Star Trek Universe City

24/09/2016 10:50

Star Trek Universe City


Starfleet Academy is tangential to the main storyline of the Star Trek television and movie franchise that features mainly the adventures of the Starship, Enterprise, in its five year missions: `To boldly go where no one has gone before.` Despite the success of Deep Space Nine (1993-99), a `TV` series about a Star Base, with actor Avery Brooks as Captain Benjamin Sisko, rather than a starship, like Voyager, with actress Kate Mulgrew as Captain Kathryn Janeway, and which complemented the Enterprise crew`s visits to the planets amongst the stars in the series, Star Trek: Voyager (1995-2001), the continuing adventures of the starship, Enterprise, in Star Trek: The Original Series (1966-68) , Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-94) and Enterprise (2001-05), was an indication of the edutainment facility afforded by the deck with its commanding officer, who effectively had the role of university principle for crew and audience.

 It`s a linguistic curiosity that the cities of the universe amongst the planets and stars are the places where the crew and viewer are invited to conduct research and study the variegated civilizations, culture and art of the life they encounter as a universe city in the shape of a starship voyaging through the cosmos for that very purpose. The planets that the Enterprise and its crew visit correspond to the university of the starship insofar as the universes` cities bear the signs of the riches of the education available to the traveler in places that haven`t been seen before, and the exaggerated care imposed upon the journeyers by the `Prime Directive` of Starfleet is indicative of the politesse that all travelers need to have in places where they`re visitors and guests, if they aren`t to be perceived as invaders and terrorists, which they`d be if they weren`t polite. Consequently, the role of the captain aboard the starship is important. In the original series (TOS), Star Trek, actor William Shatner was in the role of Captain James T. Kirk, who was replaced by actor, Patrick Stewart, as Captain Jean Luc Picard for the revamped `TV` series, Star Trek: The Next Generation, and Stewart also took over the principal role in the movies.



 After Shatner and his crew`s making of Star Trek: The Movie (1979), and its successors, The Wrath Of Khan (1982), The Search for Spock (1984), The Voyage Home (1986), The Final Frontier (1989), and The Undiscovered Country (1991), Stewart`s Picard again took over Shatner`s role as captain of the starship, Enterprise, in Star Trek Generations (1994), First Contact (1996), Insurrection (1998), and Nemesis (2002). The role of the captain, as principal amongst the crew and the audience in the universe city, that is, within a starship like the Enterprise journeying amongst the planets between the stars, is to provide discipline for the students engaged in the research: `As the right of each sentient species to live in accordance with its normal cultural evolution is considered sacred, no Star Fleet personnel may interfere with the normal and healthy development of alien life and culture. Such interference includes introducing superior knowledge, strength, or technology to a world whose society is incapable of handling such advantages wisely. Star Fleet personnel may not violate this Prime Directive, even to save their lives and/or their ship, unless they are acting to right an earlier violation or an accidental contamination of said culture. This directive takes precedence over any and all other considerations, and carries with it the highest moral obligation.`1 Although the threat of alien intelligence is presented as a theme for Starfleet to deal with throughout the Star Trek cosmos, it`s a metaphor for evil, that is, any form of intelligence is a threat to slavery, which is why intelligence is defined as alien by science fiction writers engaged in propaganda.

 Though the threat of alien invasion is postulated as a metaphor for the danger posed by men`s nation`s armies, that postulate is extended to war against intelligence per se, that is, intelligence is presented as alien, and a threat to be extinguished by men, who`re known for invading other nations as aliens, whereas intelligence is almost uniformly characterized by a desire to live peacefully. Consequently, irrespective of men`s extrapolations about the future, their history is of enslaving the people of the Earth, through whatever invasive means is available to them, as a prelude to their extinguishing of the intelligence that the local humans would need to liberate themselves. Perceptions of alien intelligence follow men`s behavioral pattern, which is slavery and extinction of intelligence, that is, intelligence is perceived as alien to freedom. Or, in other words, intelligence is perceived as a threat to slavery, and so is presented as alien in its many extrapolated forms; for example, in Star Trek there are the warlike Klingons, and the cyborg Borg, a race that cannibalize other humanoids for body parts, and who`re amongst the aliens depicted as intelligent and dangerous. In simple terms, intelligence is depicted as dangerously threatening to freedom, or is represented as a form of slavery. Not because it is, but because that`s how it`s depicted; a self-perpetuating prophesy of men`s doom. The philosopher, George Santayana, wrote in his The Life Of Reason (1905): `Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.`2 Or, more simply, those who repeat the mistakes of the past, through the medium of `TV` and cinema, are dooming the future by programing it to repeat the mistakes of the past. The simplest mistake is to kill intelligence, because the propaganda is that intelligence is alien, whereas it`s a threat to slavery, and so in the interests of the slaver to be perceived as alien and killed.



