Babylon, Hollywood`s Alien, Perdition And Human Resurrection
10/08/2013 20:06
Babylon, Hollywood`s Alien, Perdition And Human Resurrection
The science fiction horror movie Alien (1979) features a deep space tug, which takes its name from the `incorruptible` anti-hero of Joseph Conrad`s literary novel of South America, Nostromo (1904), who agrees to hide a silver horde and then steals it. On its return to Earth hauling its refinery and 20 million tons of precious ore, the Nostromo receives a transmission from a planetoid, LV-26, and a derelict spacecraft is discovered to contain extraterrestrial intelligence:
`The pit is completely enclosed, and it's full of leathery objects, like... eggs or something.`

After a hatched alien horrifically attaches itself to the nose and mouth of crew member, Gilbert Kane, played by actor John Hurt, he is unable to breathe until the creature is removed and, while he`s convalescing in the ship`s medical centre, he goes into a coma. The medical staff monitor his body`s transmogrificationan and, days later, an alien progeny bursts from his abdomen. The scene is reminiscent of a cesarian birth in which the child gains egress into the world from the abdomen of the mother, because of `complications` associated with a difficult birth. Gilbert Kane is male so doesn`t have a womb and so the sudden violent appearance of the alien creature graphically illustrates the functionality of the parasite after after its gestation:
`It's got a wonderful defense mechanism. You don't dare kill it.`

The alien creature of Alien is in fact more able than Kane in what is a cinema allusion to the biblical story of Cain, and Abel who could cook and so was murdered by Cain, because he was able and Cain wanted `easy pickings`, that is, Cain wanted to pick fruit rather than develop intellectually, which is how `incorruptibles` like Nostromo, who was entrusted with the silver he stole, become corrupted.

Giving birth to a murdering `monster`, like the alien in Alien, is typical of the SF genre and its concerns, which relate to species` betrayal. The fatherly male who puts something of yours in a cupboard for safe-keeping, is a type of Nostromo, and the hostessly mother who gives your Sony Walkman to someone, because you don`t seem to be using it, continues the theme of species` betrayal. At the `Last Supper` Jesus was the host who gave `bread and wine` to the disciples as tokens of his `body and blood` because he didn`t want to be betrayed, that is, it was his body they crucified after the disciple, Judas Iscariot, betrayed him. The monster birth metaphor also plays upon fears of incest, or rather the taboo associated with genetic mishap through relationships of too close consanguinity, which are treated seriously in the work of `scifi` Grand Master, Robert A. Heinlein (1907-88), whose self-indulgent character, Maureen from To Sail Beyond The Sunset (1987), isn`t concerned that her own incestuous relationships are `corrupt` but is aware of:
`... the damage incest can do, both genetically and socially ...`1
Because other people aren`t as aware as Maureen is. Women have their own penis` `seed`, and `futanarian` woman is capable of self-reproduction, which is why Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, so that the problems associated with the `serpent`s seed` and what God warns Eve will be its `perpetual enmity` for `woman`s seed`, that is, the host, could be made clearer to those humans who contemplate species` betrayal. If `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` is what God calls `woman`s seed` in the Bible and not a monster produced through incest, she`s a betrayed species. As `biune` women are endogamous, that is, a single unity without marriage with men to maintain their faithfulness to the `serpent`s seed` in slavery, so men`s incest taboo is to prevent `woman`s seed` from reproducing with each other as one family:
`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Matt: 22. 30)

Betraying the host womb of the human species is what men would be doing if they promoted sex as a means of replicating themselves virally with any other species` host womb. In the late 20th century, the `killer disease` of HIV/AIDS, which is described as the `blood plague` of Revelation, was produced through mixing blood, shit and semen in the anuses of men`s penile masturbations together in rejection of the female host womb because they didn`t have another species` host womb but their virality says they`d want one:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 17. 5)

Most HIV/AIDS` hosts die abed in hospitalized condition as the viral parasite completes its gestation period. If men are the `serpent`s seed`, while women are the `futanarian` human species with her own penis` `seed`, aliens are what men are. God tells Eve she`ll `crush the head of the serpent as she leaves` (Gen: 3. 15) for a `new heaven and Earth` but she won`t be able to leave if the `serpent`s seed` stop her.

