Jesus Didn`t Have Any Knights With A Woman Because The Program Was For Male Robots
04/09/2013 12:29
Jesus Didn`t Have Any Knights With A Woman Because The Program Was For Male Robots
At the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion, death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven Jesus gave `bread and wine` in token of his `body and blood` to the disciples of his teaching of the host, which condemned betrayal of the host by the guest. In the Catholic Commuion service the bread and wine is called the host, and it was the disciple Judas that would betray Jesus as the host after the `Last Supper` to the Jewish Pharisees who handed Jesus over to the Roman occupying forces, then in Palestine, as a dissident. The result was that Jesus was tortured and murdered upon the cross of his crucifixion with the sign `INRI` placed above him as the acronym for the Latin words meaning `King of the Jews`, because of his teaching `Mission` to promulgate belief in the mother as the host.
Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, as the `first of woman`s seed`, because women have their own penis` `seed` but require protection if they`re to reproduce as a species and develop their own brains` power and technology to help them live and escape from the parasites upon her womb that emerge to enslave and devour her in their wars of `perpetual enmity` as the `serpent`s seed`, which God warns Eve of in Eden and tells her she will have a `new heaven and Earth` and will:
`... crush the head of the serpent with her foot as she leaves.` (Gen: 3. 15)

The word for a woman with her own penis` seed is `futanarian`, so she`s the `foot` which God tells Eve of. Jesus` fellowship of disciples was mirrored in the knights of the round table of king Arthur of the Britons in the legendary Medieval period of British history, which by the 20th century had received emulation in the shape of a diners` Rotary Club, where members invited guests to dinner. The symbol of Jesus` `Last Supper` was the bowl he drank and ate from, which was the custom of the early Christian era, and it became known as the Holy Grail, because it contained the `bread and wine` that was afterwards given by Catholic priests to their parishioners by means of the wine of the chalice and a small sliver of bread placed on the tongue by the officiating divine in token of Jesus` not wanting his `body and blood` to be enslaved and betrayed by men like Judas Iscariot. In Catholicism the `bread and wine` is given as the `host` to assist the congreagation to understand women are the host womb of the human species, and that men shouldn`t live as her parasitical devourers in what God warned Eve would be their wars of `perpetual enmity` against her enslaved `body and blood`:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)

The Hollywood Babylon movie presents the 21st century knight, Iron Man (2008) as the super heroic figure, but Jesus` story is of someone who didn`t have any knights to defend himself and his congregation against the Empire of Roman with its legions. Armour wasn`t the solution. In the Bible Jesus is called `Logos`, the Word of God, because technological advancement is the meaning of his supposed celibacy. People have more to do than consider reproduction. If human are to progress in terms of technology, less spiritual and instinctual energy needs to be expended in reproduction and more in developmental functionality. Woman with her own `futanarian` penis` `seed` needs labour-saving technologies to liberate her, and robots to help her, which correspond to the real notion of the knights in shining armour, because men prefer devouring war, which is putting a `foot` that didn`t belong to them on the table instead of food. The `hidden` race of `futanarian` is in their bellies rather than that she cook for her own species.
In the Bible Cain slew his brother, Abel, because he could cook and so was able to develop, which is men`s history. Arthur`s knights and the original Marvel `comic` superhero character, Iron Man, are robotic aspects of the enslaver and devour of women`s host wombs so that men can continue in their armour, whether cars or tanks. Kept in enslavement by a parasite that refuses to develop beyond a level of technology that keeps the human `futanarian` race pedalling with her foot on the `exercise wheel` of her cage, so that men can go on pedalling death in motorized armoured vehicles, while cars haven`t developed from being children`s pedal vehicles since the first mass produced Model-T came out of Henry Ford`s factory in 1908, Arabian women can`t even get their foot on the gas pedal, because they`re forbidden to drive a motor vehicle, so how is the human `futanarian` race with her own penis` `seed` ever to get off the ground and to the colonization of the planets around the stars in the heaven that is the future destiny of God`s plan for the `chosen people`?
Although the Jews are described as the `chosen people` in the Bible, it`s not possible to be born a Jew unless born from a Jewess, which means that women are the `chosen people`, because they`re the `futanarian` race of humanity with her own penis` `seed` and capacity for self-reproductioin of her own brains` power to devise technologies to take her away from the Earth and its enslaving and devouring aliens in starships of her own devising. Adam was told by God he must live by the sweat of his brow, while Eve was told she`s have pain in labour. Because machines are Eve`s labour-saving devices, technology is what the torch-bearing statue of `Liberty` in New York harbour, New York state, in the United States of America, symbolizes.