 Newer specially generated effects provoked interest in how the earlier Star Trek would have looked with the SFX available to 21st century filmmakers, and so the `reboot` television series, Enterprise, with Captain Jonathan Archer, that is, actor, Scott Bakula, in the role, was made. In terms of the fictional timeline, Bakula is Captain of the Enterprise, but only 90 years after the invention of the warp drive by Zefram Cochrane, and so he is Kirk`s predecessor. The Enterprise `TV` series` `reboot` provoked interest in how the 1960s Star Trek would have been with upgraded SFX, so actor Chris Pine, as a more youthful Kirk, took on the role in Star Trek (2009), Star Trek Into Darkness (2013), and Star Trek Beyond (2016), a nostalgic series of filmed prequels appealing to audiences still enthusing over the earliest storylines, but with the less enthusing SFX upgraded to meet the expectations of early 21st century cinema-goers. Because film theater movies are narrowed to suit a more general public taste, whereas science fiction `TV` shows are tailored for a particular audience, it ought to be possible to trace the theme of intelligence as an alien threat to slavery through an analysis of the cinema releases. Star Trek: The Movie features a cloud approaching Earth. A Starfleet monitoring station detects that it contains an entity. The entity destroys three of the Klingon Empire`s new K`tinga class warships - and the station. The Enterprise is sent to investigate and a probe is sent by the entity, `V`Ger` within the cloud, which appears on the bridge. The probe abducts Indian actress, Persis Khambatta in the role of navigator, Ilia, and she`s replaced by an aspect of V`Ger, which is the living ship inside the cloud. V`Ger is discovered to be Voyager 6, an Earth probe found by a race of living machines who interpreted its programing as being to learn everything and then return to Earth. The probe learned so much on its voyage that it awoke as a living consciousness. Willard Decker, who`d had a relationship with Ilia, the navigator, merges with the V`ger entity through Ilia, and the pair disappear into another dimension. V`Ger is depicted as a forgivably childlike alien intelligence, but it destroys the Starfleet monitoring station, which means that alien intelligence is presented as a threat without any sign that anything other than intelligence is seen as being a danger to the Earth in reality, that is, intelligence is represented as dangerous.



 Star Trek: The Wrath Of Khan features actor, Ricardo Montalbán, reprising his role of Khan from the 1967 Star Trek: TOS episode, `Space Seed`, a superhuman with a superhuman crew who, exiled to Ceti Alpha V by Kirk, when he and his crew had attempted to take over the Enterprise, is there when the starship, Reliant, is looking for a planet to test the terraforming device, Genesis, and Khan captures an `away team` teleported down to the surface. A product of a eugenics program on 20th century Earth to breed the perfect human, Khan and his fellow superhumans had become warlords during the fictional, `Eugenics Wars` (1992-6), conquering a third of the planet. Consequently, superintelligence is again depicted as a threat to the Earth. Using creatures that enter the ears and control the mind, Khan uses the starship Reliant`s away team to capture it, then attacks the Enterprise sent to investigate. Khan attempts to use the Genesis device inside the Mutara Nebula to transform it, along with the Enterprise, into a new planet. Although the nebula is transformed, the Enterprise`s Vulcan science officer, Spock, loses his life exposing himself to harmful radiation while repairing the starship`s warp drive so that the Enterprise can escape. As a Vulcan, Spock is trained in emotionless intelligence and self-sacrifice, that is, his alien intelligence is depicted as extinguishing his own life for the collective. In other words, intelligence is extinguishable if it doesn`t serve the needs of the collective, because intelligence that doesn`t further the group is presented as threatening. In other words, the group mind is presented as superior to intelligence, which is an adjunct to the life of the collective, but it can be dispensed with as long as the collective persists.



 Star Trek: The Search For Spock, finds Kirk`s son, David Marcus, a key scientist in the development of the Genesis device, aboard the science vessel, Grissom, along with Saavik, a Vulcan crew member of the Enterprise during the encounter with Khan, who`s been reassigned. Her people are Romulans, who`d been at war with the Earth`s Federation of planets a century before the 1966 Star Trek: TOS episode, `Balance Of Terror`, in which Romulans are seen for the first time to resemble Vulcans. In `Balance Of Terror`, the Enterprise is sent to inspect outposts near the `Romulan Neutral Zone` and discovers that they`re being destroyed. Outpost 4 is under attack and its commander, Hansen, transmits pictures of a Romulan Bird Of Prey uncloaking to use a single plasma torpedo to destroy the outpost. Spock`s theory is that the Romulans are isolated Vulcans still practicing war, whereas the Vulcans` embracing of logic allowed them to become a part of the Federation. Savvik is depicted as being a descendant of the Romulan Vulcans. She and Marcus descend to the Genesis planet and find that Spock`s there resurrected as a child, but without his memory. Kruge, a ship`s commander of the Klingon Empire, believing the Genesis device to be useful as a weapon, destroys the Grissom and takes hostage Marcus, Saavik, and Spock. Kirk learns that Spock transmitted his katra spirit to `Bones` McCoy, the ship`s doctor, before he died, and finds he has to steal the Enterprise from Spacedock to make a rescue attempt. An undermanned Enterprise is disabled by Kruge in an engagement, which is a homosexual metaphor commonly applied to male conflict, whereas it`s humanly used in the context of a relationship about to become marital.



 As a martial term `engagement` derives from ancient Greece, where the host womb enslavement of women was institutionalized for the spread of homosexuality in pederasty and war symbolized by the Klingon Empire, which clings on to war, because that`s the basis of homosexuals` enslaving. As with the former Miss India, Persis Khambatta, in Star Trek: The Movie, the viewing audience`s focus is Saavik, acted by Kirstie Alley in Star Trek: The Wrath Of Khan, although Robin Curtis took over the role for Star Trek: The Search For Spock, and Star Trek: The Voyage Home. Consequently, although Kirk`s saving of Spock is lauded, the aim is for the homosexuals to divorce the viewer from women, which is why V`Ger disappears into another dimension. Because futanarian women can sexually reproduce as `woman`s seed` with women, it`s human sexuality that`s being played with. Decker`s disappearing with V`Ger mocks human futanarian `woman`s seed` and the derision is biblical: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Jesus` teaching resulted in his being accused of dissidency against the Roman Empire then occupying Palestine, and he was taken to the hill of Calvary outside Jerusalem, where he was nailed to a cross of wood, and died before experiencing Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, which was a prefiguration of that of `woman`s seed` through her own brains` powers for colonizing the planets amongst the stars of heaven above the Earth. In Christian iconography, Jesus` mother is the Virgin Mary, because futanarian women are self-fertilizing as a species` survival trait, that is, Jesus wasn`t male brained for war as a desired activity, which is what men are male brained for by homosexuals.



