade’s 120 Days of Sodom (1785), for example, with his AIDS/SARS as the ‘objective correlative’,2 to appropriate a  term of literary criticism from US’ poet T. S. Eliot, of lesbianism and homosexuality’s desire to enslave workers, that is, ‘wogs’, corresponding to women’s seed.

 Although wogs is an offensive term applied to black slaves, science fiction writer Robert A. Heinlein (1987-88), in his novel The Number of the Beast (1980), used it most appositely, when describing the supposed rivalry existing between the British and Russian slave Empires on the red planet, Mars, ‘The men carried whips; vermin were muzzled. This one vermin - - well, “wog” - - this wog had managed to pull his muzzle aside and was stuffing this weedy plant into its mouth … when a whip cracked across its naked back. It cried.’3 For ‘wogs’ read ‘workers’. The phrase ‘sweat shop’ and ‘chop chop’ are familiar to slavery, that is, places where workers have to take their clothes off as it’s too hot to continue otherwise, are sweat shops, while workers who aren’t going fast enough hear ‘chop chop’, which isn’t a euphemism. If they didn’t quickly take their clothes off to make more wog, the practice was to behead them with an axe, as Heinlein knew, ‘In Windsor colony wog meat goes only to wogs, and wogs don’t care. In the wild they eat their own dead, kill and eat their aged.’ Although wog is a term for blacks, as they’re called ‘the black beast’, which is hermaphroditic, corresponding to John’s ‘beast’ of Revelation, they’re metaphorically the women of Islam in their black burkas, where ‘burkas’ isn’t a euphemism for ‘burgers’, ‘Let he that has wisdom have understanding. The number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six.’ (Rev: 13. 8) Men and women, bred as a single male creature wearing each other’s clothes in TV transvestism, are 66.6% of the possible numbers without women’s seed, which in terms of logic should constitute at least 33.3% of the human gene pool.



 That they don’t is because they’re chopped, for example, in the United States gender reassignment surgery (GAS) was compulsory for newborn hermaphrodites. Effectively, whereas the Nazis sent 6,000,000 people to the gas chambers to be extinguished, TV was the gas chamber where millions more were exterminated daily, as wog chop, for shoppers, forced to be consumers, rather than retailers, wanting to pin the tail back on the donkey, that is, wait for more innocent newborns to be delivered, so they could encourage their choppers, without fears over being held to account, as people are only animals anyway, which is why they’re ‘trained’ by BDSM slavers in ‘handcuff’ videos, for example, as a prelude to being drained by the vampire. The National Vocational Qualification in England, for example, sounds magnificent, but it’s for low achievers, while the acronym, NVQ, means just that: envy queue. After being trained as animals, they’re ready to drain the lives of those they envy, that is, the genuinely intelligent and capable, who represent a threat to established business, who’re the vampires using the NVQs, with the bleeds as the links to security in their ‘cuff vid.

 The English expression, used primarily amongst the lower and upper Middle classes, that is, businessmen, or aspirers to that status, is ‘decent cove’, which with the assistance of the ‘id’ of Sigmund Freud’s (1856-1939), ‘the father of psychoanalysis’, is revealing of more than the fact that ‘cove’ means ‘inlet’. According to Freud, sexual repression, for example, the castration of the human futanarian species of women’s seed by an alien slaver, results in an unconscious containing a monster Freud called the id, which in 2019 emerged as China’s dragon virus, the Cov-SARS 2 variant, following on from the Cov-SARS 1 virus emerging from a cave in Yunnan province in 2000, but had been contained by 2002. As the ass is an inlet for homosexuals, cove id, with its symptoms of flatulence, brain damage, lung collapse and death, was their biological weapon, launched against women’s seed, as a follow-up to AIDS, with its symptoms of systemic organ collapse and agonizing brain death.

 For homosexuals a black hole is a welcoming asshole; they don’t have to ask: they’re just sucked in. Although women are taught that they have to be asked, that’s because women’s seed is their species, but the homosexuals and the lesbians have castrated it, so they’ve no one to ask, although the lesbians and homosexuals can still be assed enough to send the human race to their GAS chambers. When the Warsaw Pact invaded Czechoslovakia in 1968, demonstrably sucked in by the Soviet Union, the spurning of freedom by the Polish, Bulgarian, and Hungarian armies, on behalf of the Red, was in evidence, which didn’t augur well for the future of a European Union with former Warsaw Pact and Eastern Bloc member states, as participants in the mutual defense agreement afforded by NATO, as the wars in Yugoslavia between Christian and Moslem communities illustrated, during the collapse of communism there from 1989-91, and the subsequent independence accorded to warring nation states; Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia, and disputedly, Kosovo. Although it’s stretching it to imagine the universe as homosexual, black holes are a sign that’s where the human race will end up.

 Peoples are the prey of armies, as the basis of their existence, as slaving states. Membership presupposes familial relationships, that is, what’s called ‘the family of nations’, and as Mitt Romney, Republican candidate for the US’ presidency in 2012, losing to incumbent Barack Obama, was reported as saying in 2019, ‘America cannot continue to lead the family of nations around the world if we suffer the collapse of the family here at home.’4 As women’s seed is a species family, the incest taboo is designed to prevent their race from sexually reproducing, that is, ‘family’ is a misnomer, meaning inheritance through patrilineal descent, as women aren’t family at all, but rather host womb slaves. Men’s families are their armies, which incestuously exist to enslave populations with the bleeds, as the security of the businesses of the vampire, draining the blood of the company of the bored.

 Covid was the company video, that is, Co. vid, representing attacks for inheritance. Whereas women are manhood for the human futanarian species of women’s seed, traffickers in human misery pose as businessmen, with manhood represented by the number of slaves held in ownership. What passes on as the human species, that is, men and women, are homosexuals on a manhood. The Christian churches, with their flocks, as what isn’t a euphemism for their congregations, promote marriage between sheep, based on perceptions of faithfulness to a woman, on the part of a man faithful to his nation, and supervised by ‘dog collar’ wearing clerics, who’re ‘shepherds’, promulgating ring slavery for the ‘remnant’ of the human race, as the homosexuals who, prodding it with a stick from behind, rather than overtly wage warfare, slave women’s places, cheaply and vicariously; for a false profit at home: a long way from the front.


1 Poe, Edgar Allen ‘The Mask of the Red Death: A Fantasy’, Graham’s Magazine, 1842.

2 Eliot, T. S. ‘Hamlet and His Problems’ (1919), The Sacred Wood: Essays on Poetry and Criticism, 1920.

3 Heinlein, Robert A. The Number of the Beast, XXIX, “ - - we place no faith in princes”, Fawcett, 1980.

4 Romney, Mitt Mitt Romney Quotes .

Military Heads

21/11/2023 02:47

Military Heads


That AIDS/SARS was a military weapon seems evident. Obsession with drone warfare suggests soldier drones are the aim, which is an insectoid concept relating to ant farms, called superorganisms as they’re a collective with a single ego. While male ants are drone sperm, a fertilized ant egg will be a female, who are called gamergate if they produce, while the solitary queen is a gyne. Evolved from wasps in the Cretaceous period of the Mesozoic era in Earth’s history, 145-66 M.a., workers are called drones. Some are fed until their gaster, corresponding to buttocks in humans, is distended, and then they’re living food, called repletes. Accused of being such a ‘hive mind’ in movies, like the arachnoids of 1997’s Starship Troopers, based on the 1959 juvenile novel by science fiction writer, Robert A. Heinlein (1907-88), communism, derived from German economic philosopher Karl Marx’s Das Kapital (1868), ‘workers control the means of production’, in the early 21st century produced soldiers believing that drones, that is, workers, should be Russia’s defense system. The military perspective was, as it wasn’t being defended by the people, it was necessary to train them as drones.

 The symptom is similar to that of the English Special Air Service, SAS, who elevated to the status of gods in society, encourage the workers to serve, as if they were employed as military personnel, rather than wage slaved. The change in people and government was exacerbated by the events of September 11th, 2001, when members of the Islamic extremist Al Qaeda, ‘the base’, terrorist group, led by Osama Ben Laden, and operating under the auspices of the notoriously misogynist Taliban regime of Afghanistan, hijacked civil airliners to crash, like drones, into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center on the lower east side of Manhattan island, New York City, United States of America, which had the effect of militarizing business. For example, software, as an intrinsic aspect of telecommunications, is a drone defense system, where computer stands for military intelligence. Anyone without access is in a war zone, where the defense of the computer, that is, M.I., consists in its being unpurchasable, which is how business works with the ‘security forces’ to enslave the people.

 Those who have access to vinyl recordings, but don’t have access to music cassettes, while VCR owners don’t have access to VCDs, are living in different war zones, defending the Computer Age; for example, International Business Machines (IBMs), are the business equivalent of the military’s ICBMs, that is, intercontinental ballistic missiles, as their role is to deny access to people who, having to use a slide rule to compute, are computed to be slaves by IBMs which, though presented as business, is recruitment for war zones. Such slaves, denied access to computers, are then properties of the businesses of warmongers. Time is then an illusion, perpetrated by wrist watchers, who game preserve war zones, where vinyl junkies, or Betamax video players, are targeted as ‘cannon fodder’ for the wagers of war for business interests, who want to deny access to users. Those considered ‘retro’, that is, in vinyl or videocassette war zones, are dispensable, while ‘computer’, as a definitive term, means retail wars waged to ensure the unconsciousness of drones, zoned by regional slavers, for example, to prevent their obtaining access to more advanced hi fi technology.

 AIDS was the Marquis de Sade’s, a French libertine, who wrote a novel about the pleasures of torture, 120 Days of Sodom (1785), based on God’s destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, ‘the cities of the plains’ (Gen: 19. 18), for practicing sterile mockeries of the human act of sexual reproduction. Called ‘sodomy’, and found responsible, upon its discovery by Africa’s DR Congo, then communist in 1983, for the ‘incurable killer disease’, AIDS was transmitted by infected semen in the anuses of homosexuals. The human immune deficiency virus (HIV) was identified by scientists as a mutant variant of the simian immune deficiency virus (SIV), resulting in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), collapse of the organs of the body, and the torture of de Sade’s excruciatingly painful brain extinction, which is why his name was given to the practice of sadism.

 That AIDS is Sade’s is arguable, although a study of ape-fucking homosexuals to further biological weapons’ research is the preserve of intelligence agencies, for example, Russia’s KGB, England’s MI6, or the US’ Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). As the nomenclature is decipherable, it’s logical to suppose that the pharmaceutical industries knew they were engaged in mocking the human species, that is, AIDS was the Marquis de Sade’s, because he did. SARS 2 bears scrutiny. The severe acute respiratory syndrome emerging from a Wuhan city hospital, Hubei province, communist China, in December 2019, after SARS 1’s containment, when it emerged from a cave in Yunnan province in 2002, killed upwards of 6,000,000 people, before the World Health Organization (WHO) declared it endemic, rather than pandemic, on May 5th, 2023, subsequent to the one-shot Janssen vaccine becoming available. As science agreed that AIDS weakened the human system to the point of its becoming vulnerable to SARS, AIDS/SARS was a joke, based on the idea that humanity’s ass had to be open to it.

 As ars is Latin, the dead language of the Empire of Rome’s (27 B.C. - 1453 C.E.), meaning ‘art’, AIDS/SARS is the art of transmitting the virus of hell, as Jesus’ disciple John saw in his apocalyptic vision of the future, ‘Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.’ (Rev: 16. 11) China’s Sun Tzu, in The Art Of War, 5th century B.C., wrote it was important to keep one’s friends close and one’s enemies closer, that is, AIDS/SARS was virus of a war dragon, which in Eurasia are called draco voivode, for example, 15th century Prince Vlad Dracul III of Wallachia, later modern Romania, was infamous for the homosexual practice of impaling his victims on stakes of wood, precursing AIDS, causing Irish writer, Bram Stoker, to use him as a model for his terrifying novel about the legendary vampire creature of the Romanian province of Transylvania, Dracula (1897), a parasite that lived forever by biting the neck at the jugular and drinking therefrom the blood of its human prey.

 That men are a homosexual virus living from the human species host womb parasitically is biblical, for example, the Christian Old Testament of their Bible, which is the history and law of the Jews, that is, their Torah and Talmud, asserts that the angel, Satan, was turned into a serpent by their creator, God, for rejecting God’s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic. Giving the woman, Eve, ‘the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’, which it was death to taste, Satan said, ‘You shall be as gods.’ (Gen: 3. 5) Expelling Eve, and the first man created by God, Adam, from Eden, for rejecting ‘the fruit of the tree of life’, which was immortality, God told Eve her ‘seed’ would nevertheless prevail, ‘You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15) According to Jewish Midrash, Adam was hermaphroditic, that is, the primal pair were women’s seed, and Eve’s birth from the rib or side of Adam was a euphemism for self-fertilization, a species’ trait of the futanarian ‘foot’ race native to the planet Earth. Born uncontaminated by male semen from the Virgin Mary, Jesus’ mother was depicted in Christian iconography as crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, that is, as women’s seed, Jesus was God’s foot, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) Found with a woman by his disciple, Judas, the Jewish Pharisees, that is, their religious police, were notified, after Jesus’ plea, ‘Leave her alone.’ (Mk: 14. 6) Taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem by the Romans, during the period of the occupying Empire of Rome there, in the reign of Tiberius Caesar Augustus (14-37 C.E.), Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood and died there, but experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of women’s seed. Doubtless homosexual slavery was worried that women’s seed, in the person of Jesus and others, might reproduce sufficient brainpower to escape being unconscious drones preyed upon as repletes with distended gasters.



 The global community was flabbergasted when the communist Russian Red Army invaded the Ukraine on February 24th, 2022, by order of a draco voivode, President of the Russian Federation since 1999, Vladimir Putin. It was as the fire-breathing ‘red dragon’ (Rev: 12. 4) of Jesus’ disciple John’s vision of the future, armed with its TOS 1 and 2 main field weapon, the heavy flamethrower system, ‘The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to wage war on the remnant of her seed.’ (Rev: 12. 17) The remains of the hermaphroditic futanarian species of women’s seed are the children of the schools, that is, the skulls, which is the reason for the former lieutenant colonel with Russia’s Committee for State Security, the KGB, first developing AIDS, as a ‘biological weapon’, and after Putin’s SARS, then Ukrainial regions, where the symptoms were flammable, that is, virally spreading, flatulence, lung collapse, and brain damage, followed by the effects of the war dragon’s more conventional flamethrower weapon. A first stage, missile launched, flammable vapor, followed by a second stage, fierily causing a lung collapsing vacuum and death. Given independence in 1991, the Ukraine was effectively farmed by Russia until 2022, as a draco voivode, which is business as usual for an enslaving military computer.

 Although there’d been a draco voivode in neighboring Romania’s province of Transylvania, as a part of the Kingdom of Hungary (1111-1586), after the 1863 victory of Leopold I’s Habsburg Empire (1508-1918) at Kahlenberg mountain near Vienna, Austria, against the Moslem Turks of Islam’s Ottoman Empire (1299-1922), Ultra Silvanus became part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire (1867-1918), before World War One (1914-18), which sided with the German Empire (1871-1918) of Kaiser Wilhelm II in its first attempt to enslave the Earth, prior to its second failure in World War Two (1939-45), subsequent to Anschluss, that is, the forced acceptance by Austria of German annexation on March 12th, 1938, after the Heer, ‘army’, crossed the border unopposed. When Hungary again sided with Germany, it was 1933’s elected leader of the National Socialist (Nazi) Party, Reichsführer Adolf Hitler, who divided Poland, along the Bug river, with the Russian President, Josef Stalin, as a preliminary to his ‘ethnic cleansing’ pogrom of konzentrazionslager for Jews and other ‘minority groups’, where upwards of 6,000,000 were killed in his ‘death camps’.



 Although the Nazis were criticized for sending ‘concentration camp’ victims to the showers, which turned out to be lethal poison gas chambers, it was routine gender assignment surgery (GAS) for women’s seed, who didn’t want boy sons, or the boys’ owners of homosexuality in pederasty’s host womb slavery for war against their race, whereas with the invention of TV in 1926 by Scot, John Logie Baird, as a variant of the gas chamber method, flabbergasted families could afterwards watch exterminations together, although men and women, wearing each other’s clothes, as a single male brained transvestite creature, had effectively been manufactured as a TV since ancient times to be droned by vampires. Stalin’s gulag system of slave ‘labor camps’ took a similar toll in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), as the name given to peoples conquered by Russia, before and after WWII, when the ‘ants’ of the Red Army, consequent to its liberation of the German capital city, Berlin, refused to withdraw from some occupied territories in Eastern Europe, including the Ukraine, until 1991.

 The USSR itself was a construct based on Karl Marx’s communist ideology, ‘from each according to his abilities to each according to his needs’, as the oligarchy of Russia’s Tsar Nicholas II, deposed by Vladimir Ilyich ‘Lenin’ led Revolution in October 1917, was replaced by soviet ‘workers councils’, throughout what Western observers called ‘satellite slave states’ in the Soviet Empire, before emancipating revolutions in 1989, against the soviet system in Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Romania, resulted in these nations regaining independence and the Soviet Union’s restructuring as the Russian Federation of member states. Known as Gamergate, after a demonstration near the city of Sopron, Hungary, by Lake Fertő, and known as the ‘Pan European Picnic’, on August 19th, 1989, the border with Austria opened spontaneously; a recorded instance of successful Cold War drone usage. While the Ukraine, along with other newly independent states, abjured membership of the Russian Federation, as counter to a desire to be a nation state member of the European Union, with its twelve stars upon a blue flag, that accorded with John’s apocalyptic vision, ‘And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed in the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and crying out in the pain and agony of giving birth.’ (Rev: 12. 1-2) Putin’s invasion of the Ukraine was an attempt at her abortion, ‘The dragon stood before the woman, who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.’ (Rev: 12. 4) The child is described by John as, ‘he who will rule the nations with an iron scepter’, that is, Jesus, in his ‘Second Coming’ to the Earth, on behalf of women’s seed which, for Russia’s international business machines (IBMs), didn’t compute, and the attempt was made to drone and re-enslave.



 Hungary lost two world wars supporting the Germans, and although perceiving themselves as having won the third, ‘Cold War’ (1947-91), between the West and Russia, for Hungarian Cold War warriors, unable to accept Western capitalist ideology, that is, wage slavery, as contrasted with the more universalized responsibilities of an ant farm, Putin’s tanks were those of their draco voivode droning people of blood. Corresponding to DVD, that is, digital video disk, which is the edutainment movie medium for the disk drawers of computer display screens, the designate temporal war zone of the draco voivode dragon virus was that of SARS’ flatulence.

