07/02/2017 18:07
Richard Lovelace wrote the poem, `To Althea From Prison` (1642), in response to his being imprisoned by the autocrat, Charles I, and in protest at the king of England`s receiving support from the Anglican church, which prevented the development of British local government: `Stone walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage`1 Charles was later beheaded on January 30, 1649, in the course of the English Civil war (1642-51) for a more democratic Parliament. The words of Lovelace`s poem were later set to music by Dave Swarbrick of the folk rock group, Fairport Convention, as a part of the album, Nine (1973), which also contained `Bring `Em Down` and was their tenth album preceding Rising For The Moon (1975), the eleventh album that, containing the track `Iron Lion`, together with Nine, paradoxically constituted the band`s contribution to `the events of 9/11` through a naive lyricism that was typical of the pseudo-political thought of `pothead` musicians who, seeing themselves as SF `conventioneers`, believed socio-historical problems could be solved through broadly condemning politicos, and advocating simple peaceful solutions, like `pot`, whereas complicatedly violent issues required more than groups of rock bands, like Fairport Convention promoting themselves as an SF `con`, to be resolved satisfactorily:
`A curse upon you men of war, with gun or pen in hand.
The power sought or won, or bought; the castles made of sand.
You always have good reason; to take more than you need.
Your hearts are full of paper, and your minds are full of greed.`2
The power sought or won, or bought; the castles made of sand.
You always have good reason; to take more than you need.
Your hearts are full of paper, and your minds are full of greed.`2
Fairport Convention`s lyrics read as though written by some fan uncomprehending of the real art of writing science fiction at one of the many SF conventions, known as `cons`, which arose through admiration of the writers of speculative fiction mainly in the United States of America after the popularization of the genre due to television series, like Star Trek (1965-8), which featured the adventures of the crew of the starship, Enterprise. Star Trek Convention took place at The Rio Suites Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, in 2017, from August 2-6, and Fairport Convention seems to be an ongoing SF project in the tradition of musicians who use science fiction and fantasy lyrics and mysticism to sell their product. Fairport Convention is an ongoing project. Though some attention has been given to the idea of the nine ring slaves of the `Dark Lord`, Sauron, in the second part of British fantasy writer J. R. R. Tolkien`s The Lord Of The Rings (1953) trilogy, `The Two Towers`, as somehow being related to the rise of Al Qaeda, the Moslem extremist organization, whose symbol is the moon, and who hijacked civil airliners to crash them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York city on September 11, 2001, that is, 9/11, no one has suggested that their Saudi Arabian leader, Osama Ben Laden, whose name meant `lion`, was an `SF` Fairport Convention fan, who used the albums, Nine and Rising For The Moon, as inspiration for an attempted prison break: `I travel over the sea and ride the rolling sky.`3 Trevor Lucas penned the track, `Bring `Em Down` `... I saw four ghostly riders, the horses in a line ... air about you is burning ... bring 'em down.` `The Nine` were the `ghostly` ring wraiths belonging to Sauron in The Lord Of The Rings, and there were four planes hijacked by Al Qaeda, two of which crashed into the World Trade Center, one into a wall of the Pentagon Defense Department in Arlington, Virginia, and a fourth that crashed at Shanksville, Pennsylvania, when passengers, revolting at the prospect of the plane going to Washington, D.C., to crash into US` President George W. Bush`s official Whitehouse residence, mounted a failed attempt to get the plane under their control. Although the second part of the Tolkien trilogy, `The Two Towers`, wasn`t made into a movie by the global film industry`s capital Hollywood, in that district of the city of Los Angeles, California state, until 2002, the idea of `The Nine` was already in the public imagination well before the release of the first part of the trilogy, The Fellowship Of The Ring, on December 19, 2001. Through positive lyrics to negative concepts in songs like `The Battle Of Evermore` (1971) by rock group Led Zeppelin with `guest` from Fairport Convention, Sandy Dennis, on vocals: `The ring wraiths ride in black, ride on.`4 As director Peter Jackson began storyboarding the movie in August 1997 before actual filming commenced in New Zealand on October 11, 1999, `The Nine` were already well established as well-loved pop culture icons in the mold of `Ghostface`, from the `slasher` movie, Scream (1996), whose claim to popular appeal was that he slew teenage girls with a knife:
`The year 1999 seven month,
From the sky will come a great king of terror:
To bring back to life the great king of Angolmois, (the Moguls),
Before after Mars to reign by good luck.`5
From the sky will come a great king of terror:
To bring back to life the great king of Angolmois, (the Moguls),
Before after Mars to reign by good luck.`5

`Mogul` is a term most often used to describe the activity of Hollywood film producers and/or producer-directors, although it derives from the Moslem Mogul Empire (1526-1857), which comprised a large part of the Indian subcontinent, including Moslem Pakistan, where Osama Ben Laden was eventually killed by US special forces as he sheltered `neath the shadow of the Military Academy in the town of Bilal at his Abbotabad compound on May 2, 2011, and Afghanistan from whence, under the auspices of the misogynist Taliban regime, Al Qaeda operated. Although J. R. R. Tolkien mightn`t seem a prophet, his researches into the Finno-Ugric languages, which include Finnish and Hungarian, to produce his fictional High Elven tongue, Qenya, are prophetic. `Angolmois`, which is used by Nostradamus to mean `Mogul`, contains `angol`, a Finno-Hungarian word that translates as `English`, and `mois`, a French word translating as `month`. Consequently, the month of October, 1999, in which director, Peter Jackson, began filming The Lord Of The Rings, corresponds to French Nostradamus` 1999 prophecy. Jackson was the English speaking Hollywood Mogul from New Zealand resurrecting the US` film industry that, after 9/11, also produced the movie World Trade Center (2006) which, starring actor Nick Cage, firmly established the English `nick` theme, whereby `a nick` is colloquially a `cage` or prison.

Traditionally, the Iranian `hashashins` (assassins), which were sent by Alamut`s `Old Man of the Mountain`, Hassan-i Sabbah, during the period subsequent to the Moslem Koran (610-30 C.E.) being supposedly dictated to the prophet Mohamed by God`s angels, were drugged on hashish (cannabis), and told they`d return to paradise on Earth after their suicide missions to kill those rulers who opposed Islam. Consequently, Al Qaeda`s suicide hijackers expected the freedom of paradise upon successful completion of their mission, whereas the choice of actor, Nick Cage, as the script`s 9/11 `policeman`, John McLoughlin, signaled US` determination to enforce Mosaic law. The 1976 movie, King Kong, featured a giant ape atop the World Trade Center attempting to swat away modern air attack fighters before plunging to his death. The film, which would be remade yet again in 2005, deviated from the original 1933 storyline, where the setting had been the Empire State Building, although the socio-historical determinant was the same as Tolkien`s in his 1937 novel, The Hobbit, that indirectly introduced Sauron`s `Nine` during the period immediately preceding the rise of Nazism in Germany. The Lord Of The Rings was based on a hobbit creature, known as a `halfling`, because of his people`s stature in comparison to that of men, discovering a ring belonging to Sauron, which was destroyed in the third part of Tolkien`s trilogy, `The Return Of The King`, because it represented slavery, that is, a form of imprisonment.
Nazism arose in Germany after the election in 1933 of the German National Socialist (Nazi) Party, whose leader, Adolf Hitler, began pogroming Jews in `death camps` until, by war`s end, upwards of 20, 000, 000 had been killed and incinerated. As King Kong became associated with the World Trade Center, so The Lord Of The Rings, which was largely about the depredations incurred in the hobbit Frodo`s homeland, The Shire, during the `war of the ring`, became associated with the collapse of the Russian, Austro-Hungarian, and Ottoman Empires after World War I (1914-18), which had been fought to curtail Germany`s slaving ambitions. Through The Hobbit, which was made into a three-part movie (2012-14) by Peter Jackson, and the subsequent The Lord Of The Rings, arose the perception of a threat in the Middle East amongst the Moslem peoples of Islam, wherein a new Empire was subsequently declared by Iraq`s Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, the Independent Levant, on June 29, 2014. 9/11`s events were construable as Sauron`s `Nine` for the Levant, although Germany`s history of anti-semitism suggests that 9/11 was a pro-extremist `nein` to a Levant`s role for Jewish Palestine.