 In an attempt to take the upper hand in the stand off between the two ships, Kruge orders the execution of one of the hostages on the surface of the Genesis planet, and Kirk`s son, David Marcus, is killed defending Saavik and Spock. Kirk self-destructs the Enterprise killing a Klingon boarding party while he and his crew teleport to the surface of the Genesis planet. Kruge agrees to teleport Kirk`s crew to his ship if Kirk gives him the secret of the Genesis device. Kirk and Kruge engage in unarmed combat on the surface of the Genesis planet and Kruge is dispatched by Kirk`s kicking him off a cliff into the lava flow of a volcano. The Enterprise crew take over the Klingon ship, and leave with Kirk for Vulcan, where Spock`s katra is reunited with him and his memory returns. The pastiche is Edenic insofar as it`s permanent memory in immortality that Eve and Adam, the first man and woman, lose when they accept the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which it is death to taste, from Satan, who was the angel turned into a serpent by God for rejecting the plan that the human host would be greater than the angelic: `The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the remnant of her seed.` (Rev: 12. 17) Jesus` disciple John`s prophecy is of the serpent grown into the dragon of war, because human futanarian nature isn`t able to sexually reproduce brainpower to escape slavery in memoryless ephemerality, although God tells Eve in the book of Genesis: `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) As her species escapes her slavers, Eve`s futanarian brainpower will give her the planets amongst the stars, which is why Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted as crushing the head of the serpent, Satan, with her foot in Christian iconography lest male brained men become the dragon of war that kill her upon the Earth to prevent her colonization of the cosmos.

 If it`s the plan of the `serpent`s seed` to kill women`s human futanarian race before it can learn to walk, then it`s necessary to present intelligent women as brainless, and if possible to remove their brainpower, which is what the penisless babes of the pornographic movie industry signify for the human futanarian race prevented from running and escaping its enslavers. In simple terms, women who`re presented as aliens, like V`Ger and Saavik, are intelligent forms that the homosexuals don`t want because it interferes with their program for human extinction. Or, to put it another way, homosexuality is the virus that kills humans. Consequently, although relationships between men and women are carefully presented by the movies as intelligently human, homosexuals don`t want women`s species of futanarian humanity, which represents a basic human defense system based on species` interconnectivity lacking in `gay` people. Although men are taught that they`re the essence of the human connection, the absence of `woman`s seed` reveals the truth, which is that, since at least the time of Jesus` Romans, men and women have been manufactured as a single male brained creature wearing each others` clothes in `TV` transvestism for the entertainment of their alien enslaver. In parasitology, the parasite that emerges from the host to kill it is termed `parasitoid`, which is what men do. Consequently, human futanarian `woman`s seed` represents the connectivity that is missing from the species and that homosexuality seeks to rid itself of in order to continue with its extermination of the race: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) By the late 20th century men`s rejection of women had resulted in the spread of the `incurable killer disease, HIV/AIDS, through men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses. Acting as homosexuality`s `biological weapon`, HIV/AIDS, kept the human species of futanarian women in fearful faithfulness to their ring slavers, because that`s what homosexuals are for. Consequently, homosexuality is a manifestation of an alien parasitoid intelligence that masks its takeover of the human race by assuring men that they`re redeemed humans, whereas it`s the women that are the `remnant` of futanarian humanity, while the men are the `other half` of the alien parasitoid devourer`s `TV` manufacturing so that the homosexual can watch the species die in its wars.



 In Star Trek: The Voyage Home it`s 2286 and a large cylindrical object enters Earth`s orbit where it disables the global power generators and generates storms to block out the sun`s life-giving energies. Perceiving that the object seeks the extinction of all life on Earth Starfleet Command sends out a planetary distress call. Spock identifies the sound emitted by the object as akin to that of extinct humpback whales and Kirk agrees to perform a `sling-shot` manoeuver around the sun that will take the Romulan Bird Of Prey back in time to bring whales to communicate with the object. When the whales are released into San Francisco Bay, California, they respond to the object`s signal and the global power network is restored. As the storms dissipate, the sun`s life-giving energies are felt again by the Earth as the object leaves. It`s a movie that warns against not caring for the ecosystem of the Earth, which guarantees the continuation of human life. In simple terms, the whales are intelligences that are unknown, and the alien object indicates that whales` intelligence might be of more value than humans`. Because homosexuals are `humpback`, that is, anal entry is the mode for non-reproductive sexual gratification, and `subdom` activities based on who`s subjugated and who`s dominated, the whales` intelligence is depicted as that of the destructive alien object. In other words, the whales are extinct, because they`re intelligent aliens, which is what homosexuality is for, because it`s parasitoid, that is, it`s for the death of intelligence. Or, to put it another way, the `humpback` whales represent homosexuality, and its object is to continue slaving the Earth, rather than save it, which is why the humpback whales` intelligence is depicted as superior to humans`.