 SARS, which seems a conflation of the words Tsar and Shah, suggests Shahanshah, the hereditary title of the rulers of Iran, whose Sasanian Empire (224-651 C.E.), the last before the first Rashidun Caliphate (632-661 C.E.) of Islam, arising subsequent to the Prophet Mohamed’s (d. 632) revealing the Koran (610-30 C.E.), dictated by the angels of God, according to Islamic tradition, provided the English with a legendary foundation for their SAS, that is, the Special Air Service, whose glamor as elite soldiery also partook of the word for ‘eagle’, sas, amongst the Hungarians, giving them a picture of themselves that reflected globally, during the collapsing of the British Empire, after the North American colonies, for example, with its own eagle symbol, became the US, upon their rejecting Emperor George III, in the American War of Independence (1775-83), and India became independent from the Empire of George VI in 1947, after WWII, making it evident that a Commonwealth of Nations, with Elizabeth II as its head, after George’s daughter’s coronation as Empress in 1953, would have more chance of resisting growing US’ domination.



 That the English were monarchical lent credence to their relations with the Shah of Iran, for example, the dynasty founded by Sasan, as well as the Hashshashin, the Order of the Assassins, led by Hasan-i-Sabbah, the Old Man of the Mountain (d. 1124), Alamut Castle, ‘eagle’s nest’, at the junction of the Talysh Mountains and the central Elburs, whose assassins, named for the hash that kept them addicted to what they thought was paradise, in Iran’s Qazvin stanza, 100 km from the capital city, Tehran, safeguarded early Islam, while the symbol of the assassin’s dagger, along with the eagle, became that of the SAS, facilitating the English withdrawal from dominions and territories, while sustaining the promise of a global futurity with a mythic presence. However, although the Hungarian sas, eagle, sounds like ‘shash’, when pronounced in their tongue, SARS is essay ass in English, where ‘essay’ means ‘to attempt’, that is, SARS, as an attempt to spread plague for geopolitical advantage, implicates SAS’ global pretentions.

 Known also as The Artist’s Regiment, essay ars (SAS/SARS) means an attempt at art, for example, an eponym for Sasan was Kay, the name of the character in Denmark’s Hans Christian Andersen tale, ‘The Snow Queen’ (1844), whose heart became cold, after his eye was pierced by glass splinters from the devil’s mirror. Although it magnifies evil, he’s taken by the Snow Queen, but it’s Kay’s friend, Gerda, who melts the coldness with her love, while the splinters spell out ‘eternity’. However, although ars cures, Genghis Khan’s Mongol hordes of Eurasia, invading Iran (1219-21 C.E.), whose peoples had themselves migrated from Eurasia, killed three quarters of the Iranian people, so demonstrating the farmer’s art, which is warming in order to be colder, as farmer KGB Putin’s eye glass saw.

 Former Soviet leader, Nikita Khruschev, at a UN meeting in New York city, in throwing his shoe at the US’ delegation to the United Nations on October 12th, 1960, as a traditional insult (Ps: 60. 8), especially of Moslems, effectively launched a drone, in the form of Islamic Jihad, that is, Holy War, on behalf of the nations of Islam supportive of the Soviet Union, which amongst other events, led to the 1979 overthrow of US’ backed Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Shah of Iran’s hereditary dynasty, founded c. 678 B.C., replaced by Islamic cleric, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, and the declaration on November 13th, 2014, of a global Islamic Caliphate, with Iraqi Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as Caliph, in accordance with the traditions of Baghdad, Iraq’s capital city, after the deposing of Saddam Hussein, Iraq’s dictator, by US’ invasion in March 2003, for offering bases to Al Qaeda there, subsequent to ‘the events of 9/11’, which evinced signs of being Sasanid, that is, SAS & id, where ‘id’ is the term Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), ‘father of psychoanalysis’, gave to repressed contents of the unconscious emerging monstrously, that is, the homosexual desire to slave women’s seed on the part of dragons at war with eagles, for example, breeding pastored flocks of sheep, with shepherds collared, preaching to church congregations John’s ‘the lamb of God’ (John: 1. 29), Jesus, as an example to emulate, so making the task of the preying easier.



 Although the son of Abraham, Isaac, by his wife, Sara, founded Judaism, second son, Ishmael, by the concubine, Hajer, is credited with the founding of Islam, as Mohamed was his descendant. However, in that Judeo-Christianity views Ishmael as the illegitimate scion of an unwed mother, Islam is illegitimatized, although the permitting of four wives to Moslem marriages affords the possibility of sexual reproduction for futanarian women’s seed within the Islamic family. Hajer, ‘the Egyptian woman’ (Gen: 16. 1) of the Old Testament, corresponds to a gyne, that is, genie, a queen amongst the drones, in dedicating the shrine of Abraham, the Ka’ Ba, ‘cube’, in the city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, as ‘Ka’ means spirt in the ancient religion of Egypt, while ‘Ba’ means soul, that is, hermaphroditic women and non-hermaphroditic women, while the box is the TV watched by ghouls, as the droned remains of the castrated human race kills itself in wars waged for that purpose.

 The English idiom for affairs, rather than marriage, is ‘to put the cart before the horse’,3 which in Hungary is countered by the katona, that is, the ‘army’ that, as the owner of the carte, is also the menu. As the futanarian race of women’s seed aren’t men’s species, marriage is a cold meal warmed, as men are women’s adulterate. Marriage, as a castrate, is their whore’s carte, making the katona a cartooner, getting together a bunch of fist dicks to burn, where ‘nothing is real’ to faggots,4 as singer-songwriter, John Lennon, carefully observed in the lyrics to ‘Imagine’ (1971), as weddings are for slave rings. Affairs between women would be normative, if they weren’t physically neutralized by the buttholers, seeking to put in semen to board as pirates, and direct the shipping of the future slaves, in the host wombs, as sperm men. A menu of infected spam, conceived as supermen by slavers, they want their gardener to be ‘top drawer’, as they don’t want their slaves, beneath in the hold, which is ‘moon’ in Hungarian, to ever know what they could have had, below the Plimsoll line,2 after her waters broke.


1 Andersen, Hans Christian ‘The Snow Queen’, New Fairy Tales, Vol. 1, Second Collection, C.A. Reizel, Copenhagen: Denmark, December 21st, 1844.

2 A line on a ship’s hull, devised by English Liberal M.P. for Derby, Samuel Plimsoll, Our Seamen (1873), indicating maximum safe draft and minimum operational freeboard.

The Idioms .

4 Lennon, John, and Yoko Ono ‘Imagine’, Imagine, Apple, 1971.

Cream Rises

21/11/2023 02:47

Cream Rises


The death of England’s Queeny Lizard Birth II, according to reptiloid researcher David Icke, on September 8th, 2022, at the height of coronavirus, that is, ‘crown virus’, wasn’t coincidental. The Cov-SARS 2 virus wasn’t declared endemic, that is, predictable, as subject to vaccination, for example, the Janssen one shot, by the World Health Organization (WHO), until May 5th, 2023, when upwards of 6,000,000 people globally had been killed by the pandemic. Emerging from a Wuhan city hospital, Hubei province, communist China, it was dragon virus, breathed out through the nostrils, according to legend.

 Researching into aristocracy, Icke argued ancestors of Merovingians, who were the French ruling family from the middle of the 5th century until 751 C.E., were reptilian, according to the 7th century’s Chronicle of Fredegar: ‘It is said that while Chlodio was staying at the seaside with his wife one summer, his wife went into the sea at midday to bathe, and a beast of [the Roman god] Neptune rather like a quinotaur found her. In the event she was made pregnant, either by the beast or by her husband, and she gave birth to a son called Merovech, from whom the kings of the Franks have subsequently been called Merovingians.’1 From such historical data, Icke evolved a global conspiracy theory of aliens that controlled the Earth, which caused him to accuse, amongst others, the English aristocracy of being alien reptiloids.



 That coronavirus showed signs of being a reptiloid plague seems evident, as it emerged from China, home of the legendary dragon, before spreading to Eurasia, where the traditions of the draco voivode, that is, ‘war dragon’, are endemic, for example, Prince Vlad Dracul the turd of Wallachia, later modern Romania, model for Irish writer Bram Stoker’s novel, Dracula (1897), set in Transylvania, of a vampire creature that became immortal by sinking its teeth into the neck of its victims and drinking blood from the jugular, was infamous for impaling his victims on stakes of wood. That science adjudged the ‘incurable killer disease’, AIDS, transmitted by homosexuals, engaging in sterile mockery of the human act of sexual reproduction mixing blood, shit, and infected semen in each other’s anus, from their penis, responsible for weakening the human system and making it susceptible to SARS, gives added importance to Vlad’s staking of his victims as a homosexual ritual precursing AIDS. According to research by communist Africa’s DR Congo, after the AIDS virus was discovered there in 1983, AIDS was the result of homosexual ape-fucking, transmitting a mutant variant of the simian immune deficiency virus (SIV), as the human immune deficiency virus (HIV), resulting in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), collapse of the organs of the body, and brain death. That AIDS is a blood vampire seems evident, while Cov-SARS 2 as dragon virus acquainted with the mutated simian is similarly evidenced.



 Cov-SARS 1’s emergence from a cave of bats in Yunnan province, China, in 2000 was a threat eliminated by 2004, but the fact that Bram Stoker saw bats and vampires as being related is borne out by the existence of a vampire bat species, Desmodontinae, in South America, while the concept of an immortal parasite living off the human race as long as the species lives doesn’t require historiological data, but a glance at the opening chapter of the Old Testament of the Christian Bible, which is the history and law of the Jews, that is, their Talmud and Torah, in which they claim to have invented God. The central character is Satan, an angel, turned into a serpent by the creator, God, for rejecting God’s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic. That angels are winged creatures, and the ‘red dragon’ (Rev: 12. 4) of Jesus’ disciple John’s apocalyptic vision of the future in the Christian New Testament of the Bible is winged, suggests the reptilian age of the Earth’s history, lasting 135-50 million years, from Mid-Triassic until end of Cretaceous periods, during the Mesozoic era (252-66 M.a.), which preceded the age of mammals, 66 M.a., the Cenozoic era, during which humans evolved.

 Satan was a winged reptile conceived as persuading Jewish children to obey their fathers. However, the serpent in the paradise of Eden is described as giving Eve, the woman, and Adam, the first man created by God, ‘the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’, which it was death to taste, saying ‘You shall be as gods.’ (Gen: 3. 5) Expelling Eve and Adam from Eden for rejecting God’s ‘fruit of the tree of life’, which was immortality, God nevertheless told Eve her ‘seed’ would prevail, ‘You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he shall bruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15) According to Jewish Midrash, Adam was hermaphroditic, that is, though described as being created by God from the rib or side of Adam, Eve was born from self-fertilization, an attribute of the human futanarian species of women’s seed.



 Born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, depicted in New Testament Christian iconography as crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, Jesus was women’s seed. Finding Jesus with a woman, and worried about the possibility of human sexual reproduction interfering with the enslaving of the human host womb by alien homosexual vampires, during the time of the Roman Empire’s occupation of Jewish Palestine, in the reign of Tiberius Caesar Augustus (14-37 C.E.), Judas betrayed Jesus to the Pharisees, the Jewish religious police, who gave him to the Roman judiciary for sentencing, ‘Leave her alone.’ (Mk: 14. 6) Taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem, he was nailed to a cross of wood where he died, but experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of women’s seed.

  That’s Judeo-Christianity’s, based on the vision of Judaism’s founder, Isaac, son of Abraham and wife, Sara. The Moslem nations of Islam derive from their Prophet Mohamed’s Koran (610-30 C.E.), dictated by the angels of God, according to tradition, where Abraham’s second son, Ishmael, is credited with founding Islam, as Mohamed’s his descendant, while the marriages of the Moslems are permitted four wives, which permits the possibility of women’s seed sexually reproducing within the Islamic family. Although Judeo-Christianity views Islam as illegitimate because Ishmael was born of the unwed slave concubine, Hajer, the Koran recognizes that men are of the serpent’s seed, that is, they’re women’s adulterate, as Jesus observed, when a woman was allegedly brought before him as an adulteress, ‘Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.’ (John: 8. 7) None could, as women’s is an adulterated race, which isn’t guilty of adultery.



 Although Hinduism (1500-500 B.C.), based on the Veda scriptures, is different to Judeo-Christianity, India was subject to E. Lizard Birth II’s father, George VI, until 1947, that is, the Hindu religion is well-known to English aristocrats, as is its successor, Gautama Buddha’s (c. 563-400 B.C.) Buddhism, both centering on the concept of the chakra ladder, a system of energy points along the spine to the top of the head held to be an indication of the level of conscious development attained by the individual who meditates in order to aspire to a higher level of individuation, as developmental psychologist Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), labeled intellectual and spiritual competence. Beginning at the Muladhara chakra at the base of the spine, awakening consciousness passed through Svadhisthana, corresponding to the reproductive organs, Manipura, where digestion/gestation occurs, Anahata at the heart, Vishuddhi at the throat, and Ajna at the frontal lobe, where lobotomies are performed on undefended victims of human sacrifice, before rising to the crown chakra, Sahasrara, corresponding to the death of E. Lizard Birth II from SARS.

 Icke identified the English crown as reptiloid, which bears examination. English heraldry, for example, contains a plethora of reference to legendary creatures of the type of the draco. Sir Francis Drake, for example, was a vice-Admiral during the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588, an invasion force that would dethrone England’s E. Lizard Birth I. The family of Drake’s conceived of a coat of arms bearing a winged dragon, that is, a bipedal wyvern, whereas in heraldry a drake is a wingless dragon with four legs, while dragons have wings and forelimbs as well as legs.



 When the President of the Russian Federation ordered the Red Army to invade the Ukraine on February 24th, 2022, it was as a fire-breathing draco with a main field weapon, the TOS 1 and 2 heavy flamethrower system, conceived as a conventional type of the SARS 2 coronavirus, that is, severe acute respiratory syndrome, characterized as dragon virus, breathed from the nose and mouth, with symptoms of flatulence, and brain damage. Although TOS is familiar to medical science as thoracic outlet syndrome, a common complaint of adults originating in them when they were young and determined to enhance their chest muscles with artificial pressure from the shoulders to make them seem bigger to bullies, mocking them as masturbators, etc., which exacerbates the condition, as a metaphor for masturbation,2 Putin’s ‘toss’ at E. Lizard Birth II was by way of a cannon salute to the dying, that is, he was jizzing on her coffin.

 That Covid 19 was the medical nomenclature for the virus resembled two pertinent terms in English, ‘cough’, as a characteristic of SARS as a respiratory disease, causing the wearing of breathing masks to be compulsory in most countries of the world, and ‘id’, which was the term Sigmund Freud, ‘father of psychoanalysis’, gave to repressed sexual contents of the unconscious mind he perceived as emerging monstrously. As homosexuality’s biological weapon, AIDS/SARS, was a monster, resulting from the castration of women’s seed, that is, the human race of women, weakened to the point of susceptibility to the vampire, Covid 19, named for the year of its emergence, December 2019, was Freud’s id, as Jesus’ disciple John’s apocalyptic vision of the future foresaw, ‘The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to wage war on the remnant of her seed.’ (Rev: 12. 17) That the Ukraine was looking to become a member of the European Union, with its blue flag of ‘twelve stars’, when the Red Army of Russia invaded, John also presciently knew, ‘A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth.’ (Rev: 12. 1-2) A symbol of the European Union Putin sought to abort, ‘The dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.’ (Rev: 12. 4) For the English aristocracy, the child is E. Lizard Birth II’s successor, Charles III, and the Ukraine war his precursing, ‘She gave birth to a son, a male child, who “will rule all the nations with an iron scepter.”’ (Rev: 12. 5) However, according to Bible scholars, the child is Jesus, who in his ‘Second Coming’ will rule on behalf of women’s seed.



 Although the Merovingians were Franks, and England was conquered by the Norman, William I, in 1066, ‘Frenchifying’ the language of the Anglo-Saxons thereafter, Icke views the 1917 change in the name of the House of Windsor from the German, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha,3 as illustrative of their nature as ‘reptilian full bloods’ of the House of Wettin, originally a town of the municipality of Wettin-Löbejün, river Saale District of Saxony-Anhalt, neighbor state to Thuringia, where the duchy of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha was founded by Ernest I, Duke in 1826, with the House of Windsor also a ‘cadet branch’ of Wettin, as the House of Hanover, capital city of the German state of Lower-Saxony, which contributed George I as king of England in 1714, a cadet branch of the House of Brunswick-Lüneburg, with its Duchy in northwestern Germany.

 Through Albert, Victoria’s husband, the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha line began with her son, Edward VII in 1901, while the Vladimir Ilyich ‘Lenin’ led October 1917 communist Russian Revolution deposing the oligarchy of Tsar Nicholas II in favor of espousing the German economic philosophy of Karl Marx in Das Kapital (1867), ‘workers control the means of production’, persuaded the Germans to be more English and adopt the label, House of Windsor. As Heer is the word for the army of the German armed forces, Wehrmacht, which also consists of the Kriegsmarine (navy) and Luftwaffe (air force), diarrhea, as a symptom of SARS is significant, because of Diana, Princess of Wales, Charles III’s first wife, who died after a car crash on 31st August, 1997, in the Pont de l'Alma tunnel, Paris, France, leaving him free to wed divorcée Camilla Parker Bowles née Camilla Rosemary Shand in 2005.

 Called Di by the media, eventually she did. Although her Spencer family, entirely of English descent, weren’t Heer, as a SARS symptom, diarrhea suggests the SAS, as the English armed forces’ assassins, ensuring the turd rose from the bowls. As a cadet branch of Wettin, Windsor’d have Heer ring aides, whereas film of English McLaren’s driver James Hunt, heroically pulling Austria’s Niki Lauda from his burning Italian Ferrari, at the Nürburgring Formula 1 motor racing German Grand Prix, showcased in his appearance on Eamonn Andrews’ TV show, This Is Your Life, was subject to a communist-style revisionism, similarly suggesting elitist divorce, replacing Hunt’s heroism with a display of yellow jacketed track marshals and fire extinguishers.



 The Greek myth associated with Diana was Actaeon, turned into a stag, and torn into pieces by his own hunt dogs,4 after seeing her bathing with other women, that is, her ‘stable’, which suggests SARS was reader’s digest, on the theme of Di Heer ring, as she was the German duchy of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha’s people of Thuringia state’s English rose. Despite Diana enthusing New Romantic pop music, for example, the group Duran Duran, with Simon Le Bon singing, ‘Girls on Film’ (1981), ‘Rio’ (1982), and ‘Union of the Snake’ (1983), and Spandau Ballet, with Tony Hadley singing, ‘To Cut A Long Story Short’ (1980), ‘Chant No. 1 (I Don’t Need This Pressure On) (1981), and ‘True’ (1983), after the discovery of AIDS in 1983, homosexuality made it a New AIDS ‘fag’ seen, with the group Culture Club (originally Sex Gang Children) and Boy George singing, ‘Do You Really Want To Hurt Me’ (1982) and ‘Victims’ (1983), while the vaccine for a slave virus, that insisted everyone wear protective condoms, and suspect each other of sex crime, was still absent when everyone was fag doubt by SARS in the third decade of the 21st century. As Heer ring AIDS’ code, diarrhea’s die rear, that is, Camilla came after Di, which in temporal terms is AIDS/SARS. As a blame mnemonic, it’s the failing aide’s ass test, whereas for the Heer ring, conceived as a ‘biological weapon’, AIDS/SARS, directable through their rears and ears, causes brains’ guidance systems to crash.