Because the `biological weapon` of the late 20th century was the `incurable killer disease`, HIV/AIDS, spread by men`s mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses, the movie King Kong has another meaning. According to scientists, HIV is a version of simian immuno-deficiency virus (SIV),6 which was at some point first transmitted to humans from apes in West-central Africa. The human immuno-deficiency virus results in acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome (AIDS) during which the virus climbs up the spine collapsing the organs of the body before killing the brain. Much as the ape climbed the World Trade Center in King Kong (1976) before falling. In short, the World Trade Center was chosen by Al Qaeda, `the base`, that is, the base of the spine, because `rough trade` is a metaphor for the `Greek disease`, which was the institutionalized host womb enslavement of women by homosexuals in pederasty for war. In other words, 9/11 was designed to reestablish `brutality and violence`, that is, `trade`,7 and King Kong atop the WTC in the 1976 movie was one of its symbols. Or, to put it another way, 9/11 was an attack on human nature.
To understand that, it`s necessary to re-examine some basic precepts about women. In Judaism it isn`t possible to be born a Jew unless born from a woman, which suggests that women are Jews. In Christianity Jesus is born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, that is, he couldn`t possibly have HIV/AIDS, because her ovum wasn`t fertilized by a man. Consequently, Jesus `Christ`, `the chosen`, and the Jewish `chosen people` of the Old Testament of the Bible, which is the history and law of the Jews, that is, the Talmud and Torah, as the people supposedly descended from the original man, Adam, created by God in the paradise that was heaven on Earth, Eden, are `chosen` because they`re `woman`s seed`. This is made clear in the temptation of Eve, the first woman created by God. The angel, Satan, had been transformed by God into a serpent and placed in Eden for rejecting God`s plan that the human host should be greater than the angelic. Giving Eve the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` to eat, and which it was death to taste, Satan told her and Adam: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Before that, Eve and Adam were immortal, because God told them to `eat of the fruit of the tree of life`. Acceptance of death meant ephemeral ignorance in slavery to the `serpent`s seed` for Eve and Adam`s descendants, but God told her: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, although he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) In Christian iconography, Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, because futanarian women have their own penis` semen and can sexually reproduce the brainpower their species of `woman`s seed` need in order to escape the Earth and colonize the planets amongst the stars of heaven above.
When Jesus was taken to the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem by the soldiers of the Roman Empire to be nailed to a cross of wood and left to die, he experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven in prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed`. It`s evident from the preceding events in which his disciple, Judas, spies upon Jesus while he`s with a woman, and suggests that the `perfume` be sold to raise money, before subsequently selling Jesus for `thirty pieces of silver` to the Jewish religious police, who hand Jesus over to the Romans, that men didn`t want `woman`s seed` to sexually reproduce amongst themselves, that is, the `chosen people` of futanarian humanity were at war with aliens. Moreover, although the Moslem peoples of the nations of Islam seemed at war with the Judeo-Christian tradition, their four wife marriages provided the most genuine basis for the sexual reproduction of `woman`s seed` within the family. Isaac, son of Sara, Abraham`s wife, founded Judaism, whereas Mohamed was the descendant of Ishmael, son of Hajer, who was Sara`s maid given to Abraham by Sara when she was barren after the birth of Isaac, and so Ishmael founded Islam. Christianity views the four wife marriages of the Moslems as an attempt to retroactively legitimize Ishmael`s birth, whereas they`re designed to afford the possibility of futanarian women`s sexual reproduction within the family, that is, Islam is a part of the Judeo-Christian tradition, but homosexuals have perverted the path to heaven in favor of hell through slavery to war.