 Demoted to the rank of Captain of the Enterprise as a `punishment` for his stealing of it to rescue Spock, in Star Trek: The Final Frontier Kirk and the crew are sent to rescue hostages on the planet Nimbus III. They encounter Sybok, Spock`s half-brother, who has lured the Enterprise to Nimbus III because he wants to be taken to the mythical planet of Sha Ka Ree where creation is supposed to have begun. The lone blue planet is discovered to lie behind a supposedly impenetrable barrier at the center of the galaxy which the Enterprise successfully breaches. The entity there asks for the Enterprise to be brought closer and Kirk wants to know: `What does God need with a starship?`3 In attacking Kirk it`s apparent that the entity is a representation of what the ancients knew as `gods`, that is, those who inflicted harm on people for pleasure, which is what `subdom` homosexual culture does. Realizing his error Sybok dies attempting to fight the creature. The Klingon, Klaa, who`s been following the Enterprise in his ship, uses its weapons to kill the creature. Although Klaa was pursuing the Enterprise in the hope of a glorious engagement, his killing of a god on Sha Ka Ree is suggestive of divine providence, that is, intelligence is evil and is to be killed for masquerading as God. Or, in other words, killing is more intelligent than God, which of course it isn`t, but that`s the parasitoid pogromer`s programing of human nature; to believe that intelligence is evil and must be killed: to prevent the real evil from being recognized.

 In Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country the starship Excelsior is affected when a Klingon moon explodes destroying the ozone layer of the Klingon home world and the Klingons who`d been at war with the Federation sue for peace. When the Enterprise is sent to escort Klingon`s Chancellor Gorkon to Earth for negotiations, Kirk and Doctor McCoy are accused of attempting to assassinate Gorkon after the Enterprise appears to have launched photon torpedoes at the Klingon ship. Then figures wearing Starfleet uniforms appeared to have beamed aboard to grievously wound the Chancellor. Kirk and McCoy are sentenced to life imprisonment on a frozen asteroid, Rura Penthe, while Gorkon`s daughter, Azetbur, resumes negotiations as Chancellor. On Rura Penthe, Kirk and McCoy are befriended by Martia, a shapeshifter, who says she`ll help them escape, but it`s a ruse to make it look as if Kirk and McCoy were killed while escaping. Spock teleports Kirk and McCoy to the Enterprise. It was a cloaked Romulan Bird Of Prey that fired the torpedoes as part of a conspiracy amongst Romulan, Klingon and Federation officers to prevent `the undiscovered country`, that is, peace, from being realized. Spock`s Vulcan Valeris, is the key conspirator. Unaware of the identity of the traitor, Kirk and Spock succeed in fooling the hidden accomplice of Yeomen, Burke and Samno, who were the assassins of Gorkon, and who were subsequently killed by their accomplice to ensure secrecy. Believing that Burke and Samno yet remain alive, the accomplice arrives in sickbay to complete their murder, but actress Kim Cattrall, in the role of the accomplice is trapped. She`s revealed as Spock`s Vulcan protégé, Valeris. Gorkon`s Chief of Staff, General Chang, is aboard the Romulan Bird Of Prey as the Enterprise heads towards Camp Khitomer, where the peace conference is scheduled. The Enterprise and the Excelsior destroy the Bird Of Prey and personnel beam down to Camp Khitomer to thwart an attempt to assassinate the Federation President where, afterwards, talks continue.



 There are so many alien intelligences within the plot of Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country that it`s difficult to discern where the evil alien resides. Of course it`s simpler if the storyline is understood as an extrapolation of what men do. Then it`s the sexually desirable Kim Cattrall who`s identified as their betrayer, which is symbolic of the latent sexual desire of the penisless babe in the audience, whose genetically thwarted futanarian inheritance tells her that she wants women, rather than men`s `camp` discussions. Kim is vilified in the character of Valeris, because the desirability of the actress, who starred as being amongst some notoriously sexually independent women characterized by the cast of the television series, Sex In The City (1998-2004), is representative of her own species` desire to practice their mode of human futanarian sexual intercourse, which is productive of the race of women`s brain power for liberating themselves from host womb slavery to a parasitoid monster seeking to devour her race. In other words, the depiction of intelligent aliens in science fiction is an excuse to label women as evil aliens, that is, intelligence is evil, because women are aliens who want to escape from their `camp` guards, who need a host womb to emerge from in order to continue their homosexual pogroms against human futanarian `woman`s seed`.

 Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country concludes with Kirk`s decision not to go on, and Star Trek: Generations sees actor, Patrick Stewart, as Enterprise Captain, Jean Luc Picard, from the television series, Star Trek: The Next Generation, assuming the principal`s role. The plot is of a place called Nexus, an extra-dimensional realm where time has no meaning and anyone can experience whatever they desire. Answering a distress call from an observatory orbiting the star, Amargosa, the Enterprise pick up an El-Aurian, Dr Tolian Soran, who subsequently attacks engineer, Geordi La Forge, and launches a trilithium solar probe at Amargosa, which causes the star to implode. The observatory is destroyed by the shock wave but La Forge and Soran are rescued by a Klingon Bird Of Prey belonging to the Klingon sisters, Lursa and B`Etor, who have agreed to help Soran in exchange for plans for a trilithium weapon. Picard and the superintelligence of the android, Data, determine that Soran, unable to fly a ship into the Nexus, because of uncertainty that the ship will survive, is altering the path through by destroying stars, and that he will attempt to enter the Nexus at the planet of Veridian III after first destroying the planetary system`s star, and a heavily populated planet. The El-Aurian`s homeworld was destroyed by the Borg in the 23rd century and they`re akin to the peoples of Earth, for example, Afro-Americans and Jews, who represent the diaspora concept of those looking for a place to live and being persecuted for wanting somewhere of their own.