`Liberty` is the statue of a woman and not a robot, but all machines that liberate the `futanarian` species of woman with her own penis` `seed` are robots, because they help her to live without the pain of labour, which is what Adam`s `serpent`s seed` represents for her, before she gives birth to the true human `futanarian` race of women with their own penis` `seed` and capacity for self-reproducing her own brains` power to live in socio-economic independence from men as a species.
The program for men is a male robot which keeps the `futanarian` as a food processor for its devourers` activity, and as a foot pedaller for its treadmill, which produces civilization, culture and art to be periodically destroyed in the enslaving parasitical virus` wars against her. Jesus` knights weren`t yet developed, the washing machine, the refrigerator, the microwave oven, and the information system of the `world wide web` which, as the internet connecting everybody to a single publically accessible information system by the end of the 20th century, permitted research in areas previously taboo.

Through the internet younger women could discover for themselves that men`s incest taboo, for example, was designed to prevent her from having reproductive sex with her own `futanarian` single species` biune family with her own penis` `seed` by accessing formerly censored men centred `pornography`, which depicted herself ghettoized as a curiosity. But without reference to her potential for reproducing with her own human species of woman in a `media blackout` that had lasted at least since Hollywood`s `foot on the floor` rule in bedroom scenes from the 1930s, which had tried to ensure women would never see her own species` penis and so be able to get her `futanarian` human species with her own penis` `seed` off the floor.

`Liberty` in New York harbour, New York State, is the `solid state` robot image of woman, because she needs machines in her own image to liberate her from men`s enslaving and devouring of her `footrace`. The history of the 18th century`s `Industrial Revolution`, which began in England, was of men smashing machines, particularly in the textile industry, where the `Luddites`, named for Ned Ludd, who had reputedly smashed two `stocking frames` in 1799, saw that machines made them redundant, which in fact is what machines are for, although they`re labour-saving devices to women, because men are redundant in terms of a socio-economy in which women are the sexual reproducers of her own species brains` power to develop living technologies. In truth, women`s `futanarian` body with its own penis` `seed` is better technology than male sterility, which can`t reproduce itself and so constitutes a redundancy in terms of the human picture.

In ancient Greece homosexuality was the institutionalized enslaving of women`s host wombs to further their worshiup of the god of death Thanatos through pederasty`s god of war, Ares, to spread their god of plague (Nosoi), which caused famine (Aetheon) and corresponded to the `blood plague` of Revelation, that is, the HIV/AIDS virus` `killer disease` caused by men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in their anuses during women rejecting sterile acts of mock sexual reproduction, which ensured women`s faithfulness to her monogamous enslavers through fear of their terror weapon in the biological warfare they were waging against her host womb towards the end of the 20th century:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)

If `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` wasn`t visibly sexually reproducing because she was either hidden beneath her abiyah in Arabia, or extinguished by her jailors in the West, men were worshipping the Greek god of famine, Aetheon, as sexual starvation of the human species of `futanarian`, that is, `fut`. which means `run` in the language of the Hungarians, while `tanar` means `teacher`, and so `futanar` is what Jesus was; a teacher afoot amongst his people.