In ancient Greece men enslaved the host wombs of women to further their aims of pederasty and war. The symbol of the `goddess` of the city of Troy, Pallas Athene, that is, the mother as the revered protective host womb, was the horse, so the Greeks left a huge hollow wooden horse before the city walls and emerged therefrom to enslave the host wombs of the women for pederasty and war after the Trojans took the horse inside because it was treacherously left as a `friendship gift` by the Greeks:
`Beware Greeks bearing gifts.`2
Pallas Athene`s horse is that symbol of the tireless indefatigabilty of the host womb of woman which persists, despite the treachery of the male devourer. In the 21st century the `Trojan virus` was the computer age`s paradigm, which is that of the HIV/AIDS` biblical `blood plague` preventing woman from ecaping her monogamous enslaver by inculcating fear of unfaithfulness and the belief that promiscuity as abnormality. But the more female babies that are born to `woman`s seed`, the greater their intellectual capacity would be, so what the moralists term promiscuity is normal for a single `futanarian` species` biunity that wants to develop its own brainpower and escape from the Earth`s parasitism, In Revelation the `red dragon` is the devourer, who waits in vain for the `New Redeemer`, that is, Jesus in his `Second Coming`, born to the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, because the `red dragon` symbolizes the contaminated semen of the alien parasite that enslaved woman has harbored as her devourer in her host womb for generations.

The woman of Revelation, who gives birth to Jesus in his `Second Coming`, is `Liberty` in her birth waters at New York harbor, `clothed` with the red `sun` of the flag of her World War II (1939-45) victories over Japan after its sneak attack on the US Pacific fleet at Pearl harbor, and the flag of the yellow `moon` of Al Qaeda, after Osama Ben Ladan was killed in Pakistan on May 2, 2011. Ben Ladan was the leader of the terrorist group Al Qaeda, that is, `the base`, which hijacked `civil` airliners to crash them into the Twin Towers of New York`s World Trade Centre on 9/11, 2001, and so plunge the globe into another round of `rough trade`:
`... a male homosexual prostitute who engages in brutality or sadism, or such homosexuals collectively.`3

The `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, in her birth waters at New York harbor, that is, `Liberty`, wouldn`t have wanted to give birth to `rough trade`, because it`s alien to her species` survival and continuance. Just as Gilbert Kane, in the movie Alien, produced a mockery of birth from his stomach, so men as the `serpent`s seed`, that is, formerly as `incorruptible` as Nostromo, like Judas Iscariot, are a monstrous birth if they become traitors to the human species. But the belly of the biune futanarian species of woman with her own penis` seed is for the development of the human species` socio-economic valence for technological independence through the production of her own exclusive brainpower. Men`s taboo against incest, because from a eugenics standpoint it might produce a `monster` birth, is directed at woman as a single species reproducing herself, while men seek, either consciously or unconsciously, to replicate themselves virally throughout creation as the enslaving and devouring parasite of God`s host. Any willing, or unwilling womb, will do.

The Japanese `sneak attack` on Pearl harbor on December 7, 1941, when mitsubishi zero `fighters`, piloted by suicidal `kamikazes`, crashed their planes into the decks of the aircraft carriers of the US Pacific fleet, was a betrayal of the peaceful host. In the movie Star Wars the much vaunted war machine of the evil Empire, the `Death Star`, is destroyed by individual pilots who risk their lives. Although described as a `suicide mission`, the aim isn`t to commit `har kari`, which is what the Japanese `noble suicides`, that is, the `kamikazes`, did at Pearl harbor. However, the message to the cinema audience is that `suicide missions` are glamorous and rewarded. Even the theme tune for the movie M*A*S*H (1970), which was set at a supposedly life-saving Mobile Army Surgical Hospital during the Korean war (1950-3), was celebrative of the new decade`s preoccupations with suicide as a Hollywood, Babylon, program:
`That suicide is painless;
it brings on many changes:
and I can take or leave it if I please.`

Contrary to popular belief, Jesus Christ didn`t commit suicide. He observed that he was betrayed, in offering `bread and wine` to the disciples as tokens of his `body and blood`, because he didn`t want to be devoured by the `serpent`s seed`, who tortured and murdered him upon the cross of his crucifixion:
`The game of life is hard to play.
I'm gonna lose it anyway,
The losing card I'll someday lay.
So this is all I have to say.`

Al Qaeda`s suicidal terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre was a betrayal of the host, because they were guests of the United States before they hijacked airliners at Boston, Logan, Massachussetts. Blaming Hollywood, Babylon, for spreading the contagion of war and pederasty through the mass entertainment medium of the moving picture industry, in defeatist lyrics such as those attached to the `sitcom` M*A*S*H wasn`t inappropriate. Osama Ben Ladan was a Saudi Arabian who, at the beginning of the 21st century, followed the `plot` of the `scifi` movie Logan`s Run (1976) in which `sandmen` attempt to follow their instructions to kill all those who`ve reached their 21st birthday celebrations.