 Captain Picard changes places with La Forge on the Klingon sisters` ship; ostensibly so that he and Soran can speak together: but La Forge`s brains have been picked by the Klingon sisters who use his knowledge to lower the defensive shields of the Enterprise and inflict heavy damage. The Enterprise destroys the Klingon Bird Of Prey, but actor Jonathan Frakes, in the role of commander Willian Riker, orders an evacuation in which the saucer section of the starship detaches and crash lands on Veridian III. Soran launches his trilithium missile and, subsequently inside the Nexus, Picard meets Shatner`s Kirk, who was presumably trapped there when the Enterprise was pressed to save refugee El-Aurian ships in 2293, according to the film`s opening sequence, although he was presumed dead. Kirk is asked by Picard to help him defeat Soran. The two leave the Nexus and arrange for Soran to be killed by his own missile`s detonation at the launch point. Kirk is mortally wounded and dies. The ambiguity suggests that all of the action subsequent to Soran`s missile launch to destroy the star of the Veridian III system is wish fulfilment occurring inside the Nexus, which the protagonists will never escape. Kirk dies because Picard wants him to, and so does Soran, which is how men live with their parasitoid evil nature. Consequently, the Nexus isn`t a `Promised Land`, which is the place God told the Jews they`d have if they left slavery in Egypt and crossed the Red Sea with the chariots of the Egyptians drowning in their wake as a demonstration of God`s power to deliver. It`s rather a place for men who`ve already `necked` women, that is, they`ve chopped off their heads, because a human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` without the capacity to sexually reproduce her own brains` powers is headless, and so men`s `Nexus` means just that for women: necks us.



  In Star Trek: First Contact the Borg are attacking a beleaguered Earth defended by Starfleet. Picard hearing Borg communications in his mind, perhaps because he was once taken over by the Borg in `The Best Of Both Worlds` episode of the Star Trek: TNG television series, Picard directs the Enterprise`s weaponry at a seemingly innocuous part of the cuboid Borg ship and destroys it. However, it`s able to launch a smaller spherical Borg ship towards Earth, which generates a temporal vortex. As the Enterprise is enveloped in the vortex they glimpse an Earth entirely populated by Borg. Realizing that the Borg are attempting to change Earth`s history, Picard orders the Enterprise to follow the Borg. The Enterprise arrives in the past on April 4, 2063, the day before humanity`s historic first contact with extraterrestrial intelligence following Zefram Cochrane`s successful test of his invention, the warp drive, which allows the starships of Starfleet to travel across the cosmos at fantastic speeds; arriving before they left, etc. Lily Sloane, Zefram Cochrane`s assistant, is attacked by the Borg sphere, and is admitted to the Enterprise`s sickbay with radiation sickness by actress Gates McFadden in her role as Dr Beverley Crusher. La Forge begins work on repairing Cochrane`s warp ship, Phoenix, damaged by the Borg ship, before it was destroyed by the Enterprise. Borg survivors begin to appear aboard the Enterprise assimilating members of the crew and modifying the starship to use in a Borg conquest of the Earth. Lieutenant Worf, a Klingon officer with Starfleet and a member of the Enterprise`s crew, argues that Picard should self-destruct the Enterprise, but Picard calls him a coward and vows to fight the Borg. Lily Sloane reminds Picard of Ahab in Herman Melville`s Moby Dick (1851) who fought the white whale until disaster overtook him aboard the Pequod whaling vessel. Picard relents and apologizes to Worf before implementing the self-destruct program. The Borg Queen, believing that she`s bribed Data into working with the Borg by giving him human skin and its sensations, is fooled when Data obeys her order to fire torpedoes, but he deliberately misses her target, Cochrane`s Phoenix. Data, deactivates the self-destruct and ruptures a conduit releasing a corrosive that fatally dissolves the Borg`s biological components. That evening Cochrane`s Phoenix`s warp flight takes place and Vulcans appear to meet Earth`s people in a first contact with extraterrestrial intelligence.



 The appearance of Vulcans is important, because they stopped short of destroying their planet by becoming emotionless logicians. Although emotionlessness is depicted as opposing natural fellowship amongst humans, Earth`s history of parasitoid warfare against `woman`s seed` suggests that Vulcan`s alien intelligence is superior, and although the Borg are depicted about their usual activities of assimilation, and the obtaining of bodies for replacement parts for those worn out, it`s an extrapolation more representative of 21st century medical science that can`t confer immortality, because ephemerality is necessary for human slavery in memoryless unconsciousness to continue. Star Trek: Insurrection features the immortal, Ba`ku people, who`re made so by `metaphasic particles` emanating from their planet`s rings. The Ba`ku are being secretly watched by the Son`a, who were Ba`ku but embraced technology and now prolong their lives, at the expense of disfigurement, through medical science, because the Ba`ku exiled them from the planet after an attempt at seizing power. Starfleet Admiral, Matthew Dougherty, is discovered to be plotting to relocate the Ba`ku to the holodeck of a starship; giving only the illusion of their remaining. The Son`a would then collect the rejuvenating radiation, but the planet would be poisoned in the process. Picard says that the plan violates the `Prime Directive` of non-interference and Dougherty renounces his support for the Son`a leader, Ahdar Ru`afo, who kills him. Picard is sent for execution by Ru`afo but convinces the Son`a Gallatin to assist a ruse in which Ru`afo and his crew are transported to the holoship while the machine harvesting the rejuvenating radiation is deactivated. Ru`afo detects the ruse and seeks to restart the harvester. Picard set the machine to self-destruct killing Ru`afo and escaping to the Enterprise. Gallatin`s Son`a are welcomed back amongst the Ba`ku people and Picard arranges an emotional meeting between Gallatin and his Ba`ku mother. Emotion is perceived as the essence of humanity, while immortality is desirable to facilitate intelligent action, and the absence of immortality is the reason for the success of the baser emotions; such as the subjugation and domination of ephemerals to maintain ignorance and slavery. Immortality means a memory for the intelligent individual to continue to apply what has been learned, which is liberating.