Hajer, who gave birth to Ishmael, founder of Islam, through his descendant, Mohamed, was an `Egyptian woman`, and in ancient Egypt the spirit is called the `Ka`, while the soul is the `Ba`, and the temple of Abraham in Saudi Arabia`s Mecca is called Ka` Ba, because it signifies the desire of `woman`s seed` for her own race, so Hajer gives her name to the `Haj`, which is the pilgrimage to the Ka` Ba that every Moslem is urged to make at least once in their life. Islam`s main difference in religious terms is its belief in djinn, for example, Satan is a Shaitan djinn in Islam, Iblis, who isn`t an angel, but was ejected from heaven for refusing to bow before Adam. Because Iblis is deemed essentially powerless by Moslems, apart from his ability to whisper in ears, the inspiration for Al Qaeda`s unconventional warfare, waged through airport hijacking, was suggested by the `Bring `Em Down` lyrics of the Fairport Convention `wharf`, that is, using Boston. Logan, as an unconventional `wharf airport` for launching attacks on the WTC and elsewhere as the `fleet air arm` of Al Qaeda, may`ve been inspired by unconventional Fairport lyrics. `Iron Lion` is about an `engine driver`,8 that is, Osama, `the lion`, Ben Laden, insofar as he corresponds to Iblis, the djinn, may`ve been inspired by the track, `Rising For The Moon`, to drive men to end the world through global thermonuclear conflict in WWIII: `With the sinking of the sun, rising of the moon.`
That 9/11 was inspired by WIlliam F. Nolan`s 1967 novel Logan`s Run, which was made into a 1976 movie and TV series, seems incontrovertible given the subsequent terrorist bombing of the Boston Marathon on 15 April, 2013, after the hijackings at Boston, Logan airport, which served as an unconventional wharf airport for an attack by air over sea, to Manhattan island on September 11, 2001, to prevent the 21st century from enjoying its birthdays. The premise of Logan`s Run is that economics dictate that no one reaches their 21st but are killed, which corresponds to misogynist fears over `woman`s seed` out producing and outvoting them: `Let he that has wisdom have understanding. The number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six.` (Rev: 13. 8) Before futanarian sexual reproduction begins, men and women are 66.6% of the vote, which they want to keep by sexually repressing the human race as its alien. Or, in other words, during a period in which women probably wore voluminous floor length skirts to hide their penis` bulge from the hoi polloi, just as the women of Islam wear the black one-piece coverall of the burka to prevent prying eyes from discovering the truth, the English Civil war to behead Charles I didn`t result in the establishment of democratic institutions. Moreover, the bombing of the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013, was a further attempt at sexually repressing the `footrace` to prevent it from reaching the planets amongst the stars: `One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.` Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong`s words upon reaching the moon on July 21, 1969, UTC: 2. 56, ignored the fact that `woman`s seed` was imprisoned upon the Earth. On March 23, 1982, US President Ronald `Ray Gun` Reagan`s `Strategic Defense Initiative` (SDI) was nicknamed `star wars` after the film, Star Wars: A New Hope (1977), which featured a `Death Star` that orbited planets to kill them lest anyone escape the evil Empire.
Sandy Dennis` lyric to the title track of Fairport`s 1975 album, `Rising For The Moon`, reflects upon the prophecy of Jesus` disciple John`s Revelation, an appendix to the New Testament narrative of the events leading up to the Roman Empire`s crucifixion of Jesus as a `dissident` Jew: `Rising for the moon, the sun has set and it is dark.` In John`s Revelation: `... a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet ... [was] pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth.` (Rev: 12. 1-2) Al Qaeda, whose symbol is the moon, seeks ascendancy over the light of the sun: `The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment it was born.` (Rev: 12. 5) The child is `woman`s seed`, and men seek to keep women`s daughters from being born. In Saudi Arabia women are forbidden to drive cars, that is, the spirit or Kas are men`s, while in Hollywood, called `Babylon`, after `a woman` of the Bible, penisless babes are the Bas of women`s prison: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) Babylon was a city founded around 4000 B.C., which became the capital of the Persian Empire and symbolized host womb slavery of `woman`s seed` for homosexuality in pederasty for war by the `serpent`s seed`. In the ancient religion of Egypt, when `Ka` and `Ba` conjoin they become the `Akh` or `magical personality, which is what Jesus, born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, represents as `woman`s seed`. Consequently, men are the drivers of Kas that aren`t their species, because they`ve stolen the Kas of `woman`s seed` to sexually reproduce themselves and more Bas for the women`s prison: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) What they`d done was prefer each other to women, and the result was `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6), that is, the late 20th century `incurable killer disease`, HIV/AIDS, transmitted by mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockery of human sexual reproduction, which they no longer wanted, because human brainpower mightn`t accept slavery to an alien creature.