Giving up your seat to the woman is traditional because she`s the host womb of the species, and passengers understood that principle aboard United Airlines Flight 93 from Newark, New Jersey, which was reputedly on its way to crash into the Whitehouse before it was `taken down` at a field near Diamond T. MIne, Stonycreek Township, Shanksville, Pennsylvania, by the plane`s heroes overpowering the Al Qaeda terrorist hijackers. However, many of the `Flight 93` passengers might have been influenced by the movie derived M*A*S*H (1972-83) television `sitcom` that kept the pessimistic defeatist lyrics of the theme song, which effectively derided the US` service personnel, who were typically 19 years of age or thereabouts, as `cannon fodder` equivalent to those suicided by their respective national governments on the `Western Front` during WWI`s (1914-8) `trench warfare` that consisted of ours facing their machine guns while walking slowly forward:
`The only way to win is cheat;
and lay it down before I'm beat:
and to another give my seat.
For that's the only painless feat.`

By precipitating global `rough trade`, pederasty and their god, war, sought the reestablishing of their `sitcom` in women`s host wombs as they continued their `perpetual enmity` for the host of God as her enslavers and devouring parasites, while TV series like M*A*S*H presented their manifesto for suicide as depressive fun. The suicide attack by the Japanese at Pearl harbor on 7 December 1941 and the suicide attack by Al Qaeda at New York`s harbor on 9/11 2001 were attempts to suicide the United States and prevent `Liberty` from giving birth in her waters at New York harbor. Hollywood, Babylon`s output of movies like Towering Inferno (1974), a `blockbuster` disaster movie about fighting a fire at the `Glass Tower` in San Francisco, and M*A*S*H`s celebration of suicide, preprogramed the public mind for 9/11, 2001`s suicide attack on the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre.

Computer `geeks` construction of viruses to destroy computers based on the Greek `Trojan horse` paradigm was the virus of the 21st century manifested at the end of the 20th as pederasty`s HIV/AIDS. Al Qaeda`s terrorist attack on the Twin Towers, after `feigning friendship`, which is what the HIV/AIDS` virus does, before killing the human host, is men`s plague `game` of treachery to prevent women`s host wombs from breeding themselves as `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed`. So she could remain purified of the `serpent` seed` of men, which seeks to further itself, according to Revelation, by means of a bestiality in which any host womb could do:
`... let he that has wisdom understand; the number of a man is the number of the beast ...` (Rev: 13. 17)

The `sandmen` of Al Qaeda were following the path of `the beasts` of Revelation, who have power over the Earth and, without the `mark of the beast`, noone can live, because the `red dragon` devours `woman`s seed`, that is, the civilization, culture and art that emerges from the host wombs of the human species it has enslaved. Gilbert Kane, as the man giving birth to the alien in the movie Alien, is what happens. Because men`s god of pederasty and virality of homosexuality demonstrates that what they want is themselves as parasitical devourers of what comes forth from the host wombs of women, they`re prepared to give birth to it as aliens who prefer the `killer disease` of HIV/AIDS` virus rather than the host wombs of women free of the `serpent`s seed`. Freed, she`d be a vessel for her own species` `futanarian` self, with her own penis` `seed`, and human bred brains` power to develop advanced technology to assist her flight into space.

In the Koran dictated to the Prophet Mohammed by angels (c. 610-30 CE) the character of Iblis is described as an evil `whisper`, because people think with their ears, that is, they listen, but have choice or free will as to action. In the developmental psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) there are four functions of consciousness; Sensation (eyes), Thinking (ears), Feeling (mouth, speech) and Intuition (nose, smell). Analytical Thinking is associated with the ears in undifferentiated form because `Iblis` is the voices of men as the anal whisperings of their desire to continue as a virus. What is seen in reality are the posturings of their virality as it seeks to continue through the host wombs of the species they`ve enslaved for their god, war.