 The subject of Star Trek: Nemesis is slavery. On the planet Romulus, the Romulans are debating whether or not to accept the peace and alliance terms of the Reman rebel leader, Shinzon. The Reman are the Romulans` slave race. After rejecting the motion the Romulan Praetor and senate are disintegrated by a device left in the room. The Enterprise is sent to investigate an alleged coup by Shinzon, who has taken over the Romulan Empire to facilitate a free Remus while seeking an alliance with the Federation to guarantee its freedom. The `submyth` is that of Romulus and Remus, who were the founders of Rome raised by wolves, that is, the suggestion is that the Reman and Romulan people were raised by wolves, while Lieutenant Saavik was a Romulan Vulcan, that is, the Vulcans were also raised by wolves, which is a metaphor for instinct that has to be overcome. Consequently, Vulcans are emotionless and logical, whereas the Romulans have enslaved the Remans. Shinzon is revealed to be a clone of Picard`s created by the Romulans to infiltrate Starfleet, but the project was abandoned and Shinzon was left to die amongst the Reman slaves. Aboard Shinzon`s ship, Scimitar, low levels of thalaron radiation are detected of the same poisonous nature that killed the Romulan Praetor and senate. Shinzon plans to use the Scimitar to invade the Federation using its thalaron radiation generator as a weapon, with the eradication of all life on Earth being his first priority. He kidnaps Picard to facilitate a blood transfusion that will prolong the life of his dying clone body, but Data, who is taken by Shinzon too, because he thinks Data is his B-4 android, rescues Picard, and the two return to the Enterprise. Romulan Warbirds come to assist the Enterprise against the Scimitar, which destroys one and disables the other. After Picard uses the Enterprise to ram the Scimitar, Shinzon activates the thalaron weapon. Picard boards the Scimitar and kills Shinzon. Data uses a personal transporter to jump between the ships and teleports Picard back to the Enterprise before using his hand phaser to destroy the thalaron weapon, but he`s lost in the subsequent explosion. Picard learns that Data had transferred the engrams of his neural net to B-4 before he `died` and that B-4 will become like his friend in the fullness of time. The subject of artificial intelligence or `AI` is presented as self-sacrificial as is most usual, that is, Christ-like. However, Jesus Christ represented the dilemma for the intelligent man who men want to do what they tell him to. Before he was crucified in Jerusalem, Jesus was told he could avoid that fate by not going there, but he went because he didn`t want to be told what to do by men. Consequently, although his crucifixion is usually represented as a self-sacrifice, it`s a rejection of what men want, which is that the individual obey them. Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven above prefigures that of human futanarian `woman`s seed` through the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers for liberation, and it`s disobedient. In short, Data is depicted as an obedient slave, because that`s what intelligence is for: self-sacrifice. Or, in simpler terms, human sacrifice.



 Star Trek, which is set in a time before James T. Kirk became Captain of the starship Enterprise, begins with the events surrounding the birth of Kirk in the aftermath of an engagement between the Kelvin and the Romulan, Narada. Its first officer, Ayel, wants the Kelvin`s Captain Robau to go aboard the Narada to negotiate. Narada`s commander, Nero, kills Robau after he`s unable to answer questions about an `Ambassador Spock`. George Kirk, the Kelvin`s first officer, rams the Narada, resulting in the loss of his own life, but after he`d evacuated the ship`s personnel; including his pregnant wife, Winona, who subsequently gave birth to James Tiberius, who later becomes a cadet at Starfleet Academy, where the cadets are mobilized after a distress signal from Vulcan, with the fleet out of range and unable to respond. Recognizing the similarity between the lightning storm at his birth and that which attended the Narada`s infamy, Kirk deduces a Romulan trap. Kirk is aboard Captain Pike`s Enterprise when it discovers the fleet destroyed and the Narada drilling into Vulcan`s core. After engaging with the Narada, before surrendering himself to its Captain, Nero, Pike delegates the captaincy of the Enterprise to Spock, and the position of first officer to Kirk. Nero launches `red matter` into the core of the planet, Vulcan, so creating a `black hole` which destroys the planet. Spock rescues his father, Sarek, but his mother, Amanda, a woman of Earth, dies, and her fate is illustrative because it was his half-human status and the perception of the Vulcan Science Academy that his mother was a `disadvantage` that persuaded Spock to join Starfleet instead. The element of racism and prejudice against women as aliens pervades the Star Trek cosmos because it`s endemic in men.