 As an AIDS related disease, SARS symptoms of incontinent flatulence, that is, diarrhea, relating to digestion, were indicative of Freud’s id, that is, where Di Heer ring aides suggests resurrection, out of the unconscious of the human species SARS was gestated to deny the ‘remnant’ of futanarian women’s seed. The Moslem women of Islam wear the one-piece black burka in public, traditionally, to prevent the eyes of the infidel, that is, the faithless, from seeing them. Diana’s friend, Egyptian Dodi Fayed, was also killed in the car accident, and the burka she had for the 1986 trip to Saudi Arabia in the Middle East, before her separation from Charles, suggested awareness of women’s seed.



 For aristocracies animals have no souls, while Icke’s research indicates that aristocrats are reptiloid, that is, humans are animals to them. As they’re alien homosexual slavers in parasitism upon the species’ host womb, women are their animals. The reason Moslem women don’t want to be seen is testicle farming for nose hole ingestion, which is why reptiloids have spirits and nose holes, and women are inferior. That burkas at the fast food restaurant McDonald’s is a play on the word burger being a homonym for the burka wearing women, who fast, during the month of Ramdan each year, to commemorate Mohamed’s revealing the Koran, is less funny to the ‘foot’ race, playing fast, and loose enough to survive on a testes farm.



 When the Al Qaeda terrorist group, led by Saudi Arabian businessman, Osama Ben Laden, operating under the auspices of the notoriously misogynist Taliban regime of Afghanistan, hijacked civil airliners to crash into the Twin Towers of the United States’ World Trade Center on Manhattan island’s lower East side of New York city, on September 11th, 2001, it was nein elefant to the Germans, where ‘elephant’ is a term meaning futanarian women’s seed, as the penis is much bigger than the homosexual’s fag, which it’s smoking down to her butt. When in 1999 the Jordanian, Salafi jihadist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, founded the Independent State of Islam in the Levant (ISIL), that’s what it meant.


1 Wood, Ian N. ‘Deconstructing the Merovingian Family’ in Corradini, Richard, Maximilian Diesenberger, and Helmut Reimitz (eds.) The Construction of Communities in the Early Middle Ages: Texts, Resources and Artefacts, Brill, 2003, p. 149.

Urban Dictionary .

3 Icke, David The Biggest Secret, Bridge of Love Publications, Scottsdale, Arizona: USA, 1999, p. 126.


4 Ovid, Metamorphoses, 8 C.E., Bk III, l. 138ff.

Cough Feed Stirrups

21/11/2023 02:46

Cough Feed Stirrups


The Covid 19 virus was a 'cough feed' from the perspective of Freudian psychology. According to Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), 'the father of psychoanalysis', the 'id', which was the name he gave to the unconscious, contained what was repressed by the individual ego, for example, illness, which was instinctively denied by consciousness, as a foreshadowing of death. Although Jungian psychology had all but replaced Freudian psychology by the 1960s, that is, Carl Gustav Jung's (1875-1961) understanding of the unconscious, as containing a personal aspect, which he termed the subconscious, or shadow, associated with instinct, Freud's interpretation of the unconscious as an 'id' remained influential. According to Jung, the shadow was a gateway to the unconscious, in dreams, art and the imagination, where what Jung identified as the 'God archetype', a facultas preformandi, pre-existing ego-consciousness, produced imagery in the form of characters, images, and abstract symbolism, which mediated the development of the conscious mind from the unconscious by means of prompts to aid awakening thought.



 An earlier psychoanalytical approach were the Veda scriptures (1500-500 B.C.) of ancient India, which inculcated a belief in listening, śruti, to hear pictures invisible to their vision centers, as an occluding video that the aparuseya, superhumans, had them living in. Freud's id and Jung's archetypes were aspects of a human faculty adapted to combat that occlusion, which had an artificially imposed extrinsic agent alien to normative development. The word Veda derives from the Indo-Iranian language of Sanskrit’s ‘vid’, 'to know', that is, Covid means 'to know death'. However, in the Roman dead language, Latin, vid means 'to see', while in the Rig Veda hymns, véda is 'obtaining or finding wealth, property' (10. 93. 11), that is, Covid was a property thieves’ ‘snuff video’ in which the people are coughin’. Moreover, as véda also means ritual fire, the coffin is followed by the cremation of the former owner of the property thieved, which is the meaning of the video.

 Alfred Adler (1870-1937), founder of ‘Individual Psychology’, believed cultures with an ‘inferiority complex’1 developed to a point where they were ripe for being looted by their ‘farmers’, which ‘power psychology’ was that of Covid 19, for example, the Jews, after World War Two (1939-45), and restored to their homeland, Palestine, were invaded by Arabs, who celebrate the sparing of Ishmael by God, that is, the second son of Abraham by the concubine, Hajer, as the Eid or ‘feast’ Al Adha, whereas the older Judaism celebrates the sparing of Isaac by God, as the first son of Abraham by wife, Sara, although the patriarch had been told to sacrifice the child atop a mountain. God’s Covenant with the Jews was that they wouldn’t be sacrificed, while the Arabs sacrifice animals to commemorate Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice Ishmael, and Christians have their ‘Harvest Festival’. However, as God’s ‘Cov’ with the Jews wasn’t an Eid, the Arabs weren’t able to ‘drive them into the sea’,2 as Hassan al-Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, was reported by The New York Times to have threatened in 1948, as Jews aren’t animals, although Dror Ben Ami, in a 2015 issue of The Jerusalem Post, qualified that, ‘… the blood sacrifice of Jesus was a more effective way to remove sins [than animals, which are still sacrificed for their efficacy in Judaism] ...'3 Covid 19 was a global coven’s promise of an Eid, as a sacrifice, ‘… for the sins of the whole world.’ (John 1: 2. 2) The Moslem women were the people most prepared to deal with the virus, as the burka is an ancient form of filtering apparatus for breathing in the heat of the desert dusts and storms. As Moslem marriages are permitted four wives, they afford the possibility of sexual reproduction, within the Islamic family, for women’s seed, whereas Christianity views Islam as illegitimate, as Hajer was unwed, and Mohamed was the descendant of Ishmael, that is, Covid, as an attack on burka-wearing women, was an attempt at sacrificing original humanity as an animal life form.



 The virus first emerged at a Wuhan city hospital, Hubei province, China, in December 2019, before killing upwards of 6,000,000 in a global pandemic, until the one-shot Janssen vaccine was available, and the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the virus endemic on May 5th, 2023, that is, the number of cases arising was thereafter predictable. Known as Cov-SARS 2, as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), a coronavirus, had first emerged from a cave in Yunnan province, China, in 2000, but that Cov-SARS 1 had been less virulent and containable, the ‘crown virus’ was Vedic in the sense that the Hindu chakra ladder system of development, through meditation, had Sahasrara as the ‘crown’ at the top of the head. Beginning at the Muladhara chakra at the base of the spine, consciousness rose to Sahasrara, after passing through five other points along the spinal column, that is, Svadhisthana (reproductive organs), Manipura (digestion/gestation), Anahata (heart), Vishuddhi (throat), and Ajna (frontal lobe), signifying higher levels of conscious awakening, suggesting Covid 19 meant that the human race was again being harvested by ‘supermen’.

 Although communist China is associated with the legendary creature, the fire-breathing dragon, President of the communist Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, ordering the Red Army to invade the Ukraine on February 24th, 2022, with the TOS 1 and 2 heavy flamethrower system, was the conventional weapon, deployed to compliment the biological weapon, which more physically resembled the activity of the mythical dragon. That flatulence characterized Cov-SARS 2, and phase one of the missile launched TOS 1/2 was also a flammable vapor, collapsing lungs fierily in phase two, as Cov-SARS 2 virally collapsed lungs, suggested the ‘red dragon’ of the Bible, ‘The dragon stood before the woman, who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.’ (Rev: 12. 4) To know whose birth, it’s necessary to know the Steppe is where Russia is. A biome of temperate grasslands, savannas and shrublands, across Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, western Russia, Siberia, Kazakhstan, Xinjiang, Mongolia and Manchuria, the Eurasian steppes were known for plundering horsemen, such as the horde of the Mongol Empire’s (1206-1294) Genghis Khan.



 Archaeology dates the appearance of the stirrup for horse riding there at 300 C.E., which is important for students of modernity, as steppe and stirrup are scientific nomenclature for the small bones of the ear, which also consist of hammer and anvil. The thundering of horses’ hooves isn’t only a metaphor for the hammer and the anvil of the farmed and the plunderer, in the stirrups along the steppes, but of the relationship between the slaver and whoever wants slaves, ‘And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed in the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and crying out in the pain and agony of giving birth.’ (Rev: 12. 1-2) In modern gynecology women use stirrups, when giving birth, which suggests a delivery of the European Union of member states, with its blue flag of twelve stars, as Putin invaded the Ukraine, ‘The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to wage war on the remnant of her seed.’ (Rev: 12. 17) According to the Bible, the child is, ‘he who will rule the nations with an iron scepter’ and is Jesus ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’, in his ‘Second Coming’ to the Earth, after his crucifixion and death, during the occupation of Jewish Palestine by the Roman Empire, in the reign of Tiberius Caesar Augustus (14-37 C.E.), nailed to a cross of wood atop the hill of Calvary, outside the city of Jerusalem, after one of his disciples, Judas, finding Jesus with a woman, betrayed him to the Jewish Pharisees, that is, the religious police, ‘Leave her alone.’ (Mk: 14. 6)

 Born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus’ birth was that of women’s seed. In Christian iconography, Mary is depicted crushing the head of a serpent with her foot, as God promised the woman, Eve, her ‘seed’ would prevail over the angel, Satan, turned into a serpent in the paradise of Eden by God for rejecting the creator’s plan for the human host to be greater than the angelic, ‘You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15) According to Jewish Midrash, the first man created by God, Adam, was hermaphroditic, suggesting that Eve, described in the Old Testament of the Bible, which is the history and law of the Jews, that is, the Torah and Talmud, as created from the rib or side of Adam, was a birth from self-fertilization. That the Roman guard, Longinus, saw fit to thrust his spear into the side of Jesus, in extremis, indicates the Romans were worried that women’s seed posed a threat to their host womb slaving of the human race, ‘Surely, this was the son of God.’ (Matt: 27. 54) As hermaphrodites are called futanarian, so Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension to heaven was a prefiguration of that of women’s ‘foot’ race, and as women had all of the host wombs, Jesus’ ruling on behalf of women’s seed was prefigured by Putin’s invasion of the Ukraine. However, as a draco voivode, which is a term common in Central, East, and South East Europe, meaning ‘war dragon’, Putin corresponded to Satan, in Jesus’ disciple John’s apocalyptic vision of the future, insofar as he represented women who ‘put out’, in the United States’ vernacular, for men who ‘put in’, a golfing vernacular for sexual intercourse, where the aim is to ‘make a hole in one’. Although war seems a false sexual analogy, it isn’t, as the human futanarian race of women’s seed is native to the planet Earth, whereas the serpent’s seed of men aren’t, that is, it’s a species’ war against an alien invader, which lives as a parasite on the human host womb.

 The Old Testament depicts God’s spirit as feminine, that is, the ‘Shekinah’, who dwelt in the tent of the tabernacle of the Jews, during their exodus from slavery to the Pharaoh Thutmose III (1479-1425 B.C.) of Egypt, while according to Jesus’ disciple John’s vision, ‘When the dragon saw that he had been hurled to the Earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child. The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent’s reach.’ (Rev: 12. 14) That the eagle is therefore good is a metaphor used by bombers, for example, the Sassanid Empire of Persia, which was the last before the Koran (610-30 C.E.) of the Prophet Mohamed, dictated by the angels of God, according to the Moslems believers of the nations of Islam, built ‘Towers of Silence’, where corpses were devoured by carrion birds.



 Modern air forces use control towers to direct aircraft as birds to bomb, that is, silence, human civilization, as a repressed Freudian ‘id’, utilized by Adlerian power fantasists, like Germany’s Reichsführer, Adolf Hitler, whose ‘eagles’, that is, Reichsadler, in the likeness of the standard bearers of the armies of Rome, constructed konzentrazionslager, during World War Two (1939-45), where upwards of 6,000,000 Jews and other ‘ethnic minorities’ were killed, while amongst the liberators of the ‘death camps’, the British Special Air Service, also called SAS, which is the word for ‘eagle’ amongst the Hungarians, sas, represent similar air forces, for example, the German city of Dresden, capital of the state of Saxony, was devastated by 772 British and 527 US’ bombers in four air raids, between 13th and 15th February, 1945, killing 25,000 people. That war is the symptom of an id, arising through repressed sexuality, is cogent, as women’s seed is its target.

 Whereas homosexuals look to see if they’re ‘up’ with each other, as eagles, boys and girls are taught that they’ll be up with the predators, whereas with women’s seed, the women look to each other, while the boy sons are in a position to learn that the boys’ owners are the poisonous serpents’ seed, which looks only to castrate the human brain. Before Cov-SARS 2, the ‘incurable killer disease’ of the late 20th century was the human immune deficiency virus (HIV), discovered by communist Africa’s DR Congo in 1983, as a mutant variant of the simian immune deficiency virus (SIV), being transmitted between homosexuals in sterile mockery of the human act of sexual reproduction, that is, infecting each other’s anus with contaminated semen, resulting in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and death. That AIDS was a precursor of SARS, which scientists view as a determinant factor in the weakening of the human system to make it susceptible to SARS, suggests that the AIDS/SARS virus was a biological weapon developed by communist nations under the sway of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), before 1991, when it became the Russian Federation, with Putin, former lieutenant colonel with the intelligence agency, the KGB, elected in 1999, as the ‘beneficiary’.

 John’s apocalyptic vision is of four horsemen, ‘Authority was given to them over a fourth of the Earth, to kill by sword and by famine and by plague and by the wild beasts of the Earth.’ (Rev: 6. 8) The metaphor is of the thundering of hooves across the steppes, with the riders in the stirrups, analogous to the German Reichsadler, for the ears of the possessed, who on September 11th, 2001, corresponded to members of the terrorist organization, Al Qaeda, ‘the base’, led by Saudi business heir, Osama Ben Laden, operating under the auspices of the notoriously misogynist Taliban regime of Afghanistan, whose hijacking of civil airliners in the US to crash into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center on Manhattan island, New York city, as a city of the planes, represented the psychological reality of misogyny being identical with homosexuality, destroyed by God in the Bible, as ‘the cities of the plains’ (Gen: 19. 14), Sodom and Gomorrah, that is, as a form of racism perpetrated against women as a species by alien invaders, who correspond to men.

 The woman watching TV is the writer in the stirrups awaiting the steppes of her child, according to John, where steppes is tapes, and Covid 19 is a coffee and a video for an adult flummoxed as to why she doesn’t still look 19 years old, with all of the science available, ‘The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.’ (Rev: 13. 15) The misogynist beast is aging homosexuality, which wants to make sure that all of its bums are primaried correctly. Without women’s seed men and women are a single male brained creature wearing each other’s clothes as a transvestite TV, therefore the TV watcher is in the difficult position of being ridden by an adler (eagle) in the stirrups, while trying to see her child on the screen of the mass media entertainment industry, which in the capital city of Los Angeles, district of Hollywood, ‘Babylon’, west coast state of California, sought to abort her species early, with the Hays code (1930-67), established by President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), Will Hays, seeking to put down her race’s foot, rather than have it crush the head of the serpent, Putin paradise, in a typical instance of Adlerian power politics, ‘... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`4 Although Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.) was the capital city of the Persian Empire, biblical commentators believe John’s apocalypse refers to Hollywood.

 A screen heroine is labeled a ‘whore’ in the Middle East, as the women’s faces can be seen, whereas Islamic culture demands that women wear the black one-piece coverall of the burka in public, that is, TV watchers are the equivalent of heroine addicts to the prurient, while the illegal heroin narcotic, administered with a syringe, with users, sharing needles infected with AIDS, assisting the killer’s incurable pandemic, is called ‘horse’ in Western societies. The addict, ridden by its addiction, to become the hero of Holy Rood, that is, the crucifier, exterminated women’s seed, as the whores he was ridden by, which is a non sequitur, ‘Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.’ (Rev: 17. 5) Heroin addicts have described their addiction as, ‘riding the dragon’, but the red dragon of Revelation (12. 4) isn’t a horse, while it could be heroin, although the heroines of the apocalypse clearly aren’t the whore’s, who’s depicted as riding upon a ‘scarlet beast’, ‘She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things, and the filth of her adulteries.’ (Rev: 17. 4) As women are a species’ family, men are their adulterate, which representing the corruption of women’s seed by the serpent’s, makes new birth difficult, as the steer ups are corrupted, that is, the educators, by the palimpsest of a false history imposed on women’s human race by an alien possessor, ’… [a] sign appeared in heaven: and behold, a great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads were seven diadems. And his tail swept away a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the Earth.’ (Rev: 12. 3-4) According to the prophet Daniel, ‘As for the ten horns, out of this kingdom ten kings shall arise after them; he shall be different from the former ones, and shall put down three kings.’ (Dan: 7. 24) As he is different from the other nine, the three correspond to the third of the stars of heaven, while the seven heads are other of the alien’s lieutenants, who are for slavery, rather than human sexual reproduction.

 John’s vision is of a dragon; some whore’s, that is, a drag on some horse, as the heroines’ penises have been smoked down to their butt. As the ancient Greeks institutionalized the host womb enslavement of women for homosexuality in pederasty to wage war (499-49 B.C.) against the Persian Emperor, Darius I, a stair up which abominations rose are what the ancient world produced for the alien. As modern women continue as the host womb slaves of an invasive alien parasite, which prefers bumming off an old videoed ape atop a high rise building in New York city, swatting away airplanes, to genuinely new ideas for edutainment productions, that’s zwei.


1 Adler, Alfred Understanding Human Nature, 1992, Ch. 6.

2 Schmidt, Dana Adams, ‘Aim to Oust Jews Pledged by Sheikh; Head of Moslem Brotherhood Says U.S., British 'Politics' Has Hurt Palestine Solution’, The New York Times, August 2, 1948.

3 Ami, Dror Ben ‘Metaphors in the Torah: The Roles of Blood and the Liver in Removing Sin’, The Jerusalem Post, February 10th, 2015, 18:57 pm, .


TV Tropes .

Cough Eid

21/11/2023 02:46

 Cough Eid


In English vernacular ‘to cough’ means to relinquish property or cash, which is the reason for inheritors to be associated with the coffin, that is, the dead release their grip on what they’ve held. The Covid 19 virus, which killed upwards of 6,000,000 people in a global pandemic, was therefore a cough ‘id’ plague, associated with inheritance, and the id of Freudian psychology, which is what emerges after being repressed into the unconscious, according to Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), ‘the father of psychoanalysis’, often in the form of psychopathic behavior in victims, for example, homicide. Called Covid 19 because it emerged at a Wuhan city hospital, Hubei province, communist China, in December 2019, most people understood it was an age-related label, as the strength of youth had more chance of surviving the epidemic, that is, at age 19 or thereabouts, although amongst the Moslems of the nations of Islam, Eid, that is, ‘feast’, provided Covid with another connotation; cough Eid.