The bellies of men aren`t associated with the reproductive process, whereas all women`s are, because `futanarian` women with their own penis and `seed` all have wombs. Women`s wombs are the hosts of men as her devouring parasite, so themselves having their own bodily wombs to reproduce themselves would place a deemphasis upon their parasites` consuming. Having no gestative capability, which means a creature alien to human `Feeling`, that is, the Jungian psychological function associated with the mouth and speech, the devourer, that is, men, is the alien monster Hollywood, Babylon, has been terrifying the Earth with since movies were invented:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth,` (Rev: 17. 5)

Rather than develop technology to assist the human `futanarian` race, that is, the `foot race`, to the planets and stars, men would breed with anything else other than human to inspire the corpse of what was the `biune` species of `woman`s seed` to worship their devouring god, war. God is declared Satan by the `serpent`s seed`, because God is too good from their perspective, so `futanarian` women with their own penis` `seed` are almost extinct from men`s picture of themselves as parasitical enslavers and devourers of `woman`s seed`. The incest taboo is against women`s reproducing themselves as a single species, which is described by the ancient Greek dramatist Sophocles in Oedipus Rex (c. 429 BC) where Oedipus deliberately blinds himself because he marries his mother, Jocasta, by mistake. The drama is designed to restore the taboo because the possibility of mother-daughter species` sexual reproduction depends on their being able to see each other as they really are.

In Jungian psychology the `Sensation` function is associated with the eyes and what is tangible to individuals, who can`t knowingly touch what it isn`t possible to see for themselves. Because the `serpent`s seed` of men don`t want women to breed as the human species, they impose censorship atop their already murdering of her in order to blind the human race and so prevent its progress. `Intuition` is the function associated with the nose or `sense of smell` and is associated with the transformation of instinct into spirituality because animals follow their prey but humans pray for guidance from God for their path. In Oedipus Rex Antigone guides the blind Oedipus after his self-punishment for breaking the incest taboo imposed by men to prevent women from self-reproducing together as a single `futanarian` family with its own penis` seed without ownership papers, and so the `riddle` of the Sphinx is solved:
`What goes on all fours in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening?`

The answer is `Man` and, after receiving the solution from a seer, Oedipus marries Jocasta, because male and female couplings are four legs. and a child has two, but in the evening the animal shadow of instinct follows whatever is left of the blinded human species of woman with her own penis and `seed` to see what it can get from the corpse it has made of humanity. Antigone`s role seems ennobling but she`s duped by the blindman`s cane. Cain slew Abel because he was able, which is why Gilbert Kane gives birth to the `improved` killer in the movie Alien, which bursts from his belly despite his not having a womb; as HIV/AIDS does.
The blind Oedipus has a cane to assist him in his progress but men are the killers of woman and Antigone can see. Oedipus is a type of man and, rather than `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` being enabled, men have repressed the woman`s penis and made a cane for the back of her desire for herself and the planets and stars of heaven. The `mark of Cain` was given to the murderer by God as a sign upon his brow that he could be slain by anyone, but Satan is God to the evil and so Antigone, the woman who`s name is pronounced `anti-gun`, represents woman`s future blinding by those with the `mark of Cain`, who have now transposed the woman`s penis` desire for herself, that is, God`s desirefulness, into the blinding cane that they walk with, that is, their alien gun: lest woman should see and know herself to be loved by God.

HIV/AIDS was the paradigm of the late 20th century, because men`s path is associated with the ears and Thinking, which is `anal`. The human is fearful of the animal men at their back who would kill their functioning capability to prevent the species of humanity from growing so that men can continue enslaving and devouring her. The greatest technological development of the late 20th century was the Japanese personal stero cassette player, the Sony Walkman, which came into use just as HIV/AIDS was discovered as pederasty`s `biological weapon` to keep women in fearful faithfulness to her monogamous `killer disease`. The musicassette and the Walkman facilitated those women whose individuational focus was disturbed by the appearance of men on their path who, representing anal contagiousness to the human species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` and desire for self-reproduction, constituted an anal psychopathic alien trying to attract her by mouthing words at her `happy ears` so as to take her from behind. The film Sex, Lies and Videotape
(1989) underscored the problem for a woman, Ann, who listens but is confused by what she`s told:
`... So let me see, you said, um, you said that I should never take advice from someone that I haven't had sex with, right ... right?`

