You Will Cease To Exist If You Don`t Accept Woman`s Seed
13/09/2013 16:45
You Will Cease To Exist If You Don`t Accept Woman`s Seed
In the US television series Star Trek (1966-67), which featured the exploration voyages of the starship Enterprise (c. 2260-), in The Changeling episode the crew encounter an entity describing itself as `Nomad`. The `perfect intelligent thinking machine` had been launched in 2002 to reach out to other life forms, which was what the later Starship Enterprise had been designed to achieve with a crew. Nomad encountered an alien space probe, Tan Ru, and merged to produce a being that was intolerant of anything it perceived as imperfect and destroyed it. Nomad`s creator was Dr. Jackson Roykirk and so Nomad mistook Captain James T. Kirk of the starship Enterprise for Roykirk and was dissuaded from continuing its atttack on the `imperfect` Enterprise after Kirk introduced himself:
`My function is to probe for biological infestations, to destroy that which is not perfect.`1

Because `kirk` is the word for `church` in Scotland, the British Isles, the encounter between the creature created by Roykirk and Captain Kirk is religiously symbolic, because Roy derives from `roi`, the French word for `king`, and so the `captain` of the `church`, which is the starship Enterprise, is encountering a church `king` who, insofar as Nomad represents God`s desire for perfection, corresponds to Jesus, mocked by the Roman Empire in occupied Palestine as the `king of the Jews` when they were torturing the Messiah to death as a political dissident. Born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus was the `perfect man` and `the first of woman`s seed`, which God said would have `perpetual enmity` with the `serpent`s seed` before, leaving Earth for a `new heaven and Earth`, her `seed`:
`... will crush the head of the serpent with her foot.` (Gen: 3. 15)

Because `futanarian` woman has her own penis` `seed`, she`s the `foot` which will leave the Earth; despite men`s desire to keep humanity`s `futrace` program from being `run` by God. Nomad`s perception on meeting the black female communications officer, Lt. Uhuru, is that her brain is imperfect and Nomad erases her mind, `That unit is defective. Its thinking is chaotic. Absorbing it unsettled me.` Psychologically, the meaning is that her brain contains a false picture of reality, because men aren`t her race, `A mass of conflicting impulses.` In the developmental psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), the `collective unconscious` of humankind contain images to be found in dreams, art and the imagination, which are the `impulse engines` of the species. If men aren`t `futanarian` women`s `seed`, their starships correspond to the `red dragon` of Revelation, waiting in vain to devour Jesus, in his `Second Coming`, as the `New Redeemer`.

The `futanarian` woman wants to self-reproduce with her own penis` semen and have daughters with their own brains` power. Her `woman`s seed` seeks to create advanced technologies to escape from men`s alien parasitism upon her host womb, which has enslaved her to produce the civilization, culture and art her spirit from God is able to. In its ceaseless wars of `perpetual enmity` men are the `serpent`s seed` that, if women have a self-reproductive system of her own, men can no longer pretend to be defending her.

The rising of the `futanarian`, from the floor of the Earth to the planets and stars, is analogous to the `foot` being raised from the ground so that the `futrace` can `run`, but the `serpent`s seed` of men don`t want her to escape. Delayed by men`s killing of her `futanarian` penis` `seed`, and supplanting her own archetypally developmental self-image, in her conscious and unconscious mind, with a picture of `the false hero` who has killed her, men seek to maintain the enslavement of women for their worship of the devouring god of war in pederasty. Hollywood, Los Angeles, which is the centre of the United States` film industry, is sometimes called `Babylon`, because it produces `propoganda` for the `serpent`s seed` in its depiction of `woman`s seed` as an enslaved species being killed by an alien parasite for entertainment in `action` movies:
`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)

Actresses like black Nichelle Nicholls, who had the role of Lieutenant Uhuru, and Susan Oliver, who had the role of the green-skinned alien woman, Veena, in the original Star Trek episode, The Cage, represent the brainless woman because she can`t self-fertilize her own species` host womb with her own `futanarian` penis` `seed`, which is what her evil parasite has done to her. In The Cage Veena is a green-skinned `alien` metamorph, who can alter her appearance so she doesn`t appear undesirable, which is what men have made woman to herself. In other words, she is the `classic` schizophrenic multiple personality` alienated from herself by men`s lies:
`I contain no parasitical beings. I am Nomad.`