The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center on 9/11 represented the bars of the women`s prison which, if taken out, would make the prison stronger, as homosexuality in pederasty for war re-established its hold. In parasitology, the parasite that emerges from the host to kill it is termed `parasitoid`, which is what men of the `serpent`s seed` represent. Some scientists believe that a space borne virus was responsible for originating life on Earth,9 but it seems more likely that the narrative of Eve and Adam represents a viral life form`s inveigling itself into the host womb of the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` to replicate itself as her race`s parasitoid. The biblical imagery of the serpent that becomes a dragon suggests saurian evolution which occurred on Earth during the Mesozoic period 248 m.a., and before the hominids appeared 220 m.a., that is, Eve was wooed and won by a reptile, which enslaved her species` womb for war. Eve`s supposed emergence from the rib of Adam is, rather, suggestive of a futanarian woman`s capacity for self-fertilization, which is the species` survival trait. In short, `woman`s seed` is the image of God, whereas men are in the image of Satan, which is why Jesus advocated conversion from evil sinful nature.

HIV/AIDS` role as a homosexual weapon in psychological warfare against `woman`s seed` for pederasty is to keep women in fearful faithfulness to their ring slavers. The aim is purportedly to `okay` jism, although `cageism` is the result, that is, trapped within wedlock, apart from her own species of `woman`s seed`, women are caged in host womb slavery for the parasitoid devouring of their daughters in men`s incessant slave wars against them upon the Earth: `The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) Osama Ben Laden`s hijacked civil airliners on 9/11 were his `fleet air arm` launched from a `wharf airport` at Boston, Logan, to prevent the human race from running and escaping. Fairport Convention`s lyrics from Nine and Rising For The Moon, which were 9 symbolically, and 11 chronologically, that is, 9/11, provided the inspiration for the unconventional wharf airport concept of Osama, the `iron lion`, representing Iblis, the Shaitan djinn. However, although Iblis is the equivalent of Satan in Judeo-Christianity, just as the saurians are depicted as the angels of God remaining in heaven despite the fall of Satan and his rebel angels who rejected the futanarian human host, so the djinn are represented in the Koran as being able to choose between good and evil, that is, there are good djinn.

Good djinn correspond to human futanarian `woman`s seed`, for example, Jesus had djinn-like powers, because he could walk on water, which the Jewish Pharisees, that is, the religious police, would call `witchcraft`: `Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.` (Ex: 24. 18) In short, the djinn of Islam correspond to genius produced by human futanarian `woman`s seed`, which the alien parasitoid race enslaver doesn`t want lest humanity escape its pogroming of her species to extinction in homosexuality and pederasty for war against her. Jesus` teaching was: `Love our neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) But who can get past the `snuff movie` security? The Roman guard, Longinus, said upon Jesus` death, as he speared the Messiah`s side to ensure that there wasn`t a `Second Eve` there to emerge from the side of the `Second Adam`, as the Holy Spirit Jesus had said would teach after him: `Surely, this was the son of God.` (Matt: 27. 54) Actor John Wayne spoke the words in the movie, The Greatest Story Ever Told (1965), as Hollywood`s `snuff` guard, lest the real film geniuses re-emerge to show the human race how it sexually reproduces. Although Nazism was identified as the bane of humanity in the 1930s, it was the President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), Will Hays, that introduced the `Hays code` in 1930 to ensure that no one would ever see human sexual reproduction on screen: ` ... women, in love scenes, at all times have `at least one foot on the floor` (in other words, no love scenes in bed).`10 If women wouldn`t keep their `foot` on the floor, and so away from crushing the head of the serpent by sexually reproducing better brainpower to escape from slavery to the parasitoid in Satanism`s warfare against `woman`s seed`, the evil homosexual Empire of Hollywood, `Babylon`, in pederasty for filming `snuff movie` warfare, believed otherwise than in Christianity.