 According to the Old Testament of the Christian Bible, which is the Torah and Talmud of the Jews, that is, their history and law, the patriarch Abraham was ordered by the creator, God, to take his son, Isaac, by his wife, Sara, to the top of a mountain and sacrifice him. However, an angel of God appeared to stay Abraham’s hand as he held the knife. Afterwards, Abraham held a feast to celebrate God’s sparing of his son through the angel, while later Isaac founded Judaism. The Moslems of Islam celebrate the sparing of Ishmael, Abraham’s second son, by the concubine, Hajer. As Mohamed, the descendant of Ishmael, received the Koran (610-30 C.E.) from the angels of God, according to Islamic tradition, Ishmael is credited with the founding of Islam. The Eid al-Fitr is held each year to celebrate Mohamed’s revelation, after a month-long period of fasting, known as Ramadan, while the Eid al-Adhar is ostensibly held in recognition of Abraham’s willingness to obey God, although Isaac’s founding of Judaism suggests it was intended as a form to prevent fathers from perpetrating human sacrifice upon their offspring for the sake of keeping their property and cash.



 Covid 19 was a cough Eid to establish the preeminence of the coffin for the inheritors. Although people are taught that ‘an Englishman’s home is his castle’, for example, it’s a larger or smaller box in which valuables are kept to a greater or lesser extent, that is, it’s a coffin, which in some societies approaches to the status of tomb. In the Japanese Shinto religion kami are the spirits associated with the veneration of ancestors, that is, the people live in veneration within the tomb of the ancestors, for example, an organization such as the Noise Abatement Society (NAS) in England is perfectly cognizant as a belief that the dead shouldn’t be disturbed. In Arabia, the Nasnas is a half-man, that is, while humans are symmetrical, it has one of everything, as representing the half-life that people would have, if they obeyed anti-life prohibitions such as, ‘children should be seen and not heard’, enforced by ghouls to force the living to accept a twilight existence of belief in the universe as a tomb subject to guardians of invisible spirits, who might conceivably turn nasty; if the ‘false gods’ egos weren’t assuaged with palliative offerings.

 As Isaac didn’t want to be killed by his father, as a father he initially wouldn’t want to kill his children. However, as Greek mythology illustrates, fathers are jealous. The creator god, Chronos, would have devoured Zeus, but Rhea had him swallow a stone instead, while jealousy is a prime characteristic of God in Judaism, ‘I am a jealous God.’ (Ex: 20. 25) That God uses the indefinite article indicates the fact that Judaism didn’t create God, that is, God, in various forms, was already created. Only in Judaism is the belief in death preeminent as a means for the enslaving of the human race in ephemeral acceptance of ancestor worship, that is, inheritance of property and cash, after the coffin, which is what Covid 19, the severe acute respiratory syndrome (Cov-SARS 2), that had as its characteristics; breathing problems, brain damage, and flatulence, illustrated.

 The Judaic narrative of how slavery and death began is that of the angel, Satan, placed in the paradise of Eden and turned into a serpent by God for rejecting God’s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic. Giving Eve, the woman there, ‘the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’, which it was death to taste, the serpent said, ‘You shall be as gods.’ (Gen: 3. 5) Eve and Adam, the first man created by God, were expelled from Eden for rejecting ‘the fruit of the tree of life’, which was immortality, in preference for slavery to death in ephemerality and the ignorance of war to obtain ends. However, God’s promise to Eve was that her ‘seed’ would prevail, ‘You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15) According to Jewish Midrash, Adam was hermaphroditic, which means the story of Eve being created by God from the rib or side of Adam was a euphemism for self-fertilization; a species’ attribute of the human futanarian race of women’s seed.

 That Covid 19 was attributable to the weakening of the human system by the homosexually transmitted mutant simian immune deficiency virus (SIV), discovered by Africa’s then communist DR Congo in 1983, is an aspect of the slaving of the human host womb by the serpent’s seed. The human immune deficiency virus (HIV), spread by homosexuals, infecting each other’s anus with contaminated semen, in sterile mockery of the human act of sexual reproduction, resulting in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), organ collapse and brain death, illustrated that the enslaving alien was the valence of homosexuality, which perceived the human species as a hole only, from whence to emerge as a worm, to live as a parasite, on the neck of what it conceived to be a ruminant.

 That AIDS/SARS is associated with homosexuality is obvious, as is the possibility of its being intentionally unleashed as a ‘biological weapon’ in support of Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine on February 24th, 2022, as the communist Red Army’s main field weapon, the TOS 1 and 2 heavy flamethrower system, was a conventional version of Cov-SARS 2, the more virulent variant of the Cov-SARS 1, coronavirus, that is, ‘crown virus’, which emerged in 2002 from a cave in Yunnan province, China, to lesser effect. Where SARS was characterized virally by flammable flatulence and lung collapse, TOS 1 and 2 was characterized by a missile launched first stage layer of flammable vapor, followed fierily by a second stage causing incineration and/or lung collapse. Uncomfortable with the coughin’ of the Muscovites, disturbing the ancestral spirits around the Kremlin and environs, President Vladimir Putin helped relieve the coffined dead of President Volodymyr Zelensky’s Ukrainians of their property and cash, given independence by Russia in 1991, before the election of the former lieutenant colonel with the KGB state intelligence agency in 1999, which perfectly illustrates the activity of the slavers’ concerns with ensuring peaceful coexistence. Although communism is atheistic, as Satanist English rock group Led Zeppelin’s lyric to their song, ‘The Song Remains The Same’ (1972), from the album, Houses of the Holy, emphasizes, the principle of slaughtering the upcoming generation to prevent their inheriting, is fundamentalist:


‘California sunlight

Sweet Calcutta rain

Honolulu starbright

The song remains the same.’1


 Satanism is slavery and death for the workers, as homosexuals are only interested in the fruits of the labors of others, which is why they’re called ‘fruits’, in the English vernacular, as they aren’t interested in the processes of human sexual reproduction and family, who’re industry, that is, homosexuality is a characteristic of management, as they’re for fruits, rather than labor pains, as God told Adam, after the serpent gave Eve the ‘forbidden fruit’: ‘By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.’ (Gen: 3. 19) Eve, similarly, ‘I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor you will give birth to children.’ (Gen: 3. 16) Judaism’s God was slavery, which explains Satanism’s popularity, as Led Zeppelin’s lyric to ‘Houses of the Holy’, from the album Physical Graffiti (1975), implies:


‘From the houses of the holy,

We can watch the white doves go

From the door comes Satan's daughter,

And it only goes to show,

You know …’2


 The knowledge of good and evil is what the forbidden fruit of paradise conferred, which necessitated the distinction between homosexuality and women’s seed. That women appear to have been castrated as a race, by men of the serpent’s seed, presupposes the image of Satan’s daughter, as the host womb slave of an alien creature; not of her own nature.


1 Page, Jimmy, and Robert Plant ‘The Song Remains The Same’, Houses of the Holy, Atlantic, 1972.

2 Page, Jimmy, and Robert Plant ‘Houses of the Holy’, Physical Graffiti, Swan Song, 1975.

God of Animals

21/11/2023 02:45

God of Animals


The story of the flood, known as the 'antediluvian period' in the religious history of the Earth, as according to Judaism, founded by Isaac, son of Abraham, who was ordered by God to take Isaac to the top of a mountain and kill him as a human sacrifice (Gen: 22. 12), God had drowned the Earth in a deluge of rain that continued ‘for forty days and forty nights’ (Gen: 7. 4), was characterized by the patriarch Noah's building of a floating Ark, which means 'box', (Gen: 7. 2) to put breeding pairs of all of the animals of the Earth inside. The Jews' narrative is that of God's extermination of the descendants of Eve, the woman, and Adam, the first man created by God (Gen: 2. 7), because God wasn't pleased. More logically, it's supposable that Isaac wasn't, although an angel of God reportedly saved him from being sacrificed by Abraham upon God's reflecting on his own psychopathic nature.

 That Jesus 'Christ', 'the chosen', known throughout the New Testament of the Christian Bible, which they believe supersedes the Old Testament of the history and law of Judaism, that is, the Torah and Talmud, as 'the lamb of God' (John: 1. 29), was a human sacrifice, tends to support the belief that Isaac fought in the same way as Jesus, who preached 'Love your neighbor as you love yourself.' (Mk: 12. 31) That Jesus was the chosen lamb of human sacrifice seems evident, while the subsequent history of Christianity tends to strengthen the argument of humans as animal sacrifice from the perspective of those worshiping God, for example, during the Second World War (1939-45), 6,000,000 Jews and other ethnic minorities were killed in death camps specifically built for that purpose by the Germans, led by Chancellor Adolf Hitler, as the Jews had been chosen as a 'scapegoat' for Germany's Kaiser Wilhelm II's own unsuccessful failure to enslave the Earth in World War One (1914-18) for that Christian Empire.

 That Isaac was to be sacrificed, like an animal, and Jesus, 'the lamb', was sacrificed, was meant to signify humans as animals farmed for butchering, although Dror Ben Ami had this to say in a 2015 issue of The Jerusalem Post, ‘… the blood sacrifice of Jesus was a more effective way to remove sins [than animals, which are still sacrificed for their efficacy in Judaism] ...'1 The idea is of humans sacrificed as animals to remove sin. However, aren't they sinful in that they butcher humans as animals? Jesus is then the figure of an animal that forgives its being butchered, as a role model for the slaughtered to identify with, so making it easier for the butcher to butcher, which is made especially auspicious by Jesus' Resurrection and Ascension to heaven. However, if Christianity is to be taken seriously, there's significance to Jesus' role other than that of a slaughtered human who doesn't mind the butcher, because the meat's a prison.

 God's promise is of immortal spirit bodies. However, legitimizing the execution by reference to the exemplary slaughtering of Jesus, 'the lamb', and his forgiveness eternal thereafter, seems overly accepting of the irrelevance of the meat in the light of a promising butcher. God created the heavens and the Earth in the antediluvian period, according to Isaac's Judaism, and placed in the paradise of Eden the angel, Satan, turned into a serpent by God for rejecting God's plan that the human host be greater than the angelic. Giving Eve, 'the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil', which it was death to taste, Satan told her, 'You shall be as gods.' (Gen: 3. 15) Expelling Eve and Adam for rejecting 'the fruit of the tree of life', which was immortality, for ephemerality in slavery, God nevertheless promised Eve her 'seed' would prevail, 'You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.' (Gen: 3. 15) According to Jewish Midrash Adam was hermaphroditic, which means that Eve, who is described as being created from the side or rib of Adam, was the result of a birth from self-fertilization. Eve and Adam were 'women's seed', called futanarian, that is, God’s foot, whereas Satan's a type of the butcher.

 Born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus was her foot, which was why she was depicted in Christian iconography as crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, as the role of women's seed was to produce brainpower strong enough to resist being butchered, that is, immortality through medicine, and colonization of the planets amongst the stars of heaven. Jesus' Resurrection and Ascension to heaven was therefore in prefiguration of that of women's seed, as Jesus' disciple John observed in his apocalyptic vision of the future, 'Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.' (Rev: 16. 11) What they'd done was make women's seed ephemeral slaves to be butchered as animals, on the understanding that, ‘washed’, ‘in the blood of the lamb' (Rev: 7. 14), Jesus, their ‘robes’ were again ‘white’, and they were forgiven for their sin, in accordance with Jesus' words on the cross of his crucifixion, atop the hill of Calvary, outside the city of Jerusalem, nailed there by the Romans, until he died in the name of their Emperor, Tiberius Caesar Augustus (14-37 C.E.), during the occupation of Jewish Palestine, 'Forgive them for they know not what they do.' (Luke: 23. 34) Jesus' forgiveness was for what remained of the human race of futanarian women in the species, which was ignorant and didn't understand, as John saw, 'The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to wage war on the remnant of her seed.' (Rev: 12. 17) With the butcher forgiven, the slaughter went on.

 The preamble to the crucifixion is that Jesus was discovered by his disciple, Judas, with a woman. Notifying the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, Judas had Jesus handed over to the Romans, despite Jesus' mild rebuke to Judas, 'Leave her alone.' (Mk: 14. 6) Given that women's host wombs birth after fertilization, the societal impetus for Jesus' execution was the wider acceptance of Judas' homosexuality, representing the disinterestedness of the slaver and the butcher, that is, Jesus was slaughtered as he was women's seed, which isn't homosexual, as all of its host wombs are for all of its seed. Perceiving Jesus as a self-sacrifice, for which he forgave himself as the butcher, is what psychopathic killers use to justify their activity as murderers.

 Butchers forgiving themselves for killing isn't the meaning of Jesus' death, Resurrection and Ascension, which prefigures that of women's seed, 'The dragon stood before the woman, who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.' (Rev: 12. 4) The ‘red dragon’ is depicted as the butcher and the devourer, which suggests that humans aren’t sacrifice, but rather meat product. In humans accepting that they’re food, they’re forgiven for their sin, which is that of tempting the homosexual, represented by the ‘blood plague’ (Rev: 11. 6), that is, the ‘incurable killer disease’ of the late 20th century, human immune deficiency virus (HIV), discovered by Africa’s DR Congo in 1983, being transmitted between homosexuals, as a mutant variant of the simian immune deficiency virus (SIV).

 Primarily transmitted through infected semen in the anus from penile penetrations in the course of sterile mockeries of the act of human sexual fertilization of the ovum in the host womb of a woman, HIV resulted in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), collapse of the organs of the body and death. As the serpent’s seed, homosexuality’s role is that of the slaver who kills, as it’s a species’ killer, that is, it’s the virus of a syndrome. As Jesus said, when a woman was accused of adultery, ‘Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.’ (John: 8. 7) As women aren’t the serpent’s seed, they aren’t adulterous, but rather adulterated, which means they don’t have sin fire’s, which is homosexuality’s desire to human host womb slave for pederasty in war against women’s seed.

 The ancient Greeks institutionalized pederasty to wage war against the Persian Empire of Darius (499-49 B.C.), for example, while ‘Trojan virus’ became a 20th century ‘geek’ euphemism for computer malfunction, that is, brain death, after the Greek poet Homer’s portrayal in his Iliad (c. 760-10 B.C.) of how the Greeks persuaded the Trojans in Asia Minor, at the mouth of modern Turkey’s Dardanelles straits to the Aegean sea and the Mediterranean, to take inside the hollow horse they’d hid inside, before emerging to sack the city of Troy there. The designing of ‘bad machine code’ (BMC) to infect computers as virus was a similar ruse indicative of homosexual activity. They addicted users to force themselves upon, which is the method of complication applied by slavery in the modern era, as anyone who’s wondered at easy made difficult will have guessed. The cashless bank, which doesn’t have money when a withdrawal is required, for example, or the repeated requests for a user to change a secure computer login password, requiring change across a multitude of devices and systems, so the point of exhaustion and collapse is reached, which activates the homosexual to prey on the victim.

 The praying concept is deliberately confused by those who like to prey, that is, those who go to Christian places of worship, pray, whereas for those who prey upon them, praying for God’s help is what they’re prey for. Christian imagery of church congregations, as flocks of sheep pastored by priests, wearing dog collars, doesn’t do much to dissuade the preying. Nor does imagery of Jesus, as the shepherd of Christianity, who is also ‘the lamb of God’, as for the butcher it’s more prey. The concept of war dogs is similarly obfuscating, as Mark Anthony’s speech shows, after Caesar, the Roman Emperor, is stabbed to death in the back by members of Rome’s Senate (44 B.C.), in English dramatist William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar (1599), as dog collar wearing priests are then seen as preparing their flocks for slaughter by the butcher, which is what those who prey have them for:


‘O, pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth,

That I am meek and gentle with these butchers!

Cry “Havoc!” and let slip the dogs of war ..’.2



 From the perspective of the butcher, all of the slaves who’re sold on war, that is, the soldier, are defensive women, in that they’re the ‘remnant’ of women’s seed, sent to die by worriers of the behind, which is what the fear of AIDS, as a biological weapon, deployed by homosexuality, for host womb slavery of the human race, in pederasty for war against women’s seed, was for. That God drowned the Earth, at a time when hermaphroditism was normative, is according to Isaac, who founded Judaism, as he didn’t want to be slaughtered as an animal, by his father, in butchery. That breeding in pairs is meant to be taken as a sign, for the future of animal husbandry, is evident from the loading of Noah’s Ark, that is, humans were to be husbanded also, which meant that they were for butchery. The interesting question is: who’s the butcher working for? From the perspective of the slaughtered, God’s another word for Satan, as all are women’s remains dying for the butcher, who appears to have been killing their race since it was Abel, who was the son of Eve and Adam, killed by his brother, Cain (Gen: 4. 8), the first man slaughterer, according to Judaism, for being able to cook, which was too advanced for the worrier dog, who didn’t want to go too far forward too soon, as then he wouldn’t see the other’s haunch.


1 Ami, Dror Ben ‘Metaphors in the Torah: The Roles of Blood and the Liver in Removing Sin’, The Jerusalem Post, February 10th, 2015, 18:57 pm, .

2 Shakespeare, William Julius Caesar, Act III, Scene i, l. 254-5; l. 273, 1599.

Simurgh Tree

21/11/2023 02:45

Simurgh Tree


William Blake’s poem about a tiger, isn’t. Although indubitably concerned with the role of a creator, the description of the central figure of a feline predator, native to Eurasia’s Steppe, Indo-China, and Australia, is designed to query the benevolence of God to the extent that ‘The Tyger’ (1794) is a metaphor for the Satanical. A central concept of the Christian Old Testament of the Bible, which is the Torah and Talmud of Judaism, that is, their history and law, is that of the prelapsarian paradise of Eden, where the lion and the lamb, for example, are represented as living in peaceful co-existence, before the expulsion of Eve, the woman, and Adam, the first man created by God, after Satan, the angel turned into a serpent by God for rejecting God’s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic, gave to Eve ‘the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’, which it was death to taste, ‘You shall be as gods.’ (Gen: 3. 5) Expelling Eve and Adam from Eden for rejecting the ‘fruit of the tree of life’, which was immortality, God nevertheless promised Eve her ‘seed’ would prevail, ‘You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15) Hermaphrodites are called futanarian, and Adam was hermaphroditic, according to Jewish Midrash, which explains why Eve is depicted as created by God from the side or rib of Adam, that is, she was a birth from self-fertilization, which is a species’ trait of the human ‘foot’ race. After the inauguration of slavery in ephemerality, the role of Satan as a predator was established, as Eve’s, representing the human host womb of women’s seed, its prey:


‘Tyger Tyger, burning bright,

In the forests of the night; 

What immortal hand or eye, 

Could frame thy fearful symmetry?’