Without knowledge of her own penis` `seed`, woman perceives herself as physically and psychologically disgusting, if she has what men have taught her are `lesbian` abherrant tendencies, while in fact she is `normal` if desirous of reproducing her own race`s brainpower through sexual fertilization as a `futanarian` woman with her own penis` semen. When Nomad erases Uhuru`s `imperfect` mind, symbolically it`s because she`s been `maled` by her alien devourer, and the starship Enterprise, armed with its photon torpedoes and phaser weapons, represents her as the `serpent`s seed`.
Nomad is depicted as having killed billions in the Malurians `star system` on a recent imperfection purge, but that`s Hollywood Babylon propoganda, whereas men`s seeking to explore the cosmos in starships armed to the teeth of its devouring `red dragon` is what Revelation describes as `war in heaven` against `woman`s seed`, which is the `futarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` living in socio-economic independence from her parasites. As Jesus Christ indicated, as the host at the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion, death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, when he gave the disciples `bread and wine` as tokens of his `body and blood`, betraying the host womb of the species of woman`s `seed` of `futanarian` humanity with its own penis` semen is what men have done:
`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)
In ancient Greece men enslaved the host wombs of women to spread their contagion of pederasty and war, and nothing has changed. By the late twentieth century men had developed the `blood plague` of Revelation by mixing blood, shit and their own semen in each others` anuses to produce HIV/AIDS as a `biological weapon` to keep her in fearful faithfulness to the enslaving and devouring `serpent`s seed`, while God`s Bible promised perdition, that is, eternal unendurable pain, to those who `refused to repent`. `Greek` is a euphemism for pederasty and so the Graeco-Roman civilization, culture and art of Jesus` era was devoid of `woman` s seed` because she`d been murdered. Jesus` teachings are of her Resurrection as an extended single human family where marriage will be only a memory of her period of enslavement:
`At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.` (Rev: 22. 30)

The host womb of woman will produce and be the host of the angels of God in Resurrection as `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` in heaven and she shall have `the pearl of great price` too, which is the `kingdom of God` upon the Earth. The `New Redeemer` is to be born from `the woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` and `he will rule the nations with an iron scepter`. The statue of `Liberty` in New York harbor with the moon of the flag of Al Qaeda, `the base`, at her feet after the assassination of Osama Ben Ladan, on May 2nd 2011, represents the woman of Revelation, because the United States` defeat of the red sun of the flag of Japan after the `sneak` attack upon the US Pacific fleet on 7 December, 1941, is `the pearl of great price`, `the kingdom of God`, which is what the US fights for.

The Gulf war (2001-11) to depose President Saddam Hussein, who had offered bases in Iraq to Al Qaeda, `the base`, makes `Liberty`, the mother of the `New Redeemer`, looking at the moon reflected in her birth waters at New York harbor, after the Al Qaeda terrorist hijacking of `civil` planes to crash them into the World Trade Centre of New York. Al Qaeda, `the base`, at the feet of `Liberty` after September 11, 2001, had reestablished global `rough trade`, that is, homosexual `brutality and violence`, and Hollywood Babylon made the terrorist `action` movie World Trade Centre (2006) to continue the propoganda of the `serpent`s seed` and maintain `perpetual enmity` for `woman`s seed`, which the United States` movie industry had been doing since its `foot on the floor` rule in `bedroom scenes`2 prevented the `futanarian` penis of woman`s `futrace` from being seen to take itself off the Earth in Star Trek or other `science fiction` television and movie vehicles, like Babylon 5 (1994-98) for example, which focused on hiding the male pogrom against `woman`s seed` inside a plot with alien males in control of ethnocentricities differing from those under which women were enslaved on Earth and so seemed interestingly exotic but acceptably the same to the human race of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` kept in censored blindness and ignorance of her pogromers by Hollywood Babylon.

Battlestar Galactica (1978) was another US space opera television series facing cybernetic aliens, the Cylons, where the humans became nomadic to find a new home after the Cylons had destroyed Earth. A nomad is a wanderer, and the term is applied to desert tent dwellers, such as the Tuareg of Arabia, or the North American Plains` Indians, who followed the paths of the animals, that is, the food, which they hunted. The `futanarian` is the `foot` which men have hunted almost to extinction because she`s the human species` host womb and the `serpent`s seed` don`t want the `futrace` to `run`. In the later version of the TV series, Battlestar Galactica (2004-9), the Cylons are revealed to have been humanoid and, reconciled, live together with humans. Tricia Helfer, the actress who has the role of `Cylon Number Six`, admits:
`All of this has happened before. But the question remains, does all of this have to happen again?`3

Not if `woman`s seed` can overcome her `false picture makers`, Hollywood Babylon, which wants to plague; games of virality with the alien `serpent`s seed` of men`s against hers in wars of `perpetual enmity` because it refuses to leave the stage. In Sophocles` Oedipus Rex (c. 429 BC) Oedipus is `slow foot`, because he won`t leave the stage after blinding himself. He`s married his mother and can`t deal with the strength of men`s incest taboo, which is designed to prohibit `woman`s seed` from breeding with herself as `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed`. Guided away by his daughter, Antigone, at the end of the play Oedipus is still the central `lame` figure, because Antigone can`t penetrate her own censored blindness to prefer her own species. Before becoming king of Thebes by marriage, Oedipus had to solve the `riddle of the Sphinx`:
`What goes on all fours in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three in the evening?`4

Oedipus gives the answer `Man`, because he`s a baby who`ll be blind and walking with a cane in old age, but the third `foot` of `Man` is the `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `seed` who`s the `futrace` being slowed by men. She can`t `run` in a three-legged race. The word `futanar` comes from the words `fut` and `tanar`, which is Hungarian for `run` and `teacher`, so Jesus is the `futanarian` teacher. Although the psychological term `Oedipal` is used to denote Oedipus` killing of his father, Laius, so he can marry his mother, that is, a more than usually perceived desire on the part of the son, who seeks sexual access to the wife, Jocasta hangs herself in Sophocles` drama, which makes her `choke a star`, because the symbol of Jesus` Advent was the mysterious `star` over Bethlehem heralding his birth.