When `Liberty` in her waters of New York harbour was challenged by the Al Qaeda terrorist hijackers` crashing of planes into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in New York on September 11, 2001, it was an attempt to reestablish the homosexual `brutality and violence` of `rough trade`, which is the preying of men upon socio-economically disadvantaged boys, in worship of Thanatos, god of death, through Ares, pederasty`s god of war. In Revelation the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` giving birth to the `New Redeemer`, that is, Jesus, in his `Second Coming`, to `rule the nations with a sceptre of iron`, is `Liberty`, `clothed` with the flags of her victories over the red `sun` of Japan and the yellow `moon` of Al Qaeda, `the base`.

In the Bible `the pearl of great price` is the `kingdom of God`, and so the United States` victory over the Japanese after their `sneak attack` upon the US` Pacific fleet at Pearl harbor in 1941, which precipitated the US` involvement in WWII (1939-45), was a step towards the establishing of the `kingdom of God` on Earth, while the deposing of Saddam Hussein, Iraq`s dictator, who had supported Al Qaeda, represented the possibility of liberation for `futanarian` Arabia where, in the Moslem religion of Islam, founded by the Prophet Mohammed through the Koran (610-30 C.E), dictated by the angels, four wives are permitted.

In developmental psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung`s (1875-1961) archetypal structuring of human consciousness, there are four functions; Thinking, Sensation, Feeling and Intuition. The developmentally archetypal `fourfold` marriage of Arabia, according to a Jungian intepretation, has emerged from out of the depths of the unconscious human spirit to impel progress. The Arabian marriage quaternio is ready to place `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` at the centre of the human species` path, because it represents the developers` teachings of Jesus, who is the `futanar` of the Moslem`s Koran in Islam.
In Christianity Jesus` teachings are understood as sexual denial for spiritual growth through technological achievement which will result in medical science`s curing of all ills so that humans can live longer youthful lives in labour-saved comfort from pain and drudgery. Because the zenith of technology is the robot, men`s history of science fiction, writ large on the big screen of Hollywood propoganda, is of the Arnold Schwarzenneger Terminator (1984) wars of the future in which robotizized males are the weapons of destruction the `futanarian` human species of woman, with her own penis` seed` to self-reproduce in socio-economic freedom, can anticipate with fear. Men`s history of technology is of the tin that eats the `fut`, that is, instread of the food being eaten from the tin, the `futanarian` human species is enslaved and devoured by her `spammers`, who prevent her from knowing anything of herself as the human species` penis` `seed` killed by men for `spam` in a tin, for example, by making the penis` visibility a taboo.
In the US` television series, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (2008-9), Summer Glau is `Cameron`, a `Terminator` sent back from 2027 to protect the earlier self of Sarah Connor`s son, John. Cameron`s exact capabilities are not known, but she can consume small amounts of food, a `first` for Terminators. John`s a cypher in the plot, because the `serpent`s seed` of men`s real aim as `spammers` is to breed women as `spam`, that is, as meat for tins, which is why the pedal cars based on the model-T Ford disable the driver, especially in oil rich Arabia where women are forbidden to drive, because it`s a pre-Terminator of the `futanarian` human species of `woman`s seed` whose own penis` desire for the human species` continuation and success is what men want to terminate.
Before the term `spam` was applied to mean `disinformation`, `spam` meant meat for a tin. Rather than face the liberated `futanarian` human species` self-reproducing brains` power to develop robots of her own, men `spam` to misinform, censor, and impose `media blackouts` to prevent `woman`s seed` from seeing what is done to her. Robots in her own image would save women`s labour, that is, protect her work, which is civilization, culture and art, which would help her to live. Escaping from her alien enslavers and devourers, Summer Glau`s real task as human woman`s representative is to prevent men`s constructing Terminator cyborgs to eat the `futanarian` race as `spam` for their tins. Robots, in the image of Summer Glau, for example, are more human than men insofar as they`ll liberate human women to self-reproduce her own brains` power to escape her enslaving and devouring aliens by means of her own development of advanced technologies.