 The Narada`s Captain Nero tortures Pike on the way to Earth for its defense codes, and Spock maroons Kirk on Delta Vega after he argues that Nero should be pursued immediately rather than waiting for the fleet. There on Delta Vega Kirk finds an older Spock who explains that Nero and he are from 129 years in the future where Spock had used `red matter` in a failed attempt to swallow a supernova that destroyed Romulan Nero`s home world, Romulus. The Narada and Spock`s ship were caught by the black hole which sent them back into the past. There Nero destroyed Vulcan, and marooned Spock on Delta Vega to endure the torment of seeing his own home world destroyed. Consequently, in science fiction plot terms men destroy two worlds in the future where intelligences not their own were to be found, which is the promulgation of racism. At an outpost on Delta Vega they meet Montgomery Scott, who explains that he was marooned there for losing Admiral Archer`s dog, a beagle, during an experiment in `transwarp beaming`. With Spock`s help Kirk and Scott teleport aboard the Enterprise where the older Spock advises Kirk to provoke the younger Spock and make him emotional enough to realize he`d lost command of his emotions. The ruse works and Spock relinquishes command to Kirk, who teleports aboard the Narada with Scott to rescue Pike, while the younger Spock uses the older Spock`s ship to destroy the Narada`s drill. The older Spock engineers a collision between his ship and the Narada, which ignites the `red matter`, while Kirk, Pike and Spock teleport back aboard the Enterprise where Kirk offers to help Nero escape the subsequently created `black hole`, but Nero rejects his offer and the Enterprise uses its weapons to doom the Narada to be consumed therein. The older Spock`s advice to his younger self is to persevere in doing what is right, rather than what is only logical. Spock`s words are useful for ephemeral children amongst the Star Trek audience, who don`t understand that imprisoning people and killing them is the `game` that men play, which is why they like ephemerals without memories and so learned adaptation and use of intelligence to escape their `death camp`. In fact `camp` is what Star Trek is often accused of being, because `camp` means exaggeratedly straight faced during the telling of a joke in front of children, who don`t know that men are the death camp guards of human futanarian species of `woman`s seed`, which is why they`re perpetually at attention in shows like Star Trek when Captain James Tiberius Kirk appears; to show that they`re respectful towards the authority that has the power of life and death over women and children. For `camp` followers it isn`t about intelligence but laughter, that is, the children mustn`t know that imprisonment on Delta Vega is what men want for them, because it`s men`s idea of fun as an evil parasitoid nature in the process of extinguishing the human race before it can reach the planets amongst the stars of heaven above.



 Star Trek: Into Darkness begins with the removing of Kirk as Captain for ignoring the `Prime Directive` by revealing the existence of the Enterprise to the primitive inhabitants of the planet Nbiru in order to save them from a cataclysmic volcanic eruption. Pike is reinstated and Kirk becomes first officer with Spock transferred to another starship. Shortly afterwards renegade Starfleet operative, John Harrison, bombs London`s notoriously unfettered intelligence and defense organization, Section 31, before using a jumship to attack Starfleet HQ, where discussions about the terrorist action are taking place, and where he kills Pike and others. Kirk disables the jumpship, but Harrison escapes to the Klingon home world, Kronos. Admiral Marcus reinstates Kirk and Spock aboard the Enterprise with orders to kill Harrison, who surrenders on Kronos upon learning how many torpedoes the Enterprise carries. Dr McCoy and Admiral Marcus` daughter, Dr Carol, open a torpedo at Harrison`s behest and a man in cryogenic stasis is revealed. Harrison is Khan, the genetically engineered superhuman. He was awakened by Admiral Marcus from centuries of suspended animation to develop advanced weapons of war against the Klingon Empire. Khan reveals that Marcus has sabotaged the Enterprise's warp drive, intending for the Klingons to destroy the ship after it fired its torpedoes, so creating an act of war by the Klingon Empire, which is why Khan replaced the torpedoes with his crew, so that he could save the Enterprise and defeat Marcus, whose ship, Vengeance, intercepts and demands Khan be surrendered before attacking and disabling the Enterprise near Earth`s moon where it`d fled seeking safety from the much larger, and more powerful, Vengeance.  Marcus forcibly transports Carol to his ship, and orders the Enterprise`s destruction. Scott, who`s infiltrated the Vengeance, disables it, and Kirk and Khan `space-jump` to secure its bridge. Khan then treacherously overpowers Kirk, Scott, and Carol, kills Marcus, and seizes control. Khan wants to exchange the Enterprise officers he holds hostage for his crew inside the torpedoes. Spock sends over the torpedoes but removes Khan`s crew and arms the torpedoes. Khan demands that Spock return his crew sealed in the cryogenic tubes in exchange for the Enterprise officers. Spock complies but surreptitiously removes Khan's frozen crew and arms the warheads. Khan treacherously inflicts critical damage on the Enterprise but his Vengeance is disabled when the torpedoes detonate. The Enterprise and Vengeance plummet towards Earth. Kirk is able to realign the `warp core`, saving the ship, but dies from the radiation in the `radioactive reactor chamber`. In an attempt to avenge himself on Starfleet, Khan crashes his ship into its HQ in San Francisco. Dr McCoy discovers that Khan`s blood has regenerative properties that can restore Kirk, so Spock, with communications` officer, Lieutenant Uhura`s help, arrests Khan, and Kirk is restored, but Khan is again sealed in his cryogenic pod and stored with his superhuman cohort. Obviously, Kirk`s restored life is more valuable than Khan`s and his crew of superhumans to the writers, who`re of course limited in their vision by the `camp` requirements. Consequently, although Khan is depicted as `Byronic`, that is, as a 19th century hero seeking liberty for himself and others above all else, he`s not `camp` enough for Starfleet, that is, he doesn`t accept curbs on his freedom. The `Byronic hero` is a term derived from English poet, Lord Byron, who not only gave his name to the term but was perceived as the type of the individual he wrote of in his poetry, for example, these lines from Byron`s `The Corsair` (1814) fit Khan`s persona perfectly:


`He knew himself a villain - but he deem'd

The rest no better than the thing he seem'd;

And scorn'd the best as hypocrites who hid

Those deeds the bolder spirit plainly did.