Because Jesus is `futanar` in Hungarian, Jocasta is `choke a star`, that is, Jesus` future `futanarian` message is choked in Sophocles` Oedipus Rex, because Christ`s `archetypal star` won`t be seen there. In Hungarian `sok` means `plenty` and `asztal` means `table`. The psychological term `Oedipal` is a misnomer, because it should be `Jocastal` for the psychological complex representing the desire of `woman`s seed` to be born from the teachings of the `futanar` Jesus` table at the `Last Supper`. Sophocles` drama Oedipus Rex is like the teachings of Jesus because the message is there but needs a `futanar` to teach it, whereas classical scholarship, and schools of psychology, particularly `the father` of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), who argued that women are the `victims of penis envy`, obfuscate. Bible preachers arrogate Jesus` spiritual authority as a `futanarian` teacher of `woman`s seed` without being able to teach and so the human race remains ineducable and possessed by demons.
In the Bible Cain killed his brother, Abel, because he wasn`t able and wouldn`t `cook`, which is a metaphor for blindman`s Cain`s refusal to develop, which is the story of `Man` and the `futanarian` woman of the human species` `seed` with her own penis. Enslaving and devouring her, in its wars of `perpetual enmity` for developing `woman`s seed`, the `serpent`s seed` has put woman`s `fut` on the table, and its feet under it, because rather than `Man` becoming `able`, women can always be made to have a `bun in the oven`, that is, a slave child for devouring in pederasty, and so Cain can continue to walk alongside a three-legged handicapped race with the human `slow foot` he`s censoring, blinding, and keeping in unconcious ignorance of his murdering of it.

Captain James T. Kirk (church) of the starship Enterprise manages to disable Nomad by logical reasoning, because he reveals himself to be James Kirk rather than Roykirk (king, church), which means Nomad`s made a mistake and is `imperfect` itself. Ironically, the Christian church`s inability to perceive that it isn`t perfect, because it doesn`t teach Jesus` message, makes it more `illogical` than Nomad because the machine seeks the perfection of God:
`... your creator, is dead. You have mistaken me for him. You are in error! You did not discovered your mistake; you have made two errors. You are flawed and imperfect, and you have not corrected by sterilization; you've made three errors!`

Nomad self-destructs and so fulfils its program of sterilizing the `imperfect`. Ironically, the Moslem `church` made up of `nomad` desert dwellers, in their acceptance of the Prophet Mohammed and the holy book dictated to him by the angels, the Koran (610-30 CE), with a `fourfold marriage` of wives with someone at its centre, is closer to the teachings of Jesus` breeding of `woman`s seed` so that she can live in socio-economic independence from her own brains` power as a species of `futanarian` woman with her own penis` `semen hidden publically from prying eyes beneath her one-piece traditional covering of the burkha, which disguises everything of her, and men`s eyes are required to be publically averted from hers to prevent them from discovering the secret:
`The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent's reach.` (Rev: 12. 14)
The black flag of the Prophet Mohammed with an eagle at its centre was `Al Uqaab` and the symbol upon the `Great Seal` of the United States of America is the eagle. Assisted by the Moslem peoples from the heart of Islam, Saudi Arabia, where Mecca contains the tomb of Abraham, patriarch of Judaism and Ilsam, `Liberty` deposed Iraq`s President, Saddam Hussein, supporter of `the base`, Al Qaeda, which had attacked the USA on September 11, 2001, by means of terrorist hijackers` crashing of `civil` airliners into the Twin Towers of New York`s World Trade Centre in an attempt to reimplement the `rough trade` of pederasty and war. But the hymen of `woman`s seed` was protected by the `Great Seal` of the eagle of the United States and the black flag of the eagle of the Prophet Mohammed, while the Seals of Navy Team Six killed Al Qaeda leader, Osama Ben Ladan, on May 2nd 2011, and that`s eagles and seals.
1 Star Trek, `The Changeling`, Season 2, Episode 3, September 29, 1967.
2 The Production Code of the Motion Picture Industry (1930-1967), Part II Sex (2b), `Scenes of passion`; `Excessive and lustful kissing, lustful embraces, suggestive postures and gestures are not to be shown.`
3 Helfer, Tricia Battlestar Galactica, `Daybreak`, Season 4, Episode 22, March 20, 2009.
4 Frazer, Sir James George (ed.) Apollodorus Library, Apollod, 3.5.8.