 Although the concept of women’s seed seems tangential to the poem by Blake, its relevance is fundamental. Most critics have glossed the last line of the first stanza as a whimsical piece of writing designed to draw attention to the difficulties posed to both author and reader in adjusting their vision to the exigencies of rhyme. In simple terms, ‘symmetry’ doesn’t rhyme with ‘eye’, whereas the demands of the rhyming pattern are that it ought to. For the line to fit in, ‘symmetry’ should be read as ‘simmer’ and ‘try’, which is logical in that liquids simmer, if fire is applied, and fire is the theme of the poem; insofar as Blake attributes to the tiger that elemental quality. However, it’s more likely that ‘try’ is an instruction to the reader to understand why it is that ‘simmer’ is associated with what’s symmetrical. Every predator needs its prey, which is the meaning of the allusion to the Simurgh bird. Emblem of Persian Iran’s Sassanian Empire, predecessor to the first Moslem Rashidun (632-61 C.E) Caliphate of Islam, after the death of the Prophet Mohamed, to whom the angels of God dictated their Koran (610-30 C.E.), according to tradition, the Simurgh symbolizes benevolence, which is what Blake is asking the reader of the poem to cogitate:


‘In what distant deeps or skies.

Burnt the fire of thine eyes?

On what wings dare he aspire?

What the hand, dare seize the fire?’



 Blake’s inquiry is ambivalent in that, although the tiger appears to be the subject, there appears to be a contrasting allegory of an aery creature, which the writer is pursuing, while seemingly doubting God as the creator. Traditionally, the Simurgh bird is big and female. While she can bare the face of a man, she's a peacock, with the head of a dog, and the claws of a lion, that can carry off an elephant or a whale, which gives rise to Blake's allusion to the ocean deep, whereas the following paired lines of the second stanza of the poem refer to a creator’s apparent transgression, or a wooer’s. That Satan is a wooer of God, as well as a rival, seems to be Blake’s theme. However, the question seems posed by the Simurgh herself: is the creator her mate? According to Iranian legend, the Simurgh, like the mythical Phoenix, renewed herself in fire, which suggests that Blake’s poem is the Simurgh’s challenge to the creator. Be her mate in the fire, or be her consumer. That the tiger was a creature of prey, 'after the fall of man', means it's a recreation of Satan's, that is, renewal, or consumption, is what awaits her:


‘And what shoulder, & what art,

Could twist the sinews of thy heart?

And when thy heart began to beat.

What dread hand? & what dread feet?’



 Although the third stanza of the poem has the appearance of being about the creation of the tiger by God, there’s a reference to what comes later in the poem, ‘the lamb of God’, as the butcher’s ‘shoulder’, that is, the powerful shoulder muscles of the tiger are made symmetrical with those of a ‘shoulder of lamb’, which is a chop. That Jesus ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’, is a ‘lamb chop’ to Blake sits uneasily with the belief of Christians in the New Testament of the Bible, based on Jesus’ teaching, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) According to the New Testament, which the Christians believe supersedes that of the Old Testament of the Jews, Jesus, born uncontaminated by male semen, from his mother, the Virgin Mary, depicted in Christian iconography as crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, that is, Jesus, as the seed of Eve, was killed after being found with a woman by his disciple, Judas, who gave Jesus to the Jewish Pharisees, the religious police, who presumably had instructions that women’s seed wasn’t to breed, who gave Jesus to the Romans, who sentenced Jesus to be crucified atop the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem, where he was nailed to a cross of wood and died there, but experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of women’s seed.

 With God’s promise of immortality proven, the Christian church flourished thereafter, although the nomenclature of priests as ‘shepherds’, wearing ‘dog collars’, and congregations as ‘flocks of sheep’, suggests immortality as a ‘sugar tit’ for being butchered as animals for food, rather than that ‘the foot of God’, which is the hermaphroditic human race, should produce brainpower sufficient to give itself immortality, through medical science, and colonize the planets amongst the stars of heaven, through technological progress, to escape being the food of the ‘meat safe’ guards, who’re associable with the dreaded hands and feet of the meat hammer, that is, the butcher, as much as the padded claws of the tiger stalking its kill. That Jesus’ eponym was ‘the sacred heart’ suggests that Blake is referring to those fearful sinews of the lamb of God, Jesus, slaughtered by the Romans, like an animal, during the reign of the Emperor, Tiberius Caesar Augustus (14-37 C.E.), with the additional ignominy attached to the dread hands and feet of the despiser, Longinus, who thrust his spear into the side of ‘the Second Adam’, saying satirically, ‘Surely, this was the son of God.’ (Matt: 27. 54) Clearly no Eve was to be born from that woman’s seed. From the artistic perspective, the creator was enduring an art attack:


‘What the hammer? what the chain,

In what furnace was thy brain?

What the anvil? what dread grasp.

Dare its deadly terrors clasp?’



 The allusion to the butcher’s meat hammer is followed by a reference to the enslavement of the human host’s womb by male semen, which is the serpent’s seed, as Jesus’ disciple, John, saw in his apocalyptic vision of the future, Revelation, ‘The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to wage war on the remnant of her seed.’ (Rev: 12. 17) Although the ‘red dragon’ (Rev: 12. 4) is Satan, according to John’s prescience, men, as distinct from women’s seed, aren’t exempt from blame, as they ‘… cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.’ (Rev: 16. 11) What they’d done was prefer being slavers in butchery, which essentially is a homosexual disease, as they take from behind, like animals with their prey. Blake, as a successor to John, was predicting the ‘blood plague’ (Rev: 11. 6), that is, the ‘incurable killer disease’, AIDS, which was discovered by DR Congo, in the late 20th century, as a mutant variant of simian immune deficiency virus (SIV), transmitted between homosexuals, during sterile mockery of the human act of sexual reproduction, as infected semen in the anus. The human immune deficiency virus, becoming acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), collapsed the organs of the body before brain death. Blake’s furnace in the brain is the virus of hell. As poets are primarily concerned with the ear, that is, rhyme, Blake’s hammer and anvil analogy refers to the small bones of the ear, which are tripartite, having the stirrups also, which are also called the steppes, while Blake conceives the human as being ridden by a rider, for example, AIDS, as a symptom of what drives the killer, who is unintelligent in that they don’t seem to be able to understand that they shouldn’t chop:


‘When the stars threw down their spears

And water'd heaven with their tears:

Did he smile his work to see?

Did he who made the Lamb make thee?’



 Blake’s question isn’t about the tiger, it’s about men, the butcher. 15th century French seer, Michel Nostradamus, foresaw a ‘last king of the Mongols’, who were a horde of horsemen that, sweeping the steppe regions of Eurasia, pillaging the peoples that lived there, were a metaphor for the demon in the stirrups of the ear, that is, the Steppes, driving the human host to kill, which chopping displaces shopping in the psychopathic mind. The tiger is Blake’s metaphor for the butcher, while the Simurgh bird, symbol of the Sassanid Empire, is his metaphor for ‘fearful’ benevolence, as it’s desirable to rulers that the butchered be peaceful, ‘The dragon stood before the woman, who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.’ (Rev: 12. 4) According to Jesus’ disciple, John, the child is Jesus, in his ‘Second Coming’ to the Earth, as ‘he who will rule the nations with an iron scepter’, to prevent women’s seed from being butchered, as he was, ‘Leave her alone.’ (Mk: 14. 6) According to Jesus’ disciple, John’s apocalypse, the stars were thrown down as spears by the dragon, Satan, ‘His tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the Earth.’ (Rev: 12. 4) Eve wasn’t the first woman, who was Lilith, according to Jewish Midrash, who rejected Adam, as she didn’t want to lie beneath him, so begat a horde of demons with the angel, Samael (poison of God). Moreover, as God drowned the first creation, which contained Eve and Adam, in a flood, before allowing the patriarch, Noah, to save his family and animals in a floating Ark, the stars thrown down by Satan were Lilith and Samael’s children, who’d colonized the planets there, which would be the reason for the Jews’ depicting Lilith and Samael (the boy son of God) as breeding a race of demons, as they weren’t misogyny.


‘See the sunlight, we ain't stopping

Keep on dancin' 'til the world ends

If you feel it, let it happen

Keep on dancin' 'til the world ends.’2



 United States of America’s pop music star Britney Spears’ lyrics to her song, ‘Till The World Ends’ (2011), from the album, Femme Fatale, indicate that the light of the sun won’t stop her dance, which will go on until the world ends. Traditionally, it’s vampires that fear the sunlight, which suggests Britney’s challenge to the dragon is that the Spears of this Earth will go on dancing, as amongst the North American Plains Indians, during the period of the colonization by Europeans, wars were declared by the breaking of spears. That the mass media Empire of the United States is centered upon the district of Hollywood, city of Los Angeles, West coast state of California, is called ‘Babylon’, after Jesus’ disciple John’s vision, suggests that stars throwing down Spears is archetypal, ‘Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.’ (Rev: 17. 5) Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.), as the capital city of the Persian Empire of Darius I, was at war with Greece (499-49 B.C.), which institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty for that purpose, whereas Hollywood ‘Babylon’ implemented the Hays code (1930-67), which effectively prevented women’s penis from ever being seen, that is, the human foot race, ‘... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`3 The limitation on Britney Spears’ dancing is that she can’t show anyone her foot, as the stars threw down their Spears.



 Although it wasn’t a challenge from Hollywood’s point of view, for women’s seed it was, that is, mainstream media appearances were essential, or the human futanarian species of God would never be. Instead, men and women would continue to be manufactured, as a single male creature wearing each other’s clothes, as a transvestite TV, sundered from its true hermaphroditic nature, hurling its spears at itself, as the slavers in homosexuality and pederasty for war provided self-extinction. An anti-Christian ‘black mass’ entertainment for worshipers of Satan to enjoy, ‘The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.’ (Rev: 13. 15) It’s the coffin of the Simurgh curse (smokers), where benevolence from, or towards, the female, is cursed by misogyny with extinction, as the penis of the human species is smoked down to its butt by the homosexual slaver, who wants it.

 If the ‘second beast’ is Covid, that is, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), AIDS is the first, which scientists believe weakened the human system to the point that it became susceptible to the SARS virus that, emerging from the land of the dragon, red (communist) China, at a Wuhan city hospital, in December 2019, killed upwards of 6,000,000 people globally, before a vaccine was available, for example, Russia’s Sputnik V, developed by Moscow’s Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology. Symptoms of Covid were brain damage and flatulence, which helped explain President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin’s deployment of the TOS 1 and 2 heavy flamethrower system, as the communist Red Army’s main field weapon, after the 24th February, 2022, invasion of the Ukraine. The first stage launched missile spread a flammable gas, while the second stage fierily ignited it, causing lung collapse, like Covid did virally, that is, the coffin of cremation was the ‘vid’ being made, after the initial launch of homosexuality’s ‘biological weapon’, AIDS.

 That Covid emerged in communism, that is, from Russia through China, with the red dragon as the leitmotif of an ideology promulgated by German economics philosopher Karl Marx, in Das Kapital (1868), always associated with the color red, doesn’t seem coincidental, as AIDS was uncovered by DR Congo, a ‘satellite’ nation of ‘soviet’ Russian Communism, in 1983, where soviet refers to the concept of decentralized government. After the defeat of Germany in World War Two (1939-45), following upon the similar defeat of Kaiser Wilhelm II’s ambitions to enslave the Earth in World War One (1914-18), with the Red Army capturing the capital city, Berlin, Russia became the decentralized government of Eastern European nations ‘liberated’ by the Red Army, a form of relationship with the Union of Soviet Socialist Russia (USSR), known as the Soviet Empire, adopted by many countries outside Europe, including DR Congo.

 The October 1917 Russian Revolution, led by Vladimir Ilyich ‘Lenin’, to overthrow Tsar Nicholas II’s oligarchy, resulted in the establishment of Marxism, ‘from each according to his abilities to each according to his needs’. However, even before the WWII dictatorship of Josef Stalin, it was evidently a ‘slogan’ used as a euphemism for slavery, similar to the fascist ideology of WWII German Reichsführer, Adolf Hitler, whose ‘slave labor’, konzentrationslager camps, were virtually identical with Stalin’s gulag, ‘labor camps’. As a former colonel with the Committee for State Security, that is, the KGB, elected in 1999, after the restitution of independence to countries formerly dependent, represented in the West as the dissolution of the USSR (CCCP), Putin’s benefiting from communism’s research into biological weapons enabled the twofold deployment in bio-chemical warfare of the AIDS/SARS TOS 1 and 2 virus of hell.

 In Central, East, and South East Europe, regions were often administered as draco voivode, that is, by ‘war dragons’, a euphemism for military governorship, for example, 15th century Prince of Wallachia (later modern Romania), Vlad Dracul III, model for Irish writer Bram Stoker’s 1897 vampire novel, Dracula, was a draco voivode, infamous for impaling his defeated rivals on stakes of wood, like the sharp faggots of homosexuality’s AIDS’ virus, ‘A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth. Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads.’ (Rev: 12. 1-2) In geopolitical terms, the European Union, with its blue flag, corresponded to the twelve stars, while the ‘red dragon’ was the communist Russian Federation, with its seven regions; Far Eastern, Siberian, Ural, Volga, North Western, Southern, and Central, with Vladimir Putin there, as its President, in the capital city of Moscow’s Kremlin, elected in 1999, posing a threat to the growth of the European Union (EU), in ordering the invasion of the Ukraine, by the Red Army on February 24th, 2022, to prevent that nation’s membership.

 The ‘woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet’ is an AIDS symbol, as the moon is only a bright jewel to children, whereas adults know it as a symbol of sterility, for example, Isis is the sun goddess of ancient Egypt, popularly conceived as having the power of sexual resurrection by English novelist D. H. Lawrence in The Man Who Died (1929), while the symbol of the Independent State of Iraq and Syria, that is, ISIS, which came to prominence, after the deposing of Iraq’s President Saddam Hussein by the US’ army in 2003, with the declaration by the resistance leader of occupied Iraq, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, of himself as the Caliph of Islam, is the sterile moon. That the sun and the moon of Jesus’ disciple John’s vision is of Islam is difficult for Christians. Where Islam differs from Judeo-Christianity primarily is the permission the Koran gives to Moslem families having four wives, which derives from the second son of Abraham, Ishmael, being the child of Hajer, a concubine, who illegitimates Islam for Christianity, whereas polygamous Islam affords futanarian women’s seed the opportunity to reproduce within a tradition that normatively expects women to remain hidden beneath a one-piece coverall, the black burka, publicly.

 That Blake’s poem is about the Simurgh of benevolence is a reflection upon geopolitical realities. The pre-Islamic people of Iran were Eurasian migrants, whose population, 75% decimated by the Mongol horde of Eurasia’s Genghis Khan, from 1219-21, had been Iranians since the second millennium B.C., that is, the Simurgh bird was that Iran’s Summer, which is the role of civilization for the invader, whereas Autumn, for example, corresponds to the Ottoman Empire of the Moslem Turks (1299-1922), before the Winter of MS Windows, where women’s dowries, that is, business wealth, shared through marriage, became the determinant factor in geopolitics. As Russia’s ruler was a Tsar, so Iran had a Shahnshah, that is, Tsar of Tsars, with the national symbol of the sun, and the lion, holding a scimitar, which is a sword, curved like the moon, while a star and moon are also the international symbol of the nations of Islam. That the hammer and the sickle are communism’s, as AIDS is characterized by sick red cells, Islam’s scimitar and sickle moon similarly represent a human race dying through men’s preferring enslavement and/or invasion to their own local artisanry or that of another people’s. The perspective of the invading Mongol horde of Genghis Khan was that pillaging was what Iran was for, while Putin’s invasion of the Ukraine, after that nation was given independence, along with other nations of the former communist bloc, in 1991, that is, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, suggests the same. That the bones of the ear are called hammer and anvil, with the stirrups, called the steppes, suggests that Putin’s war, like others, were driven by ears listening to plague aims, ‘Authority was given to them over a fourth of the Earth, to kill by sword and by famine and by plague and by the wild beasts of the Earth.’ (Rev: 6. 8) The four horsemen of John’s apocalypse are war, famine, plague and death, which is what’s in the stirrups of the Steppes, as homosexuality’s in the region of being a sterilizer’s religion, ridden by demons:


‘Tyger Tyger burning bright,

In the forests of the night:

What immortal hand or eye,

Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?


 Although false teeth are put in a jar for sterilization, the fearful symmetry of the vampire are the hollow incisors it sinks into the neck of the victim to drink its blood to have immortality, which is what the parasite has been doing with the human race since Eden, according to God’s serpent symbol, Satan, who grew wings, according to John’s vision, and breathes fire, according to legend and Putin’s TOS. Stoker’s Dracula was set in the Hungarian province of Transylvania, later modern Romania, although Magyar is the name that the Hungarians give to themselves, as ‘tooth fairy’ has the same meaning as actor Ralph Fiennes in the role Patrick Dollarhyde in the movie made from Thomas Harris’ 1981 novel, Red Dragon (2002), who kills women, while actor Ted Levine as ‘Buffalo Bill’, the character Jame Gumb in Harris’ The Silence of The Lambs (1988), made into a 1991 film, killed women, skinned them, and wore them as ‘women suits’, which suggests that the vampires that grow into their stirrups in the Steppes are from a jar, that is, they’re homunculi, as the ancient alchemists described them, after the theory of each individual sperm containing a ‘little man’, sometimes conflated with succubi, phantasms about women, who grow through sexual congress with the sleeping, and male incubi, similarly, corresponding to the Moslem alaqah, according to the Al-Mu‘Minun, ‘The Believers’ chapter of the Koran, ‘We created man … a drop …. an alaqah … leech … a mudghah (chewed substance) …’ (23: 12-14) The teeth from a jar would possess the human host as a parasite, which might be the reason for Satan’s being depicted as a dragon, throwing down the stars amongst the planets putatively colonized by Lilith and Samael.

 Whereas Lilith was the first woman, according to Jewish Midrash, misogynistic interpretations assume Eve to be a succubi, that is, women’s seed are the equivalent of Iran to the Mongol horde of Genghis Khan, which is the reason for Blake’s tiger being associated in the popular mind with that of Rudyard Kipling’s anthropomorphic tales in the Jungle Book (1894), made by animators, Walt Disney Productions, as a 1967 movie, where the fearsome tiger’s Shere Khan, stalking the ‘man cub’, Mowgli, through a jungle of the subcontinent of India, as an Indo-Iranian symbol of the period of the Veda scriptures (c. 1500-500 B.C.), with its belief in listening, śruti, in order to see the pictures, which aren’t the occluding video that the aparuseya, superhumans, have them living in, and sharing aspects of the ancient Mazdayasna religion, founded by Iran’s Prophet Zoroaster, where the creator, winged Ahura Mazda, personifies an omniscient, but not omnipotent, good, influencing the creation through physical, spiritual, and mental emanations, corresponding to what developmental psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), called archetypes.