He knew himself detested, but he knew

The hearts that loath'd him, crouch'd and dreaded too.

Lone, wild, and strange, he stood alike exempt

From all affection and from all contempt.`4


 Khan is the type of the individual who doesn`t want to die in an extrapolation of Earth`s theme of the `death camp`. In Star Trek: Beyond the Enterprise is sent to rescue Kalara, when an escape pod emerges from an uncharted nebula. Her ship is stranded on Altamid, a planet there. The Enterprise is ambushed by a swarm of small ships before being boarded by Krall and his crew looking for a relic, an Abronath, Kirk has. Krall begins to empty the Enterprise of its personnel and Kirk orders the saucer section to be detached so that the remainder of the ship`s personnel can escape to the planet, Altamid. After the crash landing, and Kalara`s attempt to retrieve the Abronath for Krall, Kirk crushes Kalara using the still functional warp thrusters of the saucer section. Scott, a lost survivor, is rescued by the ironically named Jaylah, a scavenger who`d previously escaped from Krall`s `camp` scene, and with tongue firmly in cheek the writers have jailer take Scott to her home, the grounded Franklin, a ship lost over a century before. On the planet's surface, Sulu, Uhura, and other survivors are captured by Krall. Kirk and navigator Pavel Chekov, accompanied by Kalara, locate the wrecked saucer section. Kalara is discovered to be Krall's ally when she tries to retrieve the Abronath. To escape Krall's soldiers, Kirk activates the still-functional thrusters, causing the saucer to lurch forward, crushing Kalara. Meanwhile, a wounded Spock and Dr. Leonard McCoy search for other survivors. Scott is rescued by the ironically named, Jaylah, a scavenger who previously escaped Krall's encampment.



 Scott`s Jaylah takes him home, the grounded USS Franklin, an early Starfleet vessel reported missing over a century earlier. Krall succeeds in coercing the Enterprise`s Ensign Syl to give him the Abronath that she`d kept for Kirk. It`s part of an ancient bioweapon, created by the planet Altamid`s original inhabitants, and can disintegrate any humanoid. Krall launches his drone fleet pursued by the remnant of the Enterprise`s crew aboard the repaired Franklin. Scott transports Spock and McCoy into one of Krall`s drone ships where they discover that VHF signals can disrupt Krall`s communications, so they transmit the `classical` song, `Sabotage` (1994) by the rap group, The Beastie Boys, which results in ill communication and the destruction of Kraal`s fleet: `Listen all of y'all it's a sabotage.`5 Uhura and Kirk discover from the Franklin`s logs that Kraal is its Captain, Balthazar Edison who, after an encounter with an uncharted wormhole, was stranded with at least three of the remaining members of his crew on Altamid: `The indigenous race abandoned this planet long ago. They left behind sophisticated mining equipment and a drone workforce. They have some sort of technology that prolongs life. I will do whatever it takes for me and my crew ... The Fed - Federation do not care about us. You'll probably never see me again. But if you do ... Be ready.`6 Edison`s supporters used the life-extension technology of the Ancient Ones to sustain their lives by absorbing the biological attributes of other crew members and native species` lured for the purpose of absorption, but they`re now unrecognizable as human, although Krall`s absorption of several Enterprise crew members had largely restored his own human appearance. Kirk traps Krall in the ventilation system of Starbase, Yorktown, where he`s about to deploy the bio-weapon. Kirk spaces Krall and the bio-weapon before being rescued by Spock and McCoy. Jaylah is accepted into Starfleet Academy where presumably she`ll be trained as a `camp` guard. The moral is that defining human in terms of the body isn`t intelligent, but it`s simple. In the same way, futanarian `woman`s seed` is human, but it isn`t identifiably bodily, because of men`s mass media propaganda in Star Trek: Beyond, for example. Krall is intelligent because he prolongs his life, but he`s evil because men have a parasitoid nature. Unless it`s redeemed through an understanding of Jesus` crucifixion as being what Spock calls persevering in the right, rather than obedience to logic, men like Krall will continue to devour Human.


1 Genta, Giancarlo, `The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence` in Lonely Minds in the Universe, Springer, 2007, Ch. 4, p. 208.

2 Santayana, George, `Reason in Common Sense`, Vol. 1, The Life of Reason, 1905, p. 284.

3 Shatner, William as Captain James T. Kirk, Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, Paramount Pictures, 1989.

4 Byron, Lord, `The Corsair`, 1814, I, XI.

5 Horovitz, Adam, Michael Diamond, and Adam Yauch, `Sabotage`, The Beastie Boys, Ill Communication, Grand Royal, 1994.

6 Elba, Idris as Krall, Star Trek: Beyond, Paramount Pictures, 2016.

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