The very first Star Trek episode, `The Cage`, was screened in the USA by NBC in February, 1965, and featured the Talosians, who seemed like men, but they were all actresses, a scenario reversing Shakespearian drama, where all of the women`s roles were originally performed by actors. Although such topics as `cross-dressing` recur in the dramas of the popular Elizabethan dramatist, William Shakespeare, not much attention has been paid to the reason for the humor, which resides in the absence of women from the scene, and is essentially misogynist. Shakespeare wrote during the period of queen Elizabeth I`s reign, and so much of the transvestism relates to the criticism of the English establishment`s preferment for a woman; for example, the character of Hero in Much Ado About Nothing (1598/9) is a woman`s, but the actor in the role is `cross-dressing`, so it`s impossible for the female lead to be a heroine. Of course, queen Elizabeth was the English heroine whose navy defeated the invading ships of the Spanish Armada in July, 1588, but that`s the point. The apparent moral of Shakespeare`s drama is: `Get thee a wife.`11 Elizabeth I probably would have, if she could.

In `The Cage` the Talosians provide a woman survivor of a crashed survey ship, Columbia, on Talos IV, that is, actress Susan Oliver as Vina, with an illusion in which she lives, and the plot has actor Jeffrey Hunter, as Captain Christopher Pike, answering a distress call from the Talos star group of planets, with his crew in the starship, Enterprise. Pike, though captivated by Vina, discovers the Talosians plan to breed him and the woman to produce slaves, which echoes the biblical narrative of Eve and Adam`s experience with the alien, Satan. In the final version, which wasn`t aired until November 27, 1988, although the real Pike returns to the Enterprise, Vina is also seen entering the Talosian illusion with him. The Talosian `Keeper` says: `She has an illusion and you have reality. May you find your way as pleasant.`12 Initially `The Cage` was a `pilot` episode that was in fact rejected by NBC before being remade for the first season of Star Trek as episodes 11 and 12, `The Menagerie`, which aired on November 17 and 24. That plot called for a badly burned Pike, who`d once been to Talosia, to return and reunite with Vina, who he`d then live beside in an illusion maintained by the Talosians. The irony of course being that, without `woman`s seed`, all human history is a slaved illusion.

As the male lead Hollywood, `Babylon`, actor in the 9/11 movie, World Trade Center, Nick Cage`s name emphasizes the Earth as a women`s prison, which is his role in the misogynist illusion of heroes. The 1997 movie, Con Air, in which Cage had the role of a prisoner who, along with other convicted `cons`, hijacked a C-123K prison transport aircraft, Jailbird, to escape prison, set the scene for 9/11`s contribution to the conventional science fiction alien invasion movie genre. Con Air was amongst countless `action` dramas produced globally for the `big screen` of cinema, and the `small screen` of television, which promoted the lone hero sheltering a penisless babe, while cities and indeed human civilization, including SF `cons`, collapsed about them. The apotheosis of the Shakespearean `TV` actor denying women their place on the world`s stage on behalf of the misogynist drama was Cage himself.