 As the extermination of evil species is a duty imposed upon Mazis, ‘ethnic cleansing’, that is, the elimination of non-devotees of the Mazi religion, equivalent to animal sacrifice, which along with drug abuse was rife when Zoroaster was born, is obligatory. However, as Dror Ben Ami explained in a 2015 issue of The Jerusalem Post, ‘… the blood sacrifice of Jesus was a more effective way to remove sins [than animals, which are still sacrificed for their efficacy in Judaism] ...'4 As Jesus was a lay preacher, during the Empire of Rome’s occupation, it was also a useful way of suppressing minority opinion. Although in Judaism the butchered meat of animal sacrifice is made available for public consumption, as with homosexual communities preoccupied with ‘outing’, that is, exposing enemies, Mazis built ‘Towers of Silence’, where exposed bodies were devoured, ostensibly by carrion birds, while Jesus’ death by crucifixion, that is, upon a cross of wood, resembling the structure of an airplane, prefigures ‘birds’ of the modern type of the 21st century, dispensing bums, laying sterilizing ‘eggs’ from B1, ‘Bone’, and B2, ‘Spirit’ bombers, as the homosexuals have an outing together, resulting in the butt-smoking extermination of the Simurgh ring of dissent to slavery by QR (queer) code amongst the perforce quiescent ‘remnant’ of women’s penis’ seed.

 As US’ rock group, The Eagles, presciently prophesied in their lyric to ‘Hotel California’ (1976), from the album of the same name, ‘We are all just prisoners here of our own device.’5 It was the Greek god, Prometheus, who had his liver eaten daily by an eagle, after its immortal tissue renewed itself each night, like ‘phone batteries, ‘They stab it with their steely knives, but they just can't kill the beast.’ As Jesus’ disciple John wrote, ‘The number of a man is the number of a beast and his number is six hundred three score and six.’ (Rev: 13. 8) Without women’s seed, the human population is held at 66.6%, and what remains of human brainpower’s a ‘phone battery farmer’s, ‘We are programmed to receive. You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.’ Just as stabbing at the ‘phone doesn’t bring release, giving fire to humanity was the reason for the father god Zeus’ punishing Prometheus, as they turned their farters into flamethrowers. Bright out of the brain, eyes burning in the furnace.


1 Blake, William ‘The Tyger’, Songs of Experience, 1794.

2 Gottwald, Lukasz, Alexander Kronlund, Max Martin, Kesha Sebert, ‘Till The World Ends’, Femme Fatale, Jive, 2011.

TV Tropes .

4 Ami, Dror Ben ‘Metaphors in the Torah: The Roles of Blood and the Liver in Removing Sin’, The Jerusalem Post, February 10th, 2015, 18:57 pm, .


5 Felder, Don, Glenn Frey, and Don Henley ‘Hotel California’, Hotel California, Asylum Records, 1976.

Vladimir Putin Née Palm TOS

21/11/2023 02:44

Vladimir Putin Née Palm TOS


It was the photograph, taken by 21 year old Vietnamese-American Hyunh Cong, 'Nick', Ut, for Associated Press, of a nine year old South Vietnamese girl, Phan Thị Kim Phúc, in Vietnam's southeast, running along the road naked, beside her village, Trảng Bàng, in Tây Ninh Province, with her back aflame, after an attack on occupying communist North Vietnamese forces, on June 8th, 1972, by a South Vietnamese piloted single-seat US' Douglas A-1E Skyraider attack aircraft, which through public condemnation lost the Vietnam war (1955-75) for the United States of America, during the Indo-China wars (1946-1992) to prevent the spread of communism in Asia and the Far East, 'Nóng quá, nóng quá!'1 ('Too hot, too hot!') The weapon was napalm, which wasn't an A-bomb, but it was a homonym, as née palm was for Rhode Island state's Quahog city, whose Mayor, Adam West, in the animated US' TV surrealist comedy series, Family Guy (1999-), married his hand.


 West, whose administration cemented the lids of coffins shut, as he was worried about thalidomides rising as zombies, was a brainwashed Russian 'sleeper' spy, according to the 'Spies Reminiscent of Us' (2009) episode, activated by the phrase, 'Gosh, that Italian family at the next table sure is quiet.'2 Links to former Committee for State Security (KGB) head, and President from 1999, Vladimir Putin's TOS (TOC, in the Cyrillic alphabet), the acronym for Russian communism's 'Red Army' heavy flamethrower weapons' system, deployed against the Ukraine, from February 24th, 2022, and similarly a euphemism for masturbation, that is, to ejaculate, 'toss', by hand, are profiling.

 A euphemism used by gunfighters, in what was known as the Wild West, during the period of migration Westwards (1607-1912), for European settlers on the East coast of the US, which continued until the colonization of the West coast, for example, with the major urban conurbations of the state of California, centering upon the cities of Los Angeles and San Francisco, often having the rule of law imposed by vigilantes as well as government officials, they were similarly wed to their gun hand. In the movie, High Noon (1952), actor Gary Cooper, as Will Kane, though married in film to actress Grace Kelly, as Amy, has to deal with a killer, actor Ian MacDonald, as Frank Miller, threatening Hadleyville, Will's state of New Mexico's peaceful community, in a gunfight, 'They're making me run. I've never run from anybody before.'3 A distinction between the masturbator and the justified.



 Although napalm was a US' developed weapon, consisting of a mixture of oil and petroleum jelly, which stuck to flesh, and burned upon ignition, chi means 'dragon fire' in Asia, while the coronoavirus, SARS-2 variant, known as Covid-19, emerging from a Wuhan city hospital, Hubei province, communist China, December 2019, killing millions in a global pandemic, was chi. Though too obvious for complicated cosmopolitans, the Chinese are Genies; for example, in the tale, 'Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp', from the 8th century collection, A Thousand and One Nights, the genie's appearance, after an old oil lamp is rubbed, accords with the belief that djinn, ch'in, are born from 'cold fires'. Ch'in was China's First Empire, with a system that lasted from 221 C.E., until 1917, emerging as conqueror of China's other states; Yan (燕), Zhao (趙), Han (韩), Wei (魏), Qi ( 齐), and Chu (楚), during China's 'Seven Warring States' period (c. 475-221 C.E.). That djinn are born from the cold ashes of a hot war is a Chinese metaphor for the genius of freedom, which is a fire that resists being put out.



 That genius is the result of abstaining, sexually, finds its historical correlatives in self-sacrifice; for example, US' inventor Thomas Edison's 1879 electric light wasn't television, while Scot, John Logie Baird, inventing TV in 1926, would've been a genie to Edison, as with his bulb, Edison would've been to nurse Florence Nightingale, known as 'The Lady of the Lamp', to the wounded being treated by her by candle light in Turkey's capital city, Constantinople, during the Crimean war (1853-6), between the Empire of the Ottoman Turks of the Moslem nations of Islam, allied with that of Britain, France, and Sardinia-Piedmont (later modern Italy), to defeat a Russian expansion after its invasion of Romania.

 Genius accords with the future, that is, recognizable in terms of life spent, genies are portrayed as slaves, which is desirable from a slaver's point of view. That a castrated eunuch in a Turkish harem is a butthole, doesn't mean he's a genie. However, suggesting he's stoppered implies that's how genius is made to work, which presupposes an individual remaining unrewarded. However, the stories of the djinn are more than positive in that the wishes of Aladdin, for example, are granted. Although the rewards are presented as fiat lux, the genie isn't a slaver, which implies rewards are due the recipient.



 However, as with the Father Christmas tradition in Christianity, where the children's toys are depicted as coming from Santa's sleigh, which is an anagram, and a euphemism for Satan's slay, it's invariably a son, who receives the rewards bestowed by the genie, that is, the father's the slaver of genius, represented by the genie in the tales, in the same way that the Christian father's the slayer of slaves, for example, 6,000,000 Jews, and other ethnic minorities, killed by the German Nationalist (Nazi) regime of Christianity's reichsfϋhrer Adolf Hitler, during World War Two (1939-45), after Kaiser Wilhelm II's first attempt to enslave the Earth for the German Empire in World War One (1914-18), and who didn't live to be rewarded, were labor slaved to death in 'concentration camps'. The myth in Christianity is of a heavenly reward, which presupposes death, but an immortal life thereafter, while the Koran (610-30 C.E.) doesn't stipulate death as necessary for entry into paradise, which means they're a slave tease.

 The genie is a visitor from a future, built on the labor of genius, like that of Edison and Baird, who were slain, as they're recorded as having died, by profiteers in a time-travelers' future, who may've gone back to the womb to again flog that horse to a finish, which is called karma in Hinduism, that is, the sense of having been there before, as the fertilizer of the ovum of the female host, experiencer of what the French call déjà-vu, repeating the birth of the genie for the slaver, whose time machine is djinn time, but the slaver doesn't reward the genius, which is how business was done.

 As the disciples of Jesus 'Christ', 'the chosen', found, after the Jewish rabbi, that is, preacher, was crucified, as a dissenter, during the Roman Empire's occupation of Palestine, in the name of their Emperor, Tiberius Caesar Augustus (14-37 C.E.), chi is persistent, 'They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them.' (Acts: 2. 3) The descent of what they called 'the Holy Spirit of God' led to the birth of the Christian church, as genius born from the cold ashes of the fires.



 The 'feminine spirit of God' appears in Judaism, as 'the Shekinah', who dwelt in the tent of the tabernacle, where the Ark of the Covenant of God's promise of land was kept, during the Jews' exodus from Egypt, as slaves to Thutmose III (1485-1431 B.C.), which is reminiscent of the woman, Eve, at the side of the first man created by God, Adam, and the piercing of the side of Jesus, 'the Second Adam', by the Roman guard, Longinus (Matt: 27. 54), with his spear at the crucifixion, as the feminine spirit of God represented a new birth, which the Jewish Pharisees, that is, the religious police, and the Empire of Rome didn't want, as it'd mean having to accept the fires of freedom's genius, which were that of women's seed.

 In the Old Testament of the Christian Bible, which is the law and history of the Jews, that is, their Torah and Talmud, the angel, Satan, turned into a serpent by God for rejecting God's plan that the human host be greater than the angelic, dwelt in the paradise of Eden, where Satan gave to Eve, the woman, and Adam, the first man, created by God, 'the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil', which it was death to taste, saying 'You shall be as gods.' (Rev: 3. 5) God expelled Eve and Adam from Eden for rejecting 'the fruit of the tree of life', which was immortality, in preference for slavery in ephemerality, while promising Eve her 'seed' would prevail, 'You shall crush the head or the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.' (Gen: 3. 15) In Christian iconography, Jesus' mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, as Jesus was the seed of Eve, which wouldn't die.



 Found with a woman by his disciple, Judas, Jesus was given over to the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, who gave him to the Romans, despite Jesus' mild admonishment, 'Leave her alone.' (Mk: 14. 6) Taken to the hill of Calvary, outside the city of Jerusalem, Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood, where he died, but experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of the genius of women's seed, who would defeat death, through their indomitable spirits' ensuring medical science's achievement of bodily immortality for the species.

 Though Eve is represented as being created from the side or rib of Adam by God, Jewish Midrash argues that Adam was hermaphroditic. The species of women, called 'futanarian', are God's 'foot'. As Eve's birth was the result of self-fertilization, Longinus thrust his spear into the side of 'the Second Adam', Jesus, as men don't want women, but rather their flesh, that is, as God's 'plates of meat' (feet), in the rhyming slang of England's capital city of London, euphemistically known as 'The 'Big Smoke', by those born within the sound of the church of St. Mary-le-Bow, Cheapside, which is the criteria for being recognized as a genuine 'Cockney' Londoner, dancing round their 'handbags'.



 As a self-fertilizing race is able to do everything for itself, it isn't condemnable as Onan, the biblical figure usually perceived as being condemned to death by God for 'spilling his seed upon the ground', whereas he was in fact killed by God for disobeying God's instruction to Onan to fertilize his dead brother's wife, which angered God, as men had apparently already killed women's seed, that is, as handbags, a secret 'smoked' from the human host's womb. Enslaved by men's parasitical nature, women's seed aren't Onanism, which is what being executed by men for loving oneself as a race is.

 A correlative to chi, which translates as 'inspiring principal', in the ancient world was 'Greek fire' (c. 672), used by the Eastern Roman Empire's (395-1453 C.E.) navy, during the period of the split between the Western Empire (27 B.C.-476 C.E.), centered upon Rome, Italy, and the Eastern seat of what was known as the Byzantine Empire. Located in Constantinople, modern Istanbul, Turkey, specialist dromon galleys, equipped with nozzles, projected liquid fire, like flamethrowers, and catapults lobbed the secret, though probably naphtha and quicklime based, preparation, which ignited on contact with water, and on sea water remained afire.

 Most notably Greek fire repulsed the ships of the Moslems of the Caliph of the nations of Islam, that is, Mu'awiya I's Umayyad dynasty, in its siege of Constantinople (674-8 C.E.), and Sulayman's (717-8 C.E.). The first Caliphate, after the Prophet Mohamed, was Rashidun (632-61 C.E), before the murder of Mohamed's successor, cousin and son-in-law, Ali, resulted in civil war, and the Umayyad Caliphate's establishing from those ashes. Though Greek fire was Roman, the ancient Greek socio-political system was based perforce on the institutionalization of host womb slavery of women for homosexuality in pederasty for war. Greek fire was a metaphor, therefore, for anal borne sterilizations which, in the late 20th century, gave rise to acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), discovered being transmitted between homosexuals, injecting each other's anuses, with infected semen from their penises, by DR Congo in 1983, as a further obstacle for the genies of human nature to overcome. Those genius that do emerge from the unstoppered butthole are effectively homosexuality's slaves: a drink for a vampire.



 Just as science observed that severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), a coronoavirus, that is, 'fire's crown', known as Covid-19, as its virulence began to take effect from December 2019, was a result of the human system being weakened by AIDS. Although the Christian analogy is 'the crown of thorns', put upon the head of Jesus by the Romans, 'King of the Jews', at his crucifixion, which according to legend, the Christmas bird, the robin, stained his breast feathers red, in removing, the more literary allusion is to the French libertine, the Marquis de Sade and his ass (AIDS/SARS), a known 'sodomite', who wrote of his pleasure in torture, as in the homosexually oriented, 120 Days of Sodom (c. 1785), a biblical city, where homosexuality was notoriously practiced (Gen: 19. 14), until destroyed by God.

 The modern political coronaids' allegory was Putin's TOS. The virus upon the fevered brain of genius, which birthed the development of Russia's TOS 1 and 2 combined biological and conventional weapons' system, resulted from the 'Cold War' (1947-91), which was what homosexuals were told, according to an early report from Lawrence D. Mass in New York Native, they died of, at the AIDS' plague outset; a touch of 'flu that began as a cold, before the virus' were put out by robin getting the needle.



 The 'in' point being that 'birds', a euphemism for 'women's seed', were experimental laboratory subjects. Animals to be experimented on to fund a magazine, rather than find a vaccine. Like the English heroine-injecting periodical, Loaded (1994-), featuring nude, aussi smooth, 'bush' women, together with full color, multi-page lectures on the firepower needed to ensure a 'hand job', as the alien punished women's seed and their semen to maintain expensive AIDS/SARS magazines, promoting masturbation perforce, rather than cheap liberating vaccines:

'Last week there were rumors that an exotic new disease had hit the gay community in New York. Here are the facts. From the New York City Department of Health, Dr Steve Phillips explained that the rumors are for the most part unfounded. Each year, approximately 12 to 24 cases of infection [pneumonia] with a protozoa-like organism, Pneumocystis carinii, are reported in New York City area. The organism is not exotic; in fact, it's ubiquitous. But most of us have a natural or easily acquired immunity.'4



 Actually, the homosexual variant is Pneumocystis jiroveci, named for Czech parasitologist, Otto Jirovec, as Pneumocystis carinii applies only to rats, not necessarily pejoratively, while qareen is the name of a type of djinn, according to Arabian folklore, who appears as a part of the hamzad, which is a good angel, together with a tempter, born with every human, while the Prophet Mohamed, to whom the angels of God dictated the Koran (610-30 C.E.), was according to Moslem tradition, the only person ever to convert his qareen to Islam. That homosexuality is a temptation susceptible to qareen infection, although Pneumocystis carinii was named for several naturalists with the appellation Carin, fits the disaster-recovery hypothesis, as applicable to slavery, where the temptation to fall is balanced by the qareen with the will to rise again.

 The qareen is not to be confused with the qarinah, which is a female 'bed' jinn, corresponding to venereal disease, although the principle of disaster-recovery is the same. First fall in love. The 'demon star' in the night sky is Algol, which translates in Arabic as al-ghūl, رأس الغول, that is, ghoul, while alcohol, which is a paralytic, is a modern interpretation of what the constellation of stars in the heavens, containing Algol, and known as Perseus, holding the head of the Gorgon, Medusa, symbolize




 The paralysing beauty of women, decapitated by men, as they're brutes, who drink alcohol to paralyse their violent nature, which is a demon to overcome, is the equivelent of homosexuality's rat, Pneumocystis carinii, infecting the human race; for example, pornography portrays homosexuality's progressive castration of women, for the enslaving of the human host womb, while the ghouls of voyeurism, applauding and jeering its resilience and genius, toss off more racist poison to enjoy some die of the throes: 'And the four angels who had been kept ready for this very hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind.' (Rev: 9. 15) Contrasted with 666, 33.333 is cognitive, 'Let he that has wisdom have understanding, the number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six.' (Rev: 13. 8) As men and women aren't of women's seed, that is, futanarian humanity, but rather a single male brained creature, wearing each other's clothes in transvestism, they're the beast 'TV', reinforcing its bloodthirsty vision of species' genocide, 'The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.` (Rev: 13. 15) That the four angels correspond to the four functions of psychoanalytical theory, that is, Sensation, Thinking, Feeling and Intuition, as the psychological components of ego-consciousness, described by Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), reinforces the perception of the indomitableness of the human spirit, remaining after the virus, 'The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to wage war on the remnant of her seed.' (Rev: 12. 17) The third of mankind that are killed by the angels, reasurringly in obedience to God, are women's seed, that is, the remnant of God's foot race, who'll live in heaven forever triumphantly, while the culpable experience eternal unendurable pain, as their punishment from God in perdition, 'Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.' (Rev: 16. 11) Qareen are associated with choice, that is, homosexuality's a bad choice, whereas the fact of Mohamed's being able to convert his qareen spiritually is cogent, as djinn, then angel correlatives, signify a humanly educated choice, whereas obedience to the god of slavery is just that.



 However, genius born from a cold virus, for example, Pneumocystis carinii, is praiseworthy to the prayerful, which is why the good angels aren't associated with plague, while qareen are associated with temptation, as vaccines represent a move forward for the human race; despite the ghoul, who represents the cool fires of alcohol, which deaden the brain, paralyzing the victim, making it difficult to think. For folklorists, ghouls are another type of djinn, useful for subduing the violent; for example, alcohol is a suppressant, while the head of the Gorgon, Medusa, had the power to paralyse, which was the reason for Perseus giving her head to the Greek goddess, Athena, after he'd cut it off, as a boss for the shield of her father god, Zeus, which Athena klept. That genius/genies inspire, whatever the circumstances, is evident, whereas angels are for good choices only, is development beyond desist, diseased, and deceased. Damn it, stop, is how slavers deny humans immortality, as they prefer a death race, while genus endure; per ardua astra.