The Sony Walkman revealed men as a `tapeworm`, that is, a virus transmitting itself anally onto the world as film, because `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` wouldn`t want to see or hear it if she was able to resist its opportunings in uncensored knowledge of herself as the human species. A name for the `serpent` in Eden, who gives Eve the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, is the `worm` because afterwards it remained on the path of enslaving the host womb of woman`s civilization, culture and art to devour her. Because woman is socio-economically independent of men if she applies her own capacity for reproduction and bred brainpower through her own penis` `seed`, men are a virus infection in her anus, which began as an ear infection distorting her Thinking and causing dysfunction:
`So, I, I, I guess from your own advice, I shouldn't take your advice.`
Ann shouldn`t in Sex, Lies and Videotape because Graham isn`t her species, according to the `film` analyst. The dysfunctional are those the hospitalizing aliens don`t want to function because they`re too good for the `serpent`s seed`, who want incapacitated individuals to be flat on their beds. Consequently, such `flatbed` printers are for publishers, who don`t want good writers to write, lest they successfully avoid the censor, and so illness is `censorship` for those who don`t want the virus, that is, men, in their published works. Emergency services such as firemen, police and ambulance drivers are the `on screen` virus for the disabled good person who the publishers want to incapacitate, that is, censor, so they`ll never know:
`Let he that has wisdom understand; the number of a man is the number of the beast and his number is six hundred three score and six.`
Men no longer help the ill, they just want to be on the scene. The number `666` is the reverse of the emergency number `999`, and 9/11 was chosen as the date for the terrorist attack upon the Twin Towers in 2001, because 911 is the number of the emergency services in the USA, which puts more men on the scene for the World Trade Centre (2005) movie and a cancer difficult to remove from the eyes of the cinema-going human `pupils`. Al Qaeda`s terrorist assault on the World Trade Centre precipitated further `rough trade` and more trillions of dollars US$ spent on pederasty`s god, war, rather than virus eradication, which is ironic when the doctors appear at the hospital to place the incapacitated on their `flatbed` printers.
In the film Flatliners (1990), Nelson, one amongst a group of medical students initiating near death experiences to see what happens, when the life monitors in the hospital `flatline` to inidcate decease, says of the `movie` they experience while `flatlining` themselves to see what happens:
`Somehow we've brought our sins back physically. And they're pissed.`
What they`ve developed is a `flatbed` printer for the incapicitated and dying. Their sins would be the serpent`s seed`s, that is, men themselves and those who like them, because they`re in pederasty, and either consciously accept or are unconsciously resigned to a heaven of enslaving and devouring men, because they don`t expect the single biune unity of woman as `futanarian` with her own penis` `seed` to have Resurrection or that men`ll experience perdition, that is, eternal unendurable pain forever for refusing to stay out of the picture so woman can be in it. Pederasts are fathers, who see their sons in the picture, working as slaves in devourment, but their sons don`t see themselves in it and, if they`re daughters, they`re metaphorically blinded by their fathers in censorship and `earmarked` for an early death in what Jungian psychology tells us is the analism of an overweighted reliance upon Thinking, that is, the function associated with the ears and hearing, because men don`t want the human species to breed with her own `futanarian` penis` `seed` but want her to listen to their obfuscatory `speechifying` rather than know herself.
If men don`t want women to breed as the `futanarian` human species of woman with her own penis` `seed`, but they want her to fear terrifying creatures born from their bellies that don`t gestate in reproduction, then men are the aliens who`ll reproduce with whatever host wombs are available to futher their contagion of enslaving devourment of the human race of woman`s `seed`. The alien in the movie franchise, Alien, which includes Aliens (1986) Alien 3 (1992) and Alien Resurrection (1997) is men`s typesetting, because it`s what they as alien publishers, aboard the `incorruptible` Nostromo, have already done with the human race.
1 Heinlein, Robert A. Heinlein To Sail Beyond The Sunset, G. P. Putnam`s Sons, 1987, p. 394.
2 Virgil The Aeneid Bk II, 19 BC.
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