In the movie Face Off (1997), John Travolta, in the role of FBI Special Agent, Sean Archer, takes the face of Cage in the role of Castor Troy. In an attempted assassination of Archer at a fairground, while he was riding the carousel with his son, Michael, Cage`s Castor shoots Archer in the back, and although Sean survives, Michael doesn`t. Archer`s pursuit of Troy leads to an ambush at Los Angeles International airport, and jail for Castor`s brother, Pollux. While Castor himself is in a coma, Archer has Castor`s face surgically transplanted as his own to masquerade as Troy and persuade Pollux to reveal the whereabouts of a bomb. Troy awakens to discover his face missing, and forces the medicos to give him Archer`s. Troy`s then the cop, who`s now the villain, a dangerous concept insofar as audiences are convinced that terrorists, such as Osama Ben Laden, are themselves Hollywood, `Babylon`, actors, and that they also simply change identity, that is, Osama becomes Cage, who becomes US President George W. Bush, etc.

Because Iraq`s dictator, Saddam Hussein, offered bases to Al Qaeda, `crusher` was invaded by the US in March, 2003, after the misogynist Taliban regime of Afghanistan, from whence Al Qaeda operated, was toppled in December 2001. Saddam, whose name means `crusher`, was executed on December 30, 2006, but the subsequent rise of Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi`s bloody Islamic `jihad` for the establishment of a new Moslem Empire in the Levant, which of course includes the Jews` homeland, Israel, isn`t sufficient excuse for Hollywood, Babylon, planning WWIII so that Nick Cage can `star`, while SF `cons` discuss his contribution. If Saddam `crusher` Hussein can be said to have drawn attention to the plight of `woman`s seed` in the Middle East and throughout the Earth, his Islamic role as `crusher` of the head of the `serpent`s seed` in male braining for parasitoid warfare against a human futanarian race enslaved by aliens is assured.
1 Lovelace, Richard `To Althea From Prison`, Gatehouse Prison, 1642, stanza iv, l. 25-6.
2 Swarbrick, Dave `Bring `Em Down`, Nine, Fairport Convention, A&M, 1973.
3 Dennis, Sandy `Rising For The Moon`, Rising For The Moon, Fairport Convention, Island, 1975.
4 Page, Jimmy, and Robert Plant `The Battle Of Evermore`, Led Zeppelin IV, Atlantic, 1971.
5 Nostradamus, Michel Les Prophecies, 1555, Century X, Quatrain 72.
6 Hahn, Beatrice H., and Paul M. Sharp, Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives In Medicine, September 2011, Vol. 1, 1.
7 .
8 Lucas, Trevor `Iron Lion`, Rising For The Moon, Fairport Convention, Island, 1975.
9 Wickramasinghe, Chandra `Bacterial Morphologies Supporting Cometary Panspermia: A Reappraisal`, International Journal of Astrobiology, 10 (1), pp. 25-30, 2011.
10,php/Main/FootPopping/ .
11 Shakespeare, William Much Ado About Nothing, 1598/9, Act 5, Scene iv.
12 Wyllie, Meg as Talosian `Keeper` in `The Cage`, Star Trek, Season # 1, Episode # 1, February 1965.
2 Swarbrick, Dave `Bring `Em Down`, Nine, Fairport Convention, A&M, 1973.
3 Dennis, Sandy `Rising For The Moon`, Rising For The Moon, Fairport Convention, Island, 1975.
4 Page, Jimmy, and Robert Plant `The Battle Of Evermore`, Led Zeppelin IV, Atlantic, 1971.
5 Nostradamus, Michel Les Prophecies, 1555, Century X, Quatrain 72.
6 Hahn, Beatrice H., and Paul M. Sharp, Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives In Medicine, September 2011, Vol. 1, 1.
7 .
8 Lucas, Trevor `Iron Lion`, Rising For The Moon, Fairport Convention, Island, 1975.
9 Wickramasinghe, Chandra `Bacterial Morphologies Supporting Cometary Panspermia: A Reappraisal`, International Journal of Astrobiology, 10 (1), pp. 25-30, 2011.
10,php/Main/FootPopping/ .
11 Shakespeare, William Much Ado About Nothing, 1598/9, Act 5, Scene iv.
12 Wyllie, Meg as Talosian `Keeper` in `The Cage`, Star Trek, Season # 1, Episode # 1, February 1965.