 As the Greek wars, against the Persian Empire of Darius (499-49 B.C.), for example, institutionalized homosexuality, Greek fires were the consequence. The inventiveness of the Greeks in war was carefully documented by the poet Homer, in his Iliad (760-10 B.C.), for example, where the Greeks are depicted hiding inside a hollow wooden horse, outside the gates of the city of Troy, in Asia Minor, later modern Hisarlik, Turkey's Çanakkale Province, Troad region peninsula, at the mouth of the Dardanelles straits to the Aegean sea, from the sea of Marmara further inland, waiting for the unsuspecting Trojans to take the butthole to the citadel, before emerging to 'sack' the city; a euphemism for castration, and enslave the host wombs of the women for the Greek virus of homosexuality in pederasty's wars against women's seed.



 That the fire's Greek was evident in the adoption by computer software companies, in the late 20th century, of the term 'Trojan' for 'bad machine code' (BMC), written specifically with the aim of destroying processors. The labeling of such BMCs, as virus, wasn't merely a symptom of AIDS fears, but a description of the functioning of the military genius of the Greeks, whose homosexual fires, though destructively evil, were inspirational, that is, genius was born from the ashes of those cold fires, with the creation of anti-virus software, greeted as a necessary evil by users of the computer age.



 Russia's Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), reformed as the Russian Federation, after giving independence in 1991 to many of the former Republics of the USSR (CCCP), which were countries that, 'liberated' during WWII, were similarly defeated by the Red Army, refusing to leave Eastern Europe, after the capture of Germany's capital city, Berlin. Africa's DR Congo had effectively been a Russian 'soviet satellite' state, dependent and in thrall, which made it possible for the KGB, where Putin was a former lieutenant colonel, to conduct research into 'biological weapons' there.



 After 1983's discovery of AIDS in Africa's DR Congo, researchers labeled it a mutant variant of simian immune deficiency virus (SIV), which 'monkey disease', also transmitted by heroin addicts, who often unwittingly shared the infected needles on their hypodermic injection syringes, was presciently prophesied, in the lyrics of the songs of 'pop' musicians, such as Phil Collins' 'Man On The Corner' (1981), from the progressive rock group Genesis' album, Abacab, '... like a monkey on your back, you need it.'5 Implicitly suggesting the human species was being slaved by homosexuals, as a monkey on its back, lamented the absence of some heroine of the type of the 1960s permissive society, like French movie star, Brigitte Bardot, And God Created Woman (1956), a more legitimate symbol of human love, advancing not as a mutation.



 That SARS-2 emerged in the land of chi, that is, the dragon fires of the Chinese, suggests further Cold War communist research into how genies were born from cold virus. Although genius was the result of brain activity, the human spirit's subsequent slaving in vampirism ensured the organic brain's redundancy, while the spirit body remained in thrall to slavery as a genie. The most infamous draco voivode, that is, dragon adminstration, common in Central, South Eastern, and Eastern Europe, was 15th century Vlad Dracul III of Wallachia, later modern Romania, neighbor of the Ukraine, a model for Irish writer Bram Stoker's 1897 novel of a vampire in the Transylvanian region, Dracula, whose immortal life, as a parasitical drinker of blood from the necks of his human victims, was similarly a metaphor for brain slavery. Dracul impaled his enemies on wooden stakes, driven through their anuses, and out of the tops of their skulls, in a way reminiscent of how the human immune deficiency virus (HIV), resulting from a mutant strain of simian immune deficiency virus (SIV), through homosexual AIDS' transmissions, collapsed the organs of the body, killing the brain.

 Despite causing rapid advances in medical science, attacked by something borne from the virus of hell, the human race was expiring from inspiring. Although the 'incurable killer disease', AIDS, remained so, science produced several vaccine variants for coronaids, which appeared successful, in that the epidemic, which killed upwards of 6,000,000 people globally, slowed dramatically. Former 'spymaster' with the KGB, Putin's election in 1999 suggested the Cold War was the inspiring of a vampire's virus upon human nature's innate genius. Symptoms of SARS were flatulence, and brain damage, resulting in ex-buyer rings; those not able to buy in sufficient quantities from suppliers, '... so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name [as the false profit lived investments].' (Rev: 13. 17) As a first stage missile launched flammable gas, followed by a second stage launched missile fierily igniting it, causing a vacuum, terminally forcing oxygen from the lungs, that is, expiring, TOS was the conventional equivalent of coronaids, that is, the Red Army was tossing grenades, based on AIDS/SARS, researched, and KGB-inspiring bio-chemical engineered debilitation and re-enslavement of human brainpower on the verge of liberated independence from wage slavery's buy rings.



 Though flatulence was notably a symptom of SARS, its function was equivalent to that of fierily ignited TOS hand coronaids, which was how the Russians masturbated, that is, provoked, the Ukrainians. As SARS virally ignited, through inspiring, the expiring evinced shock, as each olfactory system, having encountered the nasally ingested virus, experienced implosion. While the sound of heavy farting, functioning as an early warning system, flooded the cranial regions of the brain with dread, the regions of the Ukrainians were similarly filled with heavy fighting in the red face of Putin's army.

 While thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) is a medical condition, exacerbated by masturbation, that is, the chest, crushed and malformed, experiences breathing difficulties, through anxiety, or panic attacks, deriving from guilt, and/or feelings of inadequacy, conducive to SARS infection, Putin's TOS was a well-thought-out joke. US' deployment over Vietnam of 'Agent Orange' (1961-71), as a defoliant, sprayed from helicopters, and Fairchild C-123 Provider aircraft, against populations they called 'gooks', was a similar joke, based on the fact that the gooks wouldn't be able to, if all of their food was destroyed, and a napalm attack gooked them nicely anyway, so demonstrating that the human race was a Custer's pie, written by the Earth's combined military farces.

 In cordon bleu terms, Putin's 'chicken Kiev', the dish named for the Ukraine's capital, was clearly designed to rival US' President Richard Milhous Nixon's canard à l'orange. Nixon, a Republican, resigned his second consecutive term in office as President, on August 9th, 1974, in a furore over the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the equivalent of Russia's KGB, cover up of a break-in at the Washington, D.C., Democratic National Committe headquarters Watergate Office Building, on June 17th, 1972, funded by the Committee for the Re-Election of the President, that is, Nixon, who'd wanted to be apprised of the Democrats' campaign plan to elect George McGovern to the Presidency.

 For the military, operations have a culinary tendency, whereas intelligence is spicey. Alone with a woman, and the expensive perfume, spikenard, Jesus was accused by Judas of holding out on the disciples. Despite Jesus' mild admonishment, Judas reported Jesus to the Jewish secret service, later Mossad, 'Leave her alone.' (Mk: 14. 6) It was Judas' spy canard, while the CIA's was Agent Orange, that is, duck à l'orange, and although the Vietnamese tried, just as Christianity attempted to try the Jewish Pharisees, the Vietnamese couldn't try the CIA, while the KGB's SARS was difficult for the flambéed Ukrainians to *uck.



 That the CIA's Agent Orange was designed to make the Vietnamese duck, vit nau cam, references a planned nuclear bombing of military and economic sites around the North Vietnamese capital, Hanoi, with the Whitehouse codename, 'Duck Hook'.6 Named for a fairground attraction, in which there were prizes for hooking a sitting duck in the water, it was cancelled in 1969, as public opinion turned against Nixon's Republican administration, elected on January 20th. Ducks have wings, and although the last remaining Russian Kiev-class aircraft carrier afloat, sold to India in 2013, Vikramāditya, 'Brave as the Sun', effectively became a 'Bombay duck', the Kievan Rus' were chicken SARS. Unable to fly further away than Moscow's Kremlin, they laid their eggs where they'd lived, which meant Putin's TOS 1 or 2 was ill-advised.

 The Vietnamese version of duck à l'orange is with additional aromas and spices, although Phan Thị Kim Phúc's canard was she wasn't fit to be seen immolated on camera, during the Nixon Presidency. However, when her nude 'photo virally appeared, titled 'The Terror of War', for Pulitzer Prize winner, in Spot News Photography, 1973, Associated Press' Ut, in the post-Douglas A-1E Skyraider sortie's aftermath, Phúc was any palm's girl, sautéed, 'bounced', tossed.

 While everyone perforce wore face masks, covering nose and mouth, from December 2019, to prevent the heavy phlegm virus from being the throne of sputum's SARS, Russia's Puti (LatGen. 'of') was preparing his coronaids' hand, musing on that 'photo pf Phúc's ass. That vampires live up the anus, transmitted there by homosexuals, as the virus of a draco, where they slave the human brain, as that witch fires their genies, has logic inescapable. As djinn are legendarily born from cold fires, it's likely that the genius of the human brain is what's called ch'in in Chinese, that is, genies, whereas the flame throwing dragon is a metaphor for the vampire which, born from cold virus', and living in the flue of the addicted smoker's chimney, brain slaves its vent act.

 Putin's invasion of the Ukraine was the equivalent of an invasion of the human cranial regions, with brain slaving as the unspoken military objective of the Red Army's deployment of the TOS 1 and 2 heavy flamethrower system, corresponding to the 'red dragon' (Rev: 12. 4) of John, the disciple of Jesus, in his apocalyptic vision of the future, Revelation, ‘A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth.’ (Rev: 12. 1) The Ukraine of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was about to apply for membership of the European Union (EU), with its blue flag of twelve stars, when Putin's Red Army invaded, 'The dragon stood before the woman, who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.' (Rev: 12. 4) It was an attempt to abort 'the Second Coming' of Jesus. Born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, Jesus was God's foot, but the freedom women's seed afforded to women wasn't wanted by the alien invader, as it'd interfere with the enslaving of the human host womb.

 As women are capable of sexually reproducing without men, John's prophecy is of 'he who will rule the nations with an iron scepter', that is, men will be forced to accept brainpower produced from women's seed, as salvation, in accordance with Jesus' basic precept, 'Love your neighbor as you love yourself.' (Mk. 12. 31) Brainpower, for the development of immortality, through medical science, and starship technology, for the colonization of the planets amongst the stars of heaven, is what women's human seed was for. However, as draco vampire are for enslaving the host wombs of the human race, AIDS/SARS' symptoms were signs of brain damage purposefully inflicted. Unable to escape, from the dark cage of a mind closed by male eons, was the fate of women's seed, before Jesus' teaching of the Holy Spirit, while the response of atheistic communism was Putin's Red Army, threatening the Earth with a New Dark Age of 'blood plague' (Rev: 11. 6), lest it's choose escape.


Cf. Downes, Alan, ITN, and Le Phuc Din, NBC, '1972: "Napalm Girl", Iconic Vietnam War Footage First Shown On TV', You Tube .

2 West, Adam as (voice of) Mayor Adam West in Family Guy, 'Spies Reminiscent of Us', Season 8, Episode 3, Fuzzy Door Productions 20th Television, October 11, 2009.

3 Cooper, Gary as Will Kane, High Noon, Stanley Kramer Productions, 1952.

4 Mass, Lawrence D. 'Disease Rumors Largely Unfounded', New York Native, May 18th, 1981.

5 Collins, Phil 'Man On The Corner', Genesis, Abacab, Charisma, 1981.

6 Tannenwald, Nina 'Nuclear Weapons and the Vietnam War', Journal of Strategic Studies, 29, 4, 2006, pp. 675-722.

New York Knucked

21/11/2023 02:43

New York Knucked


The name by which the people of the East coast city of New York, New York state, United States of America, are known is ‘Knickerbockers’; for example, the New York ‘Knicks’ baseball team wore the short pants as a part of their uniform, which were also worn by golfers, etc., at least since the 1860s. Immortalized in movies by the mass media Empire of the US in the Los Angeles (L. A.) district of Hollywood, ‘Babylon’, west coast state of California, in films like The Great Gatsby (1974), starring actor Robert Redford, based on F. Scott Fitzgerald’s 1925 novel, set in 1922, of a millionaire playboy ‘bootlegger’, that is, he makes and sells alcohol, which was illegal, during the Prohibition (1920-33) period of US’ history, Jay Gatsby takes the blame for a woman, Myrtle Wilson, being killed in a hit and run, although he himself was a passenger, while his lover, actress Mia Farrow as Daisy Buchanan, was driving. Garage owner husband, George, of the woman, Myrtle, kills Gatsby, which is the narrative’s tragedy, while the story presents it as the rite of passage in the growth to maturity of the narrator, actor Sam Waterston as Nick Carraway, Daisy’s cousin.



 While exchanging ‘knickers’ for long pants was conceived as something of a rite of passage during the 1920s, when knickerbockers came to be abandoned in favor of more generally worn trousers, the fact that knickers came to be understood as referring to women’s underwear, and its similarity with the pronunciation of the taboo ‘niggers’, as a pejorative term for black slavers/slaves, had deleterious effects on the term’s usage. Moreover, the name of the US’ B-29 aircraft that dropped the atomic bomb, ‘Fat Man’, on the Japanese city of Nagasaki on 9th August, 1945, to end World War Two (1939-45) in the Pacific theater, was Bockscar, which apart from the taking off of the knickers, suggests foreknowledge of the scar left after the healing of the wound. That the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center upon lower Manhattan island, New York city, New York state, resembled legs on September 11th, 2001, was similarly poignant, as well as ludicrous, as they represented the start of the ‘crazy golf’ war, because of the wounds and the scars left, after the terrorist attack by the extremist Islamic group, Al Qaeda, ‘the base’, led by Saudi Arabian business heir, Osama Ben Laden, operating out of Afghanistan under the auspices of the notoriously misogynist Taliban regime, which hijacked civil airliners to crash into the WTC on 9/11.

 Although American Football seemed to be the logical reference, that is, the Jets of New York, and the Giants, because of the legs of the Twin Towers, the religious theme was obviously baseball. Al Qaeda, ‘the base’, sought a ‘home run’, with a wall of the Defense Department building of the Pentagon, city of Arlington, Virginia state, being breached by hijackers crashing a third civil airliner there. A fourth hijacked airliner, reputedly on its way to the White House, Washington D.C. residence of then US’ President, George W. Bush Jnr., crashed into a field at Stonycreek, a township, that is, a Pennsylvania state municipal governing entity of 300 +/- people per m2, in Somerset County, Shanksville borough, brought down by passengers attempting to regain control of the aircraft from the terrorists. The target was the Knicks, that is, the New Yorkers, in the sense that they were being raised to the ground, rather than being prepared to wear long pants, as a rite of passage into maturity, which was a precursor of the continuation of the Gulf wars that had been at the forefront of Western consciousness since the post-WWII Arab-Israeli war of 1948, where the Jews were told they’d be ‘driven into the sea’, but refused.



 The crazy golf theme was of the giant ape, King Kong, seen atop the Empire State building in the 1933 movie, King Kong, remade in 1976, with the North Tower of the World Trade Center as the setting for the ape’s swatting USAF fighter jets away from what refuge he’d been able to find there. Kong’s absence was noticeable, when the terrorists of Al Qaeda, ‘the base’, crashed their hijacked civil airliners into the WTC, which meant a home run was possible, after making it to ‘second base’ at the Defense Department building of the Pentagon, Arlington, Virginia. Moreover, as the ‘incurable killer disease’, HIV/AIDS, discovered by DR Congo in 1983, transmitted between homosexuals, injecting infected semen into each other’s anuses, from their penises, during sterile mockeries of human sexual intercourse, was a mutated variant of the simian immune deficiency virus (SIV), Kong was there in spirit; if not physically.

 When the single tower of the One World Trade Center was completed in 2014, as a replacement for the Twin Towers, after construction began in 2006, coinciding with the release of the movie, World Trade Center, it was evident that, despite a further filmed remake being released in 2005, from the US’ mass media Empire, situated in the district of Hollywood, Los Angeles, west coast state of California, the crazy golf Kong theme was being replaced by that of the vampire, Dracula; the legendary creature written of by Irish novelist Bram Stoker in 1897, whose model, 15th century Vlad Dracul III of Wallachia, later modern Romania, impaled his enemies on stakes of wood, driven into the holes of their anuses, in a fashion reminiscent of the way the human immune deficiency virus (HIV) had infected the human system, resulting in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), collapse of the organs of the body, and death.

 According to scientists, when the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) virus emerged from a Wuhan city hospital, Hubei province, communist China, in December 2019, it was a sign that the human system had been penetrated by the vampire, AIDS. The resultant global epidemic killed millions, but concern centered upon what came afterwards, as the President of the communist Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, elected in 1999, ordered the ‘Red Army’ to invade the neighboring Ukraine on February 24th, 2022, with a main field weapon resembling a conventional version of the SARS biological attack, which symptoms were flatulence and lung collapse.



 The TOS 1 and 2 ‘heavy flamethrower system’ was based on the simple principle of fierily causing a lung collapsing vacuum. Whereas SARS virally caused a lung collapsing flatulence, the first stage TOS missile launched a combustible gas, fierily followed by a second missile, which as DR Congo had been a communist nation, before 1991, suggested that the KGB had researched a new weapon, the ‘ape bum’, for their former lieutenant colonel, Putin, who the US with its ‘Freedom Tower’ hadn’t yet been a stake in removing, that is, ‘a hole in one’ hadn’t yet been made by the US’ eagle, although in terms of crazy golf, TOS restarted the play after the players balls had gotten stuck in Iraq’s sand bunkers.

 That the SARS 1 virus first emerged from a cave of horseshoe bats in Yunnan province, China, as a less virulent form of SARS 2, quelled between 2002 and ‘04, further added to the vampire theme, as bats were a form believed to be used by vampires, particularly the anti-hero of Stoker’s novel, Dracula, who transformed into a bat at nighttime, when emerging from his coffin, as a similarly nocturnal creature, after sleeping there during the hours of daylight. That it’s a pastime of cattle ranch hands, to throw horseshoes over a stake in the ground, further added to the gay ‘mare theme, as the WTC had seven buildings, corresponding to the seven nails of a horseshoe, while the ‘Freedom Tower’ corresponded to the stake in the heart of any vampire, during the crazy golf war to get the hole in one, who was looking to continue the Islamic extremist Jihad, ‘Holy War’, and take another bite out of New York’s ‘Big Apple’, as well as the Knicks’ baseball bat, while the putting of Putin ‘the stake’ further drained US’ hearts’ compassion.



 Although BAT’s cigarettes weren’t blamed for SARS, that is, the British American Tobacco (BAT) company, whose products were largely deemed a contributory factor in the contracting of lung cancer, the SARS bearing horseshoe bat wasn’t a symbolic virus causing lung collapse. Before WWII, the Japanese invasion of China, in 1937, resulted in their Unit 731’s experimenting on the Chinese population from their base in the city of Anda, Heilongjiang province, to discover a ‘biological weapon’ to be used on urban conurbations; for example, there was a plan to use kamikaze ‘suicide’ plane pilots to infest the city of San Diego, west coast state of California, with plague, in an operation codenamed, ‘Cherry Blossoms at Night’, on September 22nd, 1945, deploying infected fleas against the US. The discovery of virus bearing horseshoe bats, emerging from a cave, at an abandoned copper mine, near the town of Tongguan, Moijang Hani Autonomous County, Yunnan province, China, in a region where ethnic minorities predominate, that is, Vietnamese (Hani), suggests the testing of a biological weapon along lines familiar to Unit 731’s, as ‘ethnic cleansing’, that is, the extermination of minority populations by larger social groupings, was common after the collapse of ‘soviet’ Russian communism which, imposed on the Russian Empire of Tsar Nicholas II, towards the close of World War One (1914-18), after the October 1917 Revolution, led by Vladimir Ilyich ‘Lenin’, deposing the Tsar and his oligarchy, replaced it with the vision of German economics’ philosopher, Karl Marx, in Das Kapital (1968), ‘from each according to his ability; to each according to his needs’. A principle holding together the communist nations, after the ‘Red Army’ of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) captured Germany’s capital city, Berlin, to defeat that nation’s ambitions of enslaving Europe in WWII.



 Refusing to leave those countries ‘liberated’ en route through Eastern Europe, the imposition of ‘soviet’ governance by a process of collective decision making, had held together otherwise incompatible ethnic groupings, for example, Christians and Moslems, but that grip on the club of the collective consciousness had loosened with the decision of the USSR (CCCP) in 1991 to relinquish control of its ‘satellite’ slave states established after WWII and reconstitute as the Russian Federation. The break-up of the communist ‘superstate’, Yugoslavia, for example, was characterized by ethnic cleansing. During the Bosnian war (1992-5) Christian Serb militia set up ‘rape camps’ in which upwards of 70, 000 Moslem women, forced to conceive children from Christians, were ‘ethnically cleansed’ in that way. This resulted in the growth of extremist Moslem organizations. Most noticeably the concept of the Islamic State (IS), which in its various forms expressed the concept of the union of the Islamic nations of the Moslem believers in the Koran (610-30 C.E.), dictated to their Prophet, Mohamed, by the angels of God, according to tradition, centered upon the Ka’ Ba, shrine of Abraham, patriarch of Judaism, through its founder, son Isaac, child of wife Sara, and of Islam, through second son, Ishmael, ancestor of Mohamed, and child of ‘the Egyptian woman’, Hajer, who together dedicated the Ka’ Ba in the city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, focus of the annual ‘Haj’ pilgrimage, ‘I will make your offspring like the dust of the Earth, so that if anyone could count the dust, then your offspring could be counted.’ (Gen: 3. 16) God’s promise to Abraham is Judaic, whereas the Ka’ Ba, ‘cube’, is Islamic, which God comments on in the paradise of Eden, when condemning the serpent, Satan, for cursing the woman Eve, and the first man created by God, Adam, with ephemerality, ‘You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life.’ (Gen: 3. 14) As women’s seed breeds exponentially, that is, there’s no temporal spatial limit to the amount of offspring of which a single woman can be the physical fatherer, the Ka’ Ba is a ‘snuff box’. Manufactured as a single male brained creature wearing each other’s clothes as a transvestite TV, the often ‘live’ entertainment medium of television is a snuff box, that is, a Ka’ Ba, where the seed of Abraham is extinguished, as Satan eats the dust of the Earth, snuffed out, as the Elton John song goes,1 ‘like a candle in the wind’:


 ‘The Lord is slow to anger and great in power,

And the Lord will by no means leave the guilty unpunished.

In whirlwind and storm is His way,

And clouds are the dust beneath His feet.’ (Nah: 1. 3)



 Leaving aside the notion that the name of God is merely a pejorative for Jewish resentment against their enemies, which have included the Moslems of the nations of Islam at least since May 15th, 1948, the shrine of Abraham, that is, the Ka’ Ba, is his dust, which Satan was told he’d eat. While Israel won their war by March 10th, 1949, for many Moslem communities that had been under the dominance of the Soviet Union in the post-WWII period, IS became the perceived defender of their beleaguered minority in countries that experienced the effects of the collapse of the soviet communist Empire globally, for example, Osama Ben Laden was amongst the Saudi ‘Wahhabi’ volunteers responsible for helping in the war (1979-89) to overthrow the soviet Afghan government in the capital, Kabul, and replace it with the Islamic Taliban regime.

 Al Qaeda, operating under the auspices of the Afghan Taliban, and the Independent State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), led by Iraq’s Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, after its dictator, Saddam Hussein, was deposed in the second Gulf war, after the first (1990-1) crazy golf episode to remove Iraq’s invading army from neighbor Kuwait by getting a hole in one, with one blow from the club, that is, an ‘eagle’, which is the emblem of Iraq, ofttimes erroneously called the Al Uqab upon the black or white flag of the Qerash ‘war tribe’ of the Prophet Mohamed, which more closely approximates to a griffin in European heraldry, as well as other Arab states in the region, through US’ invasion in March 2003, for offering ‘baseball’ bases to Al Qaeda there, while US’ invasion had deposed the Taliban for supporting Al Qaeda by December 17th, 2001, although the Taliban defeated the US to restore their governance of Afghanistan as an Islamic Emirate by 15th August, 2021, like the Independent State of Islam in the Levant (ISIL), with Baghdadi as the Caliph of its putative Caliphate of Islam, Al Qaeda and ISIS grew out of the perceived need to defend Moslems against ethnic persecution.



 The invasion of Kuwait, a fellow oil rich Islamic state, by Iraq, resulted in US’ invasion there to remove the Iraqi army, and safeguard Western industrial and manufacturing interests in ensuring continued supplies of oil from the region, which helped precipitate the collapse of the USSR, as IS support grew in those Russian states where Moslems were minority groups, and the West was perceived as interfering in Islamic affairs, for example, although the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic (SSR), Kazakhstan (SSR), Kyrgyzstan (SSR), Tajikstan (SSR), Turkmenistan (SSR), and Uzbekistan (SSR), had majority Moslem populations that became independent nations, outside the control of the Russian Federation, Moslems were majority groups in several Russian Federation states, while remaining a minority ethnic grouping overall (10-20 %), that is, in the Republics of Bashkortastan (35%), between the Volga river and the Ural mountains; Tatarstan (53.80%), a part of the Volga Federal District; and Chechnya (95%), Dagestan (83%), Ingushetia (96%), Kabardino Bulkaria (55.40%), and Karachay-Kerkessia (64.20%) in the Northern Caucasus, that is, between the seas of Azov and Black and the large inland lake, labeled by cartographers the Caspian Sea. The politics of separatism led to conflict between the Red Army and Islamic organizations, who found themselves under even greater pressure to accept totalitarian measures, after Al Qaeda’s terrorist attack on the WTC on 9/11, 2001, which probably contributed to the ‘pressure bomb’ attack on the Boston Marathon, Massachusetts state, April 15th, 2013, by Chechen-Kyrgyzstani American ‘brothers in Islam’, Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, subsequent to the Chechen war (1994-6) of independence from the Russian Federation, and the second Chechen war (1999-2009), subsequent to the election of Putin, ‘the Farter of all the Russias’, to kiss his ass, and blow phlegm, after restoring another hostile Moslem Republic in preparation for the virus of the barbecue spit.



 In Western terms, Caspian’s a metaphor for, ‘cometh the hour, cometh the man’,3 words said by English county medium-fast bowler, Derbyshire’s Cliff Gladwin, on December 20th, 1948, at the Kingsmead Cricket Ground, city of Durban, South Africa, coming in to bat for England in the First Test there, with 2 wickets remaining, and 12 runs required, which Gladwin achieved by means of a leg-bye, off the last ball bowled at the wicket he was commanding, and England went on to win the Fifth Test, and the 1948-49 Test series, 0-2. For non-cognoscenti, Cricket is played on a pitch, with a bowler at one end, and a batter at the other. At 22 yards, or 66 feet, subdivided as 100 links, which is the reason for golf being a game of links between holes, a chain  is a part of a form of measurement, known as Imperial (1824-), as the activity relates to the period of the British Empire (1497-), although its significance in the modern era relates to ‘chain smoking’, that is, slaves, who’re usually associated with chains, as a means of imprisonment, are cigarettely snuffed by puffs, while impotent to defend their wicket, as it were, which three stakes in the ground behind the bat signify women’s seed, as polyorchid humanity, still theoretically defended by an English knight with his sword, but more likely husbanded, as livestock, by a ‘gentleman farmer’, who breeds pigs otherwise.

 As in the 1951 novel, Prince Caspian, by Irish high fantasy novelist, C. S. Lewis, as Putin prepared to pot the Black with his cue, to use an American pool euphemism, he was the usurped Caspian, Lewis’ ‘Emperor of the Lone Islands’, and ‘Duke of the Seven Isles’, with the Red Army, denied by previous Russian Federation President, Boris Yeltsin, who granted the Ukraine independence in 1991, but regaining control of the Azov and Dardanelles straits (8s), for the Black Sea fleet to go through to the seas of the Aegean, the Mediterranean, and the Atlantic, by means of the ball’s at the end of the queue, after the crazy golf war and the Kuwaitis.



 Lewis’ works displayed signs of his working with MI6. Whereas Ian Fleming, who authored the James Bond novels, wrote about it, like J. R. R. Tolkien, Lewis’ English friend, whose epic, The Lord of the Rings (1954), was written as a fictional description of the socio-economic and political relations between the West, Central Eurasia and the Middle East,  Lewis’ Prince Caspian, who also features in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (1952), The Silver Chair (1953), and towards the close of The Last Battle (1956) as the father of son, Rilian, is the fulcrum of an intelligence analysis, centered on the Eastern seas, where the Ottoman Empire (1481-1922) of the Moslem Turks of the nations of Islam held sway before WWI, and with the June 18th-24th mutiny of the Black Sea fleet in support of the 1917 Revolution against Tsar Nicholas II’s oligarchy, communist Russia thereafter.

 English idiom is often biblical, ‘Be ye therefore ready also; for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not.’ (Luke: 12. 40) Whereas ‘the Second Coming’ of Jesus, ‘Christ’, ‘the chosen’, to the Earth, after his death, is the theme, although the Christian religion, after Jesus, taught man and shepherds, slavery wants apes and sheep, which is what SIV was for. Once the mutated variant of SIV had entered the human system as HIV, that is, the ‘blood plague’ (Rev: 11. 6) ape bum, the story was the Marquis de Sade’s, a French libertine, who wrote 120 Days of Sodom (1785), as AIDS was a form of torture, which after penetrating the human system, through the anus, that is, a hole in one, caused brain damage and death, that is, degeneration. When scientists revealed that SARS was AIDS related, the story had shifted again to the Marquis de Sade’s ass, that is, torture, brain damage, and slavery were what homosexuality was for. Or, in other words, apes, dragging their knuckles, and sheep, penned by collared dogs in the crazy golf war. The story of the founder of Christianity, Jesus, provides some clues, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ (Mk: 12. 31) Although homosexuals latched onto Jesus’ teaching, as a justification of their activity, the story of Judas Iscariot, Jesus’ disciple, is salutary in explicating where homosexuality errs.

 Found by Judas alone with a woman, Jesus was reported by Judas to the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, who gave him over to the Romans, then occupying Jewish Palestine in the name of their Emperor, Tiberius Augustus Caesar (14-37 C.E.), ‘Leave her alone.’ (Mk: 14. 6) The Romans took Jesus to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem, where he was nailed to a cross of wood and died there, but experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of women’s seed. Born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus was the seed of a woman, whereas homosexuality believes Jesus to be an anal birth, that is, Judas’ father, Joseph, was a sodomite developer of the ape bum. However, it’s clear from the Old Testament of the Christian Bible, that is, the history and law of the Jews, which is their Talmud and Torah, that the creator, God, gave the woman, Eve, and the first created man, Adam, ‘the fruit of the tree of life’, which was immortality, but that the angel, Satan, placed in the paradise of Eden as a serpent for rejecting God’s plan that the human host be greater than the angelic, and looking to make a hole in one, gave Eve ‘the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’, which it was death to taste, saying ‘You shall be as gods.’ (Gen: 3. 5) Expelling Eve and Adam, who according to Jewish Midrash was a hermaphrodite, that is, although Eve is euphemistically described as being from the rib or side of Adam, she was born from self-fertilization, God told Eve her ‘seed’ would prevail, ‘You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.’ (Gen: 3. 15) Depicted in Christian iconography crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, the Virgin Mary and Jesus represent the futanarian human species of women’s seed, rather than soccer players trying to get their balls up their nostrils, represented by the goalposts (5 + chains apart), which is capable of self-fertilization, as well as reproduction without men, so Jesus was killed for representing that possibility of escaping from human enchainment to homosexuality, that is, their geas (gays), represented by Judas’ infamous full lips kissing of Jesus, before his betrayal.

 Although the Koran gives Moslems permission to have four wives, Christianity views this as an attempt to retroactively legitimize the birth of Ishmael from an unmarried slave, Hajer, which would make Islam illegitimate. However, Islam affords the opportunity for women’s seed to reproduce within the human family, so the Ka’ Ba, for example, dedicated as the shrine of Abraham by Hajer and Ishmael, in the ancient religion of Egypt symbolizes the ‘Ka’, spirit, and ‘Ba’, soul’, of women’s seed, that is, the penised human host of women’s seed and their womb, which is that of humankind, whereas for the homosexual slaver it’s animal husbandry and TV snuff box ‘live’ at the crazy golf war. That the problem for humanity is homosexuality isn’t self-evident. However, the blood plague, that is, the ape bum, associated with the ‘red dragon’ (Rev: 12. 4) of the New Testament apocalyptic future vision of Jesus’ disciple, John, Revelation, is AIDS, while homosexuality’s detachment from the human cycle of sexual reproduction aligned to family makes it a natural slaver. The ancient Greeks institutionalized host womb slavery in pederasty to manufacture soldiery for war, for example, which entailed the castration of women’s seed. The statue of the Greek goddess, Diana, recovered at Ephesus (1 C.E.), on the western coast of their region of Ionia, 3km (1.9 m) southwest of modern Selçuk, Izmir province, Turkey, for example, has hundreds of testicles strung about her neck, as what the Greeks did with women’s seed was ingest them nasally for the testosterone rush, so they ‘screeched like flocks of raucous birds,’2 in their crazy golf sieges to ‘sack’ cities to get a hole in two, such as that of Troy in Asia Minor, modern Hisarlik, Çannakale province, Turkey, as described by the Greek poet, Homer, in his Iliad (760-10 B.C.).

 That they were hoarse suggests a connection between smoking phallic cigarettes and the extinction of the penis’ seed of women, for example, Jesus, in his ‘Second Coming’ to the Earth, as foretold by John in his Revelation, is ‘he who will rule the nations with an iron rod’, which is taken by adherents of fascism, whose symbol is the Roman fasces, that is, a bundle of rods with an axe in the center, symbolizing the authority of Rome, as theirs. However, the fasces was a symbol of the Roman planner, who cut wood to build a lean-to, inside a clearing in a forest, perhaps, where he’d plan the construction of an encampment in the early days of the Roman Empire, which was adopted by Germany’s National Socialist (Nazi) Party leader, Adolf Hitler, in WWII, to build ‘concentration camps’; inside which millions of ethnic minorities, especially Jews, were killed: in a game of horseshoes to determine how many shoed be on the fingers of the guards, harnessed as slave labor.

 Although fascism and communism were held to be opposites, the USSR’s WWII dictator Joseph Stalin’s policy of extermination, in a Eurasia-wide system of gulag labor camps, was virtually identical. The only difference was in the emphasis on how to slave. Moreover, as war is essentially a homosexual activity to slave more, ‘smoking’ is a euphemism for killing with guns, as well as fellatio, which suggests that cigarette smoking is a variant of the fasces’ ‘bundle of rods’ with an axe in the center, that is, the redly lit cigarette is an ion rod that attracts the attention away from the actual phallus, while the distracted becomes a shoed butt, and the axe is the penis, as more than the euphemistic ‘chopper’, as the butt’s then the psychologically, or physically, castrated slave of the homosexual who ‘smokes’, ‘The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to wage war on the remnant of her seed.’ (Rev: 12. 17) As they didn’t want to be shoed as whores, that is. Although the dragon legends of the Earth center upon the Far East, for example, Japan and China, where SARS arose, that is, a variation upon the standard AIDS ape bum virus, TOS, Putin’s butt, immolating through incendiary flammable fart (IIFF), the Central European equivalent is the draco voivode, ‘dragon administrator’; for example, Vlad Dracul III of Wallachia, which suggests that a draco is a slaver.

 When Putin invaded the Ukraine, its President, Volodymyr Zelensky, had applied to the European Union of states, with their blue flag of twelve stars, for membership, which was biblical, ‘And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed in the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and crying out in the pain and agony of giving birth.’ (Rev: 12. 1-2) Putin’s Red Army was the ‘red dragon’, ‘The dragon stood before the woman, who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.’ (Rev: 12. 4) The child is obviously the futanarian species of women’s seed, which wouldn’t be a slave of the vampire if it bred itself. Although the horseshoe bats emerging from the cave in Yunnan province, China, as SARS 1, weren’t vampire bats (Desmodontinae), which are primarily Central and South American, it’s significant that vampires are believed to be able to turn themselves into bats, which is probably a reference to men’s breeding with humans, that is, even if women’s seed were able to breed, they’d have bats’ balls, ‘Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.’ (Rev: 16. 11) Unable to breed with each other, women can produce only the seed of the vampire, so what passes for the human race is as blind as a bat which, able only to see in the infrared spectrum, is attracted to the cigarette virus, that is, the secret fires with which homosexuality slave drives the sex addict, who can’t see, for the bats on its balls, that it should have three.

 That Al Qaeda, ‘the base’, were engaged in a game with the Giants, the Jets, and the Knicks, when attacking the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and the White House, in lieu of a home run, seems incontrovertible, while whores’ shoeing is what men do with women’s seed, that is, God’s foot’s shoed, which means that the futanarian human race to colonize the planets amongst the stars is their slave instead, so universal immortality, through medicine and technology, derived from the species’ own brainpower, is impossible. Once the whore’s shoed, the hearse can be ridden, which is what the horseshoe bats represent, as the characteristic of SARS is the geas of the coffin, which is how humans are steered, through the bones in their ears, called hammer, anvil, and stirrup, that the demon balls of homosexuality use to ride the remains of women’s seed into the ground as its slaver.

 The ancient belief about the devil, as a soul catcher, corresponds to the catcher in baseball, who’s there in the hope of catching the ball three times in succession, as the pitcher pitches the ball to the batter who, if he misses hitting the ball three times in succession, is defined as a ‘strike out’, which means vacating the position without scoring. Moreover, as it’s the role of the vampire to sink its teeth into the necks of as many victims as it wants immortal slaves, it’s the devil, which means that women’s seed are the three balls, as polyorchid humans normatively have three testes. As Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension to heaven prefigures Redemption for women’s seed, it’s significant that the pawnbroker’s sign is three balls, as humans are blinded by the devil to the fact that they need them, whereas all of the signs point to their importance. If the catcher is the devil, then Redemption resides with bats and balls. However, if the earmarked bones of the enchained slaves are belabored by the bats in the stirrups of the hoarse, hammering at the anvil in their rear, the balls won’t be ready in a trice.


1 Sutherland, Angela ‘Berserkers in Mesopotamia, Europe and India: Old Tradition of Mad Fighting Dates Back At Least 3000 B.C.’, .

2 John, Elton (music), and Bernie Taupin (lyrics) ‘Candle In The Wind’, Yellow Brick Road, 1973.

3 Gladwin, Cliff ‘Cometh the hour, cometh the man’, December 20th, 1948, Durban, South Africa.

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